GREEN DOT 2011-2012 YEAR END REPORT Green Dot Information Tables: Get Involved Fair – 9/20/11, 9/22/11 Love Week – 2/13/12, 2/14/12 Spring Break Safety – 3/6/12, 3/7/12 Green Dot Presentations: Green Dot Persuasive Speech during Welcome Week to 250 incoming Freshman – 9/2/11 Green Dot Persuasive Speech to 35 students in Emma Kluesner’s Freshman Seminar Class – 9/28/11 Green Dot Full Day Bystander Skills Training to 36 students – 10/21/11 Green Dot Persuasive Speech to 35 students Ann Walker’s Freshman Seminar Class – 11/3/11 Green Dot Persuasive Speech to 11 students in the Pre Soma Club - 11/1/11 Green Dot Persuasive Speech to 35 students Mary Sherrier’s Freshman Seminar Class – 11/21/11 Green Dot Persuasive Speech to 40 students in the Champions of Youth Program – 12/13/11 Green Dot Persuasive Speech to 25 students in Deborah Ballard’s “Make a Difference By Giving” Class – 2/22/12 Green Dot Full Day Bystander Skills Training to 39 students– 3/2/12 Green Dot Persuasive Speech to 35 students in Deborah Dagravarian’s Freshman Seminar Class – 2/22/12 Green Dot Persuasive Speech to 35 students in Laurie Dutton’s Alcohol and Drug Class – 3/1/12 Green Dot Persuasive Speech to 50 students in the National Panhellenic conference – 3/6/12 Green Dot Persuasive Speech to 255 students at the Alcohol Forum – 4/17/12 Green Dot Persuasive Speech to 400 students at the Youth Summit Anti-Bullying Conference 5/8/12 Green Dot Events: Green Dot club meetings – every Thursday Fall, 2011 and Spring 2012 semesters Healthy Relationships Awareness Day – 10/18/11 – Collaboration with Women’s Center, BLAST performances; Campus Police, Peer Educators, Green Dot Club, His & Hers Healthy Options; Neighborhood Watch; Pride Alliance, display of Clothesline Project; Green Dot sponsorship of athletic games: o Women’s field hockey game – 10/22/11 o Men’s soccer game – 10/26/11 o Women’s softball game - Softball – 4/7/12 o Men’s Lacrosse game – 4/21/12 Sexual Assault Awareness Day and Take Back The Night – 4/17/12 Denim Day – 4/25/12 iPad Giveaway – Spring, 2012 36 submissions on Green Dot map Green Dot Violence Prevention Strategy FULL DAY BYSTANDER SKILLS TRAINING EVALUATION COMPOSITIE OCTOBER 21, 2011 Class Year: Freshmen: 7 Sophomores: 11 Juniors: 10 Seniors: 6 Unknown: 2 Gender: Male: 7 F: 25 Transgender: 2 Unknown: 2 Club/Organization Affiliation: Green Dot Club (2), Pride Alliance (6), Social Work Club (1), Peer Educator Club (2), Resident Advisors (2), Stockton Christian Fellowship ( 1), SET ( 2), Nursing Club ( 1), Criminal Justice Club (1), Lamda Sigma Upsilon (1), Multicultural Connection (1); Speech and Hearing Club (1); Energy Service core (1); Latino Fraternity Inc. (1); Student Senate (1); Junior Class Council (1); Water Watch (1); The Argo (1); Active Minds (2); Marine Science (1); Neighborhood Watch (1) Strongly Disagree (1) 1. The trainer communicated ideas and concepts clearly. 2. The trainer demonstrated a thorough grasp of the course material. 3. The trainer explained the material in an interesting manner. 4. The trainer was well-organized. 5. The pace of the training met my needs. 6. The stated objectives for the training were met. 7. Materials used were appropriate for the training. 8. What I learned will influence how I respond to situations 4.94 4.94 4.83 4.89 4.57 4.89 4.91 4.94 For #8 if you answered ‘Agree’ or ‘strongly agree’, please explain in what way? Speak out, help out, do something in a red dot situation It gives me more confidence to do what I know needs to be done, which is stepping up I thought she was interesting and nice, I liked the activities we participated in It informed that these situations do happen and expressed own ideas about what to do I know how to respond to red dot situations I now have a new way to understand violence, abuse, what to do It portrayed everything in a different manner I learned that you don’t need to physically stand up, you just have to do something to make people notice. The training gave me good skills and tactics to use. In future events/situations, I will make sure I intervene in some sort of way. It made me give pause as to my previous methods of dealing with issues I never knew how to respond to situations like this, but now that I know the 3 D’s, I feel confident I can do something. I learned new tools tonight to help in real life situations. I’m an EMT, now I see things differently. I know now what I can and should do. I will DO something when I see violence or a related incident happening. In my career as a social worker. Now that I have the basic skills to intervene properly in a potentially harmful situation, I will be more comfortable getting involved in situations in which I come across. How to act towards situations with different circumstances and male/female victims Be more active Now I will be more certain about what to do It shows me how to intervene I feel like I’m more mentally capable of intervening. Also, it’s more set in my mind to do so. I now know how to address a different variety of situations which is greatly appreciated I realized there were some situations I didn’t feel comfortable dealing with them, but know how to now. In that I feel more comfortable in distracting and delegating red dot situations Now I want to act when needed It changed my mindset of the whole “girl was asking for it” mindset I feel I know ways to get/approach a green dot situation Would you recommend a friend attend this training? Yes No 34 out of 35 said “Yes” What did you find most useful about this training? Discussing what to do Hearing other’s perspectives I found the