Chapter 8 Skeletal System Slide 1 Introduction Bones Number of bones Slide 2 Divisions of Skeleton Axial skeleton Appendicular skeleton Slide 3 Skeletal Structure terminology P. 214 in book (table 8-2) Slide 4 Skull bones overview QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. Slide 5 Axial Skeleton Skull Cranial bones (external) Frontal bone Parietal bones Occipital bone Temporal bones Sphenoid bone Ethmoid bone Slide 6 Cranial bones Slide 7 Facial Bones Maxilla Palatine bone Zygomatic bone Lacrimal bone Nasal bone Vomer bone Inferior nasal conchae Mandible Hyoid bone Slide 8 Fetal Skull Fetal skull Slide 9 Directional terms Superior Inferior Anterior (ventral) Posterior (dorsal) Medial Lateral Slide 10 Vertebral Column QuickTime™ and a decompressor are needed to see this picture. Slide 11 Vertebral column Made of vertebrae stacked on top of each other Segments of the vertebral column: Cervical vertebrae, 7 Thoracic vertebrae, 12 Lumbar vertebrae, 5 Sacrum - fused Coccyx - fused Slide 12 The Thoracic Cage Consists of: ribs sternum Slide 13 Sternum Parts : Manubrium Body Xiphoid process Slide 14 The shoulder girdle Clavicles - s shaped bone Scapulae - flat/triangular Divided by Spine Acromion process - articulates with clavicle Coracoid process - attachment point for mucles Glenoid cavity - articulates with head of humerus Slide 15 Upper Limb Humerus Upper arm/ from scapula to elbow Radius Thumb side Radius pivots with humerus Ulna - longer of two lower arm bones Articulates with humerus Slide 16 The hand Carpal bones - 8 Metacarpal bones5 Phalanges - made of 3 phalanx Proxmial phalanx Middle phalanx Distal phalanx Slide 17 Lower extremity Consists of the bones of hip, thigh, lower leg, ankle, and foot Pelvic girdle 2 coxal bones fused at the acetabulum Ilium - superior portion, joins sacrum at the sacroiliac joint Ischium- L shaped, supports weight during sitting Pubis - anterior/articulates at symphysis pubis Large opening - obturator foramen Slide 18 Skeletal Differences in Men and Women Slide 19 Lower Limb (thigh, lower leg, foot) Thigh, lower leg and foot Femur - thighbone From hip to knee Longest bone in body Patella - knee cap (in tendon that passes over knee) Slide 20 Lower leg Tibia - shinbone supports weight/articulates with femur and tarsals Fibula -slender Lateral to tibia Does not bear body weight Slide 21 Foot Tarsals - ankle - 7 bones Articulates with tibia and fibula Calcaneus (heel) Supports body weight Metatarsals - instep 5 bones Arch Bound by ligament Phalanges Each made of 3 phalanges,except big toe Slide 22 Abnormal Spinal Curvatures Abnormal curvatures (cont.) Lordosis Kyphosis Scoliosis Slide 23