1 PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF EFFECT AMOUNT INFLUENCE FRONTLINER AND CUSTOMER SATISFACTION ON PRIORITY CUSTOMER LOYALTY PT . BCA , TBK PERMATA BUANA BRANCH USING MULTIPLE LINEAR REGRESSION METHOD Muslimah Industrial Engineering University of Mercu Buana - Jakarta e-mail : imah.3191@gmail.com ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the effect of service performance Frontliner and customer satisfaction with customer loyalty Pt.BCA, Tbk branch Permata Buana. The sampling method is simple random sampling and the determination of the amount calculated using the formula Slovin. Data collection was performed using an open questionnaire to 63 Pt.BCA priority customers, Tbk branch Permata Buana is selected as a sample and then data were analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that the percentage of the magnitude of the effect of the independent variable is the performance of services as well as customer satisfaction frontliner able to explain 53% of variation variable customer loyalty. While the remaining 47% are other factors not examined, such as convenience banking hall, the queue is too long, do not place a strategic location, and others. Key Word : Service performance, Customer satisfaction, Customer loyalty 1 . INTRODUCTION Banking is one of the financial institutions which exist in our country which has a very important role is to support the activities of the national economy . Banking in the operation is to collect funds from the public in the form of deposits and then channeled back to the community in the form of loans . Seeing an important role as a principal banking financial intermediary as described , then the basic thing that is needed by the banks at this time to this important role is the trust and confidence of the banking community over the world . Quality of service (service performance) is an important attribute in service industries , such as banking , in addition to issues of security and certainty . Quality service is certainly not limited to a friendly smile from a teller or customer service personnel alone but more than that . 2 . PROBLEM IDENTIFICATION Based on the above background , the problems that arise including the following . 1. Excellent service as is expected by priority customers in Bank BCA Permata Buana branch ? 2. How Frontliner performance ( Customer service officer and teller ) in Bank BCA Permata Buana branch ? 3. How customer loyalty ( customer loyalty ) in Bank BCA Permata Buana branch ? 4. How does the effect of service performance (service performance) on customer satisfaction priority Bank BCA Permata Buana branch ? 5. How does the effect of service performance (service performance) and customer satisfaction (customer satisfaction ) a priority on customer loyalty Bank BCA Permata Buana branch ? 2 3 . RESEARCH OBJECTIVE The objectives are: 1. To Know Frontliner performance in Bank Permata Buana Bank branch 2. To determine and analyze the effect of how customer loyalty in Bank Permata Buana Bank Branch 3. To determine and analyze the effect of service performance (service performance) on customer satisfaction priority Permata Buana BCA branch. 4. To determine and analyze the effect of service performance and customer satisfaction a priority on customer loyalty a priority in Bank Permata Buana Bank Branch. 4 . LIMITATIONS OF PROBLEMS In order for the study and discussion of research can be done more carefully , the problem is limited research on the second point , third , fourth and fifth identification of the above problems , namely : 1. Frontliner Performance in Bank BCA Permata Buana branch 2. Priority customer loyalty Bank BCA Permata Buana branch 3. The effect of service performance (service performance) on customer satisfaction priority BCA branch Permata Buana 4. The effect of service performance (service performance) and customer satisfaction on customer loyalty priority BCA branch Permata Buana 5. The research was conducted within the period from January 2, 2013 - 28 March 5. THEORY Definition of Banking In simple terms the bank is defined as a financial institution whose business activities to collect funds from the public and distribute the funds back to the community as well as provide other banking services . According to the basic law No. banking . 10 of 1998 which regulates staple in Indonesian banking regulations define the following : "The Bank is a business entity which collects funds from the public in the form of savings and channel them to the public in the form of credit and or other forms in order to improve the living standard of the people " . Service Performance Good service is one of the conditions of success services company . Service performance ( quality of service ) is seen as one of the components that need to be realized by the company because it has the leverage to bring in new customers and existing customers can reduce the possibility to move to another company . With the increasing number of competitors , the more options for consumers to make choices . This will in turn make it increasingly difficult to retain old customers , hence the quality of service should be increased as much as possible . Definition of Customer No. According to the law . 