GRADE 11 ENGLISH: CONTEMPORARY ABORIGINAL VOICES (NBE3U) COURSE OVERVIEW COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course emphasizes the development of literacy, critical thinking, and communication skills through the study of works in English by Aboriginal writers. Through the analysis of literary texts and media works, students develop an appreciation of the wealth and complexity of Aboriginal writing. Students also conduct research and analyse the information gathered; write persuasive essays and literary essays; and analyse the relationship between media forms and audiences. An important focus is the further development of students’ understanding of English language usage and conventions. UNITS OF STUDY: Critical Theory (archetypes) Drama Novel Study Poetry Echoes ($50), Guide to Language, Literature, and Media ($32) Sustained Silent Reading Language study (focusing on correcting common grammatical errors) ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION STRATEGIES: Expository paragraph Comparative paragraphs Style analysis (in class) Quizzes and tests Secondary source essay Poetry analysis Seminars Self-reflection Comparative essay (culminating) CATEGORY WEIGHTINGS: Term Work: Knowledge/Understanding Thinking/Inquiry Communication Application 70% (15%) (20%) (20%) (15%) Final Evaluation: 30% Culminating Assessment (Comparative Essay)(10%) Final Exam (20%) Resources: An Anthology of Canadian Native Literature Through Black Spruce The Night Wanderer Three Day Road Monkey Beach Silent Words