Bell Ringer: Oct 23 and 26

Bell Ringer
Correct each of the following statements:
The Dutch controlled the Mississippi Valley in the late 1600’s.
The English had better relations with the Native Americans.
The first English settlement in Jamestown was successful because they
found gold in Virginia.
Manhattan (in NYC) was founded by the English.
The Seven Years War was fought between the Indians and the
Colonists in North America relied on settlers to work on tobacco and
sugar plantations.
Warfare had the greatest negative impact on the Native American
Slavery in the Americas
Today in class…
We will…
Explain the evolution of the African Slave Trade.
You will be able to …
Social Studies
• Draw the Triangle Trade and
identify items traded on each
• Identify the impacts of the
Slave Trade in Africa and the
• Define: Encomienda , Triangle
Trade, Middle Passage
• Analyze primary and
secondary sources to
understand the significance of
the African Slave Trade on
Africa and the Americas.
Unit 3 Test 10/30 (A) & 31(B)
Last day for retakes Friday 11/1
Today in class…
We will…
Explain the evolution of the African Slave Trade.
You will be able to …
Social Studies
• Draw the Triangle Trade and
identify items traded on each
• Identify the impacts of the
Slave Trade in Africa and the
• Define: Encomienda , Triangle
Trade, Middle Passage
• Correct sentences with
inaccurate factual information.
Unit 3 Test 10/30 (A) & 31(B)
Last day for retakes Friday 11/1
The Triangle Trade
Trade route with three legs.
Leg 1
Guns, cloth, iron, and rum are taken to Africa.
Leg 2 – The Middle Passage
Africans’ voyage across the Atlantic to the New World
to be used as slaves in the plantation system.
Leg 3
Raw Materials are taken to Europe to be made
into goods.
Triangular Trade linked the Old World and New World:
 Europe
 Africa
 Americas
On Your Map:
Label the continents.
Draw the 3 legs of the Triangle Trade.
Label the Middle Passage.
Label what was traded on each leg.
Triangle Trade
Trade pattern between Africa, the Americas, and
Europe in which slaves and other goods were
carried across the Atlantic Ocean
Middle Passage
Middle leg of the Triangle Trade where slaves were
transported from Africa to the Americas
Large amount of land given by the Spanish king
and queen to a settler in the Americas that allowed
Native Americans to be used as slaves
The Middle Passage
Coffin Position Below Deck
HowStuffWorks Videos "Assignment Discovery:
Triangular Trade and Slave Ships“
HowStuffWorks Videos "Assignment Discovery:
About Slavery in America“
Middle Passage (from Amistad) - YouTube
The Evolution of African Slavery
Some Native Americans died from fighting the
Europeans but the majority died of diseases.
African slaves were better at fighting off diseases.
 Old
 Immunities that built up over time
As colonies expanded, the demand for slaves grew.
 Cash
Crops = need for lots of labor
 Plantation system used to grow cash crops
Slavery in the Americas
African slaves were
auctioned off to the highest
Slaves worked in mines or
fields or as servants.
Lifetime of bondage that was
carried on for generations.
Slaves kept African traditions
alive – music & stories
Resistance and rebellion
Impacts in Africa
African cultures lost their fittest, best people.
African families were separated.
Guns were introduced.
Impacts in the Americas
Led to growth of the colonies
 Economic
 Cultural
Intermarriage and mixed race populations