10 of 1998 on the subject of banking Article 1 , defines the customer as follows : " The Customer is the party that uses the services of the bank . Depositors are customers who put their money in the bank in the form of bank deposits based on an agreement with the customer in question " . According to Kashmir ( 2008: 94 ) that : " Customers are consumers who buy or use a product that is sold or offered by the bank " . Priority Customer BCA Customer's priority is someone who has an account and the volume of transactions in large enough quantities at a bank . Requirements on each - each bank may differ . To be priority customers in the BCA , the requirements candidates must have a Priority Customer deposits of as much as USD 500 million in savings or funds with an average balance of Rp . 500 million . With an average balance of the system will automatically issue a report that the customer has qualified to be a priority customer and customer service usually will contact the customer to fill out the form to become a priority customer . Once customers become priority customers , they will get priority BCA card as identification . Customer Satisfaction Customer Satisfaction ( customer satisfaction ) is most important for the company , because customer satisfaction greatly affect a company's income . If the customer is satisfied with the services provided by the company then the customers will become repeat customers ( loyal ) to the company . With a satisfied and loyal customers will result in revenue income of the company increased , 3 and vice versa . Both companies are engaged in the services or companies that produce goods , they must pay attention to the quality of its products to meet . In the services industry , customer satisfaction is always influenced by the quality of interaction between customers and employees who make contact services (service encounter ) that occurs when the customer interacts with the organization to obtain the services they purchase . Loyalty Competition is becoming increasingly fierce as foreign banks began to participate in the market compete for the same customers . These conditions require the entire corporate banking services to more capable of presenting high value services and be able to foster a feeling of loyal customers with the services received. And the key to success in this competition lies not in the interest rate ( price ) but on the distribution of services to create loyal customers . Employee Performance Relationship (Service Performance ) to the satisfaction According to Herrington and Lomax in Erna and S. Pantja Djati (2004 ) The nature of the services which the inseparability of production and consumption is performed simultaneously make the interaction between consumers and employees during the transfer of services to be very influential and this makes the employees play an important role in the service process . A key element in the marketing of services is the interaction between employees and customers . Relationship Satisfaction of Loyalty According to Griffin in Hurriyati (2008 : 142 ) Loyalty formed through the learning process , ie a process in which the consumer through his experience trying to find the most appropriate brands for him , in the sense of the product of the brand can give satisfaction to the expectations and needs. Consumers will continue to try different kinds of brands before finding a brand that really fits . Customer satisfaction will remain a very important part in loyalty . Consumer satisfaction can be maintained and improved in order to create and maintain brand loyalty . When consumers get satisfaction from the purchase of a product then it will create a positive attitude towards the brand so that consumers will make a purchase . Employee Performance Relationship (Service Performance ) on loyalty Griffin in Hurriyati (2008 : 10 ) Good relations and customer trust in the form of services performed by an employee frontliner optimally capable of addressing the wants and needs of its customers and will lead to customer satisfaction . Employees are expected to serve the wants and needs of customers is called customer service officer and Teller . RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This study is based on research conducted by the type of data included in the quantitative study, the data is numeric or qualitative data diangkakan (Sugiyono, 2004). In this study is to determine the response of performance and customer satisfaction in the form of a sentence / opinions used numbers in the form of scales of measurement based on the level of attention and fidelity (loyalty) priority customers. The steps taken in the research and writing of this can be seen in the flow chart of the study. Figure 1. Flowchart of Research Methodology IDENTIFIKASI MASALAH STUDI PUSTAKA OBSERVASI LAPANGAN PERUMUSAN MASALAH PENELITIAN PENETAPAN TUJUAN PENELITIAN PENETAPAN MODEL PENELITIAN IDENTIFIKASI AWAL ATRIBUT PENELITIAN PENENTUAN SAMPEL PENELITIAN TIDAK PENYUSUNAN DAN PENYEBARAN KUESIONER UJI VALIDITAS DAN RELIABILITAS DATA VALID, RELIABEL YA PENGOLAHAN DATA ANALISIS DAN INTERPRETASI HASIL PENELITIAN