final Old test questions to study

Sacraments 2015 Final Exam Study Guide
Old test questions to study…..
1. The ordinary minister of Confirmation in the Roman Catholic Church is
a) deacon
b) priest
c) bishop
d) anyone
2. The type of Baptism which applies to catechumens who sincerely desired to be
Christian, but died before they were able to experience the sacrament:
a) by desire
b) by blood
c) by water
3. Baptism has all of the following effects except:
a) forgives original and personal sin
b) frees people from concupiscence (the inclination to sin)
c) initiates a person into the Church
d) Confers the gifts of the Holy Spirit
e) Baptism has all of the above effects
4. The Church teaches that all un-baptized infants
a) go to hell
b) go to heaven
c) are entrusted to the mercy of God
d) go to limbo
e) none of the above
5 The proper form of Baptism is:
a) water
b) oil
c) "I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."
d) chrism
e) all of the above
8. The process in the Church through which an adult prepares him/herself for baptism:
c. NSA
9. An indelible, permanent spiritual mark, or change, left by a sacrament.
a. grace
b. sacramental character
c. essential rite
d. matter
e. none of the above
10. Which of these is NOT a sacrament of initiation:
a. Baptism
b. Reconciliation
c. Eucharist
d. Confirmation
e. These are ALL sacraments of initiation
13. The essential "stuff" or actions used in a sacrament.
a. form
b. matter
14. In Baptism the words, “ I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the
Holy Spirit. Amen” are its:
a. form
b. matter
15. In Confirmation, anointing with oil is the sacrament's:
a. form
b. matter
For # 16-22 select a)True or
b) False
17. The water of baptism not only symbolizes cleansing (of original sin), but also death to sin and
new life in Christ.
18. All seven sacraments directs us to eternal life in union with God and to the Kingdom of God.
19. The sacraments are generally private events, between God and the person receiving it.
20. In an emergency, an atheist could validly baptize a person.
21. The sacraments that impart a sacramental character may only be received once in a person's
For #23-33 select the best answer from this word bank. Not every term is used. None are used
a. Catechumenate
b. Code
c. Confirmand
d. Creed
e. Cult
ac. Licit
cd. Ritual
ce.. Sacrament
abc. Valid
abd. Worship
be. Principal of Sacramentality
A sacrament that is performed legally, i.e. according to the rules.
Those who are preparing for entering the Catholic Faith
A ceremonial act or a series of such acts.
The religious actions of a religion, including worship and prayer.
An outward sign of God's grace, instituted by Christ, for our sanctification.
The moral teachings of a religion.
Everything in creation can reveal God
a) transubstantiation b) concupiscence c) substance d) accident e) sacramental character
ab) consecration
1. The miracle by which the bread and wine become the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of
2. The event at which the bread and wine become the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus.
3. The human tendency to do evil.
4. A sacramental, indelible “mark” on the soul in which conforms a person to Christ in a special
way, marking him or her forever.
