Senate Meeting Minutes 09.17.2014

2014-2015 ASUCM Senate
ASUCM Regular Senate Meeting Agenda
5200 N. Lake Road KL169, Merced, CA 95343 – P: (209) 228-7468
E: W:
FALL 2014 Session
Wednesday, September 17th, 2014 7:30 pm
Chancellor’s Conference Room (KL 232)
Call to Order
a. 7:30pm
Roll Call
a. Everyone present
Approval of Agenda
a. Senator Carlson motions to approve
b. Senator Quarnstrom seconds
c. No discussion
d. Approved
Approval of Minutes
a. Senator Fitzgerald motions to approve
b. Senator Muñoz seconds
c. No discussion
d. Approved
Guest Speaker
a. Interim Dean of Students and Assistant Vice Chancellor for Student Health & Wellness, Fuji
1. Not present
Chair's Report- Zachary Mondo
a. Reads the following:
“-Content Neutrality
To provide financial support for student activities and organizations on a viewpoint neutral basis
consistent with the provisions set forth in Section 86.00 of these Policies, in order to foster a sense of
community and to further discussion among students on the broadest range of ideas.
-Please read and research the UCOP policies in addition to our by-laws.
-Don’t compare a bill on the table with another bill as all bills are to be treated as separate entities and
it is unfair to organizations to compare their bill to other ones without comparing them to all other
legislation that has been passed. Only discuss the bill on the table and the information pertinent to it
-Don’t offer try to lecture clubs about travel arrangements. You are not travel agents nor is it your job to
be. Trust that the club has done their due diligence and that many travel accommodations such as air
travel are handled by the travel office at UCLA. We cannot change where they travel to so do not
discuss it. We can’t decide their route, their mode of travel, or their hotels and it isn’t our job to.
-Please refrain from using Facebook for the duration of the meeting. It violates decorum and can offer a
way of communicating with Senators privately. All conversations should be discussed in public and any
conversations not doing so violate the Brown Act. I will have the Sergeant at Arms do rounds to check
if you are on Facebook and I will issue two warnings to you if you are on Facebook before I ask you to
close your laptop or be escorted from this meeting as the Legislative By-Laws and Robert’s Rules
allow me to.
-Conflicts of Interest and present you’re on club’s bill
-Lastly as a reminder, when yielding, do not immediately give the floor to those who you wish to yield
the floor to. As the chair it is my job to recognize speakers. If your speaker is not a member of the
organization who authored the legislation on the table I will not recognize your yield. Any student who
wishes to convey an opinion that is not a member of a club who’s legislation is on the table may speak
in Public Forum and voice their concerns.”
Elected & Appointed Officers Report
a. Donald Quach, Director of Student Activities
1. Senator Garai motions to extend by 10 minutes
2. Senator Rumayor Seconds
3. No discussion
4. Approved
2. Donald: He has been in contact with Ivan about clubs and their ability to cook food on
campus. He discusses CAB’s budget and welcomes questions. He explains that the
budget is broken down by events and each committee in CAB focuses on each event. He
mentions that there are movie nights, CABSterical, Soul’d Out Poetry Jam, and
Cowchella. There is a card reader fee, as long as supplies which include polos and
3. Senator Carlson: Could you explain why movie nights are three grand?
4. Donald: Our movies are $950 to $1,200 per new movie releases and also snacks will
equal $5 to $6 a person. A lot of our budget is based upon previous attendance and also
the cost per student.
5. Senator Garai: We met on the weekend and talked a lot of stuff, how do you keep track
of people?
6. Donald: For most of our events, we plan on using iCat Card that verifies that you are an
active student and have paid student fees. They have a survey feature that is sent to
those who attended the event. People don’t like service, but there will be incentives or
points that can be cashed out.
7. Senator Lomio: Where does the extra cash go to?
8. Donald: It rolls over and it is also used for the summer orientation to promote or fulfill
positions that are still vacant in CAB. Promo items are also purchased from this left over
money. I want to focus more on the events rather than T-Shirts.
9. Senator Garai: Does each event have a percentage of giveaways?
10. Donald: If it is over the entire event, it will come from the 8 grand supplies otherwise it
will be part of the event to cover light towers or asks. This can be uploaded to the
ASUCM Crops.
11. Senator Muñoz: Is the roll over from last year included?
12. Donald: $798 were left over but were used to purchase sunglasses.
13. Senator Garai: One more request, can you get back to us when the ledger starts
14. Donald: That can be after the event or before the event. Some event updates include 22
Jump Street tomorrow. Also, Treats ‘n Beats is set in October.
15. Senator Garai: How do you choose those four artists?
16. Donald: We put an inquiry for four artists but we gauge what the campus would like and
this results from asking you. We break down the list to the top four in our price range
from our options.
