Grade 11 and 12 PE/HE Active Healthy Lifestyles

Brian Hatherly
PE/HE Consultant
Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth
(204) 945-8143
September 2008
Mandated K- 12 Physical
Education and Health
Grade 11 and 12 Active Healthy Lifestyles
Grade 11-24 outcomes
 PA- 3 lessons
 FM- 6 lessons-10%
 MH- 3 lessons-5%
 SI- 3 lessons-5%
 SU- 4 lessons-5%
19 lessons delivered over
110 hrs x 25%= 27.5 hours
Grade 12- 32 outcomes
 PA- 3 lessons
 FM- 5 lessons-7%
 NU- 6 lessons-8%
 PS- 3 lessons-5%
 HR- 4 lessons-5%
21 lessons delivered over
110 hours x 25%=27.5
Grade 11, 12 Mandatory PE/HE
Anecdotal Comments
 Summary- Teacher Comments:
 Former student from grade 10 class … of strong
academic status, participated well in PE, although not
well skilled, disliked team-oriented activities. Two
years later, loves gr 12 PE/HE- allowed him to
participate in activities that enjoyed and gets credit
for! In the second semester, student is still using
cardio room regularly, making healthier eating choices
and has lost weight. He still does not participate on
school teams- perfectly fine as the idea of the course is
for student to be responsible for their active healthy
PE/HE Teacher Comments:
“The overall compulsory credits have been great for
<School>. There has been very little fall out in terms of
other departments' numbers dropping. What we have
witnessed is huge increase in number in our weight
room & cardio room. The students here are really
buying in to the new course and it has expanded our
Outdoor Ed. trips and activities. We have a great
facility here which has helped with the transition.
PE/HE Teacher Comments:
 Our school division purchased commercial grade
cardio equipment for all 5 high schools. This has
provided readily available for students to complete
required moderate to vigorous activity time. The
fitness room is well used throughout the day.
PE/HE Teacher Comments:
 “Many of the kids wanted to know why we are doing so
much health when our goal is to become more active
rather than sitting in a classroom.”
PE/HE Teacher Comments:
 The conversations we are having in class are great. We
haven't received any real complaints about the
program. We have given students lots of choice within
the class which I feel is key. The division's 50/50 model
also works really well (Day 1 & 2 cycle). Overall I think
the students are recognizing the importance of daily
PE/HE Teacher Comments:
• Gr 12 boy who needed to find a physical activity to do
to get his hours for the new PE/HE credit, started
going to Eastman Boxing Club. Not only did he easily
complete his hours but he is now on the competitive
team- all because of grade 12 PE being mandatory for
him to graduate.
PE/HE Teacher Comments:
 RE: Carman Collegiate- School- community
partnerships- Curves and Changes (fitness club), is
now offering student rates. Aerobics instructor offers
special rates for classes during school hours. Because
of this, 6 students went on to register for evening
 “One student signed up for Tae Kwon Do this year as
way to be active- he now has a collection of medals
from successes- a sport he discovered due to ….”
PE/HE Teacher Comments:
A group of girls from my semester 1 class rented
the ice at a local rink to hang around with
friends and get hours. The students found that their
hang out time became group activity time.
The exit interviews were great, students looked back at
the initial 5 day PA recall and were amazed at how
much more active they had become, many commented
on clothes fitting differently, feeling more energized,
sleeping better.
By the end of the course, they finally
understood why it wasn't "regular gym"
Teacher Concerns:
 “Legitimate activity hours and sign-off is an issue”
 Issues related to teacher workload and meeting times
with students.
 Organization is key
 Having a dedicated classroom is important
 Grants, funding, support is required in some cases
Student Successes:
“I think that adding the grade 11 and 12 Active Healthy Lifestyles course to
the curriculum is a great way to prepare us students in becoming more
physically active throughout the school year along with the many years
to come.
I think that this course is beneficial to me because it makes me
realize where I am fitness wise and is helping me start to improve
and plan where I want to get to intrinsically and extrinsically.
Upon entering this course I was not aware of physical activity barriers,
but as we learned about them I learned that many people have
these barriers, so I was quite pleased when we discussed how to
overcome these barriers in order to help us make situations
work. I like the fact that we have to keep track of the activities we
participate in in our physical activity logs because by keeping track of
the activates, fitness components and period of time used we are able
to see how much progress we are making towards this course, and
most importantly, ourselves.
All in all, I think that this course is a great new component to the
curriculum not only because we get an extra credit, but also because it
is helping motivate us in becoming more physically active and fit
as a person.”
Brigette Q
Hi (Teacher),
Just touching base to let you know what a positive impact your Phys. Ed. program
had on <Student>.