5. The essential qualities of a thing: what something truly is.
1. Bread : Body and Blood of Christ :: Wine : _____
a) Blood of Christ b) Body of Christ c) Body and Blood of Christ d) Wine
2.Wine : Blood of Christ :: Accident : ____________
a) Body of Christ b) Transubstantiation c) Substance d) Paschal Mystery
15. Why does the priest genuflect after he says “Do this in memory of Me” in the Eucharistic Prayer?
a) The bread and wine have become the Body and Blood of Christ at that moment
b) He recalls Jesus stumbling and falling on the way to Calvary
c) This is the only time he will acknowledge his personal sinfulness during Mass
d) All of the above
17. To receive the Eucharist worthily, Catholics should do which of the following?
a) Be free from mortal sin
b) Fast for at least an hour before receiving the Sacrament
c) Strive to live in charity with others
d) All of the above
19. Why do Catholics bless themselves with Holy Water before Mass?
a) As a reminder of their Baptisms
b) As a reminder that sacred space is different from the outside world
c) As a re-affirmation of their belief in the Trinity
d) All of the above
20. What should Catholics do before sitting in their pews?
a) Genuflect toward the altar
b) Genuflect toward the tabernacle
c) Bow toward the tabernacle
d) Simply reverently enter the row
21. When a Catholic receives the Eucharist at a Catholic Mass, he/she receives:
a) A symbol of the Body and Blood of Jesus
b) The Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus in bread and wine
c) The Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus in the species of bread and wine
d) Bread and Wine
22. We call the reality revealed in the correct answer to #24 :
a) The Real Presence
b) The Paschal Mystery
c) The Consecration
d) Todd
23. If a Protestant Christian (mistakenly) receives the Eucharist at a Catholic Mass, he/she receives:
a) A symbol of the Body and Blood of Jesus
b) The Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus in bread and wine
c) The Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus in the species of bread and wine
d) Bread and Wine
24. What is Holy Communion given to the dying called?
a) Extreme Unction
b) Viaticum
c) The Last Supper
d) The Paschal Meal
25. How often should Catholics receive the Eucharist
a) Ideally every time they go to Mass/Liturgy
b) At the very least once/year
c) After having fasted for at least an hour
d) If they are in a state of grace (i.e.: not aware of being in a state of mortal sin)
e) All of the above
Matching (
Please match the following Eucharistic Vessels/linens with their names:
d. Tabernacle
a) True b) False
41. When one receives Eucharist from the chalice, he/she receives both the body and blood of Christ.
44. What regular food does for a person’s physical well-being, the Eucharist does for his
soul’s well-being
45. Species is a theological term for the physical form the Eucharist retains after consecration.
A. Grace
B. Immanent
C. Liminal
D. Rituals
E. Sacramentality
F. Symbols
G. Transcendent
_____ Being above, beyond, or outside of the ordinary
_____ Dwelling within, or being a part of
_____ Symbolic actions that help us concretely, or physically, express our beliefs, values and deepest
_____ In-between; or having to do with a threshold.
_____ Observable, physical realities that represent invisible qualities or elements.
A. sin
B. sin of omission
C. sin of commission
D. actual sin
E. original sin
AB. mortal sin
AC. venial sin
10. ______ The general type of sin in which people are personally responsible for doing evil or
refusing to do a required good
11. ______ A sin which destroys one’s relationship with God.
12. ______ A deliberate transgression of God’s Law.
13. ______ A type of sin referred to in the Confiteor when one acknowledges that he has
“sinned…in what I have failed to do…”.
14. ______ Often called by modern theologians “the human condition” this is the fallen,
spiritually weak condition into which human beings are born as a result of the sin of
Adam and Eve.
a.) Accident
b.) Agape
c.) Consecration
d.) Eucharist
e.) misse
ab.) Real Presence
ac.) Substance
ad.) transubstantiation
8. The miracle by which the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Jesus.
9. The Body and Blood of Christ, together with the soul and divinity of Christ, are truly, really, and
substantially present in the Eucharist.
10. The words and actions of the priest which effect (cause) the bread and wine to become the Body and
Blood of Christ
11. The non-essential, often changeable characteristics of a thing.
12. Literally means "thanksgiving."
Multiple choice.
13. When a Catholic receives the Eucharist at a Catholic Mass, he/she receives:
a.) A symbol of the Body and Blood of Jesus
b.) Bread and Wine
c.) The Body and Blood of Jesus Christ
d.) none of the above
14. The proper form of the Eucharist is
a) “This is my body…” and “This is my blood…”
b.) bread and water
c.) unleavened wheat bread and grape wine.
d.) “Do this in memory of me…”
15. The ordinary minister of the Eucharist is
a) deacon
b.) priest
c.) bishop
d.) all of the above
e.) both a and b
16. Referring to the Eucharist as the source and summit of the Catholic faith implies...
a.) it is the beginning and peak of our Catholic way of life
b.) it finishes our initiation into the Church
c.) it is the first and last thing a Catholic should do
d.) none of the above
17. The effects of the Eucharist include
a.) forgives mortal sins
b.) allows us to never sin
c.) provides spiritual nourishment
d.) all of the above
e.) none of the above
18. Jesus Christ is present in the Eucharist…
a) in the person of the priest
b) in the community of people
c) in the species of bread and wine
d) in the Word (readings)
e.) all of the above
19. What is the name of the Jewish ritual meal that Jesus celebrated with his disciples the night before he
a) the Eucharist
b) the agape meal
c) the Passover seder
d) Yom Kippur
e) brunch
20. The proper matter of the Eucharist is
a) “This is my body…” and “This is my blood…”
b.) bread and water
c.) unleavened wheat bread and grape wine.
d.) “Do this in memory of me…”
Match the proper definition with the proper term. Not every definition is used. Write NEATLY.