activities most useful. Other people’s stories opened up my eyes to how violence happens quite a lot. Information and to hear some stories of people that are here cause you never think this happens close to home I like the various group activities/exercises because it let me listen to other people’s perspectives I learned a lot of new information and a lot of stuff hit home. It was a very educational experience. The training was funa and informative and I believe my friends would enjoy it. I found the 3 D’s to be most helpful, because it shows how to respond. Letting you find your own means Different ways to intervene Thought provoking Learned how to be able to speak up without speaking up. Communication and similar stories amongst students. The different violent situations and ways to intervene. Seeing what everyone would do and everyone thinking as well. Very interesting!!! What I should do in different situations. The 3 D’s. All of the practical skills/info Working with a group to get the point of view and thoughts of others. Discussion The discussions, corners, DDD Responding to different situations Different ideas Different ways to get involved while staying safe. The different group activities we did The different types of intervening The group activities and meeting new people really made all the difference All of the group activities. Helping and getting people out of their shell Having different types of ways to treat a situation. Hearing about how other people would handle a situation and why It was comfortable and social. Allowing trainees to congregate freely gave a relaxed atmosphere that increased the ease of learning All the different ways to act in a violent/dangerous situation Warned the importance of intervening or at least as easy as bringing attention to problem can help a lot The tools we learn to use and be able to approach and act What did you find least useful about this training? What changes would you suggest? Lack of breaks. More breaks None Nothing. I really enjoyed it. The skits I wouldn’t suggest any. It was very good. Maybe a little shorter. I feel talking about each answer after the Yes, No, Depends would be interesting. More examples and role play to develop skills. Legal information and ramifications for types of behavior. Violent responses to violent situation – proportional response is perspective-based even in the courts. The self-made skits were fun, but I feel it makes light of these actual situations and tends to be very unorganized The skit, the group should keep their own skit Nothing. Not quicker pace, but less time for brainstorming activities. I think it all was useful! First “Yes,” “No,” “Maybe” walk Break training into smaller increments Maybe do it on Mon-Thurs, not Fri, Sat or Sun. I am a commuter and don’t normally have classes on a Friday. Nothing It was a little long I would try to condense the material to 4 hours or so – 5 was lengthy since we’re busy people. EVERYTHING was useful Creating a rela life situation. I would suggest you give us a specific scenario rather than us taking more time out to do it It was all useful. Really. All activities were related and interesting N/A it was fine – even the food I wasn’t a fan of having to switch scripts. Keep scripts. Very good training – worth the time spent! What topics would you recommend for the future training? Let us do our own skits! Maybe more stats of how violence is used day to day I would recommend an activity where people can get to know one another a little more. Self-defense I would recommend perhaps discussing more issues on sexuality and gender issues. Handout of contacts and “whistle blower” types of things as well as help for people needing help. Cyber bullying Keep all topics Invite a first responder (EMT) to get a different view point “BSI scene safety.” Bullies How to deal if intervention goes wrong. Allowing participants to tell personal stories and share their reactions to previous situations they were in. Maybe a short slide about staff on victims in America What to do if you are the victim, maybe defense training More BLAST! Maybe more about how men are portrayed (not all are the perpetrators) Topics like abuse within your family or preventing suicide Maybe a steps to follow program Please feel free to add any additional comments or suggestions on the back of this form The time all at once – I feel is better – it creates a better sense of rapport, and it keeps people feeling comfortable enough to share and talk and be open. Breaking the 5 hours into different separate times would absolutely disrupt that I think a Friday training works out. I feel that splitting up the time might make more people come. It is a large chunk of time. I learned about it through email. Maybe a bit earlier in the day, tired near the end, or split it up in half The time and day worked for m. Friday was perfect as well as time!!! The day and time was great! It’s been a great experience and I am so glad that y’all give the students at Stockton the opportunity to learn the material offered in these trainings. Y’all did a great job and made this training into a thoroughly enjoyable night. Thank you! Split into 2 Fridays It should be split up within two days and do it on a day of the week or precepting day. Possible to break up training in 2 session instead of going 5 hours straight of training. The day and time was great! It’s been a great experience and I am so glad that y’all give the students at Stockton the opportunity to learn the material offered in these trainings. Y’all did a great job and made this training a thoroughly enjoyable night. Thank you. Green Dot Violence Prevention Strategy FULL DAY BYSTANDER SKILLS TRAINING EVALUATION COMPOSITIE MARCH 2, 2012 Class Year: Freshmen: 10 Sophomores: 4 Unknown: 4 Juniors: 11 Seniors: 8 Grad: 1 Gender: Male: 10 F: 23 Transgender: Unknown: 5 Club/Organization Affiliation: Green Dot Club (4) Peer Educator Club (6) Residential Life (1) Neighborhood Watch (1) Psychology Club (1) Active Minds (1) Nursing (1) Strongly disagree 1 1. The trainer communicated ideas and concepts clearly. 2. The trainer demonstrated a thorough grasp of the course material. 3. The trainer explained the material in an interesting manner. 4. The trainer was well-organized. 5. The pace of the training met my needs. 6. The stated objectives for the training were met. 7. Materials used were appropriate for the training. 8. What I learned will influence how I respond to situations 2 Average score 4 9 Strongly agree 5 28 8 30 4.79 1 7 30 4.76 1 3 2 10 6 7 10 27 29 29 28 4.68 4.68 4.71 4.73 1 8 29 4.73 3 1 Would you recommend a friend attend this training? Yes 38 No 0 4.71 The trainer was a great educator and was able to keep the students involved in the learning material. What did you find most useful about this training? Preventing power based violence Interaction The 3 D’s (2) Learning how to handle certain situations I thought it was very useful that the scenarios were real life situations that we experience in college Fire alarm is a useful tool in a tense/horrible situation you witnessed The scenarios that were created at the end of the program Ways to step in and intervene Making the topic real relating it to college campus life and opening my eyes up to the topic Scenarios Different scenarios (2) The knowledge I learned Entertaining Gaining new knowledge on how to react to violence. I enjoyed the skits we all participated in. It was very informative and the role play situations were very useful The psychology and initiative to respond to a “red dot” situation. The empathic perspectives of scenarios. Real life people with situations involving this matter. Different ways you can help a individual out Interactive the information that was demonstrated in the class was made realistic the corners of the room “game” I could plant a seed, take a stand, so I can teach my daughter a lesson Learning the different realistic scenarios of antibullying and learn to take practices into the education field I liked that it was interactive. Kept everyone interested and participating. I also liked that the 3 D’s were taught as options, since most people would be scared to directly intervene and may be more comfortable delegating or distracting. That distracting someone from their red dot can be just as important as directly interfering Distracting others from a harmful situation Realistic tips Erin presented a variety of ways to turn a red dot green Different methods of intervention How to intervene in a situation Learning different situations Being a safe bystander Talking/discussing in groups Various ways to stop “bullying” What did you find least useful about this training? What changes would you suggest? The time lengths of the course. Cut back from 5 hours time Staged red dots Nothing was least useful about the training. It was interesting and it would help people deal with many situations I found the training very useful / no changes It was overall constructive I found everything useful in its own way How do support someone going through /recovering from sexual violent and other topics None – thought it was good Lecture Nothing every was good None (2) Nothing (2) Better food Too long What the box and flower entail – we all know None, was great n/a (2) the 4 different characters…who I would least like to be, most I would not change anything about the training I think that sometimes we were asked for too much explanation as to why we divided up where we did; we could have spent less time on that Know a lot of info already Moving around skits What topics would you recommend for the future training? Bullying Life experiences Combating alternative forms of bullying Some kind of defense “move” I think more skits could be useful n/a (2) focus on dating violence and the complexities of relationships cyber bullying including the legal rules about reporting a violent incident don’t know more comedy and of a direct approach none actual Stockton situations all topics covered were covered very well. Thank you drugs, guns, alcohol b/c this stuff leads people to commit such acts more on personal experiences how to deal with each type of abuse LGBT Training for future school educators Red dots that may be less obvious Current events More video scenarios to remind us that it happens I’ll let you know if I think of any More videos, shorter Rape Same sex relationship Shut down What day/time would you suggest for future trainings? ? Evenings Weekday/evening In the afternoon Weeknights after 7 Same (4) Not Fridays maybe weds nights Same time was perfect Day time Mid-day ASAP Same time Fridays 2-7 Maybe on a Tuesday or Thursday 2 separate occasions def. not on a Friday Not Friday (2) Night time Weekdays 11-4 Keep in the same time of Friday 4-9pm so it make s easy to everyone schedule 4-7pm I would suggest an earlier time This is a good time (time you can get most people) Not until 9 at night Maybe a weekday other than Friday Saturday Mondays, Tuesdays Not 5 hours Mid day Please feel free to add any additional comments or suggestions on the back of this form Thank you! Erin did a very good job running this training. She made is very