Council on Competitiveness - HPC Initiative

National Center for Supercomputing Applications
Strategic Retreat—2015
Cynthia R. McIntyre, Ph.D.
Senior Vice President
Council on Competitiveness
April 20-21, 2010
Council Mission
The Council on Competitiveness is the
only group of corporate CEOs, university
presidents and labor leaders committed
to the future prosperity of all Americans
and enhanced U.S. competitiveness in
the global economy through the creation
of high-value economic activity in the
United States.
Council on Competitiveness - HPC Initiative
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Council HPC Initiative
• The Council’s High Performance Computing
Initiative (HPC) (circa 2003) is to
• stimulate and facilitate wider usage of HPC
across the private sector
• propel U.S. productivity, innovation and
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HPC Initiative leadership
HPC Advisory Committee
A brain trust of senior executives from the government,
academia, private industry, vendors, and other key
University Co-Chair (TBD)
David E. Shaw, Chief Scientist and CEO
D.E. Shaw Research
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Four modeling & simulation success stories
• Goodyear leveraged high performance computing resources
• to design and launch the Assurance® all-weather tire
• hugely successful that helped them improve their
competitive position
• launch a flurry of new tires that resulted in record profits.
• PING Golf to design newer, better golf clubs and stay at the top
• Pioneer Hi-Bred uses HPC to open a
• window into the future more informed decisions about their
applied breeding programs and
• giving them the ability to help meet the world’s most pressing
demands for food, feed, fuel, and materials.
• Whirlpool Corporation uses HPC to take a systems approach in
designing its broad and varied line of appliances, including the
packaging that protects products during shipping
Council on Competitiveness - HPC Initiative
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2008 Council on Competitiveness
Major Focus
•Energy Security, Innovation, and
Sustainability Initiative (ESIS)
– 09/2008 National Press Club Event—
Energy Rec, to 44th President of US
•Nov 2008 Barak Obama, PresidentElect
•Nov-Dec 2008 Obama Transition
Team engagement with CoC
–Regional Innovation
Council on Competitiveness - HPC Initiative
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2008-2009 Council on Competitiveness Major
•Dec 2008 Obama Science & Technology
Transition Team
– Surprise! HPC
– Transition Team member, Prof. Don
Lamb of University of Chicago,
Director of FLASH Center
• HPC & Stimulus
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2009 Obama S & T Team Request
•Jan 2009 HPC Advisory Committee
provided input, responses included
Proctor & Gamble Company
General Electric
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Intense focus on HPC in manufacturing
•US faced with two major problems 200809
– Soaring energy costs
– Financial Crisis
•U. S. Manufacturers are hard hit by these
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Intensified Council focus on HPC in
• Leveraged the experience and insight within our
advisory committee and meetings with key
stakeholders from industry, academia, and
• Realized the enormous potential for HPC to enable
next-generation manufacturing in the U.S. –
especially as modeling and simulation push deeper
into the supply chain
Council on Competitiveness - HPC Initiative
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HPC & Manufacturing Working Group
•Merle Giles, NCSA
•Keven Hofstetter, Caterpillar
•Richard Arthur, General Electric
•Tom Lange, The Proctor & Gamble
•Paul Fussell, Boeing
•Don Lamb, University of Chicago
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First white paper: High performance computing
to enable next-generation manufacturing 01/09
HPC is the real “game-changer” for US manufacturers
and calls for
– Improved coordination of the overall federal
approach to HPC (seek a more balanced program
across DOE, NSF, and so on)
– Increased outreach to manufacturing CEOs
– Establish industry focused HPC center
– Invest in US HPC expertise (e.g., education,
training etc.)
Council on Competitiveness - HPC Initiative
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Second white paper: U.S. manufacturing –
global leadership through modeling and
simulation 03/09
National call to service to manufacturing sector leaders
Create a national manufacturing initiative to leverage leaders’
expertise and experience with modeling and simulation
Facilitate a software consortium of advanced computing users to
address some of the most difficult software issues (e.g., moving
legacy code to new architectures, algorithm development,
licensing, etc.)
Establish advanced computing service centers to serve each of
the 50 states to enhance R&D capacity for small to medium size
Focus on “simulation-based manufacturing” and demystify HPC
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HPC & Manufacturing Working Group
•March 2009 Senate Energy & Natural
Resources Committee Testimony
– Deborah Wince-Smith, President Council on
Competitiveness (Whitepapers inform
•May 1, 2009 meeting with Department of
Energy Secretary Chu on HPC for U. S.
Manufacturing of Energy Systems and Beyond
•August meeting - DoE Under Secretary
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HPC & Manufacturing Working Group
•Key meetings with Obama Administration on
HPC & U. S. Manufacturing
– December 15-16, 2009
• DoE Under Secretary Koonin,
• NSF Director Arden Bement,
• OSTP Assistant Director of IT R& D Christopher
Greer and OSTP Assistant Director for Advanced
Manufacturing Sridhar Kota
– February 24, 2010
• Vivek Kundra, Federal CIO, Exec. Off. Of President
• Lawrence Strickling, Asst. Sec., Natl Telecom. & Info
Administration, Dept of Commerce
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HPC & Manufacturing Working Group
•Feb 25 High-level Roundtable on HPC
and U. S. Manufacturing
– Suggested by Chris Greer of OSTP
– Focus on solutions to structural barriers
and market failures to HPC use and
adoption by small to medium size
manufacturers and OEMs for modeling
and simulation.
• Roundtable Whitepaper
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HPC & U. S. Manufacturing Roundtable
•Access to Hardware and Intellectual Capital for U.
S. Manufacturers
– Lack of High-Speed Connectivity to Natl. Research Lab
– Greater access to leadership-class computing systems
for capability and capacity
– SME need R&D support through modeling and
•Access to Software and Intellectual Capital for U.S.
– Proposed--National Software Alliance
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Outcomes to date
•OSTP discussions post the Roundtable on a
potential SMM national strategy FY 2012
• Early indication from Congress
–predictive modeling and simulation for
manufacturing discussed as part of the proposed
reauthorization legislation of NSF
•DoE INCITE program considering
additional criteria specific to industry impact
•Ron Bloom Senior Counsel on
Manufacturing Policy request for OEMs to
show intent
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Industrial Competitiveness
• To
out-compete you must out-
•Industry needs
–High Fidelity Models
–Verification and Validation
–Capability and Capacity computing
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Industrial Competitiveness
• Greater
access to leadership-class
computing systems for capability and
Council on Competitiveness - HPC Initiative
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Industrial Competitiveness
• Greater
access to leadership-class
computing systems for capability and
•Blue Waters
–Accessible to broadest community (industry &
–Broadest flexibility (proprietary codes, no
publication required, etc.)
–Corporate R&D as important as academic
Council on Competitiveness - HPC Initiative
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Industrial Competitiveness-EUROPE
• Greater
access to leadership-class
computing systems for capability and
•PRACE-Partnership for Advanced
Computing in Europe
•DEISA-Distributed European
Infrastructure for Supercomputing
Council on Competitiveness - HPC Initiative
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Contact the Council HPC Team
Cynthia McIntyre, Senior VP -
David Padgham, Policy director -
1500 K Street, NW, Suite 850
Washington, D.C. 20005
202-682-4292 (phone)
202-682-5150 (fax)
See for more information
and access to all our HPC publications
Council on Competitiveness - HPC Initiative
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