Chapter 18: Conflict and Absolutism

Chapter 18: Conflict and
Europe in Crisis
Spain’s Conflicts
• Militant Catholicism
– King Philip II “The Most Catholic King”
• 1500: Spain expelled all Jews and Muslims
• Claimed Spain as Catholic Kingdom
• Nation chosen by God to save Catholic faith
– The Netherlands
• Calvinists and others resented the control of Philip II
• 1566-1609: War breaks out
– William the Silent led the Catholics
– Eventual truce was reached for 12 year period
– Netherlands created own identity and established Republic
Protestantism in England
• 1558: Elizabeth Tudor becomes Queen
– Leader of a Protestant movement once again in England
– Established new “Act of Supremacy”
• Only supreme governor of church and state
– Politically tried to please everyone
• Moderately Protestant
• Always sided with the weaker country in the battle between France
and Spain
• 1588: Spanish Armada sent to invade England
– Completely unprepared and defeated
– Led to the downfall of Spanish control
– Country eventually went bankrupt
French Wars of Religion (1562-1598)
• The Huguenots
– French protestants
• 7% of population but 40-50% of nobility
• Seen as a threat to the Crown
– Henry IV (Huguenot leader) becomes king
• Converts to Catholicism (Why?)
• 1598: Edict of Nantes
– Made Catholicism official religion of France
– Huguenots will be allowed to worship and enjoy political
Crises in Europe
• Inflation: Rapid Increase in prices
– Brought about by demand for land and food
• Economic Crises
– Spain
• Depended primarily on silver from mines
• Mines were depleted
– Italy
• Decline from time of Renaissance
Crises in Europe
• Witchcraft Trials
– Witchcraft culturally relevant for centuries
– Inquisition brought about fear of it
• Religiously different and frightening
• 100,000 brought to trial
• Usually single women over the age of 50
• Thirty Years’ War (Treat of Westphalia)
– Began with Calvinists wanting recognition
– Motive
• Religion: Catholics vs Calvinists
• Political and Territorial
– Wanted to defeat and carve up Holy Roman Empire
Conflict and Absolutism in
War and Revolution in England
The Stuart Dynasty
• James I (King of Scotland)
– Believed in divine right of kings; Parliament did not
– Religion
• Pushed the motives of the Anglican Church
• Puritans (Protestant-Calvinists) wanted church to be more
– Number of nobles turned Puritan
• Threatens his power
The Stuart Dynasty
• Charles I (Son of James)
– Took a similar stance as his father
– Parliament passes Petition of Rights
• Limits King’s ability to tax, imprison, etc.
• Charles ignores it
– Imposed more Anglican rituals
• Puritans move to America
– Disregard for people led to war
The Civil War
• Cavaliers (Royalists) vs. Roundheads (Parliament)
– Roundheads would eventually win thanks to Cromwell
• Oliver Cromwell
– Leader of New Model Army; Military genius
• NMA: made up of Extreme Puritans
– Cromwell purges Parliament of all Royalists (Rump
• Executes Charles I in 1649
• Commonwealth is born from it
The Commonwealth
• Cromwell eventually abolishes the monarchy and the
House of Lords (Upper House)
– Declares England a Commonwealth
– Over time, forced to destroy all of Parliament
– Creates military dictatorship
– Dies in 1658
The Restoration
• Charles II
– Brought to throne to continue Stuart Dynasty
– Parliament kept most of the power though
– Religion
• Sympathetic towards Catholics
• Suspended all laws against Catholics and Puritans
• Parliament passes Test Act
– Anglicans only for major offices
– Converts to Catholicism on deathbed
The Restoration
• James II (Brother of Charles II)
– A devout Catholic
– Gives many high ranking offices to Catholics
– Why did Parliament allow him to do so?
• Heir to throne a Protestant so things would go back to normal when
James died
• James marries a Catholic and has male heir
– Threatens Catholic Dynasty
– Leads to an overthrow of the dynasty
Glorious Revolution
• Nobles ask William or Orange and Mary (James
daughter) to come take over England
• Why called the Glorious Revolution?
