Thtr ####
Scenery and Properties Construction
Department of Theatre
LSU School of Music and Dramatic Arts
Instructor: Matthew Duvall
Office: 318 Music and Dramatic Arts Building
Office Hours: 8:00-9:00 Monday – Friday
Course Description and Goals:
Scenery and Properties Construction is a combination of lectures and labs covering the basic construction methods used
in modern theatrical production. This course is an intensive introduction for students who have a high degree of
interest and are looking to increase their skills and knowledge. Due to time constraints and a wide range of subjects,
only one realized project in a subject will be completed. Successful students will complete assigned readings and pay
close attention in both lectures and labs and document what they do and learn through the use of notes and
photographs. A student, upon completion of this course, should be able to work from technical and design drawings
independently in a scenic or props shop. This course is intended to be an introduction and overview. Students seeking
to further their skills and knowledge are encouraged to participate in more advanced courses and in practicum hours in
the shops.
This class will require that you buy extra supplies and materials, some of which you most likely already have. Budgeting
is important, not only for careers as scenic carpenters and prop artisans, but for life as students and adults. Because of
this I encourage you to keep track of your expenses for this class. I expect that you will not have to spend more than
$$$$$$$ on supplies and books for this class. Feel free to shop around both online and in brick and mortar stores.
Some of the projects in this class will be items that you may want to keep for yourself or give as gifts; you may wish to
spend more on the materials for these projects so that you have a nicer item to take home. The following is a list of
what you will need to purchase. Please do not purchase the items in the third list until the projects have been assigned.
If you purchase these materials without first receiving the assignment points will be deducted from your final grade.
Books & Texts:
Backstage Handbook.
Stock Scenery Construction Handbook
Making Stage Props.
Closed toe, closed heel, work appropriate shoes
Work appropriate clothing that you do not mind getting dirty
Nail Apron, Tool belt, Utility Pocket, or other similar item
Safety glasses, Z87+ rated
Retractable tape measure, at least 16’ in length
Architect Scale rule
Note Pad for shop work
Supplies for Projects:
Small hinges, hasps and other hardware
XX Board Feet of Lumber
A stuffed animal
XX yards of fabric
Class Participation:
This is a fast paced course and class participation is mandatory.
Attendance is the largest component of participation. Lab time for group projects cannot be made up. Lab time for
individual projects can be made up by appointment with the instructor. Students should rely on each other to make up
for information covered in missed lectures. If a student acquires 3 unexcused absences a letter grade will be dropped
from their final grade. Four late arrivals will be equal to an unexcused absence. If you are sick or have a personal
emergency please resolve the issue in an appropriate and responsible manor, then email the instructor at the earliest
possible time before class begins. After class begins a note signed by a medical professional on letter head from a
medical institution stating the date and time of the incident will be required to accuse an absence. Absences may be
excused prior to class at the discretion of the instructor. To request an excused absence contact the instructor prior to
the class to be missed as early as possible. The instructor will fulfill or deny the request by email and, if possible, in
person along. If a request is denied, a reason will be given.
The second component of participation is actively participating in class. During lectures “active participation” means
completing assigned reading ahead of time, taking notes, asking questions of the instructor and responding to questions
from the instructor. During labs “active participation” means _____________. Recurrent inactive participation will
result in a letter drop to your final grade. “Inactive participation” includes but is not limited to: socializing during class,
inappropriate use of technology, inattentiveness, unpreparedness, lack of participation in group projects and a general
negative attitude regarding the class material.
During class computers and mobile devices may be used for taking notes, photography and making calculations. There
will be no need for internet access during class. Audio and video recording of class is allowed only by written consent
from the instructor. Photographic documentation of class material is encouraged, photographic documentation for
entertainment is not allowed. If any student missuses an electronic device, the instructor reserves the right to revoke
that students privileges to that or any other device. If misuse of electronic devices becomes disruptive to class, the
instructor reserves the right to revoke all students’ privileges to any device. Please make special note that labs will take
place in an active and dirty environment where workspace and equipment will be shared. Students are responsible for
the care and use of their personal electronic devices.
The instructor will make every effort to accommodate any medical or learning needs once provided with a letter of
accommodation. Some physical disabilities may make the work done in this class exceptionally difficult, but the
instructor will work with students to meet their needs and goals.
Academic Integrity:
Projects, test and assignments assigned to a student should be completed by that students without the use of
unauthorized aid and assistance. The LSU Student Code of Ethics can be found in the student hand book or online a
www.””””.com. The rules found there will be enforced.
Course Calander: