B061 - Scheme of Work - John Ferneley College

B061 – ICT in today’s world
You need to study a range of ICT systems, as used in the home, at school & in society. You need to
be aware of current & emerging technologies & the impact that advances in technology may have on
you and others.
ICT Systems
Main components of a computer – CPU, memory, backup storage, input & output devices &
power supplies
PCs, mainframe, super computers, embedded systems
Hardware & software
Input devices & usage: keyboards, pads, specialist keyboards, mouse, joystick, tracker ball,
touch pad, microphones, remote controls, scanners, digital cameras, webcams, touch
screens, bar code readers, magnetic strips, chip & pin, sensors, MIDI instruments.
Output devices & usage: monitors/screens, printers, speakers, headphones, earphones,
digital projectors, plotters, actuators
Storage devices & usage: hard disks, optical storage devices, magnetic tape, drives, flash
memory devices
Communication devices & usage: modems, routers, hubs, network interface cards in fixed &
mobile devices
Advantages & disadvantages of a variety of input, output storage & communication devices
Systems software: operating systems, utility software, drivers.
User interfaces: human-machine interfaces – graphical, command line, direct neural
Applications software: word processors, desktop publishing, spread sheets, database,
multimedia, slideshow, web authoring, photo-editing, video-editing, graphics manipulation,
communications (social networking, chat, IM, web browser, file transfer, email clients),
presentation, gaming
Programming: compilers, debuggers, interpreters, linkers, editors
Appropriate use of software
Advantages & disadvantages of different software applications
Different types of files used to support software: image, audio, video, document &
executable types.
Exchanging information
Communication services: voice telephones, SMS, IM, fax, email, chat rooms, forums, bulletin
boards, Voice-over-IP (VoIP), video conferencing
Advantages & disadvantages of different methods of communication
Sharing, exchaning & managing information: sharing files, file naming conventions & online
safety version control, secure transfer of data & secure access, read/write permissions
Safe & responsible use of communication services: showing respect towards others,
complying with data protection regulations, staying safe (personal data, using appropriate
language, misuse of images)
Communications software: web browsers, email software, messaging & file transfer
Use of internet: communication, commerce, leisure & information retrieval
Controlling ICT systems remotely: remote controls, remote access to computer systems
Monitoring tracking systems: monitoring or logging a workforce or member of the public,
cookies, key logging, worker call monitoring/recording, electronic consumer surveillance,
mobile phone triangulation, automatic number plate recognition, CCTV cameras
Applications software: word processors, desktop publishing, spread sheets, database,
multimedia, slideshow, web authoring, photo-editing, video-editing, graphics manipulation,
communications (social networking, chat, IM, web browser, file transfer, email clients),
presentation, gaming
Presenting information
Types & purposes of different ways of presenting information: word processors, Desk Top
Publishing, slideshow, multimedia & web authoring software
Use of ICT tools & features/facilities for presenting information with regard to efficiency and
quality of work & ease of transfer
Manipulating data
Data management:
Different types of data types, alpha numeric text, numeric (integer, real e.g. currency,
percentage, fraction), date/time, limited choice (drop down lists, radio buttons, tick lists)
object, logical/Boolean (e.g. yes/no, true/false) types
Main issues governing design of file structures: folders, subfolders, filenames, file types,
paths, how encoding affects data entry & retrieval
Main issues governing design of data capture methods – advantages & disadvantages, forms
questionnaire, online forms, chip & PIN, OMR, barcode reader, voice recognition, biometrics
& RFID tags
Validation: range checks, type checks, format checks, presence checks, check digits, parity
Verification: batch totals, hash totals, double keying, visual checks
Data handling software
Features of spread sheet software: cells, cell references, rows, columns (height & width),
show row/column labels, enter & edit cell content, key fields, cell gridlines, cell ranges,
replication, formatting, merging cells, formulae, functions, automatic recalculation, sorting
rows/column, graph/chart creation & development (bar, pie, line scattargram, use of scales,
title, axis title & key/legend, layout of worksheets & linked sheets.
Features of modelling software: how a data model may be used to answer ‘what-if’
questions & the benefits of being able to answer such questions using a data model
Use of data modelling, formulae, functions, variables, different scenarios, verification
(accuracy & plausibility), graphs & charts for predicting trends
Features of database software: field (column) & record (row), field names, key fields
(unique), primary key, file
Create a database, insert/delete field/record, enter & edit field contents, organise & select
records, view database structure, control the content of reports by selection of fields & use
of headings, control the format of reports (header & footer), creation & developing
Typical tasks for which data handling software can be used: organising data, collecting data,
amending existing data, deleting redundant data, select/search/filter records, sort on one or
more fields (ascending & descending order), merging data, report production
Use of relational databases & spread sheets: flatfile vs relational databases
Emerging data handling applications: models for financial forecasting, queuing, weather
forecasting, flight simulators, expert systems for decision making
Keeping data safe and secure
Secure & safe practices in the use of ICT, protecting data from accidental destruction,
protecting data from deliberate damage; what is meant by data encryption – when & why it
is used
Backups & archiving: taking backups of data/programs, keeping information/archives safe,
use of backing storage media & protecting data from unauthorised access
Appropriate User Security methods & devices: user IDs, usernames, password, encryption,
restricted physical access (e.g. biometric scans, electronic passes), restricted access to data
(e.g. hierarchy of passwords, access rights, encryption), monitoring, (e.g. transaction logs)
Malicious software (malware) & damage it can cause: viruses, including key logging software
How to avoid the loss/disclosure of personal data to unauthorised users
Legal, social, ethical & environmental issues when using ICT
Main aspects of legislation relating to use of ICT: the Computer Misuse, Data Protection,
Copyright Design & Patents Act & other relevant legislation to ICT
Potential health problems related to the prolonged use of ICT systems: stress, eye problems,
wrist problems, Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI), back & neck problems, Carpal tunnel syndrome
Need for good design of user interfaces & impact on health of users
How ICY systems can affect the quality of life experienced by persons with disabilities:
screen filters, voice recognition software, text to voice software, customised desktop
environments, Braille keyboards, specialist input devices, communication & control device,
software accessibility options
Range of safety issues related to using computers & measures needed for prevention of
accidents: taking breaks, appropriate lighting, eye tests, wrist rests, adjustable seating,
monitor positioning, avoiding hazards, electrical safety measures
Environmental impact of digital devices: use, deployment & eventual recycling & disposal
Social & ethical implications of electronic transmission of personal information:
monitoring/detecting loss or corruption of information, preventing the abuse of personal
information, purpose & costing of national databases, security of public data, links between
public & private databases, national identity cards, CCTV, government access to personal
data, surveillance society
Using ICT systems
How ICT systems are used
Correct procedures to start, access, exit & shutdown ICT systems
Selection & appropriate adjustment of system settings & user preferences
Selection & use of features of user interfaces
Management of folder structures & files to ensure the safe storage & retrieval of
Networking: the main types of network, the components & advantages & disadvantages of
networked systems
Common problems encountered when using ICT systems: software freeze, error dialogues,
storage full, paper jams, hardware malfunction
Troubleshooting activities: hardware & software troubleshooting
Difference between hardware & software problems & how to solve them
Monitoring, measurement & control technology
Different types of sensor & suitable uses: sensors & actuators for visible, tactile, audible &
other physical signals
Advantages & disadvantages of computerised data logging
Writing a sequence of instructions to control a screen image or external device: light
buzzers, sound or turtle, using repeated instructions, procedures & variables
Use of ICT to control & monitor areas of everyday living: applications that utilise data logging
& control, analogue-digital conversion, control & feedback loops & associated hardware &
ICT & modern living
How ICT systems have changed the way people go about their daily lives: communication,
shopping, gaming, entertainment, education & training, banking & financial services, social
networking, online/remote working, advantages/benefits & disadvantages/dangers of using
ICT/the internet
Impact of emerging technologies on organisations: AI, robotics, biometrics, vision
enhancement, computer-assisted translation, quantum cryptography, 3D & holographic
imaging, 3D printing, virtual reality