
Los estudiantes y sus actividades
viernes, el 28 de agosto
¿Qué vamos a hacer hoy?
Talk about the homework
Talk about articles
Adjective agreement
Learn numbers 30-100
Play a game
Practice days of the week, telling time
Play another game, time permitting
Even if you forgot to do the homework
on time, go do it anyways!!
I accept late work
 If you have technical difficulties, email me
ASAP so we can try to work around it
◦ Except with quizzes and voice recordings.
Once you open them, the clock counts down
and when the time runs out, the assignment is
Definite Articles
Definite articles name particular nouns.
 In English, we have one definite article: the
 Spanish has four. They express masculine or
feminine, as well as singular or plural
el (masculine singular)
los (masculine plural)
la (feminine singular)
las (feminine plural)
el libro
 los libros
 la mesa
 las mesas
Definite Articles
Take 30 seconds to fill out questions 1-10
about definite articles on your
Indefinite Articles
In English, we have three indefinite articles:
◦ a, an, some
Spanish has four. They express masculine or
feminine, as well as singular or plural
un (masculine singular)
unos (masculine plural)
una (feminine singular)
unas (feminine plural)
un libro
 unos libros
 una mesa
 unas mesas
Indefinite Articles
Take 30 seconds to fill out questions 1-10
about indefinite articles on your
Definite and Indefinite Articles
el libro
 los libros
 la mesa
 las mesas
 un libro
 unos libros
 una mesa
 unas mesas
 the book
 the books
 the table
 the tables
 a book
 some books
 a table
 some tables
Sometimes the gender of the noun reflects the
gender of that noun
◦ la profesora  female professor
◦ el profesor  male professor
Sometimes, the gender of a noun is arbitrary
◦ el lápiz
◦ la computadora
In the above examples, it isn’t a “boy pencil” or a
“masculine pencil”, but just a pencil. Nor is it a “girl
computer” or a “feminine computer”; simply a
That’s it for definite & indefinite articles! 
Pretty simple, huh?
 When you use adjectives to describe nouns,
look for the article to choose the form of the
adjecive that agrees in gender and number
 Don’t know if a word is masculine or feminine?
Let’s learn a couple hints…
Masculine words
Feminine words
typically end with: typically end with
◦ el libro
◦ el diccionario
la mesa
 -dad
 la universidad
 -ción
 la lección
 sión
 la televisión
◦ el problema
◦ el poema
Los adjetivos
Adjectives are words that describe nouns (things)
In Spanish, adjectives typically appear AFTER the
noun they describe
◦ el estudiante cómico
◦ el actor extrovertido
In Spanish, adjectives must agree with the noun it
modifies in number and gender.
What does this mean?
Los adjetivos: Agreement in Numbers
When there is more than one thing being
described, the noun reflects that
el bolígrafo bueno
los bolígrafos buenos
el estudiante aburrido
los estudiantes aburidos
una clase aburrida
unas clases aburridas
Notice how “aburrido” turns into “aburida”
for feminine words…
Los adjetivos: Agreement in Gender
The adjective must agree with the gender of
the noun it modifies.
el estudiante serio
la estudiante seria
el profesor nervioso
la profesora nerviosa
Now that we understand adjectives, go back to your worksheet and
describe the 10 words you translated! Use the adjectives:
Los números
31-99 are expressed by two separate words joined
by “y”
◦ 31  treinta y uno
◦ 42  cuarenta y dos
◦ 53  cincuenta y tres
Numbers DO NOT change to agree in number or
 Except the numbers that end in 1 do.
◦ So this means this rule applies to 1, 21, 31, 41, 51, 61, 71,
81, 91.
◦ It becomes “un” or “una” before nouns
 Tengo (I have) ochenta y un gatos.
 Treinta y una mochilas
 Un bolígrafo.
Los números
31-99 are expressed by two separate words joined
by “y”
◦ 31  treinta y uno
◦ 42  cuarenta y dos
◦ 53  cincuenta y tres
Numbers DO NOT change to agree in number or
 Except the numbers that end in 1 do.
◦ So this means this rule applies to 1, 21, 31, 41, 51, 61, 71,
81, 91.
◦ It becomes “un” or “una” before nouns
 Tengo (I have) ochenta y un gatos.
 Treinta y una mochilas
 Un bolígrafo.
Let’s play a game!
(Yay! )
¿Qué hora es?
Son las dos menos diez
es la una y cincuenta
¿Qué hora es?
Son las once y cuarenta.
¿Qué hora es?
Es la una y quince
es la una y cuarto
¿Qué hora es?
Son las diez y diez.
¿Que vamos a hacer viernes?
Homework for the weekend
◦ Friday (8/28) 6 items due. (incl. quiz 2)
◦ Saturday (8/29) 39 items due. (incl. voice recording)
◦ Sunday (8/30) 18 items due.
A lot of the vocab for Monday is verbs
 So, on Monday I will introduce conjugating