Fall 2015 Homework Weekly Assignments (Study

This is your study guide for Quarterly Tests. You do not need to keep a notebook to turn in to us. We will have periodic
“spot checks” for your signed syllabus and Fitness Test Data Sheet so you will need to keep those available for
class and the 11/2 weekly assignment will be turned in to us. Other than that, this guide is for your study purposes.
Be sure to scroll down the page for descriptions of each grade level's weekly information following the Table Of Contents.
***Never use Wikipedia (or any “wiki” research sites) for school work. Unless otherwise noted, use dictionary.com for
Table Of Contents
Syllabus on back of cover
pg.1- 8/31-9/4- Fitness Testing worksheet
pg.2- 8/31-9/4- Health and Fitness
pg.3- By 9/4- Heart Rate Notes (see tab on website homepage)
pg.4- 9/7-9/11- Chronic Diseases
pg.5- 9/14-9/18- Vocabulary
pg.6- 9/21-9/25- Nutrition- Menu
pg.7- 9/28-10/2- Nutrition
pg.8- 10/5-10/9- Marijuana
***The test for all weekly information to this point (study guide, class notes and the warm-up) will be this week.
All 8th grade A-day classes (10/15-Thursday), Kissmann B-Day (10/20-Tuesday), Sprenger B-Day (10/22- Thursday)
pg.9- 11/2-11/6- Pay It Forward (Turn this assignment in to your teacher to be graded- A-day (11/5), B-day (11/6)
pg.10- 11/9-11/13- FDA and CDC
pg.11- 11/16-11/20- Analyze
pg.12- 11/23-12/4- Tolerance/Intolerance
pg.13- 12/7-12/11- Stress
***The test for all weekly information in Part 2- A-Day (12/15) B-Day (12/16) – Review the 4 Dimensions of Health
Syllabus on back of cover
pg.1-8/31-9/4 - Fitness Testing worksheet
pg.2-8/31-9/4 - Health and Fitness
pg.3- By 9/4-Heart Rate Notes (see tab on website homepage)
pg.4-9/7-9/11 - Fitness and the 4 Dimensions of Health
pg.5-9/14-9/18 - Vocabulary
pg.6-9/21-9/25 - Nutrition- Menu
pg.7-9/28-10/2 - Nutrition
pg.8-10/5-10/9 - Alcohol
***The test for all weekly information to this point (study guide, class notes and the warm-up) will be this week.
A-day (10/15-Thursday) B-Day (10/16-Friday)
pg.9- 11/2-11/6 - Pay It Forward (Turn this assignment in to your teacher to be graded- A-day (11/5), B-day (11/6)
pg.10-11/9-11/13 - FDA and CDC
pg.11-11/16-11/20 - Analyze
pg.12-11/23-12/4 - Tolerance/Intolerance
pg.13-12/7-12/11 - Stress
***The test for all weekly information in Part 2- A-Day (12/15) B-Day (12/16)- Review the 4 Dimensions of Health
Syllabus on back of cover
pg.1-8/31-9/4 - Fitness Testing worksheet
pg.2- 8/31-9/4- Health and Fitness
pg.3- By 9/4- Heart Rate Notes (see tab on website homepage)
pg.4- 9/7-9/11- Strategic Thinking- topic: mile run
pg.5-9/14-9/18 - Vocabulary
pg.6- 9/21-9/25- Nutrition- Menu
pg.7-9/28-10/2 - Nutrition
pg.8-10/5-10/9 - Alcohol
***The test for all weekly information to this point (study guide, class notes and the warm-up) will be this week.
A-day (10/15-Thursday) B-Day (10/16-Friday)
pg.9-11/2-11/6 - Pay It Forward (Turn this assignment in to your teacher to be graded- A-day (11/5), B-day (11/6)
pg.10-11/9-11/13 - FDA and CDC
pg.11- 11/16-11/20 - Analyze
pg.12-11/23-12/4 - Tolerance/Intolerance
pg.13-12/7-12/11 - Stress
***The test for all weekly information in Part 2- A-Day (12/15) B-Day (12/16)- Review the 4 Dimensions of Health
South Charlotte Middle School is promoting physically active, healthy lifestyles and we
would like your help. Recognizing the efforts of our staff, students and their families is
important. So, please send in a picture of your South Charlotte student and/or your family
participating in a physical activity outside of school. Every Friday, we will share pictures of
our school family in the Shocker Email Newsletter. Providing activity pictures is not a requirement, but
we would love to get an entry from you.
8/31-9/4: All Grades
1. Make sure you have an appropriate Physical Education uniform (see requirements on the "Materials" page).
2. All paperwork should be signed and turned in.
3. Your signed Syllabus (handed out in class) and the Fitness Testing Data Worksheet (you print from my website) should
be in your hand to be checked by teachers.***You will need to keep up with these two things for “spot checks”.
4. Heart Rate Notes (see tab on website homepage)
5. Page 2 Assignment: a) Using the following website, define “health” and “ physical fitness”.
b) Consider the following quote. “Of all subjects taught in school, Physical Education is the only subject which, by
the very nature of its content, has the potential to affect how a person will feel every moment of every day for the
rest of his or her life.” – Allen Russell
It has been proven that mental “self-talk” can affect physical performance. What are some terms, besides the ones in
quotes in the last question below, that can negatively affect performance? What type of self talk could be beneficial? Make
sure to research your answers so you have scientific proof. In your opinion, Should students be asked not to use the
words “can’t” and “quit” in the PE classroom?
Week 9/7-9/11:
All Grades: A person is not considered entirely healthy unless they are functioning efficiently and their life is balanced in
ALL 4 Dimensions of Health (physical, mental, social and emotional). Enjoy the video and then complete the assignments
below. The video is just one example of how physical activity has been lost in society.
8th Grade:
There are both Behavioral and Environmental factors that contribute to major chronic diseases. Identify 2 behavioral
factors and 2 environmental factors for each of the following four diseases: diabetes, allergies, asthma, and
cardiovascular disease. Pick one of the illnesses and explain how dealing with it would affect each of the Four
Dimensions of a person’s health? Be sure to use examples to support your reasons.
7th Grade: Physical activity benefits the body in many ways. Explain how the ability to self-evaluate your personal
physical fitness performance can specifically affect each of your 4 Dimensions of Health.
6th Grade: Soon, you will be participating in a cardio run for fitness training. List and explain at least 5 strategies that
you plan to use to help you to be successful in this activity. One example might be making sure you get enough sleep the
night before. Consider the physical and mental aspects of preparation.
Week 9/14-9/18:
All Grades1. Enjoy the following video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=obdd31Q9PqA
2. Define the vocabulary for your grade level and read the note to "Parents" below for the second part of the
assignment. Parents: Please take this opportunity to introduce the following Health vocabulary in the manner you
feel is appropriate for your child according to your family beliefs.
ALL GRADES: Students should define your grade level's terms in your notebook. Be sure to cite your source. Then, be
prepared to explain how being "fit" in the 5 Components of Fitness (Muscle Strength, Muscle Endurance, Cardiovascular
Endurance, Flexibility and Body Composition) might be beneficial in dealing with these situations below whether it is
from a physical standpoint or mental/confidence perspective.
8th Grade: interpersonal communication, sexual abuse, sexual assault, verbal abuse, abstinence, refusal skills,
contraceptives, hazing
7th Grade: perpetrator, diversity, abstinence, sexual assault/abuse, sexual harassment, societal violence, what are the
steps of the "decision making model", cardiac arrest, cardiovascular disease, insulin, diabetes
6th Grade: compromise, peer mediation, violent conflict, sexual abuse, sexual assault, sexual behaviors, domestic
violence, nonviolent conflict, peer pressure, abstinence, bullying
Week 9/21-9/25:
8th Grade: Menu
1. What are the benefits of the following vitamins and minerals?
Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, fiber, calcium, iron, Magnesium, Potassium
2. What are some good food sources of each of the above?
3. What is the difference between saturated fat and unsaturated fat?
7th Grade: Menu
1. What is a calorie and why is it important to consume the recommended number of calories daily for your body type and
activity level?
