Complete GDS in-house and email an online link to complete the CEQ Complete the GDS in-house and mail a hardcopy CEQ form Reminder calls to complete the AGS either online or hardcopy Several institutions use their own 3rd party telephone data collection supplier GCA centralised telephone service Assist institutions collect both GDS and CEQ/PREQ data to achieve 50% response rate Provide a standardised service for quality assurance purposes for all participating institutions Economies of scale whereby multiple institutions working together can receive a reduced per-interview cost Three institutions participated in the centralised telephone service for the October 2010 survey round Two fieldwork periods: ◦ December 2010 ◦ February 2011 Total of 1,593 telephone interviews were conducted for all three institutions Used to monitor telephone interviewing progress by institution and GCA: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Number of daily interviews completed Interview length Quotas (‘soft’ and ‘hard’) Detailed performance of telephone call outcome Institutions 2 and 3 reached the targeted number of interviews Interviews achieved Telephone Sample Items Sample/ Target interviews ratio 400 800 500 293 800 500 973 2149 1859 2.4 2.7 3.7 1700 1593 4981 N/A Target number of interviews Institution 1 Institution 2 Institution 3 TOTAL Due to lack of qualifying sample, Institution 1 did not reach their targeted number of interviews Sample fields initially supplied by the institution Output file contains all AGS questions Can arrange for the data to be coded if required Final data output checked by GCA before it is provided to institutions There are 3 participating institutions this survey round Two institutions have core CEQ scales, with the third institution having core CEQ scales + one optional scale Telephone fieldwork began 29 June for a 3 week period Total of 3,000 interviews to be conducted Institution 1 revised target number of interviews during fieldwork Target number of interview Institution 1 Institution 2 Institution 3 TOTAL 800 1,200 1,000 3,000 Interviews achieved so far...* 631 978 679 2288 * As at close of interviewing Thursday 14 July, 2011 Telephone Sample/Target Sample Items interview ratio 1,827 3,828 2,407 8,062 2.3 3.2 2.4 N/A GCA centralised telephone service designed to assist institutions reach 50% response rate for GDS+CEQ and PREQ 3 institutions participated in October 2010 round and 3 in April 2011 round For more detailed information see ‘Telephone Service Summary’ paper released April 2011