Language ab initio SL – Spanish Teachers + Emails Course Codes General Description Syllabus Breakdown Internal Assessment 25% External Assessments 75% Simona Opris Year I–Gr.11 LWSCU7 and Year II–Gr.12 LWSDU7 These courses are about further developing knowledge and communication skills you will need to function effectively in the international community. You will use increasingly sophisticated language in a variety of activities that will help you speak and write in Spanish with clarity and accuracy. Students will also enhance their thinking skills through the critical study of literature, and continue to explore aspects of the culture of countries where the language is spoken through a variety of print and technological resources. Language Ab Initio Guide & Spanish Ab Initio Language-specific Syllabus First examinations 2013 Vocabulary: Individual and society – El individuo y la sociedad Leisure and work – Trabajo y ocio Urban and rural environment – El medio urbano y rural Spanish and Latin Culture and Civilization – articles, readings, discussions, writing Oral communication –describing pictures –free discussions on general topics Grammar – complex morphology and syntax Internal assessment (10 minutes): Interactive skills Individual oral (25 marks) Three-part oral internally assessed by the teacher and externally moderated by the IB towards the end of the course. • Part 1: Presentation of a visual stimulus (from a choice of two) by the student • Part 2: Follow-up questions on the visual stimulus • Part 3: General conversation including at least two questions on the written assignment Paper 1 (1 hour 30 minutes): Receptive skills 30% Understanding of four written texts. (40 marks) Text-handling exercises. Paper 2 (1 hour): Productive skills 25% Two compulsory writing exercises. (25 marks) Section A (7 marks): One question to be answered from a choice of two. Section B (18 marks): One question to be answered from a choice of three. Written assignment (2 hours): Receptive and productive skills 20% A piece of writing, 200–300 words, in the target language carried out in class under teacher supervision. (20 marks) Resources Aventura 1, A. Vargas Bonilla, EMC Publishing, 2009 Aventura 2, A. Vargas Bonilla, EMC Publishing, 2009 Spanish Easy Reader, Mañana IB textbook, Ab Initio IB resouces, Readers: Ventanas Uno, Dos, Tres, Revista GEO, Cursos de DELE, Revista Punto y Coma, Wikispaces- online resources Highlights Field trips Lula Lounge – salsa dancing, El Almacen, Kensington Market – churros,empanadas Activities/Projects Places of Interest in the Spanish Speaking Countries Project, Annual Latino Luncheon – Latin foods and music, Salsa or flamenco class, End of the year Fiesta; Drama-Spanish workshop, Ontario Secondary Schools Spanish Contest –May 2014 Feature lessons PreIB Gr.10 – P. Neruda, Year 2 Works in translation: G.G. Marquez – discussions