Hendry County Vision

Strategic and Transformational Initiative
An Administrative Plan to carry out the County's Vision
and Mission
Charles T. Chapman IV
County Administrator
August 27, 2013
"Be the change you want to see in the world." Unknown
August 27, 2013
Honorable Board of County Commissioners:
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve you, the residents of Hendry County
and this wonderful community that we are fortunate to call home.
Our county is in the midst of change. The State of Florida is in the midst of change.
Business is not conducted in the same manner as it was ten, five, or even two years
ago. The disposition of the voting public is changing. No longer are we able as a
county government to accept the precepts of conducting the public’s business based on
historical precedent.
The previous models of governing have resulted in a voting public who feel
disconnected, disenfranchised, and unheard by its public service agencies. This “new
normal” presents daily challenges for local governments to renew relationships with
residents, meet and exceed expectations, and increase transparency and integrity while
balancing revenues and expenditures. As diverse as Hendry County is, we cannot
afford to allow the negative trends of the “new normal” to continue, but rather embrace
the opportunities presented to reinvent our industry.
Over the last three months, I have met with a wide variety of County elected officials
and interest groups.
This plan represents the results of those meetings and the
common vision that emerged from them. I intend to continue to build upon these
relationships through regular meetings and conversations with our stakeholder groups
that produce results.
The process for moving Hendry County forward into the “new normal” of our post
modern, social-media driven culture begins with a constant and consistent assessment
and improvement processes.
The new normal requires greater attention by Hendry County to the following seven
Tirelessly exercising good stewardship of the public's money.
Demonstrating to the public that we, the County, are here to serve them, and we
are on their side.
Producing bigger and better ideas to meet and resolve the real issues facing our
Relentlessly seeking to become the most transparent, accessible, and open
organization possible.
Actively seeking public input in important decisions.
Tackling the improvement of our community’s livability, sustainability, and
economic competitiveness head-on.
Providing county employees an organization framework that reinforces the above
tenants as our culture and empowers them to help people.
The remainder of this document specifically addresses how we will build this
organizational culture into a dynamic, community focused, and performance driven
culture. In the forthcoming fiscal year, my proposed internal structure will enable us to
activate this renewed organizational culture, align the County with the Board’s vision
and strategic priorities, and optimize our resources. All with the purpose of providing the
best possible services to our residents.
My goal is to constantly and continuously foster your confidence in our ability and
capacity to serve Hendry County and to become even more proud of how we
accomplish this service. Again, I appreciate your confidence in me to take this post and
I will unceasingly strive to earn your trust and the trust of our residents every day.
Charles T. Chapman IV
County Administrator
Our philosophy for transforming daily operations is based on the following four precepts:
Demonstrating performance and results
Promoting transparency, accountability and accessibility
Partnering with our community and empowering citizens
Connecting with citizens who see us as responsible stewards of our community
We will optimize our resources and performance by providing an organizational culture
that creates an environment for employees to succeed by:
Instilling our culture throughout the organization with our core values and practices
as drivers
Aligning the key strategic processes (vision, mission, strategic priorities, initiatives,
business plans, program and employee evaluations, and reporting)
Measuring results (not activity) and benchmarking performance. We are all about
the numbers.
Embracing innovation and technology
Empowering employees and encouraging vigorous competition to generate ideas.
Vision Statement:
The long term “BIG IDEA” of what Hendry County government looks and
performs like in the world. The desired future state of the organization, its
direction, and what it intends to be and how it is perceived in getting there.
Mission Statement:
The overall function of Hendry County government and what it can (and/or
does) do or contribute to fulfill the vision statement.
Core Values:
The guiding principles of the organization that base each individual’s
performance and conduct.
Strategic Priorities:
Vital strategic issues or topics that need to be successfully addressed if the
County is to move forward in accomplishing its stated vision. These are high
level goal statements that articulate long-term targets to focus effort, resources
and performance. These goals are to be revised annually by the Board for
evaluation of progress and refinement if necessary.
Strategic Initiatives:
Upon the adoption of the Board's goals, the County Administrator will ensure
the development of strategies or actions to move the County forward in
achieving them, which may be new or continued from prior years. These
strategic initiatives will be identified and presented to the Board for approval
during the budget process.