17. Senator Lomio: Do you guys quantify the students’ results?
18. Donald: Yes, we had 2 “What do you want from CAB?” events where students are able
to suggest their artists or events that they want. We really look at attendance.
b. Senator Quarnstrom, Strategic Investment Ad Hoc Committee: We discussed the number of
bills that have been put on the table. The Ad Hoc Committee voted today that we will not be
meeting on October 29, 2014.
Officer Reports
a. Senate Pro-Tempore- Domonique Jones
Guess what day it is? Hump day! Happy Wednesday! I just want to reiterate what Mondo said about
Facebook. Someone from the public called a chat conversation when sitting behind a senator. It is rude but
also a waste of their time. We should try to avoid Committee as a Whole, according to Steve, because
those discussions need to be.
b. Sergeant at Arms- Emmanuel Garai
1. Mean what you say and say what you mean. Your votes reflect on your ethic.
c. Secretary- Daisy Pelayo
1. N/A
d. ICC Liaison- Kevin Kwan
1. There was one bill passed, and the budget is $7,954
e. Court Liaison- Huber Muñoz
1. Court met yesterday and discussed the Chief Justice and her expectations. They will attend the candidate
info session and will participate in the Political Carnival
Committee Reports
a. Budget and Finance- Domonique Jones
1. Met last Thursday in KL 276. The ACORN Room was not available. Everyone was present
b. Academic Affairs- Katelyn Fitzgerald
1. Met today in KL368 and everyone was present. For academic affairs, we plan to create flyers for the
undergraduate research symposium to spread the word because only 7 people applied and we have 10
scholarships available. And for ASUCM, Desiree wants to work on an MOU to help ASUCM raise their
GPA. We are also looking to have a dinner with the deans so that students may have a conversation with
c. Student Activities- Emmanuel Garai
1. Met today at 4:15pm to 5pm. Everyone was present and Donald.
d. Student Advocacy- Michael Lomio
1. Met last week and two were approved. Aurea will be doing the Political Circus-Carnival. Please send a 3
to 5 sentence describing what your branch is about and was due yesterday. Next Tuesday is the Political
Advisor's Report- Steve Lerer
a. (Will return from another engagement).
President's Report- Ivan Flores
a. Reads the following:
“Good Evening ASUCM Senators, Students, and Guests,
Happy Wednesday, everyone! I’ll try not to talk too much as we have a stacked agenda. On
September 29th, 2014, I will be having my first Coffee with the ASUCM President, and I’m stoked
to talk to students over some good ol’ coffee. It will be in the ACORN. I also would like to wish a
belated Happy Birthday to two of our ASUCM Senators, Sean Quarnstrom and Dominique Jones.
On another note, you have some very large bills on the table tonight, and I hope you all take them
into heavy consideration when voting on them.
Next Tuesday and Wednesday, I will be traveling to Oakland for a meeting with UC President Janet
Napolitano and the Council of Presidents. We have some very important topics on our agenda such
as Potential Tuition Increases, Student Mental Health Services, and the UC Smoking Ban Policy,
along with other important issues. I will report next week on the outcomes of this meeting, and
what we can do as an AS to address some of those topics.
Lastly, this weekend on Sunday is our ASUCM Executive Retreat, and I’m excited for it. I am
looking forward to bonding with all of our Executives and setting our goals for this year.
Does anyone have any questions? If not, let’s have a great meeting.
Ivan Flores
ASUCM President”
Treasurer's Report- David Ascencio
a. Reads the following:
“Good Evening Senate,
The current balance of the senate bill general fund is 146,936.85. I just want to remind senate that the
original amount that was allocated for senate bills was 62,355.01. This amount was what would have
been left for allocation had there been no carry forward. With this being said, I encourage senate to
always make a mindful decision on what the needs of the students are. Remembering that we can make
change with or without money. Along with this I wish to also notify senate that I have continued on my
5-year plan, which hopefully will be done by the end of this week. Thank you.”
Public Forum
a. Jaron Brandon, Reads the following:
“Hello Senators, my name is Jaron Brandon and I am a concerned student representing myself. What
brings me up here today is concern over ASUCM investment in student discount cards that were
purchased during summer and are being handed out to students. Though students have initially been
very supportive of these free handouts, students often changed their mind when they found out about
how they were funded and how much they cost.
I asked the OSL to show me where the funding had come from, and they identified that $3,980.00 had
been withdrawn from the Municipal Relations Commission line item to fund this under the authority of
President Ivan Flores.
There are many issues with his action.
Firstly, this money was allocated in the budget specifically to the Municipal Relations Commission for
that commission to spend. President Flores using this account as an extension of his general fund is an
immoral and incorrect way to go about expanding the budget of his office because it was not allocated
to his general fund, which is for such expenditures. The expenditure is also not related to Municipal
Relations (it would be a Neighborhood Relations Commissions event). President Flores did not appoint
a commissioner (effectively getting rid of it) and when a local affairs position was created in the
external office, he decided to keep this funding for his personal uses.
Secondly, the sheer cost of this purchase goes against President Flores’ promise to reduce the spending
in ASUCM by turning project-specific funding for sub-units into funding for President Flores that is
less accountable to the students and massively expanding his own personal budget. Spending nearly
$4,000 before the semester even began is far more than was spent by the previous President’s (my own)
general fund budget for the entire year. If the cost of the cards is to be less than student savings on
purchases, students will have to purchase around $40,000 at these venues within the next year. I
encourage students to take advantage of your student fees that were used for this by grabbing a card
and getting your money’s worth. Otherwise, this waste will be realized at the end of this year.
Thirdly, in making this radically new program, the Student Alumni Association, one of the largest, most
active, and best student—university collaborative organizations, was not notified about this program.
One of its leadership informed me that the first he had heard of this was through UCM Classifieds.
SAA receives almost all of its funding through its own fundraising through CatSpots discounts, cards
which offer a diverse and wide variety of discounts at local businesses, pay membership fees for SAA,
and last for a student’s entire time at UCM (unlike the one year cap on President Flores’ cards.) I
believe this is a superior program that ASUCM should have supported rather than undermined. This
may have a strong impact on the funding of this great campus organization and unfortunately President
Flores did not give the due notice that I believe they deserve to prepare or collaborate with this project.
Lastly, I believe that President Flores lied to Senate when it asked for $1,500 to fulfill an exorbitantly
expensive ‘Coffee with the President’ campaign promise. It’s worth questioning why purchasing coffee
requires a thousand and a half dollars when many campus organization hold great events with hundreds
of dollars, if even a hundred. But the main point is that President Flores used the purchase of these
discount cards to justify the increase of his budget by $1,500. Yet, his general fund still had $3,000 in it
and was untouched. I believe that President Flores, based upon what he presented, lied to Senate by
falsely stating he spent his general fund and didn’t have money left for his ritzy ‘Coffee with the
President.’As such, I am announcing that after this meeting, I will be filing an ASUCM judicial case
against President Ivan Flores for misappropriation of student fees and dereliction of duty, in addition to
the damaging oversights and immorality of this action.”
b. Marisol Prado: I went to ICC the first meeting, budget line item, take into consideration the
Early Event Fund. An organization was able to get funding and their event was the date after
mine and I did not think that it was fair. I got less than half of funding for my event. I had to
talk to Connie instead of a Senator.
c. Delaine Inman, VP AMSA: She is here to speak on the UC Davis Conference. It is to give
pre-health students to give students a chance to interact with professionals to find their
direction in life. This conference gives students a chance to see more than the doctor aspect.
The cost is 95$ and is all inclusive with meals and tickets, but we will provide
transportation. Students will pay $35 out of pocket and then ASUCM is asked for the rest.
Senator Kwan, Fitzgerald and Pelayo have also attended. We are also willing to present and
return to inform Senate. That’s it!”
a. Dalton Rogers, President of College Republicans: Opportunity in Action, I want to
talk about the motivation and purpose. Within ASUCM, and other clubs, there is this
dialogue about our purpose and being transformational to put our student fees into
events that are transformational for our students. The club wanted to look at other
opportunities that are open to other campuses but not available to UC Merced. O.I.A.
gives students the chance to Condoleezza Rice as a lecturer. We want this event to
serve as an annual opportunity. This year, the theme is Women in leadership because
it is dear to our campus and also Courtney Lucero. We are happy to have their
support. In the theme this year, we want to highlight the struggle of women in
politics and their successes. She explores three people and the obstacles that they
faced in their own careers. They will be on campus throughout the day. The Summit,
after the event will include a social with the two visitors. We are working on getting
a book signed before the event. Our EVP, Ken Gaffney, will share two videos that
our guests sent for this event.
b. Ken Gaffney: I want to quickly introduce the videos that include Ruben Navarette, a
nationally syndicated columnist. Leslie Sanchez has worked in the Bush
administration and reached 20% of the Hispanic vote. She worked on education for
the Hispanic community. Currently, she has written 2 books “Los Republicanos,”
which explains the help between Hispanics and Republicans, and “You Have Come a
Long Way, Maybe,” which explains the struggles of women in politics. (Shows
c. Steven, VP of DEM: He is here to support the AMSA Conference. He explains the
benefits of attending the conference. He hopes that this bill is passed.
d. Justin Phan, Phi Delta Epsilon: He is here to support the AMSA Conference bill to
allow students to branch out from campus and learn from new experiences.
e. Nimra Ahmed: Is here in support of the AMSA Conference Bill and she thinks that it
is one of the best opportunities offered on campus. It could help a lot of people.
f. Leina, AMSA President: She is a Chemistry major and she loves the Davis
Conference because it solidified her career path. A lot of her members are SSHA
Majors and also people who are undeclared benefit from this event.
g. Marcello Flores, DEM Member: He is in support of the AMSA conference. The
event positively impacted his career.
h. Armandeep, Pre-Dental Org: She is in support of the AMSA Conference bill because
she is in the process of applying to graduate school. There are also 14 new members
who would want to attend to allow them to see more options in the health field.
i. Krystal, Phi Di: She in support of the AMSA Conference because it will allow UC
Merced grow also.
j. A.J.: He is in support of the AMSA Bill and is a Political Science Major who wants
to attend Pharmacy School to practice Medicinal Law. He wants to attend this
conference to confirm his choice in taking extra courses at the community college.
k. Crystal Bou, Project Smile: I just changed my major to public health, but they offer
35 Public Health Graduate Schools. It is important to have UC Merced students
represent at this conference.
d. Old Business
Bill #04- Funding for the Second Annual Opportunity in Action Summit (Introduced by
Senator Jones)
Senator Jones motions to approve
Senator Quarnstrom seconds
Committee Reports
Budget and Finance: Passed with Muñoz against
Academic Affairs: Did not meet quorum
Student Activities: Unanimously approved. There was a questions, how much
money was made last year?
Student Advocacy: Unanimously approved.
Senator Jones: As Dalton discussed, this event is used to bridge gaps because we are a new
UC and do not have the opportunity to have prominent leaders to interact with our
students. Last year they brought Julian Castro who is now the Secretary of Urban Housing
and Development and it was cool to know that I met them. One exec is present. Chancellor
Leland discussed the issue of women in politics
Senator Lomio: I don’t think the question was answered, how many people attended and
how much did it cost?
Senator Jones: Yield the floor to Dalton
Dalton: Online reservations were available and 120 students registered. We did not track
those who actually attended. Several local leaders were present. The cost was 29 grand and
this year we are asking over 39 grand.
Senator Lomio: I just want to make sure that we make good decisions by what is right not
what is politically right. I am the largest political junkie on this table. I had no idea who Ms.
Sanchez was. My concern was that Julian Castro was a big figure, but I am concerned with
the attention that this event will get.
Senator Muñoz: Initially, I believe that I was a big supporter. I have issues with it and my
biggest issue is student involvement with an accurate number of attendance. The kind of
money that we are putting into it, basing it off of last year’s turn out, feel like we would be
taking a big risk with student participation. What are we really getting from this? I hope that
this is something where students are the target.
Senator Jones: One big issue that they had last year, they had a hard time processing
contracts so it took a lot longer than expected and also intervention was needed. They did not
have enough time to advertise to have 120 students with FOX Affiliate attend. It was a great
turn out. I am confident that they have
Senator Rumayor: I want to see this bill tabled until later in the semester. We could send 3
AMSA Conferences with this budget.
Senator Jones: I will disagree with you, neutrality. You can’t compare this bill to the AMSA
bill, it is not fair. ASUCM is here to give student fees not loan.
Senator Lomio: I won’t compare this bill to AMSA but another….Leslie Sanchez is not as
popular as Julian Castro but we are paying more for her.
Senator Kwan: We pay $65.68 into student fees, I would like to see 472 students impacted by
this bill. Only 120 students attended and if we look into that it would need 4 times the
attendance to impact students on campus.
Senator Muñoz: Has there been contact for sponsors? I do not feel that students should pay
Senator Jones to Ken Gaffney: We can’t get sponsorships until the contracts are settled.
Senator Lomio: Not speaking of sponsorships, fundraising?
Senator Jones yields to Dalton
Dalton: With regards to the funding, there are ideas and efforts to raise funds. Donors would
be the primary source. The challenges is coordinating an event that has not been approved.
Funds that are not used will return to ASUCM. If we are able to confirm that this event is
happening, then we will be able to go forward.
Senator Kwan: This is a continuation of event last year, will those donors support you again?
To Ken.
Ken: It is hard to advertise to donors. Nov 20 th, we are having it early to go to donors.
Senator Kwan: That was an evasion of the question. How many donors? To Dalton
Dalton: Because we faced challenges, this year since we are doing it early we will have time
for that. Tim Abbatte has expressed interest in helping us fund the event. Having the event
approved earlier, will allow time to get donors this year.
Senator Muñoz to Senator Jones: Can we revisit this bill in January? It will give 4 months to
Senator Jones: They can’t have anything without contracts
Senator Lomio: I want to say that these questions do not discourage club members, but we
raised one thousand dollars in the Democrats Club. I would also like to bring attention that
the club may bring a current politician who is free.
Senator Jones: we are not telling them how to run their event
Senator Lomio: I am just ensuring that student fees are not wasted
w. Senator Fitzgerald: Numbers?
Senator Garai: We just talked for ten minutes about the numbers. It is better to get this bill in
now to allow them time to work. Last year was the first time that this event occurred. We
have to judge this on how the University benefited. They look good on our campus and the
UC System. IT is 31 grand to get them interested in politics and in their community.
Marketing is key. I want to keep discussing this.
Senator Jones: One thing that you guys are failing to realize, the students went to a lecture,
there was a reception, they were engaging with the students.
Rumayor: how much money is the club putting into this event?
aa. Senator Jones: I feel that we are getting redundant on the points
bb. Senator Jones to Steve
cc. Steve: Read the financial bylaws, spent versus contracted, but allows you to add a “Be it
enacted” that would alter the rollback date
dd. Senator Jones to extend by 10
ee. Senator Fitzgerald seconds
ff. No discussion
gg. Vote
Senator Garai, Senator Jones, Senator Carlson, Senator Fitzgerald, Senator Lomio,
Senator Pelayo, Senator Pelayo, Senator Quarnstrom, Senator Zisser, and Senator
Muñoz approve
Senator Kwan opposes
Senator Rumayor abstains
Senator Jones motions to add a “Be it finally enacted” that changes the roll back date to April
30, 2015
Senator Jones to Ken: roll back date?
Ken: April 30
Senator Kwan: Past success is indicator of future results. So far, we do not have the number
of community members and how much tickets were.
Senator Muñoz: this event has a lot of things to offer the students, is the club working on
providing something, other than the students listening to a key note speakers?
Senator Quarnstrom to Dalton
Dalton: The opportunity to learn from past year’s events and the reasons that we can
improve, what can be one of the fruits of this event. Martin Mares and the IVY League
Project. . Looking at the success of these events, and learning from these events to open a
dialogue to get these students involved in what you are doing. Coming to ASUCM, we are
also asking for a partnership and discuss how we can do this together. We would love to
partner with others to get students involved.
Senator Kwan: I would like to bring us back to the math. If tickets were $30 and 360
community members attended would make half of the amount asked. It took me five minutes
to calculate that on my TI. I feel that it is a great bill but I do not see the harm in coming
back with numbers that show that the event is worth the amount.
Senator Zisser: Go off the event now and what is going change. How will this change in
Senator Garai: The keyword is time. This year they are more prepared because they will be
more organized and run smoother. It was that we did not have a marketing person last year.
Senator Garai yields to Ken
Ken: Issues of multiplying 380, one third are not charged since student fees are used to run
this event. Offering sponsorship packages, brochures and once again we were not able to sell
those packages.
m. Senator Lomio: Motion to table until November 12
Senator Muñoz seconds
i. Senator Garai: Why?
ii. Senator Lomio: Will let them raise money
iii. Senator Garai: You raised one grand?
iv. Senator Lomio: From one event
v. Senator Garai: One to two week, one grand for 31, I say you cut this bill now
vi. Senator Quarnstrom: The longer that this bill is pushed the less time that they can
get the contracts
vii. Senator Lomio: I am asking them to actively fundraise
viii. Senator Jones: We need to be fair across the board and we will have to ask to
fundraise for all clubs
ix. Senator Quarnstrom motions to extend time by 10 minutes
x. Senator Jones seconds
xi. No discussion
xii. Vote
Senator Garai, Senator Jones, Senator Carlson, Senator Fitzgerald, Senator
Lomio, Senator Pelayo, Senator Pelayo, Senator Quarnstrom
Senator Zisser, Senator Rumayor, Senator Kwan oppose
Senator Muñoz abstains
xiii. Approved
xiv. Senator Garai: It is about the university and this is bigger than us. We are trying to
create history for future generations.
xv. Senator Lomio: I rescind my motion
Senator Fitzgerald: What room?
Senator Garai: COB 102
Senator Fitzgerald: Do we know how many people fit in that room?
Senator Rumayor: 375 students
Senator Lomio: I sense a lot of hostility at this table. You said that April is the month that we
are having this event? When did they propose the bill last year?
Senator Jones: The complications arose from the contracts
Senator Lomio: I think if that they had four months, they would do fine with fundraising
w. Senator Jones: I don’t understand the issue of waiting
Senator Garai: Let’s say that they raise 4 grand, let’s just cut that from the bill
Senator Muñoz: I personally feel that 4 months is fundraise or look into sponsorships. I think
that right now there are so many questions that we do not have answers to. They can act from
now until the vote occurs.
Senator Carlson: This is just to the senators who opposed the bill, what would be the amount
for them to fundraise?
aa. Senator Kwan: It is not about the numbers, they do not have the numbers to back them up.
They do not know their own information. Past successes are indicators of past results. I want
to know how they did before!
bb. Senator Carlson: You were so much into the numbers by suing your calculator, what would
be the best number? Can we just agree on a number?
cc. Senator Lomio: I am big on numbers, how much money is the club hoping to make?
dd. Senator Jones to Ken Gaffney
ee. Ken: We would like to return a third to a half
ff. Senator Lomio: Was the third to a half based on hopes or have you quantified that?
gg. Dalton: We do not have a strict number, but we do hope to reach out to sponsors. The notion
of the first event to this event is not a fair indicator.
hh. Senator Lomio: It would not be fair, but moving forward I would be happy if this event only
cost 18 grand and if the club raised 4 grand. My organization was able to raise money from
the election year.
Senator Lomio motions to table to November 12
jj. Senator Fitzgerald seconds
kk. No discussion
i. Senator Zisser, Senator Fitzgerald, Senator Lomio, Senator Muñoz, Senator Kwan
ii. Senator Garai, Senator Quarnstrom, Senator Carlson, Senator Pelayo, Senator
Jones oppose
Not tabled
nn. Vote to Vote
i. Senator Garai, Senator Quarnstrom, Senator Carlson, Senator Fitzgerald, Senator
Jones, Senator Pelayo approve
ii. Senator Kwan and Senator Zisser oppose
iii. Senator Lomio, Senator Rumayor, and Muñoz abstains
e. New Business
a. Presidential Nomination of Desiree McClain for ASUCM Representative to the
Academic Integrity Task Force
i. Senator Garai motions to approve
ii. Senator Quarnstrom seconds
iii. Discussion
1. President Flores: As Director of Academic Affairs, it is under her purview.
We do not have a strong misconduct report. The Vice Chancellor has called
for Desiree.
2. Desiree: I am strongly for integrity as I have developed through the
Leadership Series.
3. Senator Jones: Desiree, you said that integrity is a big value in life. Being in
this task force, do you plan to inform students on integrity?
4. Desiree: I plan on coming back to your senate meetings, executive
meetings, and taking these to students to ensure that they do not get
punished for their actions.
iv. Paper vote
1. Approved
b. Presidential Nomination of Daisy Pelayo As the ASUCM Representative to the
Committee on Academic Planning and Resource Allocation
i. Senator Garai motions to approve
ii. Senator Muñoz seconds
iii. Discussion
1. President Flores: Daisy sits on the Academic Affairs committee and I have
decided to look into internal membership to be held accountable. CAPRA is
a big university committee who set the academic calendar. This would be a
great opportunity for Daisy to speak about issues on Academia.
2. Daisy Pelayo: She introduces herself and explains that she is a part of the
Academic Affairs that sits on the committee. She has already spoke with
David to understand the budget. She is able to report back to the academic
affairs committee, she made sure that this also worked well with her school
and work schedule.
3. No questions
iv. Paper vote
1. Approved
c. Presidential Nomination of Kevin Kwan as the ASUCM Representative to the
Healthcare Advisory Committee
i. Senator Garai motions to approve
ii. Senator Pelayo seconds
iii. Discussion
1. President Flores: Kevin showed a lot of interest in this committee since he is
a natural science major. After talking to Kevin, he filled out the google doc
and he would be one of the best candidates and could contribute to
meaningful conversation to the University Board.
2. Kevin Kwan: He introduces himself and explains that he is interested in this
position because he is interested in pursuing a job in Public Administration.
UCShip is a UC Wide insurance program. After speaking with 60 students,
there are three trends of getting waived or accepted. The top three student
issues were clerical issues of applying to the waiver, being double charged,
or accidentally accepted and then denied afterward. There were quite a few
students who wanted to opt out of the UC Ship, yet the requirements
changed and they were denied a waiver. I am not sure how many decided to
take a look at the sample waiver, but the questions were not the same. The
sample waiver from UCSC varied from ours and possibly ours is out of
date. Why is it that students are told to look at a sample waiver to the actual
waiver? This could be the number one reason why students are not being
opted from UCSHip. These are my top three focuses. I hope to take a look
into increasing the benefits in the program.
3. Senator Lomio: How will you get the UC Insurance to update the form?
Like, pre-existing conditions that is not relevant in the new health care act.
