Curriculum Vitae - Academia Europaea

Curriculum Vitae
César Domínguez
Associate Professor of Comparative Literature
Jean Monnet Chair in The Culture of European Integration
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
Department of Spanish Literature, Literary Theory & Linguistics
Facultade de Filoloxía
Burgo das Nacións s/nº
15782 Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña)
Office 127
Phone: (0034) 881811771
Fax: (0034) 881811818
Current position
Associate Professor. University of Santiago de Compostela (BOE 8-I-2004, DOG 13I-2004).
Research fields
Theory, methodology and history of comparative literature; Comparative Iberian
Literatures; Comparative European Literature; Transatlantic Studies; Translation
Studies; World literature.
Department of Spanish Literature.
Department of Art History.
1995-2001. PhD in Literary Theory & Comparative Literature. Summa
cum laude with honors. University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain).
1994-1995. First Year of MA Studies “Hispanic Studies”. Brown
University (USA). Graduate student in residence.
1989-1993. BA in Spanish Philology (Section Spanish literature). Summa
cum laude with honors. University of Valencia (Spain).
Title: Repertorio romance de la “materia de Ultramar” hispanomedieval (siglos
XIII-XV). Un estudio comparado de la literatura de cruzada (Romance Repertoire of
the Hispano-medieval “Matter of Outremer.” A Comparative Study of Crusading
Literature). Supervisors: Luis Iglesias Feijoo and Fernando Cabo Aseguinolaza.
2001. Grade: Summa cum laude with honors.
Examining board: Darío Villanueva, Alan Deyermond, Carlos Alvar, Vicenç Beltrán
and Rafael Beltrán.
Academic honors
"Jean Monnet Chair"-'The Culture of European Integration'.
European Commission, September 2012—.
Sabbatical leave 2009-2010 (competitive selection).
Academic Excellence Award. Galician Government. November 11,
Award of Excellence in Doctoral Studies. University of Santiago de
Compostela. 2000-01.
Award of Excellence in Bachelor of Arts Studies. University of
Valencia. 1994.
Funded stay for Visiting Senior Professor and Researcher at King’s
College London awarded by the General Office for Universities,
Ministry of Education, September 1, 2009/July 31, 2010. Report of
August 25, 2009 (BOE September 19, 2009).
Fellowship awarded by the European Commission for Teaching
Mobility, April 2009.
Fellow researcher on the project “Dictionaries of literature.”
Diccionario de termos literarios. “Ramón Piñeiro” Center for the
Humanities, October 15, 1998-October 31, 1999.
Fellow graduate student. Fundación Caja Madrid, 1998.
Fellow graduate student. Galician Government, October 1, 1995March 31, 1998.
Fellow student. Brown University (USA), September 1, 1994-June 30,
1995. Graduate student in residence.
Associate Professor of Comparative Literature. University of
Santiago de Compostela.
Assistant Professor. University of Santiago de Compostela.
Full Time (T3-C08).
Assistant Professor. University of Santiago de Compostela.
Part Time (T3-P6).
Research Projects Funded by Regional, National and/or European
Research Projects Leader
Europe, in comparison: EU, identity and the idea of European
literature, EUROCOM (FFI2010-16165). Funding institution:
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.
Medieval literatures in a world context. Towards a problematization
of the literary Middle Ages, LITMECOM. (INCITE09-204-073PR).
Funding institution: Consellería de Economía e Industria, Xunta de
Research Projects Member
Towards a theory of comparative literary history from the Iberian
Peninsula (HUM2007-62467/FILO). Funding institution: Ministry
of Education & Science. Supervisor: Fernando Cabo Aseguinolaza.
Activity: Senior Researcher. Status: Full time.
Comparative history of literatures applied to the Iberian Peninsula
(HUM2004-00314). Funding institution: Ministry of Education &
Science. Supervisor: Fernando Cabo Aseguinolaza. Activity: Senior
Researcher. Status: Full time.
