Lowndes County Public Schools LESSON PLANS Teacher: Wheeler Date: September 8-12, 2014 Subject: English Block: 1, 2, 3 Alabama COS: standards RL. 8.2- Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including its relationship to the characters, setting, and plot; provide an objective summary of the text. ACTIVATING LEARNING STRATEGY: KWL Survey First Word Word Splash Possible Sentence Concept Map Word Map Frayer Model Engagement Strategies: - Collaborative Group Work - Questioning Techniques Technology Integration: Clickers ACCESS COGNITIVE TEACHING STRATEGIES: Anticipation Guide Think-Pair-Share Vocabulary Overview Daily Language Practice (DLP)___________________ - Writing to Learn - Scaffolding Text Lecture Reading Model Graphic Organizer/VLT Pictograph Diagram Poem, Rhymes, etc. Acronyms/Word Writing: __summary______ Hands-on Mind Map/Visual Guide Other: ____________ - Literacy Groups -Classroom Talk TWIRL:_____________________ Other: ____________________ Smart board Document Camera IPADS Mac Books Computers Kindles Interactive Tablets Computer Program:________________________________ Other:______________________________________ This Week’s Vocabulary: Relay, clutch, prodigy, liable, sidekick, crouch, plot, setting, characters, affect, conclude, evident, imply, initial Digital/ Video Camera PROCEDURAL CONTENT (application) Monday Essential Question Objective(s) Preview (Before) Tuesday What does inference mean? Thursday What is the stories resolution? What are our goals as a class? Students will understand the definition of conflict and be able to predict an outcome of a story. Students will be use critical thinking skills to analyze the story’s conflict and resolution. Students will be assessed on their knowledge of plot, conflict, and specific story information. Preview and Predict before strategy. Students will spend 3-5 minutes previewing text and make educated predictions on what the story will be about and record them on paper to turn in. (5 minutes) Close reading of text“Ransom of Red Chief” Discuss the use of humor and irony. 3-2-1 3 Details about “Ransom of Red Chief” 2 things that were funny about the story 1 question that you may still have about the story. (5-7 minutes) Complete pages 35-37. Conflict and resolution chart will be completed. Previous day’s predictions will be used to discuss whether or not their predictions were accurate and if they were surprised by the outcome. (30 minutes) Brief test review. Teacher lead questions. Allow for student questions. (10 minutes) Teacher lead class discussion of the two stories that were read this week. Students will jot notes to create a workable study guide for the test that will be given on Friday. (15 minutes) Student’s will access their Edmodo accounts and fill out the brief survey regarding this week’s lessons. What is Plot? Students will know what the definition of plot is and they will be able to fill out a plot story map. KWL- What do you know about plot? Smart presentation of plot description. Students will know the definition of inference and be able to activate prior knowledge and context clues to make inferences. Quick write (5 minutes)summary of “Raymond’s Run” Briefly allow students to present their quick writes to the class. (10 Minutes) (15 minutes) Instruction (During) Wednesday What is conflict within the context of a short story? Text reading-- class popcorn reading of “Raymond’s Run.” Chunk text in order to check vocabulary understanding. Discuss the progression of the plot, setting, and characters. Smart board presentation of Inference. Discuss how to make inferences within a short story or any written work. Students will complete pages 18-19 in Interactive Reader. (35 minutes) (35 minutes) Friday Test on weekly vocabulary and short stories “Raymond’s Run’ and “Ransom of Red Chief” (30 minutes) (After) Discuss plot structure of story. Complete KWL and turn in. (10 minutes) Exit slip--- How would you feel if you were Raymond’s sister? Students will access Edmodo to take brief quiz on “Ransom of Red Chief” (10-15 minutes) Edmodo quiz Extension/ Refining Completion of KWL Homework Story plot map of “Raymond’s Run”- character web Edmodo survey of weeks lesson. Study for test. Will be a major grade. Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, and Resolution. Assessment (formal or informal): Summarizing: 3-2-1 class work Ticket out the Door notebook homework The Important Thing quizzes Cue Cards tests computer activities Teacher Questions collaborative work Student Summary project based Other: KWL_ Other:___