– Almost no bloodshed
– James’ men desert before battle
– William and Mary become king and queen
• Changes to England
– Toleration Act: Puritans public worship
– Destroyed idea of divine right
– People could have trial by jury and guns
Chapter 18: Conflict and
Absolutism in Europe
What is Absolutism?
• Absolutism
Ruler holds total power of government
Associated with divine rights of king
Seen in use in France, Spain, Prussia, and Russia
France and Louis XIV is the greatest example
France before Louis XIV
• France in a period of struggle over power
• Both Louis XIII and Louis XIV children when given the
• Both had ministers run the country until they were of
age to run the country
• Louis XIII had Cardinal Richelieu
• Louis XIV had Cardinal Mazarin
France before Louis XIV
• Cardinal Richelieu
– Royal minister under Louis XIII
– Strengthened the power of monarchy
• Huguenots became a threat in society
– Had political and military rights removed
– Allowed them to keep religious rights
• Set up a spy network to keep track of coups
• Executed anyone conspiring against the throne
Louis XIV in Power
• Age 23: Desires to be real king (Bourbon Dynasty)
– Known as a fun loving person
– Not taken seriously
– Claimed to be Sun King
• Source of light for all of France
– Key to Power
• Total control of central policymaking
Louis XIV in Power
• Versailles
– Establishes Royal Court
– Serves 3 purposes
• 1. Personal household of king
• 2. Chief offices of state
• 3. Place where powerful people came looking for favors
Louis XIV in Power
• Greatest Danger to Louis XIV
– Nobles and Royal Princes
Felt like they should play role in government
Louis felt otherwise
Removed them from royal council
Gave them court jobs that kept them busy while not allowing them
to make policies
Louis XIV in Power
• What kind of control did Louis XIV actually have?
– In charge of:
• Foreign Policy
• The Church (Catholicism)
• Taxes
– Not in charge of:
• Local level policies
• Different cities had different laws
• Bribed officials to get more local power
Louis XIV in Power
• Religion
– Devout Catholic
– Wanted to maintain Catholic presence
– Anti-Protestant policy
• Destroyed Huguenot churches
• Closed Huguenot schools
• 200,000 fled France because of it
Louis XIV in Power
• Jean Baptiste Colbert
– Controller general of finances
– Kept France financially sound
Increased wealth through mercantilism
Decreased the number of imports (Tariffs on imports)
Subsidized new industries
Built roads and canals for transportation
Louis XIV in Power
• Military
– Standing Army of 400,000
– Conducted wars during most of reign in Europe
– Put member of his family in charge in Spain
Legacy of Louis XIV
• How did his reign affect France?
– Left country surrounded by enemies
– Majority of France in poverty
– Even though he maintained power, the common people
– Looking down the road, this is the beginning of the
movement towards the French Revolution
Emergence of Prussia
• Frederick William the Great Elector
– Established the Prussian state
– With limited natural boundaries, established large army
– Created General War Commissariat
• Created taxes to support army
• Overseer of the military
– Junkers (aristocrats) served as officers in the army
Austrian Empire
• Austrian Hapsburgs
– Created empire covering Austria, Hungary, and Czech
– Had issues become an absolutist state
• Never had centralized government
• Too many different groups of people
• Only thing tying everyone together is service to Hapsburgs
• Ivan IV
– Became the first czar of Russia
– Better known as Ivan the Terrible
– Did many horrible deeds to expand country
• Peter the Great
– The most prominent member of Romanov family
– Took reign in 1689
– Wanted to Westernize Russia
• Peter the Great
– Westernization
Modernized the army and navy
Peasants drafted for 25 year stints into army
Created army of 210,000
Ordered a book of etiquette for Russia
– How men and women should act and dress
• Wanted to have port access to the West (Baltic Sea)
– Government
• Divided country into provinces
• Wanted to create a “police state”
– People did not have the same feeling about service