2. Define “caloric balance”.
3. What is the best way to determine (approximately) a serving size if you do not have a nutrition label to read or the
internet to check? Should you compare it to the size of the palm of your hand and what easily fits in a cupped hand, just
eat until you feel satisfied or count out exactly 35 “pieces” of the food to consume?
4. Compare the following 4 menus from Chick-Fil-A and Wendy’s. Use the Chick-Fil-A and Wendy’s websites to research
the menus in terms of fat content, serving sizes, and calories (it is important to be thorough and precise in this
comparison). Generally speaking, which is the better choice? Be able to explain your answer. ***Be careful: columns on
the two nutritional information pages are not in the same order.
* Chick-Fil-A: 8 Piece Nuggets with Honey Mustard sauce , medium fries, small lemonade, small vanilla milkshake
* Chick-Fil-A: Spicy Deluxe Chicken Sandwich, small fries, small coke, chocolate chip cookie
* Wendy’s: Grilled Chicken Go Wrap with Buttermilk Ranch dipping sauce, small fries with ketchup, unsweetened tea
* Wendy’s: Son of Baconator Burger with mayonnaise/ketchup/mustard/lettuce/tomato, small fries with ketchup, low fat
6th Grade: Menu
1. Write and complete the statement…. A calorie is a measure of ______ which is important because__________.
2. Explain what "caloric balance" means.
3. Visit the website https://www.supertracker.usda.gov/ by using Mozilla Firefox a. Click “Create a Profile” in the right
side of the page. After you “submit”, click “view your plan” on the right side of the page. Write down the personal
information you entered to determine your personal Daily Caloric Intake Allowance and write down your Daily Caloric
Intake Allowance number.
4. “Choose My Plate” (the divided plate) http://teenshealth.org/teen/food_fitness/nutrition/portion_size.html#
teaches that a plate should be divided into 4 equal sections: (1) protein, (2) carbohydrate/starch, (3) vegetable
and (4) vegetable or fruit.
Do a little research:
-3 foods that are good sources of protein
-3 foods that are good sources of carbohydrates/starches
-3 foods that are high in sodium
-3 foods that are high in oil/fat
-3 foods that are high in sugar
Week 9/28-10/2:
8th Grade: Fitness Plan
1. What are important elements of a fitness plan? In other words, what do you need to consider about the person’s
specific needs, what should be included as far as exercises/activities for a well-rounded plan, how should the plan
progress from week to week, level of difficulty, etc.
7th Grade: Fitness Plan
The way a fitness plan is developed can be affected by an individual’s personal health. Explain the following healthrelated diseases: Diabetes (and…what is insulin?), Cardiovascular disease, Cardiac arrest, Asthma. Be able to identify a
smart fitness plan (think about how we learn, progress in class, practice and become stronger).
6th Grade: Analyze the advertisement- Coke
1. Use the Coke advertisement video in the following link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqT_dPApj9U
2. What messages are being sent to the consumer. What tactics is Coke using to sell its product in this advertisement?
3. Why might “zero calorie” or “no calorie”, “sugar free”, “sports drinks” or “flavored waters” by the Coke brand (or any
other brand) still be considered bad for you? Explain.
4. What is the best beverage for your body? Be able to explain why.
Week 10/5-10/9: ***IMPORTANT: Your first test on study guide information, including all information through 10/9, is
coming up. Please be prepared.
ALL GRADES: Enjoy the video and complete the assignment below.