Action Plans:
These are resource commitments and time lines for the accomplishment of
strategic initiatives.
Various organizational units (departments, divisions,
offices, or teams) may be responsible for carrying out strategic initiatives for
Board priorities.
Business Plans:
Each organization unit (department, division, office, or team) will develop a
business plan, prepared as a part of the budget process, which identifies roles in
carrying out strategic initiatives, desired outcomes, benchmark measurements,
and performance measurements aligned with desired outcomes. Business plans
will be evaluated by the County Administrator and Leadership Team for Return
on Vision (ROV).
3 Pillars Review:
Utilizing the “3” Pillars (People, Performance, and Place): Each organizational
unit must evaluate itself honestly through the assessment of organizational
metrics, progress on current strategies, customer and employee relationships,
technologies, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT).
Organizational unit success will be monitored against desired outcomes and
benchmark measures. Employee appraisals will include an assessment of
behavioral alignment with core values and core practices.
Progress will be evaluated by the County Administrator and Leadership Team,
with adaptation and the realignment of resources made when appropriate.
Employees at all levels are encouraged to identify areas for improvement and to
participate in operational improvement teams.
Annual performance, quarterly performance, financial and State-of-the-County
reports will be presented to the Board and to the public.
Core Practices:
Workplace practices which set the stage for the desired workplace culture.
Vision, Mission, Values and
Strategic Priorities
Performance, Future Demand
and Recommendations
Triple Play Review and
Strategic Initiatives
Program Performance, Benchmarking,
Customer Inputs, Audits, and
Employee Performance
Business Plans, Return on
Vision, and Performance
Annual Budget and Capital
Improvement Plan
Execute Plans, Ongoing
Reviews, Adaptations and
There are so many ways that Hendry County directly impacts the daily lives of our residents and shapes
our community. Hendry County government will pursue these opportunities in a way which
demonstrates our belief that our community and residents are worth caring about, worth investing in
and worth our best possible efforts. As stewards and providers we must be responsible and responsive
with high quality services.
Our organization culture will be one of constant improvement to become the highest performing
organization we can be. The County agencies will improve while upholding our values and constantly
learning and keeping the public trust. We not only must build the public trust, but also convey the
relevance of our programs and services provided-for and alongside our residents.
Hendry County is to be the standard for transparency, accessibility and accountability in Florida. We are
to be the model for engagement of our residents and community partners in making important
decisions facing our community, as well as creating and sustaining an attractive place for talent, fosters
economic opportunity and offers an un-paralleled quality of life.
Through these values we acknowledge the importance of people and drive for high performance results
in our organizational culture and will model a 21st century government that our residents will trust and
other governments will benchmark against.
Hendry County Government
We Believe In:
Giving the “WOW!” factor experience to our residents through exemplary customer
service: Employees will deliver the best service with pride, passion and determination. County
employees will be responsible for anticipating problems, finding solutions and taking appropriate
action in “real time.” Listen, be empathetic, be courteous, prioritize customers’ satisfaction and
exceed expectations. -Residents will know that they are the reason we are here
Connecting with residents beyond customer service and engage in community
relevance: We will convey the County’s mission, connect and engage with the public as
stakeholders in the community’s success. Communicate regularly, solicit ideas and embrace
partnerships.-Residents will know they are a part of the bigger picture
Demonstrating the highest standards of public service: County employees will be
honorable, truthful and sincere. Adhere to the highest standards of ethical behavior, avoid
circumstances that create even an appearance of impropriety and carry out the public’s
business in a manner that benefits the public interest and the common good. Align the County’s
core values and core practices with words and actions. –Residents will know that we are on
their side
Accepting individual and organizational accountability: We will take responsibility for our
decisions, actions, behaviors and for the quality of work performed individually and in team
environments. Actively promote transparency. Own and learn from mistakes, and move
forward. Mistakes born of initiative will be celebrated as learning experiences, mistakes born of
neglect will not be tolerated-as responsibilities to residents, community and co-workers are too
important. -Hendry County will be a learning organization
Exhibiting respect for people, diversity and fairness: Provide employees with necessary
equipment, resources and training. Ensure employees receive equitable opportunity for growth,
learning and recognition. Make employment decisions impartially. Respect the diversity of our
residents, co-workers and elected officials. We will not tolerate discrimination. Hendry County
will conduct its business founded on an ethic based on respect.
