15 SLP(E) Georgia Leadership Derailment

15. Leadership Derailment
SLP(E) Course
Centre for Defence Leadership & Management | College of Management & Technology | UK Defence Academy
Centre for Defence Leadership & Management | College of Management & Technology | UK Defence Academy
• Complexity.
• Ambiguity.
• Derailment research.
Centre for Defence Leadership & Management | College of Management & Technology | UK Defence Academy
Complexity & Ambiguity
• As you rise in leadership level the nature
of the demand changes.
• Two aspects increase:
– Complexity.
– Ambiguity.
• Paradox of leadership:
‘Leader shows way, but may not be sure
of the route’.
Centre for Defence Leadership & Management | College of Management & Technology | UK Defence Academy
‘Some problems are so complex that you
have to be highly intelligent and well
informed just to be undecided about them.’
Laurence J. Peter
Centre for Defence Leadership & Management | College of Management & Technology | UK Defence Academy
• Near certainty &
agreement =
management +
• Little certainty &
agreement =
leadership +
Centre for Defence Leadership & Management | College of Management & Technology | UK Defence Academy
Arc of Uncertainty
‘In these matters the only certainty is that nothing is certain’.
Pliny the Elder | 23 AD - 79 AD
Centre for Defence Leadership & Management | College of Management & Technology | UK Defence Academy
Complexity (Chaos) Theory
‘The flapping of a single butterfly's wing today
produces a tiny change in the state of the
atmosphere. […] So, in a month's time, a tornado
that would have devastated the Indonesian coast
doesn't happen. […]’
Stewart | 1989 | Does God Play Dice?
The New Mathematics of Chaos.
Complexity theory: the behavour over time of
certain kinds of complex systems.
Centre for Defence Leadership & Management | College of Management & Technology | UK Defence Academy
Complexity Theory | Dynamic
Zone 3
Zone 1
Zone 2
Zone 1 – Stable Zone
When disturbed returns
to original state.
Zone 2 – Zone of Instability
When disturbed moves
away from original state.
Zone 3 - A Phase Transition
or the Edge of Chaos
Unpredictable behaviour
within a bounded predictability.
Centre for Defence Leadership & Management | College of Management & Technology | UK Defence Academy
Complexity Theory & Leadership
• Analysis loses its primacy.
• Contingency (cause & effect) loses its
• Long-term planning becomes impossible
• Visions become illusions
• Consensus & strong cultures become
• Statistical relationships become dubious.
Stacey | 1993 | Strategic Management & Organisational Dynamics.
Centre for Defence Leadership & Management | College of Management & Technology | UK Defence Academy
Complexity Theory & Leadership
• Organisations not only adapt to environment,
but help to create them.
• Organisational success can come from
contradiction as well as consistency.
• That success may stem from being part of a
self-reinforcing cycle, rather than from an
explicit ‘vision’.
• That revolutionary as well as incremental
changes may lie on the route to
organisational success.
Rosenhead & Mingers | 2001 | Rational Analysis For a Problematic World Revisited
Centre for Defence Leadership & Management | College of Management & Technology | UK Defence Academy
• Rising seniority increases ambiguity:
– many different conclusions & solutions may be
drawn from the ‘facts’ presented.
• Increasing uncertainty | longer time horizons
| competing demands and stakeholders:
– what happens to your decision making?
Centre for Defence Leadership & Management | College of Management & Technology | UK Defence Academy
• Organisational risk ‘appetite’: Californian vs Stalinist.
• Organisational ‘behaviour’ toward risk:
- Attitude toward failure.
- Performance assessment.
• Impact on decision-making & innovation.
Centre for Defence Leadership & Management | College of Management & Technology | UK Defence Academy
Why is it that many (apparently very
able) individuals derail?
Centre for Defence Leadership & Management | College of Management & Technology | UK Defence Academy
The Peter Principle
‘In a hierarchy every employee tends to
rise to his level of incompetence’
Peter & Hull | 1969 | The Peter Principle
• Solutions:
– Up and Out.
– Demonstrate skills to succeed at next level.
– Parallel career paths for technical staff.
Centre for Defence Leadership & Management | College of Management & Technology | UK Defence Academy
1. An insensitive, abrasive, or bullying style.
2. Aloofness or arrogance.
3. Betrayal of personal trust.
4. Self-centred ambition.
5. Failure to constructively face an obvious problem.
6. Micro-management.
7. Inability to select good subordinates.
8. Inability to take a long-term perspective.
9. Inability to adapt to a boss with a different style.
10.Overdependence on a mentor.
McCall, Lombardo | 1983 | Off the track: Why and how successful executives get derailed
Centre for Defence Leadership & Management | College of Management & Technology | UK Defence Academy
14. Leadership &
SLP(E) Course
Centre for Defence Leadership & Management | College of Management & Technology | UK Defence Academy