KESIMPULAN DAN SARAN 6. DATA COLLECTION AND PROCESSING The data used is primary data and secondary data collected through observation , literature study and a questionnaire . Research conducted by the author using instruments ( data collection tool ) that consists of multiple 4 data collection techniques are questionnaires , interviews , and observations . Primary data collection techniques that will do is the author of the questionnaire is through questionnaires . Questionnaires will be distributed to customers who have been selected by simple random sampling when the customer makes a transaction at the teller and good customer service officer . Test Validity Test will test the validity of each of the variables used in this study, where the overall study variables contains 20 statements to be answered by the respondents. The criteria used in determining whether or not valid statements are used in this study are as follows: = 95% confidence level (α = 5%), degrees of freedom (df) = n - 2 = 63-2 = 61, obtained a table r = 0,248. If r is calculated (for each item can be seen in columns Corrected Item-Total Correlation) is greater than r table and the value of r is positive, then the statement is said to be valid (Ghozali, 2001). Based on the results of the calculations have been done, then the validity of the test results can be shown in Table 1. as follows: Table 1. Validity of Test Results No.Pertanyaan Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted P1 0,908 P2 0,906 P3 0,903 P4 0,903 P5 0,901 P6 0,903 P7 0,900 P8 0,900 P9 0,900 P10 0,899 P11 0,898 P12 0,900 P13 0,897 P14 0,902 Correlation P15 0,904 P1 0,284 P16 0,907 P2 0,356 P17 0,902 P3 0,528 P18 0,898 P4 0,531 P19 0,909 P5 0,603 P20 0,906 P6 0,515 P7 0,648 P8 0,685 P9 0,621 P10 0,673 P11 0,689 P12 0,650 P13 0,739 P14 0,583 P15 0,467 P16 0,358 P17 0,571 P18 0,700 P19 0,328 P20 0,393 Corrected Variabel No.Pertanyaan Item-Total Kinerja Pelayanan (X1) Kepuasan Nasabah (X2) Loyalitas Nasabah (Y) stable over time (Ghozali, 2001). Test reliability is the stability of a measuring device for measuring a phenomenon / events. The higher reliability of a measure, the more stable the gauges anyway. A variable is said to be reliable if the Cronbach Alpha value> 0.6, according Nunnaly (1967) in Ghozali (2001). From the questions the reliability test results with statistical program SPSS version 20 Cronbach alpha obtained from the results that can be seen through the following table 2: Table 2. Reliability Test Results r Tabel 0,248 0,248 0,248 0,248 0,248 0,248 0,248 0,248 0,248 0,248 0,248 0,248 0,248 0,248 0,248 0,248 0,248 0,248 0,248 0,248 Variabel Kinerja Pelayanan (X1) Kepuasan Nasabah (X2) Ket Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Valid Reliability Test Reliability is a tool to measure a questionnaire which is a variable measuring tool. A questionnaire said to be reliable or reliable if the answer to question one is consistent or Loyalitas Nasabah (Y) Ket Reliabel Reliabel Reliabel Reliabel Reliabel Reliabel Reliabel Reliabel Reliabel Reliabel Reliabel Reliabel Reliabel Reliabel Reliabel Reliabel Reliabel Reliabel Reliabel Reliabel Normality test Normality Tests performed using the PP test charts for testing residual plot the regression model shown in Figure 2 below. Figure 2. Normality test Graphs of normal probability plot suggests that the data spread around the diagonal line and follow the direction of the diagonal line, then the regression model to meet the assumption 5 of normality. Multicollinearity test Multicollinearity test aims to test whether the regression model found a correlation between the independent variables (independent). Good regression models should not happen correlation between variables (Ghozali, 2001). In order to determine whether there is multicollinearity in the regression model in this study is to look at the value of VIF (Variance Inflation Factor) and tolerance as well as analyzing the correlation matrix of the independent variables. The VIF value can be seen in Table 3 below. Table 3. testing Multicollinearity Table 3 shows that none of the variables have VIF value greater than 10 and tolerance values smaller than 10%, which means that there is no correlation between the independent variables. Test Heteroskidastity Heteroscedasticity test aims to test whether the regression model variants occur inequality observations from one observation to another (Ghozali, 2001). How to detect it is to see whether there is a specific pattern in the scatterplot graph between SRESID and ZPRED, where Y is the Y axis that has been predicted, and the X axis is the residual (Y predicted - Y actual) which has been instandardiized (Ghozali, 2001). Heteroscedasticity test result in graphic patterns point spread (scatterplot) as shown in Figure 3. following. Figure 3. test Heteroskidastity Heteroscedasticity test results show that the points do not form a specific pattern, or there is no clear pattern as well as the points spread above and below the number 0 (zero) on the Y axis, it does not happen heteroskedastisitas.Dengan Thus, the assumptions of normality, multicollinearity and heteroscedasticity in the regression model can be met from this