The grace given in a sacrament is a virtue of the priest which we receive.
A sacrament that “counts”, i.e. it effected the grace it is intended to.
The person who is authorized by the Church to administer the sacrament
The grace received in a sacrament is dependent upon the openness/disposition of the recipient
of the sacrament.
The essential words used in a sacrament
A sacrament that is NOT performed according to the rules/laws of the Church.
The essential symbols, actions, or “stuff” of a sacrament.
Bread and water.
The grace given in a sacrament comes by virtue of the rite, not the goodness of the minister of
the sacrament
A sacrament performed according to the rules or laws of the church.
_____Ex opere operato
_____Ex opere operantis
a) ex opere operato
b) ex opere operantis
53. The principle of Catholic sacramental theology which holds that the effectiveness of
the grace received in a sacrament is at least partially dependent upon the disposition of the person
receiving the sacrament..
54. The principle of Catholic sacramental theology which holds that the grace given in a
sacrament is dependent upon the sacrament itself, not upon the spiritual disposition
of the minister of the sacrament.
55. The reason why sins confessed in the sacrament of reconciliation cannot be forgiven if the penitent is
not sorry for his sins.
Multiple choice: select the best answer.
1. The proper matter of the anointing of the sick is
a. oil of the catechumen
b. chrism oil
c. oil of the sick
d. WD40
2. The effects of the anointing of the sick include:
a. forgiveness of venial sins
b. forgiveness of mortal sins
c. Grace is given to avoid the temptation to discouragement or despair.
d. "a" and "c"
e. "a", "b", and "c"
3. The ordinary minister of Matrimony is…
a. deacon
b. priest
c. bishop
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
4. The proper form of Holy Orders is…
a. "I absolve you of your sins, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."
b. "I anoint you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."
c. "I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."
d. "Do this in memory of me"
e. none of the above
5. The sacrament of Anointing of the Sick can be repeated if:
a. the anointed person recovers but gets sick again.
b. during the course of the same illness the anointed person's danger becomes more serious.
c. both "a" and "b"
d. none of the above; the sacrament cannot be repeated
True or False
A= true B=false
6. The term "redemptive suffering" implies that suffering is intrinsically evil and of no value.
7. Once a man is ordained a priest, he is always a priest.
8. Under no circumstances can a non-Catholic receive the anointing of the sick
9. Anything a deacon can do sacramentally, a bishop can do
10. Holy Orders is the sacrament which creates the ordained ministry of bishop, priest, and deacon.
11. A declaration of nullity states that a valid marriage never took place.
12. Bishops receive the fullness of the sacrament of Holy Orders
13. Religious brothers and sisters receive Holy Orders
14. A divorced Catholic may not receive Holy Communion.
Please write ALL the letters that apply:
a. bishop
b. priest
c. deacon
15. presbyter
16. spiritual "father" of a diocese
17. can baptize and bless marriages (only)
18. He receives the fullness of Holy Orders
19. In the Roman Catholic Church he can be in the married state before he is ordained.
20. Is the ordinary minister of ordination (Holy Orders).
21. Can proclaim the Gospel and preach at Mass, but not Consecrate.
22. Acts ‘in persona Christi’
23. In greek his title means “servant”
24. Is the chief ‘teacher, and ruler’ of a diocese.
26. What are the two purposes of marriage? (select two answers)
a. The mutual good of the spouses
b. To unite two families
c. The remove the guilt of sexual sin
d. Procreation and raising children
27. Which of the following is NOT a necessary element for a valid Catholic marriage?
a. Free consent
b. Openness to children
c. Properly witnessed
d. Of legal age
e. None of the above (i.e. these are all necessary)
28. What is a ” marriage of disparity of cult?”
a) a marriage between a Catholic and a baptized non-Catholic
b) a marriage between two non-Catholics
c) a marriage between a Catholic and a un-baptized person
d) a marriage between a Catholic and divorced Catholic
e) none of the above
27. What is a ”mixed marriage?”
a) a marriage between a Catholic and a baptized non-Catholic
b) a marriage between two non-Catholics
c) a marriage between a Catholic and a un-baptized person
d) a marriage between a Catholic and divorced Catholic
e) none of the above