AGM Package RTO/ERO DISTRICT 22 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Wednesday, June 10th, 2015 10:00 a.m. CROWNE PLAZA, Toronto Airport RTO/ERO THE RETIRED TEACHERS OF ONTARIO District 22 Etobicoke - York ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING CROWNE PLAZA, Toronto Airport Wednesday, June 10th, 2015 10:00 a.m. List of Contents: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Agenda of Annual General Meeting, June 10th, 2015 Past Presidents of RTO/ERO District 22 In Memoriam Minutes of the Annual General Meeting, June 4th, 2014 Executive Reports for AGM, June 10th, 2015 President’s Message Sheila Tait Nomination Committee Gary Parkinson Treasurer’s Report 2014 Harold Royle Awards Committee Sharon Kular Social Committee Judy Paton Membership/Telephone Lynn Farquharson Goodwill Report Maryanne Chard Senior Seniors Dorothy Garvin Membership/Recruitment Adele Pick Travel Report Pamela Guy Health and Insurance Services Vicki Stainton Website/Communications` Joel Nasimok Political Advocacy Art Witham Resolutions Claudia Mang AGENDA 1. Welcome Sheila Tait 2. In Memoriam Dorothy Garvin 3. Provincial RTO/ERO Greetings Norbert Boudreau Joel Nasimok 4. Approval of the Agenda Sheila Tait 5. Minutes of the AGM June 4th, 2014 Janet Thacker 6. President’s Report Sheila Tait 7. Nomination Committee Report Gary Parkinson 8. Treasurer’s Report Harold Royle 9. Constitution Karl Sprogis 10. EXECUTIVE REPORTS In Package 11. Other Business Sheila Tait 12. Special Guest Harold Brathwaite Claudia Mang 13. Outstanding Community Service Awards Sharon Kular 14. Project Service To Others Award Sharon Kular 15. Elections Gary Parkinson 16. President’s Remarks Sheila Tait 17. Introduction of the Executive Sheila Tait 18. Executive Award Bonnie Hamilton Adjournment Past Presidents of RTO/ERO District 22, Etobicoke and York Hugh Barret Ralph Russell Art Irwin John W. Scott Jack Luke C. R. Pearson E. H. Tyers Jack Griffiths T. Jarvis Jack Davy Ralph Atkinson Fred Hall Ken Thom Walter Wild Jim Willson Mary Macdonald Jim Hughes Rita Dupuis John McPhee Donal Fraser James Kirk Donald Routley Herb Cooney David Pautz Brenda Miller Irwin Kelly Gary Vipond Silvio Sauro Bonnie Hamilton Gary Parkinson 1973-1974 1974-1975 1975-1976 1976-1978 1978-1979 1979-1980 1980-1981 1981-1982 1982-1983 1983-1984 1984-1985 1985-1986 1986-1987 1987-1988 1988-1989 1989-1990 1990-1991 1991-1993 1993-1994 1994-1995 1995-1997 1997-1999 1999-2002 2001 2002-2004 2004-2006 2006-2008 2008-2010 2010-2012 2012-2014 In Memoriam Earla Alexander Iris Henderson Dulcie Nicholson Michaela Almassy Alfred Houghton Irene Niepomnik Alice Arato Muriel Hurst Ann Ralston Stanley Bailey Helen Jackson Maria Salvatori Donald Banks Daniel Jones Muriel Samborsky Joyce Bentham Arthur Keating Anthony Sario Max Berketa Ruth Lazenby T. Ronald Scovell Evelyn Bloom Hughes Catherin E. Lawson Doris Skinner Harry Bovay Marea Lemke Marilyn Spanetz Valerie Brook Felix Lewiecki Gloria Sutherland Thomas Byrne Grace McClelland Kathleen Takahashi Cheryl Cheeseman Jeannine McConnell Gloria Tenia Dirk Chow David McCullough Marion Thorburn Carole Cook Katharine McDonald Allan Turner Ruth Cook Terrance McDonald Joanne Valiukas Gary Cruickshank William McLeod Molly Warrick Marilyn Dodds Phyllis Moniz-Whyte Henry Welch Ian Fife Barbara Monteith Hilton Wilson Robert Greenham Joan Marie Moore Ruth Wyllie Charles Haller Paul Motink Evelyn Yelland Lorne Hammond Edward Mugford RTO DISTRICT 22 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Wednesday, June 4th, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. CROWNE PLAZA, Toronto Airport DRAFT MINUTES of AGM 2014 1. Welcome: Gary Parkinson welcomed all members of District 22 to take part in the business of the District. He reminded the members that his duties as President will end in the next two hours. Visiting guests were introduced: Lone Smith (Toronto District), Mary Ellen Lawless representing North York, and Bill Sparks, Scarborough and East York. 2. In Memoriam: Sheila Tait, 1st VP, paid tribute to those members who died in the past year whose names are listed in the program and mentioned that Lorne Hammond should also be remembered. All the names on the Honour Roll displayed at the entrance to the hall, are the calligraphy of Carol Howe. Thank you Carol for helping us to honour the memory of these members. 3. Provincial RTO/ERO Greetings: Martin Higgs recognized Joel Nasimok, who is serving on the Provincial Communications Committee. He indicated that it is good for the provincial representatives to get to know the members in this capacity and encouraged other members from District 22 to get involved. The Foundation has experienced some challenging moments, but is focused on seniors and their health issues. The Executive of RTO/ERO continues to meet with members of the Provincial Government to discuss matters pertaining to seniors. As elections come up in the future, look carefully and sort through the information to make the wisest choice in your interest. It was recommended that all members check the website for RTO/ERO on a regular basis and follow the links to our own District as well. 4. Approval of the Agenda: Gary