Florida Native Americans

You are about to begin an exciting project
utilizing both electronic and print resources to
learn more about the Native Americans of
Florida. You will work in teams as
investigative journalists to create a class
newspaper on the different Native American
tribes of Florida. To do your research, explore
different websites and books from our library.
Before you begin, look over the rubric so that
you understand the requirements of this
Journalists (1-2) -write an article on their tribe.
Advertising -write ads for the food, tools, shelter, or clothing of
their tribe. Remember your persuasive writing strategies!
Artists -create comics relating to information learned on their
tribe and help design the layout of the newspaper.
Archivist - look at primary resources for ideas on the maps,
artifacts, and diagrams.
All group members will fill out the graphic organizer of
information on their assigned tribe.
Group members must take turns researching on the intranet
and in the classroom library.
All members will be editors and check their work for correct
spelling, grammar, punctuation, and neatness.
Roles will be randomly selected by your teacher. Group
members may work together to find the information, but all
group members are expected to contribute.
Print out the cluster web graphic organizer. Write the name of the
tribe you are researching in the middle circle. As you skim
through your research, gather headings for the labels of the
surrounding circles such as:
Artifacts, weapons, tools, arts
Homes, villages
Families, children
Religion, customs
Other facts
Remember, you only need to write down the information that is
important for your task! Also, have extra paper for if you need
more room or for drawing pictures of maps, artifacts, tools, etc.
Go to the following websites according to your assigned tribe:
Calusa Indian Fact Sheet: Use your keywords in the cluster map to find information on
each main idea. Write down important facts in each circle. Follow this link to get more
information.. On the back of your sheet copy the map of Florida with the area in which
this tribe lived.
Tocobago Indian Fact Sheet Use your keywords in the cluster map to find information
on each main idea. Write down important facts in each circle. Follow any links to get
more information. On the back of your sheet copy the map of Florida with the area in
which this tribe lived.
Tequesta Indian Fact Sheet Use your keywords in the cluster map to find information on
each main idea. Write down important facts in each circle. Follow any links to get more
information.. On the back of your sheet copy the map of Florida with the area in which
this tribe lived.
Miccosukee Indian Fact sheet: Use your keywords in the cluster map to find information
on each main idea. Write down important facts in each circle. Follow any links to get
more information. On the back of your sheet copy the map of Florida with the area in
which this tribe lived. Also, look at the website for a picture dictionary of Mikasuki
Animal Words to include in your notes on language.
Timucua Indian Fact sheet: Use your keywords in the cluster map to find information on
each main idea. Write down important facts in each circle. Follow any links to get more
information. . On the back of your sheet copy the map of Florida with the area in which
this tribe lived.
Continue researching your tribe with resources
in the classroom library. Pay close attention to
the rubric for library research. On a separate
piece of paper, cite your work by writing
down, the author, the title of the book, the
publisher, and the copyright date in this form:
Last name, First Name. Title. Publisher. City,
State abbreviation, date.
Now is the time to put it all your pieces together
and create your project: the class newspaper.
Gather your notes all together and get with your
group to compare your notes. Discuss the
important aspects of your Florida tribe. Decide as a
group what information should be in your article,
advertisements, comic strips, and pictures and
maps. As a class you will need to decide on a name
for your paper, a design for the layout, and what
will be the feature story. Take a look at some
examples of newspapers to get some ideas. Have
several sheets of newsprint handy, because you
will want to make a "rough" copy before making
your final copy.
After the final copy of the newspaper is made,
you will present your part of the project to the
class. Remember that not everyone learned
about your Florida Native American tribe, so
you will need to explain to the class your
process, how you chose your information and
why you chose certain facts, and the important
information on your tribe that you included.
Before turning in your project and your notes,
you need to review your rubric by clicking on
the evaluation link and make sure it is your
best work!
Reflect on the process and decide if there is
anything that you could do differently or better
next time you have a project. Get with your
group and discuss how well you worked
together and what, if anything, you would
change on how you did your project. Look at
the group evaluation form, fill out, and turn in
to your teacher.
Congratulations! You have completed a
webquest to learn about the history of the
Native Americans of Florida. Hopefully you
have learned not only about the subject of
Native Americans, but you also worked
cooperatively in groups and learned how
thoroughly do a research project. \