Matter of Britain’s characters. (BFF2002-00958). Funding
institution: Ministry of Education & Science. Supervisor: Pilar
Lorenzo Gradín. Activity: Senior researcher. Status: Part time.
Methodological bases for a comparative history of literatures in the
Iberian Peninsula. (BFF-2001-3812). Funding institution: Ministry
of Education & Science. Supervisor: Fernando Cabo Aseguinolaza.
Activity: Senior Researcher. Status: Part time.
Poetry and cancioneros (BFF2000-0759-C03-01). Funding
institution: Dirección General de Investigación (Ministry of Science
& Technology). Supervisor: Vicenç Beltrán Pepió. Activity: Senior
Researcher. Status: Part time.
Historiographical and documentary prose in medieval Galicia:1415th centuries (PGIDT00PXI20404PR). Funding institution: S
ecretaría Xeral de Investigación e Desenvolvemento (Galician
Government). Supervisor: Maria Mercè López Casas. Activity: Junior
Researcher. Status: Part time.
1997-2000. Poetry and cancioneros (PB96-1235-C04-01). Funding institution:
Subdirección General de Formación y Promoción del Conocimiento
(Ministry of Education & Culture). Supervisors: Vicenç Beltrán
Pepió and Elvira Fidalgo Francisco. Activity: Junior Researcher.
Status: Part time.
The Galician historiographical system in the autumn of the Middle
Ages: 14-15th centuries. Edition and study (XUGA 20407A97).
Funding institution: Dirección Xeral de Universidades (Galician
Government). Supervisor: Maria Mercè López Casas. Activity:
Junior Researcher. Status: Part time.
Assistant in research projects
External Assistant in the Project “Dictionaries of literature”. Diccionario de termos
literarios. “Ramón Piñeiro” Center for the Humanities. 1 October 1999-present.
Research networks
HERMES: European Network for Literary & Cultural Studies.
Participants: Faculty of Arts Aarhus Universitet (Denmark),
Graduate School for the Humanities Justus-Liebig Giessen
(Germany), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium), Centro
de Estudos Comparatistas, Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal),
University College of London (United Kingdom),
Onderzoekschool Literatuurwetenschap (The Netherlands),
Área de Teoría da literatura e Literatura Comparada, USC
(Spain). Associate members: Standford University (USA) y
University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA). Activity: Spanish
Global Research in Medieval and Modern History.
Supervisor: Carlos Barros Guimeráns. Network: Debating
History. Activity: Research Member.
Research stays
Global Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA). 4-8 April
2011. Status: Scholar in Residence. Activity: teaching & lectures.
Funding Institution: University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Department of Spanish & Spanish-American Studies / Centre for Late
Antique and Medieval Studies / Comparative Literature Programme,
King’s College London (Reino Unido). 1 September 2009/31 July 31
2010. Status: Honorary Research Fellow. Activity: Project “Fictions
of postnational Europe?: The EU, identity, and the idea of European
literature. Funding Institution: Ministry of Education.
Department of Languages & Cultural Studies, University of Limerick
(Limerick, Ireland). 1-31 July 2008. Status: Visiting Scholar. Activity:
Research on Literature and Landscape. Funding Institution: USC.
Department of Languages & Cultural Studies, University of Limerick
(Limerick, Ireland). 1-31 July 2007. Status: Visiting Scholar. Activity:
Research on Literature and Landscape. Funding Institution: USC.
Ústav Svetovej Literatúry SAV (Bratislava, Slovakia). 16 January /16
February 2006. Status: Visiting Scholar. Activity: Research on
Interliterary Theory. Funding Institution: USC.
University of Chicago (Chicago, USA). 14-23 April 2000. Program:
Doctoral Fellow. Activity: Doctoral research. Funding institution:
Queen Mary & Westfield College. University of London (London, UK).
30 June /11 August 1999. Status: Doctoral Fellow. Activity:
Doctoral research in the Medieval Hispanic Research Seminar.
Funding institution: Xunta de Galicia.
Queen Mary & Westfield College. University of London (London, UK).
19 March/19 April 1998. Status: Doctoral Fellow. Activity: Doctoral
research in the Medieval Hispanic Research Seminar. Funding
Institution: Xunta de Galicia.
The University of Wales (Aberystwyth, Wales). 1-30 June 1997.
Status: Doctoral Fellow. Activity: Doctoral research. Funding
institution: Xunta de Galicia.
Harvard University (Cambridge, MA; USA). 7-23 December 1996.
Status: Doctoral Fellow. Activity: Doctoral research. Funding
institution: USC.
Brown University (Providence, RI; USA). 1 August 1994/30 May
1995. Status: Doctoral Fellow. Activity: First Year of MA Studies
“Hispanic Studies”. Funding institution: Brown University.
Teaching experience
Teaching Awards (by the USC Rector)
Positive assessment of two five-year periods of teaching duties, awarded by the
University of Santiago de Compostela (1995-2007).
Positive assessment of two five-year periods of teaching duties, awarded by the
Galician Government (1995-2007).
Undergraduate (1999-2013)
University de Santiago de Compostela
Literature and Art in the Ancient and Medieval World (2010-13)
Trajectories of European Literature (2010-13)
Comparative Literature (2011-13)
Introduction to Comparative Literature (2002-03 and 2007-09)
Literary Rhetoric (2001-08)
Literary Theory (1999-2009)
Theory & Structure of Literary Genres (1999-2002)
Other universities
University of Wisconsin-Madison
a) LitTran 276 ‘Introduction to World Literatures’ (2010-11)
Graduate (2001-13)
Master in Theoretical and Comparative Literary & Cultural Studies. Award of
Excellence (MCD2003-00827). Máster Mundus “Crossways in the Humanities”.
a) Europe as Literary Geography (2008-2013)
b) Global Comparative Literature (2008-2009)
c) East/West Comparative Poetics (2008-2009)
d) Comparative Literature and Translation (2008-11)
Master in Medieval European Studies: Images, Texts and Contexts.
a) “Spaces in Outremer: The Representation of Power in the Crusading States”, 1
ECTS (2010-12).
Graduate Program in Literary Theory & Comparative Literature (2001-2009).
Award of Excellence (MCD2003-00827).
a) Research Methods in Comparative Literature (2007-08)
b) Comparative Literature: Principles, Methods, Applications (2005-06)
c) Problems of Comparative Literary History: Applications to the Iberian Domain*
d) Comparative Thematics of Medieval Literature: Theory & Practice (2001-03)
[*This seminar has been taught by invitation in these doctoral programs:
“Contemporary Trends in English Studies” (Award of Excellence MCD 200500244) & “Humanities”].
Graduate Program in Middle Ages: Images, Texts, Contexts. Award of Excellence
(MCD2005-00241). [This seminar is taught by invitation]
a) Medieval Comparativism (2005-09)
Course on History, Theory and Methods for Humanities and Social Sciences [This
seminar is taught by invitation]
a) Geopoetics: Space and the Imaginary in Historical and Literary Discourse
Other universities
Université de Bourgogne (Dijon, France). CAPES-Agrégation
a) “La glosa non creo que es chica” (1631ab): Critical & Comparative Readings of
the Libro de buen amor.
Symposia, panels, workshops & conferences (organization)
2012 "Lejos es aquí / Far Away Is Here. Coloquio Internacional sobre escritura y
migraciones". Universidad de Extremadura. 22-24 November, 2012.
Activity: Member of the Scientific Committee.
2012 II Simposio Internacional "Literatura e crise". Universidade de Santiago de
Compostela, 25-26 October, 2012. Activity: Member of the Organizing
2012 Panel 'Exilio, migración y diáspora en el Atlántico verde'. Brown University,
12.04.2012. Participants: 3. Activity: Organizer.
2012 Seminar 'Teaching European Literature in Imperial Europe'. Brown
University, 29 March-1 April 2012. Participants: 15. Activity: Organizer.
