Univariate Statistics

Inference, Representation,
Replication & Programmatic
• Populations & Samples -- Parameters & Statistics
• Descriptive vs. Inferential Statistics
• How we evaluate and support our inferences
• Identifying & evaluating replications
• Extracting replications from larger studies
Just a bit of review …
• The group that we are hoping our data will
represent is the …
• The list of folks in that group that we have ...
• The folks we select from that list with the intent
of obtaining data from each ...
•The group from which we actually collect data is
the ...
sampling frame
selected sample
data sample
Some new language …
Parameter -- summary of a population characteristic
Statistic -- summary of a sample characteristic
Just two more …
Descriptive Statistic -- calculated from sample data to
describe the sample
Inferential Statistic -- calculated from sample data to infer
about a specific population parameter
So, let’s put it together -- first a simple one …
The purpose of the study was to determine the mean number of science credits
taken by all students previously enrolled in Psyc350. We got the list of
everybody enrolled last fall and from it selected 20 students to ask about their
science coursework. It turned out that 3 had dropped, one was out of town and
another didn’t remember whether they had taken 1 chem course or two.
Sampling -- Identify each of the following...
Target population
Psyc350 enrollees
Selected sample 20 from last fall
Last fall’s
Sampling frame enrollment list
Data sample
15 providing data
Identify each of the following…
Mean # science credits from all students previously
enrolled in Psyc350
population parameter
Mean # science credits from 15 students enrolled in
Psyc350 during the fall semester who were
in the data sample
descriptive statistic
Mean # science credits from all students previously
enrolled in Psyc350 estimated from
the 15 students in the data sample
inferential statistic
Reviewing descriptive and inferential statistics …
Remember that the major difference between descriptive and
inferential statistics is intent – what information you intend to get
from the statistic
Descriptive statistics
• obtained from the sample
• used to describe characteristics of the sample
• used to determine if the sample represents the target population by
comparing sample statistics and population parameters
Inferential statistics
• obtained from the sample
• used to describe, infer, estimate, approximate characteristics of the
target population
Parameters – description of population characteristics
• usually aren’t obtained from the population (we can’t measure everybody)
• ideally they are from repeated large samplings that produce
consistent results, giving us confidence to use them as parameters
Let’s look at an example of the interplay of these three…
Each year we used to interview everybody from senior managers to part-time
janitorial staff once a year to get a feel for “How things were going?”. Generally we
found we had 70% female and 30% male employees, divided about 10% management,
70% clerical and 20% service/janitorial, with an average age of 32.5 (std=5.0) years and
7.4 (std= 5.0) years seniority. From these folks we usually got an overall satisfaction
rating of about 5.2 (std = 1.1) on a 7-point scale.
With the current cost increases we can no longer interview everybody. So, this
year we had a company that conducts surveys complete the interview using a sample of
120 employees who volunteered in response to a notice in the weekly company
We were very disappointed to find that the overall satisfaction rating had
dropped to 3.1 (std=1.0). At a meeting to discuss how to improve worker satisfaction,
one of the younger managers asked to see the rest of the report and asked use to look
carefully at one of the tables…
Table 3 -- Sample statistics (From 100 completed interviews)
50 males (50%) 50 females (50%)
34 mang. (34%) 30 cler. (30%) 36 ser/jan (36%)
mean = 21.3 std = 10
seniority mean = 2.1 std = 6
First.. Sampling -- Identify each of the following...
Target population our company Sampling Frame company newsletter
Selected sample 120 volunteers Data sample
100 who completed the survey
Each year we used to interview everybody from senior managers to part-time
janitorial staff once a year to get a feel for “How things were going?”. Generally we
found we had 70% female and 30% male employees, divided about 10% management,
70% clerical and 20% service/janitorial, with an average age of 32.5 (std=5.0) years and
7.4 (std= 5.0) years seniority. From these folks we usually got an overall satisfaction
rating of about 5.2 (std = 1.1) on a 7-point scale.