Parkinson requested a motion of approval. It was moved by Claudia Mang and seconded by Adele Pick that the Agenda be approved. CARRIED 5. Minutes of the Annual General Meeting June12th, 2013: Janet Thacker requested a motion of approval. It was moved by Joel Nasimok and seconded by Maryanne Chard that the Minutes be approved as circulated. CARRIED 6. President’s Report: Gary Parkinson suggested that all members who have an email account should consider receiving the Newsletter in that manner. It arrives almost three weeks earlier than snail mail. He recognized the work of the new editor, Helen Gill, who has put her own spin on the publication. Members who contribute their own stories to our Newsletter, keep us all in touch. What are you up to? What do you find of interest? Please consider sending your anecdotes on to the Newsletter team. Gary Parkinson discussed the issue of the “Three Million Dollar Motion”, the RTO/ERO Charitable Foundation monies that were awarded at the Fall Senate. The recorded vote passed by a whisker, in the last moments of the meeting, and thus became a concern with regards to possible future motions put forward during the Senate meetings. District 22, along with other Districts is preparing a joint motion to manage future monetary decisions. This has been discussed at Toronto Districts meetings and it has been recommended that Bonnie Hamilton represent our views. Gary Parkinson has served as President for two years now and it is time to pass along the torch. He thanked the membership for their support and gave his thanks to the Executive who have made his job an easy one. 7. Nomination Committee Report: Bonnie Hamilton, Past President, reported the following nominations for Executive positions were proposed for 2014 - 2015: President: Sheila Tait Past President: Gary Parkinson 1st Vice President: Claudia Mang 2nd Vice President: Karl Sprogis Secretary: Janet Thacker Treasurer: Harold Royle Archivist/Registrar: Jeanne Rutherford Awards: Sharon Kular Goodwill: Maryanne Chard Health/Insurance: Vicki Stainton Newsletter: Helen Gill Social: Judy Paton Political Advocacy: Art Witham Constitution: Claudia Mang Senior Seniors: Dorothy Garvin Member at Large: Travel: Bonnie Hamilton Pamela Guy Communication/Webmaster: Joel Nasimok Membership/Recruitment: Adele Pick Membership/Telephone: Lynn Farquharson Pension/Retirement Concerns: Irwin Kelly Bonnie Hamilton drew attention to the list in the Package and indicated that the Executive has agreed to stand for office again. Anyone wishing to serve requires a nominator and a seconder and notice will be taken from the floor prior to elections later in the meeting. 8. Treasurer’s Report: Harold Royle presented the report for January to December 2013 which included the Proposed Budget for 2014. It was moved by Harold Royle and seconded by Alice Casselman that the Treasurer’s Report be approved. CARRIED 9. Constitution: Claudia Mang has received notification from the Provincial Constitution Committee with regards to the following Ammendments on which we will vote today: Item 2.03 a) The Executive shall meet at the call of the President or at the request of any two members of the Executive. A quorum shall be a simple majority or a number of members to be determined by the Executive at the first meeting of each year. b) The following procedures will be used when an electronic vote is taken by the Executive between Executive meetings: i. The President or designate shall propose a motion with rationale and email it to the Executive; ii. Members of the Executive shall vote by return email via “Reply All” within 5 days of receipt of the motion; iii. A quorum of the Executive must vote on the motion or it is deemed lost; iv. The President shall declare the motion passed or lost and inform the Executive; v. The motion and its disposition shall be reported as information at the next Executive meeting and the minutes shall include the report. Item 3.02 (j) Tours Committee: To plan same-day trips and excursions for District members to places of interest inside Ontario. Any other trips/excursions must adhere to the regulations of the Travel Industry Council of Ontario (TICO). The vote was called. CARRIED. 10. Executive Reports: Gary Parkinson suggested that the membership peruse the reports of each portfolio submittted by the Executive. He mentioned that if there were questions, that each committee chair would be able to entertain individual questions after the meeting and during lunch. 11. Outstanding Community Service Award: Sharon Kular thanked the Awards Committee for the immense amount of work that this committee demands: Jane Shaw, Joel Nasimok, Ann McIlroy and Don Routley. This award, available to members of District 22, is designed to recognize members who have devoted much of their time in retirement and earlier, to volunteer activities. $1000 is awarded to the recipient for the charity of his/her choice. She called on Karl Sprogis to please come forward and enjoy the accolades. Karl gives of his time, leadership and talent without reservation. Many groups have benefited from his tireless devotion. His passion for the arts is evident in his 15 years of service to Arts Etobicoke, advocating relentlessly for funding and recognition for the arts. While Principal of North Albion Collegiate he came to recognize the plight of his students and their neighbourhood. He continues to assist the community in problem solving and visioning. Karl was described by one of the nominators as “a hidden treasure, never seeking accolades for himself”. We celebrate today, one of our own who gives so selflessly to those around him. It is apt that Karl receives not only the RTO District 22 Award, but also received the distinction of the Queen’s Jubilee Award in 2012. Congratulations Karl! 12. Elections: Bonnie Hamilton called on the members for further nominations from the floor, three times, as specified. There were no further nominations. It was moved by Bonnie Hamilton and seconded by Sharon Kular that the slate of Executives for District 22 will stand as presented for 2014-2015. CARRIED 13. New President’s Remarks: Sheila Tait thanked Gary Parkinson for his tireless leadership. Through his inspiration, the Executive of District 22 is a well oiled machine that is up for all challenges and even bumps along the way. She recognized the membership of the District and thanked all for their continued support as we represent over 2300 members. It was asked if most of us reflect on our activities during retirement whether it be bingo or bridge, the zoo or seniors homes, travel or continued learning, coffee or wine tasting, and of course hours and hours of volunteering. How did we ever find the time for all this when we were working? 14. Introduction of the Executive: Sheila Tait introduced the Executive and welcomed the newest member, Karl Sprogis as 2nd Vice President. 15. Executive Awards and Past President’s Pin Presentation: Gary Parkinson introduced siblings, Judy Paton and Harold Royle who have both served on the Executive of District 22 for 10 years. In her typical unassuming way, Judy gets massive amounts of work done! She makes every task look easy and is ready to tackle anything that is asked of her. She is our Social Diva! Harold, the money man, is the mastermind behind our finances. His efficient, unflappable manner keeps us on track fiscally. Thank you Harold! And of course, we thank our President Gary Parkinson for his quiet, tireless leadership and we couldn’t be more pleased to have him serve as Past President for the next two years. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 11:10 a.m. as moved by Irwin Kelly and seconded by Claudia Mang. Committee Reports PRESIDENT’S REPORT 2014- 2015 My heartfelt thanks to members of the Executive who provided support and guidance during my first year as President. This year has posed some challenges and brought some changes provincially and locally. Harold Brathwaite, who has served since 2004 as Executive Director of RTO/ERO, will retire this year. His successor who was confirmed at Spring Senate is Jim Grieve, an educator who brings a wealth of experience having worked in several school boards in Ontario and at the Ministry. District 22 is indeed honoured to welcome Harold Braithwaite to the AGM where appreciation will be given for his outstanding contribution always with the interest of all members at heart. One challenge faced this year was the travel requirements demanded by Travel Industry Council of Ontario (TICO). Our travel reps Irwin Kelly and Pamela Guy have worked hard to achieve compliance. This has involved changes in procedures and also entailed moving to a new carrier. Solutions will be sought for any logistical details which remain to be ironed out. The Toronto Districts held a very successful Joint meeting at Black Creek Pioneer Village of the full executives of all 4 districts, D 16 (Toronto), D 22 (Etobicoke/York), D 23 (North York) & D 24 (Scarborough & East York). The meeting, held every other year, was organized by D16. The next meeting to be held in 2016 will be the responsibility of D 22. The Presidents and VPs of the 4 districts continue to meet every other month for discussion of items of mutual concerns and of our RPWs. There is always a fine balance in maintaining our organization. It is said that many members join only for the health plans and travel benefits but the opportunities for social interaction of our membership must never be ignored or understated. It is the aim of the executive to run an efficient organization which adheres to our constitution, but an organization at the heart of which will always be a variety of activities to enhance camaraderie and social contact. This year we bid farewell to many stalwarts who have made a considerable contribution and difference through many devoted years of service on our executive. Jeanne Rutherford is the longest serving member of D22. Her first portfolio in1986 was that of Secretary a role which she held for many years, also serving as Treasurer and member at large. In 1998 she became Historian, then Archivist and finally Archivist/Registrar. She chaired the committee along with Dorothy Garvin and Adele Pick which produced 30 Years and Growing, A History [of D22] 1973- 2003. In 2008 she received the Distinguished Member Award. At age 97, she is a striking example of