Selection and Use Instructional Media in the Classroom - Ed105A-AAA

Selection and Use
Instructional Media
in the Classroom
Roxan A. Consolacion
1. Audio Recordings
 Audio recordings include tapes, records
and compact discs. Tapes may be in the
form of teacher-recorded, studentrecorded or ready-made tapes that are
commercially produced. Audio media are
used by teachers in connection with
speech rehearsals, drama, musical
presentation and radio and television
Improve listening skill
Easy to operate
Safe way of storing information
Can be used for big or small groups
Best used to improve speech skills
Lessen distraction when used with
 Extended use may bore students
 Costly compared to actual oral
Guidelines on how to use
 Preview an outline of important points
that will be presented.
 Motivate the students to listen carefully to
some important details.
 End with questions, discussions and
other forms of evaluation.
2. Overhead Transparencies
and Overhead Projector (OHP)
 By using an overhead projector, a
transparency can show pictures,
diagrams and sketches at a time when
they are needed in a discussion. Step-bystep instructions, enumerations or any
sequenced illustrations can easily be
presented through transparencies.
 Transparencies can easily be prepared
by the teacher or the students.
 The teacher is able to maintain eye
contact while the transparency is on.
 Transparencies are reusable
 OHP presentation can be used with large
or small groups
 OHP is easy to operate
 The overhead projector may be costly for
 Moving it around needs as much care.
 When over-heated, transparencies can be
 Make sure the projector is available when needed.
 Organize the transparencies according to the
proper sequence.
 Use a pointer to point out important details.
 Turn the projector off when changing
3. Bulletin Boards
 A bulletin board is usually stationary on a
wall or it can be movable. The surface is
made of cork or soft wall boards for easy
attachment of display items. Its contents
may be used for the duration of a unit
being studied. The learning materials
may be pictures, newspaper clippings,
real objects or drawings.
It can preview of the lesson to be presented as a
way of motivating the students.
The attractive displays can add life and color to a
drab room atmosphere.
A display can allow a number of students to
browse over its contents at the time.
 A good one needs time to plan and execute. If
hurried, the display may fail in conveying the
message desired.
 The items to be displayed must be tastefully
 A well-organized layout of the text and
materials can convey at once the idea.
 Prepare a preliminary sketch of what is to be
included in it, including the materials to be
 Discuss the finished products and how they will
be used.
4. Chalkboard
 This includes not only those with flat and
wide surfaces but also the portable types
which can be moved or even serve as
dividers. Using chalk, it is a convenient
writing area where illustrations can
instantly be drawn even during a
discussion. An eraser can easily keep it
clean and ready for continuous use.
 It is easily available
 It is inexpensive and easy to install.
 It can accommodate so much writing space
and easy to clean. Topic can be listed, deleted
or revised to a final form.
 It is convenient to use both for formally
prepared lessons or for spontaneous sessions.
 The attention of the class can easily be held
and focused, it being located usually in form of
the room.
 Lessons or writings on the chalkboard are only
for a day’s use, hence temporary and cannot
be saved.
 Chalk dust makes the area messy.
 Writing makes one turn his back to the
 The teacher’s handwriting and spelling
deficiency can cause disruption from the
5. Charts
Charts may be in the form of maps,
graphs, photographs and cut-outs. They
may be pre-prepared graphic devices or
 Charts can be used over and over again.
 They can be moved easily form one place to
 Colored charts are more attractive.
 Charts can be made by students.
 Disadvantages
 Charts cannot show motion.
 Big charts are cumbersome to handle.
 Charts can be outdated.
 Plan well to make sure it fits the lesson.
 The parts of the chart must be clear, neat and
detailed enough for vivid viewing.
 Avoid crowding the graphics to be shown.
 When identifying a portion, use of pointer.
 When you use the chart attach it on the wall
rather than hold it.
 Keep it well when not in use so it does not get
torn or soiled.
6. Mock-ups
A mock-up is a replica of an object that
may be larger or smaller in scale. It is
intended to show the essential parts
which are made detachable.
 It can be constructed by the teacher
since she knows which part should be
emphasized. In a mock-up structure of a
flower the detachable parts could be the
pistil and the stamen.
