Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• Anne MacDiarmid- ESD Consultant K-12 The Earth Charter Initiative • is an extraordinarily diverse, global network of people, organizations, and institutions that participate in promoting and implementing the values and principles of The Earth Charter. • Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development The Earth Charter • is a declaration of fundamental ethical principles for building a just, sustainable and peaceful global society in the 21st century. • It seeks to inspire in all people a new sense of global interdependence and shared responsibility for the well-being of the whole human family, the greater community of life, and future generations. • It is a product of a decade-long, worldwide, cross cultural dialogue on common goals and shared values. • Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Overview • • • • What is Sustainable Development? Importance of Sustainable Development Educating for Sustainability ESD website: whole school approach, grants, online resources Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development What is Sustainable Development? “Sustainable Development can be defined as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” World Commission on Environment and Development , 1987 Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Seventh Generation Sustainability -is an ecological concept that urges the current generation of humans to live sustainably and work for the benefit of the seventh generation (~500 years) into the future. Great Law of the Iroquois Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Deputy Minister-Gerald Farthing “It’s about re-imagining how we live” • Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Charles Hopkins What is Education for Sustainable Development-ESD? UNESCO chair in (United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization) “Reorienting Teacher Education to Address Sustainability” mms:// York University Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Sustainable Development Human Health and Well-Being Quality of Life Environment Economy Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Sustainable Environment • is one in which the life-sustaining processes and natural resources of the Earth are • respected, • conserved • regenerated. Human Health and Well-being • Is characterized by people coexisting harmoniously within local, national, and global communities, and with nature. • A sustainable society is one that is physically, psychologically, spiritually, and socially healthy. The well-being of individuals, families, and communities is of prime importance. Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Sustainable Economy • Is one that provides equitable access to resources and opportunities. • It is characterized by development decisions, policies, and practices that – respect cultural realities and differences, – do not exhaust the Earth’s resources – maximize the regeneration of the natural environment. Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Quality of Life Our quality of life now and in the future will depend on our continued impact on the Earth’s resources to secure the basic requirements for existence and equitable social and economic development. Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Education for Sustainable Development K-12 We are assisting our students by educating them about sustainability and preparing them to take their places as environmentally, socially and economically literate citizens, consumers and leaders. Education for Sustainable Development K-12 - is setting a direction for education and learning that is based on; values , principles and practices that are necessary to respond effectively to current and future challenges. Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Ecological Literacy Every student and every teacher develop a comprehensive understanding of the basic patterns and processes by which Nature sustains life, and how these ecological concepts relate to sustainable human communities • Ecological Services • Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Learning It by Living It The school greens its facilities which allows for an experiential "place as pedagogy" teaching approach and enhances the environmental awareness of students and staff who see their school utilizing green practices on a day-to-day basis. • Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Environmental Ethic • All members of the school community develop a personal and collective code of responsibility to Nature, the Earth, and future generations . • This entails constraints on individual conduct and institutional policies, and applies this environmental ethic along with sustainable development principles when making decisions that affect the school. • Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development The global model of development is unsustainable… • Unsustainable consumption of resources • Degradation of ecosystems • Exploitation of people ESD raises awareness of issues, develops capacity for critical reflection and systems and futures thinking and promotes action. Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development CONSUMPTION / WASTE Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Worldwatch Institute • Like a tsunami, consumerism has engulfed our human cultures and Earths ecosystems. • Left unaddressed we risk global disaster but if we channel this wave, intentionally transforming our cultures to center on sustainability, we will not only prevent catastrophe but may usher in an era of sustainabilityOne that allows people to thrive while protecting even restoring, Earth. • Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development What does this mean for classroom teachers? • Think of sustainability as humanity’s most important project for the 21st century and provide literacy in the language and concepts of sustainability to the school and community. • Educate for sustainability Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development What Does Educating for Sustainability Include… • • • • • Knowledge Skills Values and Attitudes Behavior Preparing students, so that, as adults, they are able to deal with the challenges of living sustainably on both a local and global level. • Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Educating for sustainability is designed to encourage changes in behavior that will help to create a more sustainable future for all Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Tomorrow Footprint Handprint Today The R’s… • • • • • • REDUCE REUSE RECYCLE REFUSE RETHINK RESTORE Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development It is not the strongest or smartest species that survives but the one most responsive to change. • Charles Darwin Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development GreenHeart Education -is a primer on transformative education for sustainability for teachers who want to green their classrooms, curricula and school communities. at.shtml, Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Importance of ESD Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development ESD: International Priority • United Nations has declared 2005-2014 as the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development. • Canada, through Council of Ministers of Education (CMEC) and as a member state of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), played a major role in developing UNECE’s Strategy for Education for Sustainable Development. Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Bonn Declaration The UNESCO World Conference on ESD Bonn, Germany (March 31- April 2, 2009), Dr. Gerald Farthing, Deputy Minister of Manitoba Education, participated in the World Conference on behalf of the Council of Ministers of Education Canada (CMEC) . Gerald served on the Declaration drafting table with Chuck Hopkins the, UN Chair for Reorienting Teacher Education. This Declaration guides our collective future directions on ESD activity in Manitoba and across Canada. Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Provincial Priorities Mission • To ensure that all Manitoba’s children and youth have access to an array of educational opportunities such that every learner experiences success through relevant, engaging and high quality education that prepares them for lifelong learning and citizenship in a democratic, socially just and sustainable society. Vision • That every learner will complete a high school education with a profound sense of accomplishment, hope and optimism. Overarching Goals • To ensure education in Manitoba supports students experiencing and learning about what it means to live in a sustainable manner. • To ensure that education practice and policy in Manitoba is guided by the principle of inclusion. • To significantly increase achievement levels of those students who have been historically less successful. • To continue to increase the overall provincial graduation rate. Priority Action Areas • Education for Sustainable Development • Education in Low-income Communities • Aboriginal Education • Education in Rural Manitoba • Education in Northern Communities Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development SEdA Conference Sustainability and Education Academy 2007-2010 Inspiring educational leaders to create a culture of sustainable development, integrated into all aspects of the K-12 education system. Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development 1.Governance A systemic approach to implementing Sustainable Development. • Priority in Division Strategic Plan • Board and Policy development • Committees • Budget • Community Partnerships • Evaluation and Monitoring Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development 2.Teaching and Learning Students acquire and demonstrate the knowledge ,skills ,attitudes and life practices that contribute to a sustainable future. • Cross curricular focus of ESD in all subjects • Project-based learning focused on ESD • Pedagogy focused on systems thinking, inquiry,active learning, futures thinking, problem solving from a local and global perspective • Connections to student engagement, citizenship and relevance. Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development 3. Capacity Building Human resources policies, practices and development plans are aligned with sustainable development principles. • Professional development is provided for professional and support staff • Education for Sustainable Development practices are profiled and recognized • Succession Planning (e.g. Leadership Development) • Develop and Implement a staff wellness plan Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development 4. Facilities and Operations Sustainable principles are applied to the design, construction and renewal of division buildings and all aspects of facility management, procurement, resource use and transportation. • Facilities and operations assessment • Facility renewal plan based on LEED or equivalent standard • Operations plan that includes actions in procurement, energy efficiency, water conservation and waste reduction. • Schools structure and outdoor space are “facilities that teach” sustainable practices • Develop a sustainable transportation plan Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Manitoba’s Vision • Students will become informed and responsible decision-makers, playing active roles as citizens of Canada and the world, and will contribute to social, environmental, and an equitable quality of life for all, now and in the future. Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Deputy Minister-Gerald Farthing “Education for SustainabilityIt’s personal and professional” • Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Our Earth is “staggering” under human impact. Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development We all need FOOD, clean WATER and AIR to breathe Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Everything we do creates a Positive or Negative Impact on the Planet Going for the Green Committee Some folks are different shades of Green Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Dead Bird Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development • The Majestic Plastic Baga mockumentary • Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Mother Earth’s Four Laws of Nature: • • • • There is no waste in Nature Everything is connected There is no such place as away The Earth has limits • Vermont Institute of Natural Science, Waste Away Program Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development All people can and must learn to live in harmony with the natural world and with one another. Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development The ESD Traffic Light Educating for Sustainability Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Despair over the planets future Hopelessness Hyper-consumerism Catherine O’Brian-Sustainable Happiness K-6 Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Doomsday scenario Construct a vital lie Business as usual Catherine O’Brian-Sustainable Happiness k-6 Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development What Does Educating for Sustainability Include… • • • • • Knowledge Skills Values and Attitudes Behavior Preparing students, so that, as adults, they are able to deal with the challenges of living sustainably on both a local and global level. • Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Student Competencies in ESD • • • • Knowledge Skills Values /Attitudes Behaviour /Action students should explore in order to work toward a sustainable future. • The evaluation section provides strategies to assess the effectiveness of actions. • The competencies are divided into the 3 levels of schooling; Early Years -Middle Years -Senior Years Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development ESD – a top priority for Manitoba Education – Identified where ESD is taught in existing curriculum – Identified learning resources to support the teaching of ESD – Provide professional learning opportunities for teachers, schools and school divisions in support of teaching ESD - Promote ESD research - Strengthen cooperation and partnerships on ESD regionally, nationally and internationally with government Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Student Engagement Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Students are engaged in learning… When they show commitment to a task because they see inherent value in completing the task, despite the challenges (in Dooner et el,2010) Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Engagement and Understanding flourishes when teachers allowed students to; • Make responsible decisions • (Guskey and Anderman,2008,p.14) • Participate deeply not simply be heard • (Mitra,2008,p23) • When student work culminates in a genuine product for an authentic audience • (Levy,2008,p.75) Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Are Canadian Youth Engaged at School? CEA’s website ( Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development ESD ,Engagement and Understanding; • Our students are ready to be engaged in authentic learning and action • ESD can provide the link between their achievement at school and their belief in the significance of their learning • (Gary Babiuk -ESD a natural foundation for student engagement 2010) Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development All contents © 2009 Creative Change Education Solutions Inquiry Templates • Teachers should be equipped to help pupils identify and think about the complexities of issues from the perspectives of many stakeholders. Students need to: -acquire skills to analyze issues -analyze proposed solutions to those issues -understand the values underlying opposing positions on issues -analyze conflicts arising from those issues and proposed solutions. • They developed a framework of 13 questions for analyzing an environmental issue ( but could be used for any issue) whether the issue confronts a local community or a country on the other side of the world. • ESD Toolkit con’t…. The last two questions help students integrate knowledge into daily living. • What is a change you can make in your daily life to lessen the problem or issue? • Beyond changes in your daily life, what is the next step you could take to address the issue? • * This framework for teaching, studying, and analyzing environmental issues was developed for North American university students through a research process by Rosalyn McKeown and Roger Dendinger. • ESD Toolkit Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development ESD across the curriculum ESD learning outcomes are integrated into each subject in every grade: – Social Studies – Science – Health/Physical Education – Math – English Language Arts – Art ,Music, Drama, Dance Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Education for Sustainable Development – Early Years (K to 4) Students learn to think about their own and others needs and to consider the needs of future generations. Major themes in these grades include: • • • Respect and concern for other people in the local community and other places in the world Concern for all living things in our environment. Students learn that human survival is dependent on the environment Respecting the natural environment while participating in physical activity Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Education for Sustainable Development Middle and Senior Years Manitoba’s ESD vision is for students to become responsible and active citizens within their communities. This means students make informed decisions and take actions to improve their world. Major themes in these grades include: • Being good stewards of the environment • To care about and take part in their communities • Promote physical activity and healthy lifestyle practices Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development ESD website Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Enough For all Forever African Delegate to Johannesburg Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development ESD contact Anne MacDiarmid Sustainable Development Consultant Manitoba Education Telephone: 204-945-6943 or 1-800-282-8069, extension 6943 Email: Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Worksheet-Current Reality 1.What successes have we already had in our school? 2. What areas for action remain in our school that should be addressed? 3.What challenges do we face in these areas? 4. What support do we need to take effective action? 5. What are some of the existing individual, school and/or divisional strengths ? Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development ESD Resources Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Guide to Green Jobs and Sustainable Careers Background on the Green Economy and the Green Job Labour Market, including how a “green job” can be defined A description of skills needed for a career in sustainable development Examples of Green Jobs and Sustainable Development Careers Profiles of people in Manitoba working in Green Jobs Green Job Resources and Additional Readings Tips to help prepare for and find a Green Job Guide for Learning in the Outdoors The guide will assist educators and their partners (e.g.NGO’s)to embed the use of the outdoors in teaching and learning. The guide makes it clear that the outdoor environment offers motivating, exciting, relevant and easily accessible activities from pre-school years through to grade 12. Guide for Sustainable Schools Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Guide for Sustainable Schools in Manitoba • stainable_guide.pdf Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Sustainable Schools Plan (SSP) Template School Name – School Division – Vision - What the school is hoping to achieve (one or two paragraphs) SSP Team - Who is on the team and what their positions are SSP Priorities - Information on the SSP team's priorities related to the topics: Governance, Teaching and Learning, Capacity Building and Facilities and Operations A Toolbox of Resources (see section 6.0) has been compiled for schools to use within each of these topics. Record of Baseline Data - The baseline data will be used as indicators of improvement and assessment of outcomes. Reporting and Communication Activities Priority Strategies What actions will you take? Who is responsible? Curriculum Connections Timeframe Indicators Expected / Deadline How will you Outcomes know you are What making specifically are progress? you trying to improve? (Observable, measurable) Data Collection By what means will you collect evidence of progress? Results Status, data or anecdotal evidence Enough For all Forever African Delegate to Johannesburg Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development ESD contact Anne MacDiarmid Sustainable Development Consultant Manitoba Education Telephone: 204-945-6943 or 1-800-282-8069, extension 6943 Email: Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development The Story of Stuff • Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Instructional Focus • What do you want your students to know? • What skills , behaviours could students develop or refine? • What attitudes, values would you like to cultivate in students? Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Grants for ESD ex.html Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development ESD Grants Education for Sustainable Development Categorical Grant The intent of the Education for Sustainable Development Grant is to support schools/school divisions in their efforts to incorporate Education for Sustainable Development into all aspects of school division and school activities, operations, and programming. The $700.00 grant is issued to schools in the fall. Manitoba Education and Manitoba Hydro ESD Grant. Manitoba Education and Manitoba Hydro introduced Education for Sustainable Development Grants to promote professional learning for sustainability in classrooms. The grants provide up to $2,000 to cover expenses, such as teacher release time, professional development, and teaching/learning resources for sustainability education. Grants link on ESD website- Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Correlation Charts Student learning outcomes from K-10 in Science ,Social Studies and Physical Education /Health Education were selected as they related to Manitoba sustainable development priorities in a minimum of two factor areas • ions/charts/index.html Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Eco Globe Schools Recognition Program • a/k12/esd/eco_globe/awa reness.html • a/k12/esd/eco_globe/acti on.html A Whole School Approach to ESD Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Coming Soon..... Kindergarten to Grade 12 Correlation Chart Template and Kindergarten Toolkit - the planning template can assist educators when developing their own ESD activities using the ESD learning outcomes. Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development ECO-Globe Schools Criteria • Awareness - a school community at this level has a general awareness of the principles and practices of sustainability. • Action- a school community at this level includes ESD Awareness and is committed to a variety of ongoing sustainability practices. • Transformation- a school community at this level incorporates Awareness and Action and is characterized by a school-wide culture transformed by an ongoing commitment to the principles and practices of ESD. Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development Manitoba Education Education for Sustainable Development The Guide seeks to assist MB schools in; • Moving beyond sustainability awareness by undertaking concrete action-oriented learning activities integrated with curricula • Assists in creating sustainable school teams and sustainable action plans • Supports planning, implementing , reviewing and evaluating progress TABLE OF CONTENTS • 1.0 About the Guide for Sustainable Schools in Manitoba • 1.1 The Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD)........................... 4 • 1.2 Sustainability education in Manitoba........ 4 • 1.3 What is the Guide for Sustainable Schools in Manitoba?.......................... 7 • 1.4 History of the Guide............................ 8 • 1.5 Contact......................................... 2.0 Becoming a sustainable school • 2.1 What is sustainability?.......................11 • 2.2 What is a sustainable school?...............11 • 2.2.1 The whole-school approach adopted by the Sustainability and Education Academy.......11 • 2.2.2 General guidance on the wholeschool approach..............................14 • 2.3 Why is school sustainability important?....15 • 2.4 What is a school sustainability policy?.....16 • 2.4.1 IISD Policy Bank..............................17 • 2.5 What is a School Sustainability Plan?...... 3.0 School Sustainability Plans (SSPs) • 3.2.2 Develop your vision...........................21 • 3.2.3 Conduct a self-assessment..................22 • 3.2.4 Determine priorities, strategies,expected outcomes, and timelines........................24 • 3.2.5 Make curriculum connections...............25 3.0 School Sustainability Plans (SSPs) • 3.2.6 Determine monitoring and evaluation activities—Indicators and data collection techniques....... 26 • 3.2.7 Record baseline data.........................28 • 3.2.8 Determine Reporting and Communications Activities...................28 Build community links and partners—enriching the school’s program and bringing valuable resources, expertise and support • 3.3 Implementing your SSP......................29 Implement plans and actions—without implementing plans and assigning tasks, limited progress occurs • 3.4 Monitoring and reporting on your SSP.....29 Monitor and report on progress—assisting the school in measuring progress and improving plans and actions, while remaining accountable • 3.5 SSP samples...................................30