4. Senator Kwan: My biggest hope is that sample waiver because we are all
told to refer to this paper and this is something that trips up a lot of students.
That is something that trips a lot of students up.
5. Paper vote
a. Approved
d. Presidential Nomination of Domonique Jones as the ASUCM Representative to the
Chancellor's Committee on the Status of Woman
i. Senator Quarnstrom motions to approve
ii. Senator Pelayo seconds
iii. Discussion
1. President Flores: I chose Domonique because of her service in ICC,
ASUCM and as a colored woman.
2. Senator (Domonique) Jones: Ivan first approached me in joining the
advisory. The chancellor tries to fix issues on the campus climate. I feel
strongly about this. There were not a lot of women running and not a lot of
help for me. I did work with Molly in the women’s program and the Elect
Her Track. I did get to speak to Assembly member Eggman. In joining this,
I want to see what they are working on now and also branch out to see what
we can do.
iv. Paper vote
1. Approved
e. Presidential Nomination of Katelyn Fitzgerald as the ASUCM Representative to the
Violence Prevention Advisory
i. Senator Jones motions to approve
ii. Senator Pelayo seconds
iii. Discussion
1. President Flores: I am nominating Katelyn because she was enthusiastic
about the VPP and partnering with them. Katelyn would be a great voice to
this board. This does exist!
2. Senator (Katelyn) Fitzgerald: This summer, I did meet with Ivan to discuss
this choice several times. This summer, I also did meet with Alyssa, the
coordinator, to discuss my involvement and she thought that it would be a
great idea to form a relationship with ASUCM and VPP. I also met with
Meg Coby to discuss their ways of how they deal with violence and
stalking. I do have some sort of experience with this.
3. Paper vote
a. Approved
f. Presidential Nomination of Emmanuel Garai as the ASUCM Representative to
Student Advisory Board to the Vice Chancellor of Administration
i. Senator Pelayo motions to approve
ii. Senator Rumayor seconds
iii. Discussion
President Flores: I am nominating Emmanuel to this board and he has no problem
asking hard questions. I was considering him for TAPS Advisory committee but I
thought that this is a higher step up. He will sit next to Michael Reese.
Senator (Emmanuel) Garai: Hello everyone. He is nominating me for this position
and is something that was discussed over summer. Due to their internal auditing, it
would be better if I sat on the student advisory board. I will be there to voice their
Paper vote
g. Senate Action: Creation of ICC RCO Travel Line Item (Introduced by Senator Kwan)
i. Senator Kwan motions to approve
ii. Senator Rumayor seconds
iii. Senator Kwan motions to table until next week
iv. Senator Carlson seconds
v. No discussion
1. Vote unanimously approved
h. Senate Action: Transfer of $22,220.00 from the ASUCM 2014-2015 ASUCM
General Fund to the ICC RCO Travel Line Item (Introduced by Senator Kwan)
i. Senator Kwan motions to approve
ii. Senator Carlson seconds
iii. Discussion
1. Senator Kwan: The reason that I will table this bill and the last, this will be in
conjunction with the ICC bylaws. I wills send out the reasoning for the increase.
iv. Motion to table for one week
v. Senator Carlson seconds
vi. No discussion
vii. Vote
1. Unanimously approved
i. Bill #06- Catholic Newman Club Fellowship of Catholic University Students
Conference (Introduced by Senator Garai)
i. Senator Garai motions to send to all committees
ii. Senator Lomio seconds
iii. No discussion
iv. Sent
j. Bill #07- AMSA 12th National UC Davis Pre-Health Student Alliance Conference
(Introduced by Sens. Kwan and Pelayo)
Senator Kwan send to committee as a whole
ii. Senator Fitzgerald seconds
iii. No discussion
iv. Senator Kwan motions to enter Committee as a Whole
v. Senator Zisser seconds
vi. Discussion
Senator Kwan: The reason why this is entering Committee as a Whole, is because
there was an issue with the e-mailing system. We needed to have it passed now. It
was an electronic e-mail failure.
vii. Vote
Unanimous approved
viii. Committee as a whole approved
ix. Discussion
Senator Kwan: At the conference, people get to network. I would like to point out
that these organizations have hosted events individually, like DEMS health social
event, Phi Delta Epsilon Glow Run to Children’s Miracle Network, Carnival in
Pink, and Valley Fever Awareness Day. Only $55 is spent per student. If this bill is
passed as is, will be the largest numbers of students sent to a conference and the
cheapest in ASUCM history.
Senator Jones: My concern was the price because it is 10 grand to send 150 when
last year was 5 grand to send 96 students.
Senator Kwan: If memory serves me correctly, the date that ASUCM passed the bill
was within 4 days within the last day to purchase tickets. Many students decided to
pay the fee themselves. The bus coordinator counted 169 students attend. We know
that more than the approximated 150 students will attend this year.
Senator Garai: Can you break down the package?
Senator Kwan: Originally the package was $90 and students would pay $30 out of
pocket per students, now it is $95 and $35 out of pocket per students. It includes
two nights, transportation to Davis, Transportation to event, food and tickets.
Senator Muñoz: If I am looking at it correctly, it each club is committed to send 25
members? It sounds like a big number.
Senator Kwan: I asked each club attending to be responsible of sending 25 students.
These clubs were also tabling to allow public to attend the conference.
Senator Carlson: You have guys in accountability. One thousand buffer and a hard
line cost and is a set price. It doesn’t seem to make sense.
Senator Lomio: Why didn’t you ask each org how many students that they wanted
to send?
10. Senator Jones: Conflict with civility, respect opinions
11. Senator Lomio: How many are going in each organization?
12. Senator Kwan: We are still assigning people and the $35 amount will increase if
this bill is cut. We have a rough estimate and we have locked in people yet the rest
is saying that if $35 is paid. In section 1.5
13. Senator Quarnstrom: Can you clarify what the one grand buffer is for?
14. Senator Kwan: it is for taxes. It can be amended to reflect tax now
15. Senator Lomio: There is 103 for sure that are wanting to go and then the rest will be
from tabling. All of the organizations will be tabling from now until when the
deadline comes up.
16. Senator Lomio motions to leave committee as a whole
17. Senator Lomio rescinds his motion
18. Senator Kwan: I found a way to volunteer at the event and I am also staying with
19. Senator Pelayo: I will not be benefiting from this. I just want to remind you that this
impacts a lot of students on campus and this will be a great event.
20. Senator Jones: I already talked to David about the packaged deal and it is ok
21. Senator Carlson: I think this is a great bill and gives a lot of interest to students in
the medical field. We still need 50 students.
22. Senator Lomio: In the past, there are other orgs who have created bills like this and
it is not a rare case to that way. The tabling is possible and is a great way to get
people into the field.
23. Senator Quarnstrom: Where does the money end up?
24. Senator Kwan: The money returns to general fund
25. Senator Muñoz: It would increase the price?
26. Senator Carlson: Increase each cost for each students
x. Senator Quarnstrom motions to leave committee as a whole
xi. Senator Lomio seconds
xii. No discussion
xiii. Unanimous approved
xiv. Vote
Senator Garai, Senator Quarnstrom, Senator Zisser, Senator Rumayor, Senator
Lomio, Senator Fitzgerald, Senator Pelayo, Senator Muñoz, Senator Kwan, Senator
Senator Carlson opposes
xv. Approved
k. Bill #08- Chi Alpha’s Fall Retreat (Introduced by Senator Jones)
i. Senator Jones motions to send to all committees
ii. Senator Lomio seconds
iii. No discussion
iv. Sent
Resolution #02- UC Merced National Hazing Prevention (Introduced by Senator Jones)
i. Senator Jones motions to send to all committees
ii. Senator Carlson seconds
iii. No discussion
iv. Sent
m. Bill #09- ICC By-Laws (Introduced by Senator Kwan)
i. Senator Kwan to all committees
ii. Senator Lomio seconds
iii. No discussion
iv. Sent
f. Announcements
a. Senator Rumayor: tomorrow is a blood drive
b. Senator Carlson: Sigma Chi and the volleyball and smoothie machine. This is an
issue that I saw last week, we would like to pertinent to their committee to decide
for. Pay attention to your duties.
c. IVP Mondo: Chancellor Leland has 15 minutes blocks to meet with her
d. Senator Lomio: Is it still possible to enter an open discussion? I wanted to ask what
the Senate wanted for this academic year.
e. Senator Garai: I am partnering with Director of Student Advocacy with a water
resolution and an ROTC Program. Just look into that and why it is beneficial for us.
Email me if any questions.
f. President Flores: I know Kevin talked about it, the Senate Actions were tabled for a
specific reasons and will change the structure of ICC. Ask tough questions and talk
about this. Have hard conversations.
g. Senator Garai: Sean mentioned our Ad Hoc committee, we discussed a lot over the
meeting and we should discuss the concerns.
h. Steve: Thank you for spreading the word for the leadership conference and the food
pantry. It will be the largest food pantry by far. National Hazing Prevention Week
and there is a video contest.
i. President Flores: Armand sent out a “whenisgood,” and tabling is encouraged. I will
table next week with coffee with the president. I will encourage the exec to do it.
g. Adjournment
a. Senator Garai motions to adjourn
b. Senator Carlson seconds
c. No discussion
d. Adjourned at 10:12pm