 It is a way of focusing observations on
the desired part to be studied as well as
the functional relationships of the parts.
 Its construction could be timeconsuming.
 Since the sizes are exaggerated, the
students might be confused when faced
with the real object.
 It could be costly.
 Involve the students in building mock-ups.
 Guide the students in the construction of a
mock up.
 Make sure it truly illustrates the functional
relationship of the parts of the real object.
 Prepare a sketch of the desired scale and
location of the parts before building it.
7. Realia
Realia stands for the real things that are
to be studied like using real insects or
plants. They are plentiful in the
children’s environment and around the
 Real objects are easily available everywhere.
 Examining real objects create concrete
learning experiences for the learner.
 Real specimens can be handled and observed
 They are inexpensive.
 The children are familiar with the real materials
and their interest can easily be focused.
 Some live animals and plants are
potential hazards. Objects like circuits
and heat sources could be dangerous.
 Some are expensive.
 Problem regarding storage and retrieval
may arise.
 Fit the real objects with the objectives of the
 Students can bring their own realia from their
 Students should be encouraged to help in
locating and acquiring realia for their classroom
 Discuss with them rules on retrieval and safe
8. Video Tape/Films
Films come in the form of 8 mm and 16
m type. Video tapes can be purchased
or rented.
 Motion pictures motivate children.
 Movement or sequence of events can be
shown clearly.
 They are adapted to large or small groups.
 Considering the number of times they can be
used, they are relatively inexpensive.
 They require very little reading skills.
 Choosing films with the exact content
desired may be a problem.
 Projection equipment might be expensive
for some schools.
 Mechanical and operational problems
may arise with the projection equipment.
 In purchasing or renting, allow sufficient time in
order to have them available when needed.
 Preview the film to get thoroughly acquainted
with its content.
 Take down notes for the terms, facts and other
details that will be needed in the discussion.
 Before showing the film, discuss the objectives
of the film or tapes and provide tips on what to
observe carefully. This will prepare make ready
for the assessment questions after
9. Models
 Models are scald replicas of real objects.
When the real things cannot be used due
to their size either large or too small,
replicas are used. Examples are globes,
model cars, air-planes or houses and
 Models provide motivation and enhance
 Oversized objects can be reduced in size and
can be studied in the classroom.
 Some models can be purchased from
commercial firms.
 The parts can be built as to scale and can
appear exactly like the real object.
 Purchase of models can be costly.
 If models are built as to scale, it could be
time consuming.
 Emphasize the size of the real object while
being used.
 Use of moving models can catch attention and
interest easily.
 Encourage students to construct simple
models with parts in correct proportion.
 Some models can be kept for display for a long
time depending on the materials used.
10. Pictures
These include flat, opaque and still
pictures. Photographs or pictures
clipped from newspapers and
magazines are also used. The concepts
to be taught could be introduced
through pictures.
 Appropriate pictures that fit the objectives are
easy to obtain.
 They are often free in the form of clippings.
 In a well chosen picture, the amount of
information that can be conveyed is
 They are more effective than oral or written
 They are reusable.
 Choosing the right picture can be a problem for
some teachers.
 Handling of pictures needs so much care.
 Sometimes the correct size or perspective if
scales in a picture an cause confusion
especially if the children are not familiar with
the object. An airplane and a boat may be
interpreted to be of the same size.
 Make sure the picture to be used is not
 Small pictures are difficult to see.
 Organize the collection of pictures similar to a
filing system.
 Pictures should be easily seen, attractive and
 They can be mounted on hard paper or
laminated for ease in handling and protection.
 Motivate students to make their own collection
form newspaper or magazine clippings for
future reference.
 Corpus, Brenda B. and Salandanan, Gloria G.
(2007) Principles of Teaching 1. Quezon City:
Lorimar Publishing, Inc.
 Garo, Candelaria D. (2004) Educational
Technology . Mandaluyong City National Book
 Lucido, Paz I. and Borabo (1997) Educational
Technology. Quezon City: Katha Publishing Co.,
 Newby, Timothy J, Stepich, Donald A., Lehman,
James D. and Russell James D. (2000)
Instructional Technology for Teaching and
Learning. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc.