Jackson take

Name: __________________________________ Period: _________ Date: ___________________
US History Regents
Mrs. Coll
1. Andrew Jackson's remark, John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it, refers to the
president's intention to
1. destroy the National Bank despite the Supreme Court ruling upholding its constitutionality.
2. use force, if necessary, to make South Carolina obey federal law that South Carolina thought
was unconstitutional.
3. move the Cherokees west of the Mississippi River regardless of Supreme Court rulings.
4. disregard Chief Justice Marshall's ruling in Gibbons v. Ogden.
2. At times, the United States Government has passed protective tariffs to
1. encourage foreign trade
2. help the nation’s manufacturers
3. reduce the cost of consumer goods
4. improve the quality of goods
3. During the presidency of Andrew Jackson, the spoils system resulted in
1. federal laws being nullified by the states
2. elected officials rewarding their supporters with government jobs
3. all free males being given the right to vote
4. the end of political corruption in the federal government
4. In the early 19c, which section of the country tended to oppose tariffs?:
1. the South.
2. New England.
3. the West.
4. the Middle Atlantic.
5. In the case of Worcester v. Georgia, the Supreme Court?:
1. ruled that the Cherokees had "an unquestionable right" to their lands.
2. ordered the Cherokees to vacate their lands east of the Mississippi River.
3. prohibited the intermarriage of Indians and whites.
4. ordered the state of Georgia to enforce Indian voting rights.
6. Andrew Jackson's view of the presidency emphasized?:
1. strong Cabinet leadership.
2. strengthening the power of the state.
3. support for the nullification doctrine.
4. leadership by the executive branch in the interests of the people
7. This was overwhelmingly nullified by the South Carolina state legislature on the grounds of its
1. Tariff of Abominations
2. Bank veto
3. Indian Removal Act
4. Excise tax
8. The extreme suffering of the Cherokee people in 1838 as they were forced by federal law to leave
their homelands in the southeast for lands in the west was known as
1. The Indian Removal Act
2. Trail of Tears
3. Battle of New Orleans
4. The Battle of Horseshoe Bend
9. Which of the following was not a reason to veto the bank of the United States?
1. it was a monopoly
2. It only benefited foreign investors
3. it did not benefit the taxpayers
4. the pet banks were going to fail
10. President Andrew Jackson used the spoils system to
(1) attack the Tariff of Abominations
(2) reward supporters with United States government jobs
(3) win support for construction of the Erie Canal
(4) gain passage of the Indian Removal Act
11. Which Supreme Court decision is most closely associated with the Trail of Tears?
(1) McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)
(2) Gibbons v. Ogden (1824)
(3) Worcester v. Georgia (1832)
(4) Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857)
12. During the 1830s, the development of a national two-party political system was mainly the result of
(1) conflicts over the use of the Monroe Doctrine
(2) debates over the National Bank and tariffs
(3) disputes over the Oregon boundary
(4) controversy over the Indian Removal Act
13. President Andrew Jackson’s policy toward Native American Indians was created to
(1) encourage Native American Indians to become part of mainstream American society
(2) force Native American Indians to move west of the Mississippi River
(3) improve educational opportunities for Native American Indians
(4) grant citizenship to Native American Indians
14. Andrew Jackson's popularity as a presidential candidate in 1828 was in large part due to his
1. dislike for political parties and popular campaigning
2. determination to take a clear and consistent stand on controversial issues
3. devotion to reason and expert advice in the making of public policy
4. image as a strong-willed self-made man of the people
15. The Nullification Crisis of 1832 involved a dispute over
1. the internal slave trade
2. internal improvements
3. protective tariffs
4. public land policy
16. When he vetoed its recharter bill, Jackson argued that the second Bank of the United States
1. refused to pay off the national debt
2. was a privileged monopoly of the rich
3. was too lenient in its loan policies
4. overextended financial credit
17. In the presidential election of 1824:
1. John Quincy Adams won re-election to a second term.
2. Henry Clay and the Whigs defeated the Democrats.
3. the House of Representatives chose as president the candidate who finished second in both
the popular and electoral votes.
4. Calhoun received the vice-presidency in exchange for backing Adams.
18. Important characteristics of politics in the Age of Jackson included all of the following EXCEPT:
1) mass entertainment with hoopla overshadowing issues.
2) expanded political democracy and increased participation in politics.
3) the acceptance of a party system as legitimate.
4) increased government efficiency through a competent civil service.
19. Shortly after he took office, Martin Van Buren ran into trouble because of:
1) a business panic that became a lingering depression.
2) a diplomatic crisis with Great Britain that the Whigs exploited for partisan purposes.
3) the scandalous conduct and deadly consequences of the Trail of Tears.
4) antislavery protests.
20. Which of the following concerning the Bank of the United States is true?
1) It was the key issue in the 1824 Presidential campaign (among Jackson, Clay, Adams, and Crawford)
that was decided by the House of Representatives.
2) In the 1820s and 1830s it was mismanaged, unresponsive to the nation's needs, and unsuccessful in
stabilizing the currency.
3) Andrew Jackson hated it and vetoed a bill to recharter it because he thought it undemocratic and
4) The Supreme Court ruled that a national bank was unconstitutional.