Q. State one way in which an oil differs from a fat.

1.3.4 Biomolecular Components FMQuiz Homework Solution
Q. Give two good sources of protein in the human
A. Lean meat, fish, eggs
Q. Name a test or the solution(s) that is (are) used
to detect protein in a food source.
A. Biuret or Copper sulphate and sodium hydroxide
Q. Glucose is an example of which type of
A. Carbohydrate / monosaccharide / sugar
Q. How do phospholipids differ from other lipids?
A. They have one of the three fatty acids replaced
with a phosphate group
Q. What food in a student’s lunch (a tuna and
sweetcorn sandwich, an apple and a bag of crisps)
is a good source of fat?
A. Crisps / “Butter” (on bread)
Q. State one way in which an oil differs from a fat.
A. Oil is liquid at room temperature or fat is solid
or oils are unsaturated or explained
Q. What is a triglyceride?
A. Fat (or lipid or oil) unit (or molecule) or glycerol
and three fatty acids
Q. State a use for a water bath in biological
A. Keep temperature constant / to vary
temperature / denaturing enzyme / heating
Q. Give one way in which an amino acid differs
from a monosaccharide, in terms of chemical
A. Contains N or contains –NH2 or contains –
COOH (group)
Q. True or False. Eggs are a good source of fat in
the diet.
Q. What food in a student’s lunch (a tuna and
sweetcorn sandwich, an apple and a bag of crisps)
is a good source of protein?
A. Tuna
Q. State one way in which carbohydrates differ
from fats.
A. Hydrogen and oxygen not in 2:1 ratio
Q. How many common amino acids are found in
A. 20
Q. True or False. Lipids are made of amino acids.
Q. True or False. All vitamins are fat soluble.
Q. The same elements are found in carbohydrates
and fats. Name these elements.
A. Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen
Q. For which purpose did you use Brown paper or
Sudan III in food testing?
A. Test for fat (or lipid or oil)
Q. How may one fat differ from another, in terms
of chemical composition?
A. Different fatty acids or some are phosphorylated
(have phosphate)
Q. Suggest one food in the lunch (a tuna and
sweetcorn sandwich, an apple and a bag of crisps)
that contains a water-soluble vitamin.
A. Bread or Sweetcorn / Apple
Q. Name one water-soluble vitamin.
A. B or C
Q. Proteins always contain the elements carbon,
hydrogen, oxygen and …
A. Nitrogen
Q. An example of a fat-soluble vitamin is …
A. A or D or E or K
Q. A solution used to test for the presence of
glucose is …
A. Benedict’s or Fehling’s
Q. Was heat necessary to test a food for starch?
A. No
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