'80s Anti-Drug **Anti-drug commercial** - Your **Brain On Drugs** - YouTube The Partnership for a Drug-Free America
presents its most famous commercial ever! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3FtNm9CgA6U
8th Grade:
Find out the purpose of a public service announcement/advertisement.
What would be some identifying factors that would differentiate a public service announcement from a regular
Watch the following. Figure out which is a PSA and which is an advertisement.
7th Grade:
Click on the link below (Went to A Party Mom) and read the poem. Then, answer the following questions.
The girl in the poem is not really "talking" to her mom. Rather, the poem is describing the thoughts in her head.
1. What are some refusal skills that you could use when faced with the decision to get into a car with a driver who is
drunk or has taken drugs?
2. Texting while driving is against the law in NC and many other states. “In 2012, the National Highway Traffic Safety
Administration estimated that 3,328 people were killed and another 421,000 people were injured in accidents
involving distracted drivers. "[B]ecause text messaging requires visual, manual, and cognitive attention from the driver,
it is by far the most alarming distraction," the NHTSA's website says.” This quote is from
There have been quite a few teenage deaths (and adult deaths) in the last year by people that are using their cell phones
while driving. Instead of checking or answering a text, playing a game on your cell phone, checking Facebook or looking
at emails while driving, what are 3 ways you could demonstrate safe driving skills to avoid these temptations.
6th Grade:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-s_40rM_L0s While the video is humorous, consider how this gentleman got to the
store. Scary to think he could have driven a car and put himself and others in danger.
Many times throughout a calendar year, we see stories on the news about people of all ages who are in accidents or are
killed where alcohol is involved with driving a car. 1) Other than just “saying NO”, what are several refusal skills to avoid
pressure to use alcohol and other drugs? 2) What is the difference between an assertive response and an aggressive
response? 3) What are 2 short-term and 2 long-term benefits of resistance to alcohol/drug abuse?
10/15 (A-day) and 10/16 (B-day): All Grades
These are the dates for your first test on study guide information, class notes and the warm-up.
Week 11/2-11/6: All Grades: This will be turned in for a grade on the last day of class for you this week (11/5 A-day and
11/6 B-day).
We will discuss, in class, the beginning of the "Pay It Forward" Campaign. This will support South
Charlotte's anti-bullying stance and Character Education curriculum. Students will create 2 lists
on a piece of paper. On one list, note the specific things you do that are helpful toward others (ex.
holding a door for Johnny, carrying Allison’s books because she’s on crutches, etc) that will result
in someone else needing to "pay it (a good deed) forward". You can do a good gesture (i.e. hold
the door for ______) but then you cannot use that same good deed again. Be creative throughout
the week. (Note: Giving someone a compliment saying “their hair looks good” is nice of you but is
not considered a good deed for “Pay It Forward”.) The other list has things that people did for you
that encouraged you to "pay it forward". The list of positive/good gestures you do should be at
least 10 for the week. Beneficiaries of your "Pay it Forward" gestures this week should be
students and school staff members. Remember to ask the person to "Pay it Forward" when you
help them out. This campaign is set up to create a chain reaction of kindness.
Week 11/9-11/13:
8th grade:
While abstinence is the only 100% sure way to prevent pregnancy and prevent the spread of STDs, there are other forms
of contraception. Information used to answer the following questions MUST come from the official FDA website.
***Be aware that the numbers on the chart are about ineffectiveness so you have to do the math to find out their
1. List 10 FDA-approved methods of contraception.
2. What is the rate of effectiveness of each method of contraception?
7th grade:
1. What is the difference between an over-the-counter medication and a prescription medication?
2. Research the laws/legal consequences for “sharing” prescription drugs that are prescribed to a specific person. What
does the law state? Legally, what is the punishment for using medications not prescribed specifically to you?
( look at slides 11-32 of the website listed above)
3. What are the possible harmful physical effects of using a prescription drug that is not yours?
6th grade:
1. What are the top 5 causes of death according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC) website
2. Research 3 preventative measures for each of those top 5 causes of death.
2. What is the difference between a communicable disease and a chronic disease?
3. Categorize each of the 5 diseases as communicable, chronic or neither.
Week 11/16-11/20:
8th Grade:
1. Although face-to-face verbal communication is the best form of communication since a person is able to interpret tone
of voice and body language to assist in critiquing sarcasm and truthful/false comments, utilize context clues more
accurately and it is thought to better promote honesty and topic explanation, face-to-face communication is becoming a
“lost art”. What does that mean? Explain.
2. What are 5 appropriate/effective strategies for responding to unknown people that request communication with you via
modern-day communication tools.
3. For which of the following situations is there an active address/phone number of an organization that can provide a
person help and assistance in Charlotte/Mecklenburg County?
*Drug/Alcohol Abuse
*Domestic Abuse
*Sexual Assault/Sexual Abuse
*Dating Violence
*Eating Disorders
*Suicide Prevention
7th Grade: Explain how inadequate sleep patterns affect each of the 4 Components of Health by addressing each
component specifically. Be able to use examples to support your claims.
6th Grade: Interview a parent.
1. Discuss, with a parent, an advertisement that you and/or your parent has seen on tv or the internet promoting a healthrelated product or service that might have exaggerated “claims”.
2. Why would companies sometimes fail to tell consumers the whole truth about products/services in advertisements?
3. What could you do to make sure you are not taken advantage of by a company’s sales persuasiveness due to
4. Research an address and phone number of an organization that can provide help in the following scenarios (you should
have a different contact for each that is in Charlotte/Mecklenburg County).
*Drug/Alcohol Abuse
*Eating Disorders
Week 11/23-12/4:
8th Grade:
What is the difference between “tolerance” and “intolerance” (not having to do with alcohol). Be aware so some
examples of “tolerance” and “intolerance” that are in the news this week (excluding the school environment). Be able
to compare and contrast the effects of tolerance and intolerance on individuals and society.
7th Grade: What is "tolerance"? In a society characterized by diversity, why is it important to exercise tolerance? When
have you had to demonstrate tolerance?
6th Grade:
What is the difference between "bullying" and "sexual harassment"? What are 5 resources (people or places in the
community) for reporting cases of sexual harassment and bullying? Identify 5 strategies for identifying and avoiding
conflicts. Can conflicts be positive? Be sure to research using on-line information sources. Do not assume you know the
best answer.
Week 12/7-12/11: Review the Four Dimensions of Health
8th Grade:
1. Certain times of the year and various events are considered to be stressors. Stressors are often different for teens and
adults according to Mental Health Professionals. What are considered to be major life stressors for teens? Adults?
2. What happens to the body physiologically when it is stressed?
3. Make 2 lists. One list should include healthy ways to relieve stress. The other should note unhealthy ways people
choose to try to relieve stress. Each should have a minimum of 6 answers.
3. What do you do relax when you feel stressed out? Why? Does it seem to help?
7th Grade:
1. A “Fight or Flight” response could be the result of a positive or a negative event. Explain the "Flight or Fight" response.
Understand the physiology behind the body’s response.
2. What is an example of a situation when “fight or flight” is the result of a positive event? A negative event?
3. Every person has been in a “fight or flight” situation. Explain a scenario you were involved in that could be described
as a "Flight or Fight" situation. What did you decide to do? Why?
6th Grade:
1. What the official definition of a “stressor”? Be able to give 3 examples.
2. What happens to the body physiologically when it is stressed?
3. What are some things you can do to decrease the amount of stress you feel? What works the best for you? Why?
4. What is “eustress”? Think about a situation where eustress might have benefited you.
12/17 (A-day) and 12/18 (B-day): All Grades
These are the dates for your test on study guide information and class notes from Part 2. Review the Four Dimensions of
Health from week 9/7.