Up until now, <Student> has not usually enjoyed gym. Team sports were
somewhat intimidating for her because she felt she wasn’t necessarily helping
her team. She certainly wouldn’t have chosen Phys. Ed. as an elective if it was
an option. The activities you planned for the class suited her very well.
She went from going to PE begrudgingly to surprising herself by actually looking
forward to going to gym!!
The website on the appropriate amount of food for a person her age was an eye
opener. She’s tried to just eat less, but, of course, that won’t work, because a
body needs a certain amount of energy. She was surprised to learn how much
is actually the right amount to eat.
The information on drinking water was also very good. That’s something we’ve
tried to encourage her to do most of her life. She’s someone who just doesn’t
like to drink. Keeping track of water consumption on the personal website has
been useful for her.
The other valuable thing you shared with her class was the video on positive
Your class had a very positive impact on <Student>
Student Comments re: Web-based
“I believe Gym should be done through school as a required
course. … I have finished my required hours but even I have noticed
that my overall involvement in exercise has dramatically dropped.
The fact that we have to do hours on our own time isn’t my issue with
this. My issue is that we have to get to a computer which we have
been told to avoid, for it has seemed to decrease our physical
activity, and to do tedious tasks on a website which has resulted
in no help other than wasting away precious time where I could
have been playing a sport of some sort or have been more
physically active (not saying that that’s always the case)…
… For the next school year I would like to see gym put back in as a
class and the online portion of it abolished and never to be seen
again, but I can see having students being required to have a set
amount of hours to be done on their own time.”
What are 2 things that you are proud of
about your physical activity plan?
Getting lots of vigorous hours
Becoming more active/that I do something every day
Walking/power walking if no other workout that day
That I can work out without fainting or dying
Helped encourage other to be more active
That I actually want to do it and now enjoy getting
active because it makes me feel so much better
What have been some of the challenges
with this course?
 Forgetting my meeting dates
 Finding time and motivation
 Working out in the winter, but the Wii Fit became very
 Staying on track over holidays
 Fitting it into my schedule…I organized it so that I still
had time to study
Modules MH, SI, SU- what did you find valuable and
has “stuck with you”?
 MH- there is a lot of type of things that are associated with
my family and I want to do everything I can to prevent any
more problems
SI- The Right to Play organization and how they help and
motivate children in 3rd world countries
SU- I learned a lot about drugs and alcohol I didn’t know
before and I really liked the game “43 Seconds”
Being physically active and doing well in school has stuck
with me. It seems to work well. I feel better and am doing
better academically.
MH- learning about people with disorders
SU- I found that more interesting and learned a lot more
about damage it can do as well as long term effects
On Gathering Evidence and Information …
 K -12 Physical Education/Health Education Manitoba
Curriculum Framework of Outcomes (2000) builds on a
foundation that unites the two subject areas, physical
education and health education.
 “The process of developing this framework is guided by
research. The current literature supports a positive and
preventive approach to help students make healthenhancing decisions that will result in active healthy
lifestyles and disease prevention.”
 Since just knowing about being active is not enough, the
basis of this approach is skill-based so that students are
able to use and apply their learning.
PE/HE Framework Overview (2000)
Identifies WHAT the student is expected to know and be able to do
Recommendations (June 2005) cover 10 key areas:
 Educational health
Nutrition in Schools
Physical activity in schools
Recreation facilities and access
Recreation leadership
 Active transportation
 Injury prevention
 Low-income families
 First Nations communities
 Mental health and wellness
To provide students with planned and balanced
programming to develop the knowledge, skills, and
attitudes for physically active and healthy lifestyles.
5 Major Health Issues for Children
and Youth = PE/HE Outcomes
 inadequate physical activity
 unhealthy dietary behaviours
 drug use, including alcohol and tobacco
 sexual behaviours that result in sexually
transmitted diseases/infections and
unintended pregnancies
 behaviours that result in intentional and
unintentional injury
Mandated Time Allotments:
Updated: September 2007
Time Allotments
PE min/
6 day
HE min/
(½ day)
2 credits, with 1 credit (110 hours) 50% PE, 50% HE for each grade
2 credits required (30F and 40F)
For suggestions related to timetabling the mandated time allotments, refer to
the resource Scheduling Kindergarten to Grade 8 Physical Education/Health
Education: A Resource for School Administrators.
Grade 11/12 Implementation Models
Parent Information
 Parent Report:
 K-10- At the Heart of Education
 11 & 12- A Parent Guide
 Curriculum Information in addition to
the above booklets for Parents are
available online:
Brian Hatherly
PE/HE Consultant
Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth
(204) 945-8143