enthusiastic involvement and dedication. We wish her good health and hope she continues to dance on her birthday. Dorothy Garvin joined the Executive in 1996. She served as 2nd VP, Goodwill rep and in 2004 was designated Health/Insurance/Pension rep, a role which became Health /Insurance then Health. In 20102012 she was member-at-large, creating the Senior Seniors portfolio in 2012 for which she was so aptly suited. Her personal outreach brought comfort to many. She is a fount of knowledge of the history of the organization. Our thanks for her caring concern and spirited involvement. Irwin Kelly has served in many capacities; creator of the web page in 2000, 1st VP, President, Past President, Treasurer, Travel, Pensions and as of, 2010 Pension & Travel. He has also served as Treasurer of Toronto Districts. Although he will be leaving the executive, he will continue to work with Pam Guy on travel. Appreciation is expressed for his sterling efforts in guiding D22 through the TICO changes, for his sage analyses of pension issues and for organizing so many enjoyable and memorable trips. Vicki Stainton has done an outstanding job as our Health/Insurance rep since 2012. Regretfully she is unable to continue on the executive but is willing to be called on when needed. Her resourceful work in the demanding Health portfolio kept the membership up to date on all pertinent information and changes. The contribution of these members typifies the hard work, altruism and dedication which epitomize the spirit of volunteerism and which underlie the welcoming outreach of our district. We salute them, thank them and wish them well. Sheila Tait Nomination Committee Report 2015 The Nominating Committee is putting the following candidates forward for election to the 2015-2016 Executive: Table Officers: President Sheila Tait Past President Gary Parkinson 1st Vice-President Claudia Mang 2nd Vice-President Karl Sprogis Treasurer Harold Royle Secretary Janet Thacker In addition the following have been named as Committee Chairs for 2015-2016 Archives/Registrar -------------------- Awards Sharon Kular Goodwill Maryanne Chard Health/Insurance Ann McIlroy Membership/Recruitment Adele Pick Membership/Telephone Lynn Farquharson Members at Large Bonnie Hamilton, Marilyn Jones Newsletter Helen Gill Pension/Retirement Concerns Janis McCaskill Political Advocacy Art Witham Senior Seniors -------------------- Social Judy Paton Travel Pamela Guy Website/Communication Joel Nasimok Nominating Committee: Gary Parkinson, Chair Sheila Tait Claudia Mang RTO District 22 Treasurer's Report 2014 Actual 2014 Balance on hand Jan 1/14 INCOME AGM lunch inc. Fall Luncheon Interest Inc: Bank ING Member Grant Project S.T.O. Trip income TOTAL INCOME TOTAL ASSETS EXPENSES AGM lunch exp. AGM Meeting Bank Charge Executive Budget 2014 Diff @ Dec.31 Budget 2015 38340.45 3035.00 2160.00 4000 3000 965.00 840.00 4000 3000 393.93 32167.21 2000.00 34798.00 6.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 300 112894.59 400 32167.21 2000 34798 76365.21 -36529.38 13487.96 756.39 18.04 1277.90 12000 2500 100 2000 -1487.96 1743.61 81.96 722.10 0 0 10000 2500 100 2000 Fall Lunch exp. Goodwill Health and Pen. Newsletter office: Political Advocacy Proj.S.T.O exp. Membership exp Recruitment exp Senate service award Social Travel com. Exp Toronto Dist Comm service Award Membership recog. Trip exp. TOTAL EXPENSES 952.40 2055.00 650.35 35098.00 8000 1000 100 10000 1000 500 2000 200 3000 2000 300 500 500 1000 3500 1000 35098 80584.07 86298 6506.40 1318.67 11526.90 281.82 2000.00 130.51 1965.94 2463.89 93.90 INCOME LESS EXPENSES 32310.52 BALANCE JAN. 1 / 2015 32310.52 1493.60 -318.67 100.00 -1526.90 718.18 500.00 0.00 69.49 1034.06 -463.89 206.10 500.00 500.00 47.60 1445.00 349.65 0.00 8000 1200 100 12000 1000 500 0 200 3000 3000 300 500 500 1000 3500 1000 0 50400 Awards Committee 2015 As the Awards Committee, Sharon Kular (Chair), Anne McIlroy, Joel Nasimok, Don Routley and Jane Shaw, we are responsible for administering five annual awards. STO or SERVICE TO OTHERS AWARD The Provincial Committee sponsors this award. Our responsibility is to review all requests and recommend to the District Executive a group to be nominated. If successful, the group is eligible for a grant up to $4000. Details of this award and an application form are available on the RTO/ERO web site at On the left, click on Project STO. Completed applications must be submitted to the Awards Committee of District 22 by April 30, 2015. This year’s recipient is Alice Casselman with her Association for Canadian Educational Resources (ACER) project. Congratulations Alice! 10 YEAR SERVICE AWARD After completing 10 years as a member of the Executive of District 22, a special recognition award is presented. This year’s recipient is Sharon Kular. Congratulations Sharon! OUTSTANDING COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD This award is available only to members of District 22. Nominations for this award of $1000.00 must be submitted to the Awards Committee by March 31, 2015. This award is designed to recognize members who have devoted much of their time in retirement and earlier to voluntary community activities. This year’s recipients are Carol Howe, Mary Margaret MacInnes and Stewart Hill. Congratulations Carol, Mary Margaret and Stewart! 