Employing a team approach: We will build a collaborative work environment which promotes
interdepartmental coordination and cooperation. Further we will foster an organizational
competition of ideas. We will utilize interdepartmental teams to optimize employee innovation
and talents. Ensure team members are clear of their role and where they fit in. Ensure team
members feel they can depend on other team members to achieve clearly articulated
organizational goals. Value the strengths that result from varied experiences, ideas and
perspectives. Employees can produce bigger and better ideas and seize the opportunity
to address the problems which face our community.
Being responsible stewards of our community resources: We will demonstrate value in
delivering cost effective, high quality services. Continuously seek out new and efficient ways to
raise the bar. Show respect for the environment by implementing and being a community
catalyst for sustainable practices. Engage in the continuous effort to create and sustain a place
which attracts talent, fosters economic opportunity and offers an unmatched quality of life.
Employees tirelessly enhance our community’s livability, sustainability and economic
Demonstrating performance, value and results: Be the standard for performance as a 21st
century county government. Drive performance through a people focused and results driven
culture. Provide a structure for employees to succeed through our core values and practices
which will perpetuate consistency and persistency of vision and alignment of key processes.
Employees will understand the County's vision, embrace the core values and engage in the
core practices. Establishment of goals, measurement of results and reports of successes are
expected. Raising the bar for performance for other county governments to benchmark against.
Employees have a structure in place to succeed and are empowered to help people.
The persistence of this vision and living our culture through our core
practices will lead to the following results:
Residents are empowered, engaged and have a sense of community. They feel that County
government is on their side, that decisions are made equitably and that their voice is heard.
They feel respected and believe that county officials are responsible stewards of the
community’s resources.
County Commissioners are continually growing in their confidence of County staff and the
capacity of the organization to carry out the vision of the Board on behalf of our residents. They
are prepared and receiving timely, accurate and complete information and analysis upon which
to make the best policy decisions. They recognize the County employees, at all levels, are
innovative problem solvers who respect the will of the Board and are committed to exceeding
the highest expectations of customer services.
County Employees fully embrace and live by our core practices and enhance our people
focused and results oriented organizational culture. They demonstrate pride in their work and
their community, are always striving to improve levels of service and performance and are
empowered to help the people they serve.
Take Action with Strategic and Smart Teams
Strategy Teams:
These are teams that are specific to addressing long term processes of the County. They
review our performance metrics, spending histories, assets and contracts to identify best
practices and efficiencies. Consists of upper level management employees
Smart Teams
These teams are more project specific in that they review individual capital projects as well as
operational procedures and look for improvements to how we conduct business on a daily basis
and make recommendations to Strategy Teams for consideration. Consists of a cross section
of upper and lower level employees.
Organizational Review
An organizational review related to strategic initiatives, improvements and efficiencies
In the time since the Commission’s action to select me as County Administrator, I have conducted an
initial review of the organization, related to the identification of strategic initiatives, improvement and
efficiencies. The following includes a review of organizational resources required to continue high
priorities of the Board, as well as our organizational readiness to realize improvements and efficiencies
in the near term and those which will require longer term organizational emphasis.
As County Administrator, much time and effort is involved in carrying out the legislative and policy
direction of the Board. This includes pursuing strategic initiatives, consistent with the Board’s strategic
priorities and budgetary authority, which currently focus County resources on Economic Development,
Protection of the Environment, Revenue Diversification, and Increasing Resident Engagement.
While the Board sets forth its vision and strategic direction for FY 2014-2015, during its upcoming
retreat in January 2014, the County Administrator’s review will be used to determine considerable staff
resources will continue to be committed next year to current initiatives, such as those identified below:
Continue to support the Board’s priority of economic development.
Review, improvements and efficiencies to be made to the Land Use Code and Comprehensive
Plan to expedite permitting processes.
Diversification of revenues and improve controls on expenses.
