1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Baptism Penance Eucharist Confirmation Anointing of the sick Marriage Holy Orders When someone is baptised they are being welcomed by god into the church community. Penance gives us the opportunity for gods forgiveness of our sins if we truly are sorry for what we did. In Eucharist Jesus gives himself to us and his father. Jesus becomes spiritual food that we need to help us with life's journey. When you are confirmed you are sealed with the Holy Spirit that strengthens and guides you for the rest of your life. The anointing of the sick brings gods love and care to those who are dying or very ill. The priest comes and anoints you with chrism oil. Marriage celebrates uniting of a man and a woman forever to form a family and faithful love forever. Holy orders celebrates gods call for some men to be made priests, deacons and bishops who will lead and serve the church. • To Know Worship and love book 5 • Google Images