25 YEAR MEMBERSHIP CERTIFICATES These certificates are presented at our June Luncheon to individuals who have been a member of RTO for the past 25 years. This year we have 29 such recipients. We are fortunate to have 13 of these members present today to receive their certificates. Congratulations Yogi Bidani, Doreen Ferns, Patricia Foubert, Stuart Hayward, Dorothea Klassen, Theodore Kozminchuk, Mary Ruth McDonald, David John Phillips, Edna Rollauer, Frank Shuttleworth, Roy Switzer, June Walker and William Wilson! SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM - RTO/ERO PROVINCIAL SCHOLARSHIPS To qualify a student must be in attendance in a full or part-time program at the Faculty of Education or in any program in their final year of a college or university in the year in which they apply and be a Canadian citizen or a landed immigrant. They must also be a child, grandchild, niece, nephew, grandniece, grandnephew, son-in- law, daughter-in-law or step-child of a RTO/ERO member who will become their sponsor. They would apply on the RTO/ERO website and must use the RTO/ERO member’s membership number. The deadline for applying is February 15, 2015. There is no recipient from District 22 this year. RTO/ERO DISTINGUISHED MEMBER AWARD Three (3) RTO/ERO distinguished Member Awards may be granted on an annual basis by the Provincial Awards Committee. Nominees for the Provincial Award will be selected in recognition of their outstanding and/or long term contributions to the RTO/ERO at the Provincial and/or District level. This award will comprise a plaque, a donation of $350 to a charity of each recipient’s choice and an invitation will be issued to attend the October Senate meeting. Districts are invited to submit one nominee by June 1, 2015. This year District 22 does not have a nominee. Sharon Kular Social Committee 2015 Each spring when I sit down to write this report, I marvel at how quickly the time has gone by. This is probably due to the fact that it has been a busy year. Our 2014 Fall Luncheon took place on November 14th at Lambton Golf and Country Club. Approximately 100 members and guests enjoyed a delicious meal, followed by our entertainer, Steven Brinder. Steven is a “stand up” comedian and a supply teacher with TDSB. Naturally, as retired colleagues, we understood his hilarious anecdotes. The chuckles and smiles attested to this! Once again, our AGM and June Luncheon are being held at The Crowne Plaza on June 10th, 2015. The AGM is always interesting and this year, we will hear from Harold Brathwaite, retiring RTO/ERO Executive Director. Luncheon will follow and we will be entertained by Pan Man Pat. These functions always provide delicious meals, good entertainment and a pleasant day. It is a great opportunity to catch up with friends and colleagues from our past. If you know someone who doesn’t usually attend, why not call them up and get a group together for the next luncheon? I do want to thank everyone for their support. The short notes, comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated. They are most helpful and I encourage you to continue to send on your thoughts and ideas. Judy Paton Membership/Telephone Report The main function of this executive position is to co-ordinate the telephone contact of all RTO District 22 members to encourage them to attend the Annual General Meeting and spring luncheon in June. At this event, members are able to meet the people who volunteer as executive members for District 22 and hear about opportunities available to them as members. They also have input into the management of the organization through participation at the AGM. Very importantly, it is also an opportunity for all attendees to reconnect with friends and colleagues. The work of the Membership/Phone committee begins in February when executive members contact those people who have volunteered to call our membership in the past and confirm their willingness to call this year. While our goal is contact all our membership, we do not ask our volunteers to make any calls that would be long distance from their homes. Many of our volunteers have been calling for years whereas others have just signed on for the task this year. Recruitment of callers occurs at our three main yearly gatherings including: To Hell with the Bell” breakfast in September, the Fall Luncheon and the AGM/Spring Luncheon. There is a sign-up sheet available on each table or interested members can call me directly. This year we also made an appeal for volunteer callers in the fall newsletter. With the size of our membership being well over 2000 people, we need many people to perform this task. This year we had the help of 85 volunteers, including executive members to call the membership. Each person called an average of 23 people (local calls only). For our callers, this is often an opportunity to reconnect with former friends and colleagues and results in many pleasant conversations. We value the personal contact that a phone call can provide as it often yields information that we may not be aware of such as a