UNIVERSITY ENGINEERS’ CLUB 2015 MEETING MINUTES Tuesday 12th May, 2:00pm, MILC Boardroom TYPE OF MEETING: COMMITTEE MEETING PRESENT: DANIEL BELL, MATT CLARK-MASSERA, KATE CULLEN, ANDREJ DAMMER, BEN DIX-MATTHEWS, TOM EASTER, LUKE ELLERY, ERIC GRANDINGER, BEN JOHNSTON, JEIK KIM, JODIE KOH, BERNARD KRETZMANN, KAIDEN MCCARTHY, JASON PONSONBY, PAOLO ROSSI, LUCAS TESTAR AND ALLAN WILLIAMS APOLOGIES: BEC BENTLEY, LUKE DEVENISH, JAMES DRUMMOND, KELLY HAWES, EMILY LAW, ALEX O’NEILL, LAURA PECORARI, KRISTINA TKATCHENKO, ALEX TURNER, CAITLIN WOODS AND CHRISTINA VO I. M E E T I N G ST AR T : 2 : 0 5 P M II. I T E M S FO R D I SC U S SI O N a) Previous Meeting Minutes b) Actions Arising c) Careers Report Ed reps need to send out invites to VWE – will receive from jeik soon Jeik – needs to allocate specific companies to reps Jeik give essential info to Dan bell for ed-committee meeting Luke- put sponsorship package on the committee page – hopefully people have some ideas of what to change about it d) Education Report Do student workshops on educational aspects. eg. Matlab, mathematica, solidworks -Allan do a question on the UEC committee/club page e) Social Report Trinity wants to give us free tickets to BNOC Maybe we can swap for free drinks instead? Kate to call and update us on it f) Bogan Bingo Bogan Bingo – got them to rduce their price In order for it to go ahead we need $500 SPG grant Need to make it a fundraiser event and need to do it with another club Maybe Squash Club? PI? Kate contact Fraser Hall Do we want to change the event date? Relay wants that Friday Lucas - Look into Tav availability for Thursdays in Second semester If Bogan Bingo doesn’t happen we need substitute event – maybe “engineer your own event” g) Committee Bonding This Friday BYO unless otherwise told – Lucas/Kate to keep us updated h) Relay For Life i) Cheaper price for camping spot FIFO Mental Health Presentation Pushed back to next semester If anyone has any friend that do FIFO and would like to say something j) Final Year Shirts Kaiden has sent an email – fabric bloke has to get back to him His email keeps returning the email (domain is not working) – Caitlin check this out We want to get a banner re-skinned – UniPrint price is $195 – Kaiden is going to look for better prices k) Fresher Study Night l) Need as many people there as possible Tuesday night of last week Going to pair up with science union Committee thinks we should do it MILC Laura - Post up event info on committee page Scholars and Schooners Allan - Tell Varsity to cater for 50 expect 30 Change of date to the 27th May Now called “beers and engineers” m) ECOMS Ball We are trying to get VIP Tables $180 a VIP ticket People only want a VIP table n) Hoodie Designs Same design – but with a zipper o) Money We have got some money - $4000 Ben can pay back money’s We have paid back everyone and we still have money! Kate – send event budgets to ben p) Law Debate Idea Blackstone are having a dinner debate Topic - “Where would the world be without lawyers” No go for this We want to do a banter-ish type event with banter q) Committee Restructure Exec is currently looking into changing the committee structure Ed is going to have a restructure – there is a club for every discipke Ed reps to come from discipline clubs to our meetings Careers reps to help VP Careers 2 Ed reps, postgrad and undergrad Want to change the constitution to so that people can’t promote themselves for elections We want an orientation director as a committee elected position Before committee bonding on Friday – informal semester review – feedback on your position, constitution, how the semester has gone r) Next Meeting III. IV. M E E T I N G E ND : 3 : 0 0 P M AC T I O N SU M M AR Y Jeik Send VWE invites out to Ed-committee Give essential info to Dan bell for ed-committee meeting Put sponsorship package on the committee page for committee input about changes Post a question on the UEC committee/club page regarding potential tutorials for matlab, mathematica, etc. Tell Varsity to cater for 50 but to expect 30 – also let them know about the date change to the 27th May Call and update us on potential free tickets to BNOC Contact Fraser Hall about doing Bogan Bingo with PI Keep us updated on BYO status of Committee Bonding Send event budgets to ben Check why Kaiden’s UEC email address is not working properly Post Fresher Study Night Event info on committee page Look into Tav availability for Thursdays in Second semester (first few weeks) Luke Allan Kate Caitlin Laura Lucas V. E ND O F D O C U M E NT