بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم Islamic University of Gaza Electrical Engineering Department Signal & Linear Systems (EELE 3310) By Basil Hamed, Ph. D. Control Systems Engineering www.iugaza.edu/homes/bhamed http://site.iugaza.edu.ps/bhamed/ Course Syllabus Islamic University of Gaza Faculty of Engineering Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Signal & Linear Systems (EELE 3310) Pre-Requisite: Electric Circuits (EELE 2311, OR EELE 2312) Instructor Office e-mail WebSite Phone Meeting : Basil Hamed, Ph.D. Control Systems Engineering : B229 : bhamed@ iugaza.edu bahamed@hotmail.com : http://site.iugaza.edu.ps/bhamed/ : 2860700 Ext. 2875 : (Sat Mon Wed) 9:00-10:00 (L 512) 10:00-11:00 (K 308) 3 Course Syllabus Course Description: Transform methods for solution of continuous- and discrete-time systems. Fourier and Laplace transform, Frequency response, Continuous- and discrete-time convolution. Linear systems analysis, Signal spectra: Fourier series; modulation schemes; sampling theorem; discretetime signals; and transform; elements of the Ztransform. Prerequisite: Electric Circuit II (EELE 2311,OR EELE 2312) Corequisite: Differential Equations 4 Course Syllabus Text Book: Linear Systems & Signals 2nd Ed. B.P. Lahti, 2005 References: • Continuous and Discrete Signals and Systems by S. Soliman & M. Srinath • • • • • • Signals & Systems: R. Ziemer, W. Tranter & D. Fannin Signals, Systems, and Transforms: Leland Jackson Fundamentals of Signals and Systems: E. Kamen & B. Heck. Signals and Systems, Haykin, and Van Veen Signals and Systems, Third Edition by Chi-Tsong Chen, 2004 Computer Explorations in Signals and Systems, Buck, Daniel, and Singer. Teaching Assistant Eng. M. Mashahrawee(Males) Eng. Besan (Females) 5 Course Syllabus Course Aim: • To introduce class participants to the basic concepts of signal and systems analysis as a fundamental analysis and design tool in electrical and computer engineering. • To develop an understanding the fundamental concepts and applications of continuous and discrete time systems. Analyze the behavior of each type using appropriate methods. • To develop an understanding of the time-domain and frequencydomain viewpoint and role of transforms. • To develop skills in the mechanics of Fourier, Laplace and Ztransforms, and the use of DFT. • To give students knowledge and ability of determining the stability of a system for both continuous and digital systems. • To provide the students an opportunity to apply the knowledge of above material in a practical (project) experience 6 Course Syllabus Materials Covered: • Elementary Signals (Continuous & Digital) and their properties (Periodic vs. Aperiodic, Energy and Power signals), also other types of Signals are presented. • Continuous-Time Systems ( Linear and Nonlinear Systems, Time-varying and Time-Invariant Systems, Systems with and without Memory, Causal Systems, Invertibility and Inverse Systems, and stable Systems) • State-Variable Representation; State Equations, Time-Domain Solution of the State Equations, State Equations in First and Second Canonical Forms. • Fourier series: Definition, properties, alternate forms, and the application to circuit analysis. • Fourier transforms: Definition, properties, functional and operational transforms, inverse transforms, Perseval's theorem and their application to circuit analysis. • Laplace transforms: Definition, properties, functional and operational transforms, and inverse transforms. Circuit Analysis: Application of Laplace transforms to circuit analysis. • Z-transforms: Definition, properties, functional and operational transforms, and inverse transforms • Related topics: Transfer functions, impulse response, convolution, steady-state and transient analysis. 7 Course Syllabus Grading System: Homework &Quizzes Mid term Exam (16/11/2015) Class Time Final Exam ( 6 /1/2016) 1:30-3:30 20 % 30 % 50 % Quizzes: Will be given in the discussion by the T.A Homework Homework assignments are to be returned on time. No excuses will be accepted for any delay. Office Hours Open-door policy, by appointment or as posted. 8 Signals LTI System + H(z) G(z) 9 Type of Signals u[n] 1 – Discrete n -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 u(t) – Continuous 10 What is a System? • System: Black box that takes input signal(s) and converts to output signal(s). • Discrete-Time System: y[n] = H[x[n]] x[n] y[n] H • Continuous-Time System: y(t) = H(x(t)) x(t) H y(t) 11 See You next Monday 12