change of contact information or personal circumstance such as an illness. This is a valuable and important outreach activity in our district. In that regard, I offer thanks and appreciation to our volunteer callers for their time and diligence in ensuring that we make contact with our membership. The success of our AGM and Spring luncheon is a testament to their efforts. Lynn Farquharson Goodwill Report 2015 I would like to thank our phone volunteers who called to let me know of members who were ill or in need of cheering up. Appropriate cards, (“Thinking of You/ Good Cheer/Get Well”) were sent out to these members. As well, cards or letters of condolence were sent to the families of deceased members. Our “Have a Java on Us” club has been up and running for a little over a year now and so far 39 members have participated at one time or another. We always welcome new members. We meet at Second Cup in Cloverdale Mall, located in the North end of the Mall close to the Rexall Drug store. When you sign in, you will be given a coupon for $3.00 towards the purchase of your beverage and/or snack. Come out, relax, socialize and enjoy! We look forward to seeing you there. We will be holding this on the third Thursday of every month at 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Upcoming Dates: June 18 July 16, August 20, September 17, October 15, November 19, and December 17, as posted on our website. We presently have two other active social groups: the Lunch Group meets the second Monday of each month; the Square Dancing group meets each week on Tuesday afternoons. We can resurrect our Duplicate Bridge club if we can find a suitable venue that is a quiet space with at least 5 to 7 tables. I would be open to any suggestions and welcome new members. If you are interested in joining any of these groups, please contact: Adele Pick (416) 622-7361 or Maryanne Chard (416) 626-1353 Anyone who is interested in volunteering to help on the Goodwill Committee (ie. visiting members in residences, phone calls to keep in touch, sending cards, etc.), please contact me. Also, if any members know of someone who is celebrating a significant birthday or someone who is ill or needs cheering up, please call me at 416 626-1353, or contact me by email at Maryanne Chard Senior Seniors 2015 This committee, specific to District 22, is an offshoot of the Goodwill Committee. Special occasion cards and small gifts are given to members who are 90 and over! We are happy to remember these folks who were vibrant, active members for so many years. Thanks for all your referrals, as we really do make a difference. Dorothy Garvin Membership/Recruitment 2015 Membership in District 22 is increasing at a much slower rate compared to other years. The number of Associate Members is definitely on the increase as more and more people are becoming aware of their eligibility. On May 1st, 2013, there were 2285 members, and as of May 1st, 2015, District 22 sits at 2365, representing an increase of only 3.5 percent. It is interesting to note that 95 members are between the ages of 90 and 99 (24 men, 71 women) with 4 women and 2 men in the over 100 group! Most of our members are between the ages of 65 and 74. Our To Hell With the Bell Breakfast will be held at the Canadiana Restaurant on September 16th, 2015. Do you know of any potential recruits who might enjoy a free breakfast to learn more about RTOERO? Several of our existing members pay $15 to discover once again why we joined District 22, Etobicoke and York. Adele Pick Travel Report 2015 Again, as in past years, our trips have proved very popular and have been mostly sold out. At the end of last year, as well as our regularly scheduled trips to Stratford and the Erie Canal, we were fortunate to add a November concert with John McDermott, who delighted everyone with his wonderful voice and amusing anecdotes. 2015 is shaping up to be another winner! We began the year in Niagara Falls and saw “At the Movies”. This turned out to be a very special day for us as we stopped en route at the Welland Canal Museum at Lock 3. Here we were treated to a presentation of the traditional top hat to the Captain of the first ship to enter the seaway in the new season. This ceremony, presented by the St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation usually occurs during the third or fourth week in March, but had been postponed until later due to the unusually large amount of ice in the Seaway. What good luck for us! Our other spring trips included Shaw’s “Sweet Charity”, including stops at a winery and chocolate specialty shop as well as the popular “Chicago” at Drayton. We were sorry to lose the services of Seniors Carefree Travel at the end of 2014. We had been with them for many years and had always been treated well. After some serious searching, we have joined with Year Round Travel and have been very happy with the service. We appreciate your patience while sorting out the details that this change involved. A huge vote of thanks to Irwin Kelly, for his work in getting us set up with this new company. We look forward to another good year of travel. Pamela Guy Health and Insurance Services Report, June 2015 As another year as your Health and Insurance Representative is coming to a close, I am pleased to take this opportunity to thank our RTO members and Executive who have supported me in so many ways. Each year seems to bring new topics, questions and more open communication with our members; from this I continue to learn. Through your inquiries and the consequent follow-up, I recognize that our RTO and government supports and benefits are ever-changing, with more promises for improved benefits and services on the horizon. I encourage every member to keep abreast of these changes and enhancements. Most often we learn of these through communiqués from RTO newsletters, mailings, websites, fact sheets and publications such as Renaissance Magazine, Liaison Newsletter, and Health Matters. These are excellent resources for all of us. In addition, I cannot stress enough, the value of regularly perusing your Insurance Plans Booklet (green and white), and its 2015 updates. Most of us know the basics of our plan and how it has served us in the past. However, as the Plan package changes and more importantly, as our personal health and travel needs change, there are benefits described within which we may not have realized are available to us. You may be quite surprised to find further help available. Happy reading and learning! Vicki Stainton Website/Communications Looking at the website for District 22 is a good way to keep updated on all the latest information. To get to our website you go to . If there are any questions, I can be contacted at . Work with the Provincial Office continues to bring all member emails up-to-date. It is important that members contact Provincial Office if they change their email addresses or add a new email address for contact purposes. The Province is hoping to send emails and important notices direct to all members with email addresses in the near future. When a change has been made to your address, phone number, or email, it is important that Provincial Office be informed of the change directly by the member. To do this you call or contact: DianneVezeau Membership Database Administrator ( 416) 962- 9463 ext. 223 Once the email information is received locally, it can then be noted whether the member wants to receive the newsletter by mail and only receive the bulletins or whether they want all communication by email. This should save our District a lot of money in postage and save a lot of trees as well. Communications has become an important part of this portfolio. This year the Communications Committee at the provincial level is looking into potential workshops for the next year. They include using Excel to organize memberships, using Facebook as a form of communication, and the possibility of having another workshop to train Newsletter Editors throughout the province of Ontario. We are also looking into the possibility of changing to Drupal 7 to allow webmasters to learn how to control their own district websites using this program. Webmasters and Newsletter Editors are also being encouraged to use Renet 2, a program that will allow better communication among districts. At the local level, the Communication Chairman will continue to be available to answer questions, or at least direct the member to the person who can answer their questions. Joel Nasimok Political Advocacy 2015 The past year has seen some profound changes in governance in our city and province. In Toronto, we have seen a less scandalous approach to civic affairs with a muting of raucous rhetoric and more effort by our city councilors to find more or less common ground in making the city work and in getting things done. Transportation and infrastructure expansion/refurbishment are front and centre. (Those of us in central Etobicoke will soon be able to travel Kipling Avenue without it being a bone-jarring experience.) In the rush to provide facilities for the Pan/Para Am Games, along with extension of subways, LRT’s, replacement of roads and bridgework, it is easy to lose sight of other issues important to us as residents of more advanced years. Local health care, accessibility, and general living supports are as important to us as pot hole filling and storm sewer augmentation. It is to our advantage to know our councilors and it is important to contact them in a constructive fashion to keep issues before them that are in their power to correct. Letters and e-mails leave a more permanent trace than phone calls, so follow-up the phone call with something written. We now have a provincial government with a majority which will be in place for a few more years. It does, however, seem to be beset with some large fiscal challenges. We must keep our eye on proposed solutions lest they be options that are neither in our best interests nor the best interests of the rest of our fellow citizens. Health care issues must be watched carefully, especially local access and home care. Again, know who our MPP’s are and feel free to contact them. (Also, resist any attempts of aides and flacks to fob you off.) Feel free to send topics of your contacts and issues to RTO – locally or provincially – so that we might keep abreast of the concerns of our members. We can