model. Regression Analysis The statistical analysis used in this study is multiple regression analysis using the SPSS process . Regression analysis , to quantitatively calculate the mainstreaming of a change in incidence ( variable X) to other events ( variable Y ) , in this study multiple regression analysis serves as a statistical technique used to test how much influence the performance of services and customer satisfaction a priority to customer loyalty in the bank 's priority . The formula used in the multiple regression according Riduwan and Akdom (2007 ) are : Y = a0 + a1X1 + a2X2 To calculate the value of the constants a0 , a1 , and a2 , can be used three pieces of the equation is : 1. Y = N a0 + a1 X1 + a2 X2 2. X1Y = a0 X1 + ba X12 + a2 X1X2 3. X2Y= a0 X2 + a1 X1X2 + a2 X22 Description: Y = Customer Loyalty a0 = constant a1 – a2 = regression coefficient X1 = frontliner service performance X2 = Customer Satisfaction Statistical calculations in a multiple linear regression analysis were used in this study is to use the computer program SPSS for Windows version 20 Summary of results of data processing by using the SPSS program are as follows : Table 4. Summary of Results of Multiple Linear Regression 6 Coefficient of Determination Table 5. Correlation Data Processed To see how big the effect of partially between service performance and customer satisfaction frontliner that affect customer loyalty , the regression equation is: Y = a0 + a1X1 + a2X2 Y = 0.483 + 0.597 X1 + 0.252 X2 Description : Y = Customer Loyalty a0 = constant a1 - a2 = regression coefficient X1 = frontliner service performance X2 = Customer Satisfaction In connection with the above description , it can be presented as the following interpretation : a) Regression coefficients ( X1 , X2 ) to variable Y ( customer loyalty ) at PT . Bank BCA Permata Buana branch shows positive values . This means that the better the performance of the service frontliners and high levels of customer satisfaction , the higher the level of customer loyalty to PT . Bank BCA Permata Buana branch . b) Multiple correlation coefficient ( R ) = 0.732 , which means that the service performance and customer satisfaction frontliners have a close relationship with customer loyalty . While the dominant variable affecting the service performance levels of customer loyalty . This can be evidenced from the beta coefficient . c) The coefficient of determination ( R2 ) = 0.535 or 53 % which shows that customer satisfaction levels are determined by the service performance of frontliners and customer satisfaction by 53 % . While the remaining 47 % are other factors not examined , such as convenience banking hall , the queue is too long . Based on the table above, the results of multiple correlation analysis of the obtained rate R of 0.732 , this suggests that the service performance and customer satisfaction frontliner a significant correlation with customer loyalty and positive because the value of R is close to 1 . Then the value of R2 ( R square ) of 0.535 ( 53 % ) , this suggests that the percentage of the magnitude of the effect of the independent variable is the performance of services as well as customer satisfaction frontliner able to explain 53% of variation variable customer loyalty . Hypothesis Testing Hypothesis testing is to test the meaningfulness of test research hypotheses that have been obtained based on literature review . Hypothesis testing based on two simultaneous testing ( overall ) and partial ( individual ) . In Simultaneous Testing (F Test ) Hypothesis testing using two stages: partial hypothesis testing and hypothesis testing simultaneously . Simultaneous hypothesis testing using the F test by comparing the value of F with F table value . Testing the F-test statistic through which can be seen through the following table : Table 6. Results of Testing In Simultaneous 7 Based on the results of simultaneous testing of the obtained value of F = 34.53 and have the sig = 0,000 , because the probability that the value is smaller than the standard value ( 0.000 < 0.05 ) , as well as the value of F > F ( 34.53 > 3.150 ) then it can be concluded that there are significant service performance and satisfaction frontliner on customer loyalty PT . Bank BCA Permata Buana Branch , this shows when simultaneous improvement of service performance frontliner affect the increased satisfaction , and customer loyalty implications for the increase in PT . Bank BCA Branch Permata Buana. Partial testing (t test ) T test was intended to test how much influence variables as well as the performance of services frontliner customer satisfaction on customer loyalty at. Bank BCA Permata Buana Branch . Based on the hypothesis known if frontliner Service Performance ( X1 ) affect the Customer Satisfaction BCA branch Permata Buana ( X2 ) , whereas BCA branches Customer Satisfaction BCA Permata Buana ( X2 ) influence the Customer Loyalty Bank BCA Permata Buana branch ( Y ) . To draw a conclusion , the authors compare the value of t with values t table . Table 7. Partial Test 1. Based on the results of the analysis of partial test known frontliner Service Performance ( X1 ) to satisfaction ( X2 ) has a value of t = 4.133 , the value is higher than the value 1.670 t Table . From these results in mind when Ha ( hypothesis) is accepted , and Ho ( Statistical hypothesis ) is rejected . In other words, " There is a positive influence among frontliners Service Performance (X1) to Customer Satisfaction BCA branch Permata Buana ( Y ) " . 