Terms of Reference

Terms of references
Assistive Technology: To develop Terms of Reference and Technical Specification documents for establishing
Long Term Agreement for procurement of Assistive Technology Devices, Help Desk Training on AT, Technical
Evaluation of RFP responses.
UNICEF works on disability guided by the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), which in Article 2
expressly prohibits discrimination of any kind, including on the grounds of disability and also by the Convention
on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), in which Children with disabilities are visible throughout the
treaty. Article 8 of the CRPD explicitly recognizes that Awareness Raising is needed to combat stereotypes and
prejudices about disability while Article 9 stresses on the importance of accessibility to enable persons with
disabilities to realise their potential UNICEF is actively engaged in helping member states to ratify and
implement these Conventions.
In 2012 the Information Technology Solutions and Services Division (ITSSD) started a project for “enhancing
Information Technology accessibility and support to staff members with disabilities”. The objective of the project
is to develop policy process documents for institutionalization of Accessibility features and Accessibility Support
in IT products and services, standardization of Assistive technology products, establishment of Long Term
agreements with competent vendors for procurement of AT tools, build capacity to Help Desk staff members on
soft skill (people skills) and hard skills (technology) necessary to support staff members with disabilities etc. As
part of the project ITSSD is taking the initiative to select competent vendors for supplying Assistive Technology
devices, providing training to Help Desk staff on AT etc.
ITSSD is asking applications for prospective individuals or institutions for a consultancy work on the project to
develop Terms of Reference, Technical specification and other relevant documents for a Request for Proposal
exercise from competent vendors for supplying AT products and/or providing training on AT products to Help
Desk staff. The consultant is also expected to help in evaluation of the RFP responses received from the vendors
for the process of selecting a competent vendors following UNICEF policy and processes for selecting vendors.
Purpose of the consultancy
Provide the following deliverables.
1. Develop a list of Assistive Technology devices generally needed and used by persons with disability at
work with different disability profiles including Mobility/Motor Skill, Vision, Hearing, Psyche, Speech,
and Cognitive etc. Ensure that AT devices in the selected list are compatible with UNICEF standard for
Computer hardware, Operating systems, applications, mobile/tablet device, telephone systems used by
UNICEF end users on day to day basis for performing official business.
2. Develop a guideline document for standardization of general categories of AT products.
3. Develop a Terms of Reference document for Request for Proposals from prospective vendors
to send their bids for a Long Term Agreement for supplying Assistive Technology products to
UNICEF on demand basis. Embed generic technical specifications for Assistive Technology devices
used for different disability profiles included Mobility/Motor Skill, Vision, Hearing, Psyche, Speech,
Cognitive etc.
4. Develop a set of criteria for evaluation of technical section of bids received from vendors.
5. Develop a set of criteria for evaluation of financial section of bids received from vendors.
6. Develop a list of competent vendors by basic market research who long established reputation for
supplying AT products. The list may be used to send RFP documents to participant in the competitive
bidding process following relevant UNICEF policies.
7. Develop a Terms of Reference document for Request for Proposals from prospective vendors
to send their bids for a one time engagement for providing training Assistive Technology
products to ITSSD help desk staff.
8. Develop a set of criteria for evaluation of technical for financial sections of the bids received from
vendors on training.
9. Work as part of a Technical evaluation team to score RFPS responses for AT device and Training after
bids are received from prospective vendors.
Expected Result
1. Develop a ToR, Specification and evaluation matrix documents for RFP exercise for selecting
competent vendor(s) to establish a Long Term Agreement for supplying AT devices to UNCEF
on demand basis. The selected vendor is expected to supply AT products upon receiving
Purchase orders from UNICEF as per UNICEF procurement policies. The vendor should be able
to ship AT products globally.
2. Develop a ToR and Evaluation matrix documents for RFP exercise for selecting competent
vendor(s) provide training on general AT products to Help Desk Staff to UNICEF NYHQ ITSSD
Help Desk staff.
3. Develop a list of Assistive Technology devices generally needed and used by persons with disability at
work with different disability profiles including Mobility/Motor Skill, Vision, Hearing, Psyche, Speech,
and Cognitive etc. Ensure that AT devices in the selected list are compatible with UNICEF standard for
Computer hardware, Operating systems, applications, mobile/tablet device, telephone systems used by
UNICEF end users on day to day basis for performing official business. The list could be considered as a
generate guideline to establish UNICEF standard for general categories of AT products.
4. Develop a guideline document for standardization of general categories of AT products.
Sample documents could be provided for the ToR, Technical Specification and Evaluation matrix etc.
Timeframe: From April 2014 – July 2014 the consultant will be working 78 business days. Payment will be made
based on a delivery schedule agreed during the contract offering.
1. Timeframe:
(Estimated # of days)
1. Develop ToR, Specification and evaluation matrix
documents for RFP exercise for selecting
competent vendor(s) to establish Long Term
Agreement(s). Selected vendors will supply AT
devices to UNCEF on demand basis upon receiving
Purchase orders as per UNICEF procurement
policies. The vendor should be able to ship AT
products globally to UNICEF offices.
2. Develop a ToR and Evaluation matrix documents
for RFP exercise for selecting competent
vendor(s) to provide training on general AT
products to Help Desk Staff to UNICEF NYHQ
ITSSD Help Desk staff.
3. Develop guideline documents
a. For item 1. For future use.
b. For standardization of general categories
of AT products.
c. Prepare a list of Assistive Technology devices
generally needed and used by persons with
disability at work with different disability
(Estimated # of days)
profiles including Mobility/Motor Skill, Vision,
Hearing, Psyche, Speech, and Cognitive etc
4. Work as part of a Technical evaluation team to score
RFPS responses for AT device and Training after bids
are received from prospective vendors.
For individuals applying for the consultancy position should have the following qualification. Institutions
interested in the work are expected to assign experts for the project with the following qualifications.
Advanced University degree (Masters or equivalent) in relevant fields in Information technology,
Business Administration, Social Studies with courses relevant to disability studies.
 At least 5 years of proven work experience in the field of disability, accessibility enhancement,
Assistive Technology etc.
 At least 2 years of proven experience in vendor sourcing for businesses e.g. contracting, writing
Terms of Reference, Specification for Request for proposal documents etc.
 Proven background and subject matter expertise in disability and inclusive/ accessible technologies;
 Strong understanding of UN and UNICEF approaches and experience in disability
 Excellent verbal and writing skills
 Ability to work with minimal supervision
 Comprehensive understanding of Accessibility in Workplace, based on UNCRPD, UNCRC and
relevant other public and private sector best practices on disability and inclusion.
Duty Stations
UNICEF New York Headquarters.
Daily Rate: $400/per business day.
How to Apply:
Qualified candidates are requested to submit a daily rate, cover letter, a CV and P 11 form (which can be
downloaded from our website at http://www.unicef.org/about/employ/index_53129.html) to
pdconsultants@unicef.org with subject line “Accessibility Project”, by 15 April 2014. Please indicate your
ability and availability to undertake the terms of reference above. Applications submitted without a daily rate
will not be considered.