2011 Panel 'L'Altre migrant i la creació d'espais europeus d'hibridació'. Congrès
Internacional Xenografies 2: La representació dels estrangers en la
literatura, els llibres de viatges i altres discursos. Universitat Pompeu Fabra,
8-9 October 2011 (8 October 2011). Participants: 3. Activity: Organizer.
2011 Panel 'World Literature in Spanish Language/s.' University of Beijing.
02.07.2011. Participants: 3 speakers. Activity: Organizer.
2011 Panel 'Imperium Studies: Postcolonial Theory and Medievalism.'
Universidade de Lisboa. 07.06.2011. Participants: 4 speakers. Activity: Coorganizer. Co-organized with Francesco Stella.
2011 Seminar ‘The Middle Ages in a World Context.’ Simon Fraser University
(Vancouver). 31 March/3 April 2011. Participants: 15 speakers. Activity:
Co-organizer. Co-organized with Benjamin M. Liu.
2010 XVIII Simposio de la Sociedad Española de Literatura General y Comparada.
Universitat d’Alacant, September 9-11, 2010. Activity: Member of the
Scientific Board.
2010 Workshop ‘Methodological Challenges of Medieval Literatures in
Contemporary Literary History’. The XIXth Congress of the International
Comparative Literature Association, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea.
15-21 August 2010 (15-19 August 2010). Activity: Organizer.
2009 Symposium “Contemporary Developments in Emergent Literatures and the
New Europe”. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 22-26 June 2009.
Symposium sponsored by the Hermes Consortium for Literary & Cultural
Studies. Participants: 22 PhD. students from European and North
American universities and 5 keynote speakers. Activity: Seminar Leader.
2009 Seminar 'Cosmopolitanism and the Postnational: Literature and the New
Europe.' Harvard University, 26-29 March 2009. Participants: 31 speakers
from American, European, and Asian universities. Activity: Seminar Leader.
2008 Compostellaaurea. VIII Conference of the International Association of the
Golden Age (AISO). Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 7-11 July
2008. Activity: Member of the organizing board.
2007 “Spaces and literary historiography”. Symposium organized with Fernando
Cabo Aseguinolaza & Anxo Abuín González and sponsored by the Section of
Literary Theory & Comparative Literature and the Coordinating Committee
for Comparative Literary History in European Languages de la International
Comparative Literature Association, University of Santiago de Compostela,
June 2007. Participants: Marcel Cornis-Pope, Franca Sinopoli, Carlos
Manuel Ferreira da Cunha, Steven Sondrup, Laura Cavalcante Padilha, Darío
Villanueva, Daniel F. Chamberlain, Randolph Pope, Margaret Higonnet,
Inocência Mata, Elías Torres Feijó, Bradley S. Epps. Activity: Seminar
2004 “The paths of characters in medieval narrative”. International Conference
held at the University of Santiago de Compostela, 1-4 December 2004. The
conference was sponsored by the European Doctoral Program in Romance
Philology. Participants: Cesare Segre, Ana Mª Mussons, Monica
Longobardi, Harvey L. Sharrer, Michelangelo Picone, José Carlos Ribeiro
Miranda, Mercedes Brea, José Mª Viña Liste, Laurence Harf-Lancner, Mª
Luisa Meneghetti, Michel Zink, Pedro Piñero, Alfonso D’Agostino, Alberto
Conte, Ramón Lorenzo. Activity: Academic Secretary.
Editorial board
Spektar. Institute of Macedonian Literature, Ss. Cyril and
Methodius University. ISSN 0352-2423
Interférences littéraires. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven &
Université Catholique de Louvain (Louvain-La-Neuve).
(Scientific Committee).
Oihenart. Cuadernos de Lengua y Literatura. Eusko
Ikaskuntza. ISSN 1137-4454 (Advisory Board).