2. Based on the results of the analysis of partial test known customer satisfaction ( X2 ) on customer loyalty ( Y ) has a value of t = 2.529 , the value is higher than the value 1.670 TTable . From these results in mind when Ha ( hypothesis) is accepted , and Ho ( Statistical hypothesis ) is rejected . In other words, " There is a positive effect between customer satisfaction ( X2 ) on customer loyalty Bank BCA Permata Buana branch ( Y ) " . Performance Analysis Services Frontliner Performance shown is the actual behavior of each person as an accomplishment of work produced by the employee in accordance with its role within the company . With the work that is accomplished by a customer service officer and Teller to do a job can be evaluated for their performance , especially the performance part frontliner customer service officer and Teller can be determined by the achievement of targets over a period of time to achieve. Customer service officer performance and Teller Bank Permata Buana Bank branches to be one of the determining factors in the formation of customer loyalty that begins by giving satisfaction to customers . Referring to the measurement , by using instrumental questions distributed to the respondents . Performance customer service officer and Teller as measured by the question " quality work and customer service officer Teller good enough " , showed respondents generally agreed to respond by 59 % . Reliability of the Teller Customer service officer and high categorization suggests that the accuracy of the information submitted affirmation and ethics in delivering high material . Reliability to Customer service officer and Teller arise because of the impression from customers about customer service officer and Teller relating to his character . Customer service officer and Teller are trustworthy and Teller Customer service officer who was considered an honest , sincere , moral , fair , courteous and ethical , the communication activities that have been carried out by the customer . Experience and judgment against the customer Customer service officer and Teller raises a credibility in the form of reliability to customers Customer Satisfaction Analysis Many companies are focusing on the customer seeks to create high customer satisfaction . Customer satisfaction is the feeling ( feeling) the perceived buyer of the performance of companies that meet their expectations . But 8 viewed from the perspective of consumer behavior , ' customer satisfaction ' into something complex . Behavior after purchasing attitudes will lead to satisfaction or dissatisfaction in the consumer , then the consumer satisfaction is a function of expectations of the buyers of the products or services to the perceived performance . Customer satisfaction in this study is defined as the perception of performance and Teller Customer service officer selected if it meets customer expectations . Based on respondents' answers regarding customer satisfaction Permata Buana Bank branch with the overall service provided Customer service officer and Teller , in general, respondents gave a response of 38% Agree Enough . This concurs with the Erna and S. Mowen Pantja Djati 2004 that the most important factor to creating customer satisfaction is the performance of employees who are able to handle the desires and needs of consumers . Analysis of Customer Loyalty Customer loyalty is key to the success of a business in the long term relationship between the company and its customers . Similarly, the branch of the Bank Permata Buana which seeks to establish relations of cooperation as well as possible with customers through customer service officer role and Teller . Based on respondents' answers on some questions regarding the item customer loyalty Permata Buana Bank branch can be seen that their desire to continue to use the services of Bank Permata Buana Bank branch , showed the presence of satisfaction with the services provided over the years. The creation of satisfaction showed any indication of a loyal attitude towards Bank Permata Buana Bank branch . Loyalty is not the percentage of consumers who first bought , but repeat purchases . Loyalty is the percentage of people who 've bought in a certain period and re-purchase from the first purchase . Party customers in this condition feel that other banks would be unable to provide a better service than the BCA bank branch Permata Buana . This is evident from respondents who stated Agree by 48 % in terms of using the product / service branch of the Bank Permata Buana repeatedly . And provide an answer Strongly Agree 40% in terms of the frequency of customers using products Permata Buana BCA branch . The high frequency of the use of BCA products Permata Buana branch , showed respondents as active customers using banking facilities in all activities of daily activities . In addition to the continuous use of the product BCA branch Permata Buana shows the convenience of using banking products offered . If consumers are satisfied with the performance of a brand will continue to buy the brand , use it even tells others will overload the brand based on consumer experience in wearing the brand . If consumers are satisfied with a particular brand and often buy these products , it can be said that a high level of brand loyalty , otherwise if consumers are not too satisfied with a particular brand and tend to buy products with different brand then the low level of brand loyalty . This is evident from respondents who stated Strongly Agree in informing and referring products / services Buana Bank Permata branch to relatives and friends by 41 % . The urge to inform and refer , is a form of reliability of the quality of products Bank Permata Buana Bank branch . The quality of reliability would dare encourage customers to provide recommendations to the relationship . Consumer satisfaction can be maintained and improved in order to create and maintain brand loyalty . When consumers get satisfaction from the purchase of a product then it will create a positive attitude towards the brand so that consumers will make a purchase . Improved performance and Teller Customer service officer should always be optimized . Ability Customer service officer and Teller provide information , and the ability to provide assistance to the banking problems must be improved . Influence Analysis Service Performance and Customer Satisfaction to Loyalty Priority Based on the results of data processing in Chapter IV , the results obtained for the calculation of the coefficient of determination ( R2 ) is 53.5 % , which means it does show that the percentage of the magnitude of the effect of the independent variable is the performance of services as well as customer satisfaction frontliner able to explain 53% of variation variable customer loyalty . While the remaining 47 % are other factors not examined , such as convenience banking hall , the queue is too 9 long , do not place a strategic location , and so forth. 7. CONCLUSION The conclusion that the writer can convey the level of influence the performance of Customer Service Officer and Teller and customer satisfaction on customer loyalty in Bank BCA Permata Buana branches are as follows : 1. Performance and Teller Customer Service Officer at Bank BCA Permata Buana branch , based on the survey results revealed still not optimal . It is seen from the distribution of respondents over the questionnaire distributed , it is known when the performance of Customer Service Officer and Teller has not done well . Ability Customer Service Officer and Teller provide information and provide assistance to the banking problems still less than optimal . 2. The level of customer satisfaction Bank BCA Permata Buana branches far less than the maximum , in other words, must be improved. The conclusions obtained from the distribution of respondents over the instrument questions concerning customer satisfaction with Bank Permata Buana Bank branch 3. Customer loyalty Bank BCA Permata Buana branches indicate if the level of customer loyalty is still room for improvement . Based on the distribution of research instrument deployment , respondents concentrated on the answers that indicate the level of customer loyalty is not so strong . 4. Based on the results of analysis when performance levels Customer Service Officer and Teller influence on customer satisfaction in Bank BCA Permata Buana branch at 53 %, this indicates that the percentage of the magnitude of the effect of the independent variable is the performance of services as well as customer satisfaction frontliner able to explain 53% of variation loyalty variable customers . While the remaining 47 % are other factors not examined , such as convenience banking hall , the queue is too long , do not place a strategic location , and so forth Suggestion Advice to writers to make about the effect of the performance of the Customer Service Officer and Teller and satisfaction on customer loyalty in Permata Buana Bank BCA branches are as follows : 1. Performance of Customer Service Officer and Teller at Bank BCA Permata Buana branch should continue to be addressed . How that can be achieved is by increasing knowledge ( product knowledge ) about the services BCA . In addition it should also be given training to enhance the capabilities and expertise of Customer Service Officer and Teller in providing necessary assistance banking customers . 2. Increased customer satisfaction can be improved by always trying to figure out , and understand the needs of customers . Furthermore, how the solution can be offered by the Bank BCA Permata Buana upper branch banking problems experienced by customers . 3. Loyalty is an attitude last longer , but it is not likely to turn out to be re not loyal . For that effort to maintain loyalty by establishing a good relationship , thereby increasing emotional closeness and encourage customers to decide my choice should receive serious attention from the Bank BCA Permata Buana branch . 4. 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