In addition to ensuring the Board’s legislative and policy direction are carried out, as Chief Executive
Officer, I am responsible for ensuring the efficient and effective day-to-day operation of County
Government. As part of that dual role, the County Administrator’s responsibilities include providing
for the sound fiscal, strategic, and management oversight and leadership for over 120 employees
who serve more than 40,000 residents. As part of this initial review, Department’s and Divisions
were asked the following questions:
1. Please provide any current rules, regulations, policies, codes, etc. that are currently enacted by
the Board/Administration that you would eliminate without any degradation to the services
provided by your department/division.
2. Are there any services/programs currently provided or conducted by County staff that could be
provided through an alternative method (i.e. contracted, partnership, etc.)? Please explain.
3. Describe any opportunities to provide the service in a more efficient manner, change the level of
the service, or change the nature or intensity of the services.
4. Do any of the functions performed by your department/division overlap internally between
positions or externally with other departments? Please explain.
5. If you had to consolidate functions, what would you consolidate and how?
6. Please provide at least one program you would eliminate if required. What would the impact be
to your customers (either internal or external)?
7. Identify whether an implementation of a new technology solution would save money, create
efficiencies, or improve client services in your department’s service area.
The departments and divisions provided numerous examples and opportunities for improvements
that can be made in the organization. Some are very straightforward and can be implemented
immediately. Some of these recommendations have been include in the FY2013-2014 budget.
Others do not have a specific budget impact and are being addressed through this report. Over the
next several months, additional areas will be further studied and reviewed prior to determining if
implementation is appropriate.
The balance of this section is organized as follows:
Immediate actions, opportunities we can pursue in this budget
Near term actions, instituted during the FY2013-2014 budget approval process
Near term actions, anticipated for completion by June 2013. Some of these actions are
being pursued; others, however, are conditioned upon Board approval
Longer term efforts, which may take a year or more to complete. Some of these actions are
conditioned upon Board approval
Immediate Action:
1. Monthly expenditure budget reviews
2. Quarterly Budget Reports to the Board
3. Complete Assignment reporting system by managerial staff to create an internal planning
center and enhance intra-department collaboration
4. Begin the process of a Hendry County Legislative Program to include the interests of the
County, City of Clewiston, City of LaBelle and Hendry County School District
Near Term Actions:
1. Improve, finalize and re-launch website
2. Create and utilize a Voluntary Separation Incentive Program (VSIP) to afford the
organization an opportunity to reevaluation certain organizational alignments
3. Design and implement an employee wellness program to improve our employee's lives and
reduce our health care premiums over time
4. Implement an enhanced workplace safety program to protect our employees well-being and
to reduce our accidents on the job
5. Institute the "Be The Change" campaign
6. Build a partnership with the Hendry County School District, Edison State College and Florida
Gulf Coast University to establish internships and work force training opportunities
7. Develop and Institute the "Connect 4" Resident Engagement Series (Balance Budget, SpeedDate a Commissioner, Community Values Part I and Community Values Part II)
8. Limit payroll to direct deposit payments, with online pay stubs
9. Develop an immediate Economic Development Action Plan in coordination with the Hendry
County EDC
10. Establish a Development Design Studio to foster early collaboration between developers,
residents and Planning/land use Staff
Long Term Effort (Requires Board Direction)
1. Research the possibility of a bond for sewer and wastewater infrastructure in strategic
commercial development locations
2. Create and implement an independent commission to direct and plan for the use of a
specific tax for transportation, infrastructure and economic development improvements
3. Reduce the size of the Land Use Code and Comprehensive Plan to align with the Economic
Development Action Plan
4. Evaluate the consolidation of all construction management functions
5. Evaluate long term email and office software solutions
6. Evaluate functional consolidation opportunities
7. Consolidate all general government administrative functions into one location.
8. Institute a greener fleet by utilizing natural gas vehicles
9. Develop a design studio within the Department of Engineering and Planning and establish an
interdepartmental visioning team
10. Achieve a 75% recycling goal by 2025 that is a state requirement for many local
11. Develop a long term Economic Development Action Plan
12. Create and establish a Commission on the Status of Women and Girls in Hendry County
13. Create and establish a Commission on the Status of Minority and Women Owned Small
Businesses and Enterprises