Mil Seiscientos Dieciséis 1616: Anuario de Literatura
Comparada. Executive Editor.
CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb
Journal. Purdue University Press. ISSN 1481-4374 (Advisory
Board & Associate Editor).
TEXTXET. Studies in Comparative Literature. Series on
Comparative Literature. Publishing House: Rodopi (The
Netherlands). ISSN 0927-5754 (Editorial Board).
Assessor for research projects and research visits. Ministry of Economy, Spanish
Member of the Committee of the National Agency for Research Evaluation (ANEP),
Spanish Government.
Erasmus Coordinator with Aarhus University (Section of
Comparative Literature).
Vice-Head of the Department of Spanish Literature, Literary
Theory & Linguistics.
Member of the Committee for the MA in European Medieval
Studies: Images, Texts and Contexts.
Member of the Board of the Research Center for Emerging
Cultural Processes and Practices.
Erasmus Coordinator with Universidade de Lisboa (Section of
Comparative Literature).
Erasmus Coordinator with Univerzita Konštantína FilozofaNitra, Slovakia (Section of Comparative Literature).
Director of the Section of Literary Theory & Comparative
Literature, University of Santiago de Compostela
Member of the Committee for the new Degree of BA in
Languages & Literatures, University of Santiago de
Delegate to the Hermes Network for Literary & Cultural
Erasmus Coordinator with the Università degli Studi di Roma
“La Sapienza” (Section of Comparative Literature).
Director of the Graduate Program in Literary Theory &
Comparative Literature. University of Santiago de Compostela.
Award of Excellence (MCD2003-00827).
Assistant of the Graduate Program in Literary Theory &
Comparative Literature. University of Santiago de Compostela.
Coordinator of the Section of Literary Theory & Comparative
Literature for the Graduate Program in Medieval Studies.
BA Thesis Supervision
Isabel Domínguez Seoane. 2010.
Francesc Esteve i Beneito. 2008.
Adolfo Rodríguez Posada. 2007.
Tomás González Ahola. 2006.
MA Thesis Supervision
Master Erasmus Mundus
John Crosetti. 2011.
Chiara Dalla Libera. 2009.
Vivian Rangel. 2009.
Master at USC
Isabel Domínguez Seoane. 2012.
PhD Dissertations
Federica Angelini.
Marco Paone.
Ewa Stoch.
Isabel Domínguez Seoane.
Susana Justo Barreira.
General Profession
September 2012—. Vice-President of the Spanish Society of General and
Comparative Literature.
Member of the Committee of the Spanish Society of General
and Comparative Literature.
Evalutation of articles to be published in Quaderns de Filologia (Universitat de
Other countries
Fellow of the Stockholm Collegium of World Literary History.
Officer of the European Network for Comparative Literary
Member of the Academia Europaea, Section on Literary and
Theatrical Studies.
Chair of the Research Committee of the International
Comparative Literature Association.
Member of the Coordinating Committee for Comparative
Literary History in European Languages, International
Comparative Literature Association.
External Assessor of Literature: A World History, a fourvolume world history of literature sponsored by the
Stockholm Collegium of World Literary History. First report,
Stockholm University-Department of Oriental Studies January
15-16, 2010.
Member of the International Advisory Board of the Center for
the Humanities and Social Sciences of National Sun Yat-sen
National Delegate for the REELC/ENCLS: Réseau Européen
d’Études Littéraires Comparées / European Network for
Comparative Literary Studies.
Advisor of the Scientific Agency of the Education Ministry of
the Slovak Republic and the Academy of Sciences for research
Member of the Doctoral Program Board “Národné literatúry
ako súčast’ medziliterárnych spoločenstiev” [National
literatures as constitutive elemensts of interliterary
communities] of Section 2.1.23 “Teória literatúry a dejiny
konkrétnych národných literatúr” [Literary theory and
national literatures] of the Katedra Romanistiky of the
Filozofická Faculta, Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa (Nitra,
Updated: April 15, 2013