WHOLESALE MARKET RE-DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES FEASIBILITY ISSUES FOR CONSIDERATION Redevelopment Programme Possible Funding Options Public Sector Government, State, Regional Funding Private Sector Institutions, International Donor Organisations / Agencies Banking Institutions through Commercial Private Loans/Equity., or Concessional sector loans based on specific laid down criteria Any joint ventures above Enterprises, NGO’s BURCHELLCONSULTING LIMITED NOV 2012 Agricultural Development Issues Major New Development – New Green Field Site or existing industrial commercial complex Refurbishment of existing services and facilities. New Market Design and Infrastructure within the existing supply chain, new or modify ? BURCHELLCONSULTING LIMITED NOV 2012 Management and Ownership Implications of Wholesale Market Development Public Sector. Private Sector Public Private Sector Partnership BURCHELLCONSULTING LIMITED NOV 2012 Public versus Private Sector Issues Constraints Strengths Weaknesses BURCHELLCONSULTING LIMITED NOV 2012 Public Sector – Wholesale Market Responsibility SOCIAL AND FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Social – Create Jobs, promotes and develops new businesses Financial – Affects positively the cost and quality of agricultural food by proving a competitive environment for trade facilitated by new services and facilities Therefore there as a public feel good factor BURCHELLCONSULTING LIMITED NOV 2012 Public Sector – Strengths • Public ownership will ensure that decisions is normally paid to the ‘public interest’, ultimately to the good of the consumer. • Public ownership will ensure fair play and the commercial independence necessary to balance fairly the interest of suppliers, wholesalers and buyers, and to be impartial between wholesalers and impartiality will be attractive to tenants and users. • The great majority of wholesale markets in the UK and the West (even in USA) are in the public sector, owned by municipalities. Past attempts to attract private participation have not been very successful. BURCHELLCONSULTING LIMITED NOV 2012 Public Sector – Weaknesses • Public ownership tends to be bureaucratic, and to pays too little regard to commercial considerations. • Decisions of publicly owned bodies can be politically influenced and often slow in reacting to changing circumstances and reaching decisions.. • Wholesalers and other private traders may be suspicious of an organization under government control. • Funds maybe needed for expansion of facilities in the early years, and these may not be readily available from the public sector, as there will maybe different funding priorities. • The role of the Market Company, is in effect running a property operation, and commercial, and therefore best done by a commercial organization. BURCHELLCONSULTING LIMITED NOV 2012 Private Sector – Strengths • Private wholesalers will prefer to deal with a private commercial company, not with official bureaucracy. • A private company will give the right commercial image for the market, a trading commercial enterprise. • Decisions can be arrived quickly by the Board/General Manager of a private company, without the need for widespread consultation and possible bureaucratic delays of the public sector. • A private company will be better placed to attract private investors in the market. BURCHELLCONSULTING LIMITED NOV 2012 Private Sector – Weaknesses • It is more difficult to preserve the public interest with a private company, or to achieve a fair balance between suppliers, wholesalers and buyers, or to treat wholesalers equally. • If wholesalers or trade interests are shareholders represented on the Board, the Company will not have an impartial image, and may not act with impartiality. • If successful, the market will have to expand its facilities in the early years. Profits will need to be devoted to this expansion, and little will be able to be spared for distribution to initial investors. BURCHELLCONSULTING LIMITED NOV 2012 Public Sector / Private Sector Wholesale Market Management Worldwide EUROPEAN UNION 16% Private, 30% Public, 54% PPP OTHER EUROPEAN COUNTRIES 60% Private, 40% Public, 0% PPP NON EUROPEAN COUNTRIES 33% Private, 60% Public, 7% PPP BURCHELLCONSULTING LIMITED NOV 2012 Public Sector / Private Sector Wholesale Market Ownership Worldwide EUROPEAN UNION 8% Private, 51% Public, 41% PPP OTHER EUROPEAN COUNTRIES 40% Private, 60% Public, 0% PPP NON EUROPEAN COUNTRIES 40% Private, 60% Public, 0% Source - WUWM BURCHELLCONSULTING LIMITED NOV 2012 Business / Marketing Plan / Feasibility Study Executive Summary and Introduction Project Background – Horticultural Industry Project Description Legislative Framework and Corporate Governance Project Economics – Financial Analysis Source of Funding Conditions Necessary for Success Key Risks and Hazards Conclusions and Recommendations Next Steps BURCHELLCONSULTING LIMITED NOV 2012 Re-Development Examples – MINSK BELARUS Site owned by the municipality of Minsk City Council. 50% Public Private Sector Wholesale Management Partnership. EBRD $ 10 Million loan Within 10 years Minsk City Council sold shares to private sector investors, in line with the governance of the loan, but retained an vested interest on the management board as land owner BURCHELLCONSULTING LIMITED NOV 2012 Re-Development Examples – ALMATY KAZAKHSTAN Private sector Management and Ownership of the wholesale market site, formal state owned vegetable base. $ 2 million EU Tacis Programme offering technical assistance in establishing the market operation. 50/50 refurbishment programme including services and new facilities funded by Tacis and private sector ownership, TACIS contribution made to the Oblast/Regional Administration worked along with the project supervised refurbishment works. BURCHELLCONSULTING LIMITED NOV 2012 Re-Development Examples – NORTHERN KRYGYZSTAN 2012-14 Project to implement 5 logistical collection centres at the initiative of the Ministry of Agriculture, for the RoK . MOA to provide appropriate land; sites to be privately managed by agricultural private sector entrepreneurs, supported by logistical assistance from national food associations and their members Proposed S10 million donor funding from JICA – (Japan International Cooperation Association) BURCHELLCONSULTING LIMITED NOV 2012 Re-Development Examples – NOTTINGHAM REGIONAL WHOLESALE MARKET- UK Site originally owned by private property developer following a city centre regeneration project to relocate the old market from the city centre Managed under contract by Nottingham City Council to ensure trader competition and a non-monopolistic trading scenario – 32 wholesale businesses Five years later, following a proposal by the traders wholesale merchants association the council decided to offer the opportunity for the traders association to manage and own the market with the property developer Now operating with just 8 large wholesalers BURCHELLCONSULTING LIMITED NOV 2012 Re- Development Examples – KAGALI RWANDA New Agricultural Acts supporting new wholesale activities introduced by the Government thereby offering monopoly situations, based on zones of protection. Site and Ownership the municipality of Kagali All Wholesalers and Buyers were required to be registered and paid a levy on purchases and sales. Technical Assistance in preparing the feasibility study design, and market operations and management provided by international consultants in the form of donor funding from the Gatesby trust BURCHELLCONSULTING LIMITED NOV 2012 Re- Development Examples – BENTON HARBOUR FRUIT MARKET, MICHIGAN, USA 8 Private Market Operators assumed ownership following a buy out of the council, at less value than the site was worth as a commitment of the local authority to future capital investment plans by establishing a JSC 127 small scale investors mainly producers purchased minor shares from the 8 market operators Large proportion of Market profits are placed into an investment fund for future capital investments. Annual Dividend paid to market shareholders BURCHELLCONSULTING LIMITED NOV 2012 DEAR DELEGATES THIS WAS MY 2ND LAST PRESENTATION CAN I CARRY ON WITH MY FINAL PRESENTATION WITH YOU, IS THIS OK ?? OR QUESTIONS ?? BURCHELLCONSULTING LIMITED NOV 2012 MARKET CASHLESS PAYMENT AND MARKET INFORMATION SYSTEMS IMPLEMENTATION OF THE MOROCCO NATIONAL NETWORK OF FISH MARKETS 2009 -2013 - ONGOING OPERATIONS -MIS • 16 NATIONAL FISH MARKETS WILL OPERATE IN MOROCCO, 8 BY L’OFFICE NATIONAL DES PECHES (ONP) AND 8 PLANNED AND CURRENTLY IMPEMNETED BY DONOR FUNDING FROM MILLENIUM CHALLENGE CORPORATION (USA). • ONP A FISH SPECIALIST PRIVATE FISH NGO APPOINTED BY THE GOVERNMENT OF MOROCCO ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR OVERSEEING AND THE MANAGEMENT OF THE MARKETS. • ALL MARKETS HAVE (OR WILL)) AN INTEGRATED MIS SYSTEM ON MINUTE BY MINUTE BASIS, WHICH IS PROVIDED BY (ONP) INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPT DISSEMINATION OF NATIONAL MIS INFORMATION • Will be finally carried out by each of the 16 (ONP) Administration Offices within minutes, to the National Internet System • Feeds through cashless deals at each of the sixteen markets • How does it work ?? INDIVIDUAL MARKET NETWORK EXAMPLE CASABLANCA MEMBERSHIP • ORGANISED AND FUNDED BY (ONP)ALL BUYERS VISITING THE INDOOR MARKET MUST BE REGISTERED BUYERS • ALL BUYERS HAS A PERSONAL REGISTERED BUYING ACCOUNT WITH THE WHOLESALE MARKET COMPANY • ALL BUYERS HAVE A MEMBERSHIP DEBIT CARD AND WITHIN THE REGISTERED BUYERS TRADING HALL, WILL OPERATE FROM A HANDHELD ELECTRONIC MACHINE BUYING AND SELLING • English Auction System Operation. • Starts Low bids increases to highest bidder • Lot Number appears, Buyer highlights the quantity of item on hand-held • When the buyer is happy with the price they push the activate button, seconds to cancel the bid • If successful it registers GREEN and electronic transaction is carried out • If unsuccessful if registers RED and bid is cancelled TRANSACTIONS • ALL TRANSACTIONS ARE MADE AND STORED ELECTRONICALLY WITH THREE RECEIPTS AT THE MARKET CASH OFFICES • 1. WHOLESALER • 2. BUYER • 3. MARKET COMPANY PAYMENT • Is automatic, buyer given their receipt to collect goods, account debited • Two other receipts retained by market cash office, and one sent to the seller twice weekly in an account statement • Information then displayed on market transaction screens within the individual market MARKET INFORMATION • FOLLOWING EACH ELECTRONIC TRANSACTION BY AUCTION THE INFORMATION ON PRODUCT TYPE, PRICE IN KILOS, QUANITY ON A MINUTE BY MINUTE BASIS IS DELIVERED • AND READILY AVAILABLE ON A NUMBER OF ELECTRONIC MARKET INFORMATION SCREENS WITHIN THE MARKET, • THEN SHORTLY AFTERWARDS DISSEMINATED TO OTHER 15 MOROCCAN FISH MARKETS ON A SEPARATE MARKET INFORMATION SCREEN AND AVAILABLE VIA THE INTERNET AND SMS THANK YOU AND FINALLY BURCHELLCONSULTING LIMITED NOV 2012 TO OUR HOSTS ON BEHALF OF BCL THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORGANISATION, HOSPITALITY, TIME AND ATTENTION DURING THIS FORUM AND ALSO MY APPRECIATION TO THE WUWM FOR ALLOWING ME THE OPPORTUNITY TO PARTICPATE IN THIS IMPORTANCE CONFERENCE MUCH APPRECIATED. THANK YOU VERY MUCH BURCHELLCONSULTING LIMITED NOV 2012