add this knowledge to our own presentations to government. Don’t hesitate to send messages of approval to our elected representatives when they do something right – it can only encourage them to replicate this sort of behaviour in the future. A dollop of positive reinforcement may well help keep them on the rails. A federal election looms for the Fall. Sadly, the trend of late has been to castigate one’s opponents in the nastiest possible manner, rather than to advance one’s own platform as the best possible choice for our society and its citizenry. Alas, this process is already in train for the coming election. While there may be a few boutique proposals targeted to select groups across the country, our task as citizens will be to discern what is best for our nation – for us and our successors – over the long haul. These will not necessarily be easy decisions to make. Not only must we be cognizant of programmes to be enacted, continued or discontinued but we must keep our eye firmly fixed on funding. The best programme in the world is useless if not adequately funded. Defunding – particularly in health and elder care – must be carefully scrutinized. However, all our best intentions, our right to raise our voices are naught if we do not exercise our right (and obligation) to vote. Art Witham Resolutions Committee Report 2015 In the year since our last AGM, I had the opportunity to work with Executive Members from District 4- Sudbury/Manitoulin, District 16- Toronto, District 18- Haliburton/Kawartha Lakes and District 38- Lambton. As a group, we were tasked with writing two amendments to change the RTO-ERO Provincial Constitution. This took place over the months of July and August 2014. These proposals were approved by the Executives of all five Districts and sent to the Provincial Office in a timely manner to be dealt with at the Fall AGM Senate of RTO-ERO. At the October Senate meeting, I had the privilege to be the mover of one of these resolutions and to speak to the motion. Both motions passed at the Senate meeting and thus our Provincial Constitution was amended. These two amendments fundamentally change how reserve funds are handled by The Provincial Executive and by the RTO-ERO Senate Members. As Chair of the District 22 Resolutions Committee, I am open to receiving resolutions from our members. These will be presented to the Executive Board of District 22 for consideration. At this year’s AGM, there are a number of resolutions before you that amend our local constitution. These resolutions come about from the recommendations made by the RTO-ERO Provincial Constitution Committee after their review of our District Constitution. They are as follows: 1. That the Title of the District 22 Constitution be amended to read: District 22 Etobicoke and York Constitution 2. That the pre-amble of the District 22 Constitution on page 3 be amended to read: The name of the District shall be Etobicoke and York. (Etobicoke/York) Rationale for Resolutions 1 and 2: In the Provincial Constitution of RTO-ERO, District 22’s name is legally identified as Etobicoke and York. In keeping with this legally defined name, the Provincial Constitution Committee has recommended this change. 3. That Article 2.17 be amended to read: A district Executive shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of District 22 in the month of June and the term of the new Executive shall begin the 1st day of July, the month following the Annual Meeting for a specified period of one year. All Executive members have the option of standing for election for a second term in the same position. This second term shall be for a period of one year. Rationale: The Provincial Constitution Committee recommended a clarification of the length of term. 4. That Article 3.01 (a) (i) be amended by addition to read “First Vice-President”. 5. That Article 3.01 (d) (i) be amended by addition to read “First Vice-President”. Rationale for Resolutions 4 and 5: Clarification of which Vice-President shall chair particular committees. 6. That Article 3.01 (b) (ii) be amended by the deletion of the words “in the interpretation of this document”. Rationale: This Article refers to the Provincial Constitution of RTO-ERO not District 22’s Constitution. The Provincial Constitution Committee is the sole interpreter of the Provincial Constitution. 7. That the last paragraph of Clause 3.02 (e) be amended by substitution to read “Provincial Communications Committee” instead of “Provincial Member Services Committee”. Rationale: This article refers to the role of the District 22 Communications Committee. 8. That Article 3.02 (j) be amended to read: To plan trips and excursions for the District members. All trips/excursions must adhere to the regulations of the Travel Industry Council of Ontario (TICO).” Rationale: The Provincial Constitution Committee recommended the words match those found in the Model District Constitution of 2014. 9. That Article 5.03 be amended by substitution to read: “All accounts payable and other disbursements made by District 22 shall be made by cheque. All cheques shall require two signatures by any two signing officers.” Rationale: Clarification only. Claudia Mang