With the current cost increases we can no longer interview everybody. So, this
year we had a company that conducts surveys complete the interview using a sample of
120 employees who volunteered in response to a notice in the weekly company
We were very disappointed to find that the overall satisfaction rating had
dropped to 3.1 (std=1.0). At a meeting to discuss how to improve worker satisfaction,
one of the younger managers asked to see the rest of the report and asked use to look
carefully at one of the tables…
Table 3 -- Sample statistics (From 100 completed interviews)
50 males (50%) 50 females (50%)
34 mang. (34%) 30 cler. (30%) 36 ser/jan (36%)
mean = 21.3 std = 10
seniority mean = 2.1 std = 6
And now … Kinds of “values” -- identify all of each type …
descriptive statistics
inferential statistic
Each year we used to interview everybody from senior managers to part-time
janitorial staff once a year to get a feel for “How things were going?”. Generally we
found we had 70% female and 30% male employees, divided about 10% management,
70% clerical and 20% service/janitorial, with an average age of 32.5 (std=5.0) years and
7.4 (std= 5.0) years seniority. From these folks we usually got an overall satisfaction
rating of 5.2 (std = 1.1) on a 7-point scale.
With the current cost increases we can no longer interview everybody. So, this
year we had a company that conducts surveys complete the interview using a sample of
120 employees who volunteered in response to a notice in the weekly company
We were very disappointed to find that the overall satisfaction rating had
dropped to 3.1 (std=1.0). At a meeting to discuss how to improve worker satisfaction,
one of the younger managers asked to see the rest of the report and asked use to look
carefully at one of the tables…
Table 3 -- Sample statistics (From 100 completed interviews)
50 males (50%) 50 females (50%)
34 mang. (34%) 30 cler. (30%) 36 ser/jan (36%)
mean = 21.3 std = 10
seniority mean = 2.1 std = 6
And now … Kinds of “values” -- identify all of each type …
descriptive statistics
inferential statistic
Of course, the real question is whether the “3.1 rating” is cause for concern…
Should we interpret the mean rating of 3.1 as indicating that the folks who work here are
much less satisfied than they used to be? Why or why not?
Looks bad, doesn’t it ?
Well – depends upon whether the sample is representative
of the population. Any way to check that?
We can compare sample descriptive statistics & population
• this sample is not representative of the population
• the sample is “too male,” “too managerial & janitorial”, “too young,” and
“short-tenured” compared to the population parameters
Here’s the point…
Our theories, hypotheses and implementations are about
populations, but (because we can never, ever collect data from
the entire population) our data come from samples !!!
We infer that the data and analysis results we obtain from our
sample tell us about the relationships between those
variables in the population!
How do we know our inferences are correct?
• we can never “know” – there will never be “proof” (only evidence)
• check the selection/sampling procedures we used
• we check that our sample statistics match known population
parameters (when we know those parameters)
• we check if our results agree with previous results from “the lit”
• we perform replication and converging operations research
Here’s another version of this same idea !!!
“Critical Experiment” vs. “Converging Operations”
You might be asking yourself, “How can we sure we ‘got the study
right’?” How can we be sure that we..
• … have a sample that represents the target population?
• … have the best research design?
• … have good measures, tasks and a good setting?
• … did the right analyses and make the correct interpretations?
Said differently – How can we be sure we’re running the right
study in the right way ???
This question assumes the “critical experiment” approach to empirical
research – that there is “one correct way to run the one correct study”
and the answer to that study will be “proof”.
For both philosophical and pragmatic reasons (that will become apparent
as we go along) scientific psychologists have abandoned this approach
and adopted “converging operations” – the process of running multiple
comparable versions of each study and looking for consistency (or
determining sources of inconsistencies) – also called the Research Loop
Library Research
Hypothesis Formation
Learning “what is known”
about the target behavior
Based on Lib. Rsh., propose
some “new knowledge”
the “Research Loop”
• Novel RH:
Draw Conclusions
• Replication
Decide how your “new
knowledge” changes
“what is known” about
the target behavior
• Convergence
Research Design
Determine how to
obtain the data to test
the RH:
Data Collection
Carrying out the
research design and
getting the data.
Data Analysis
Hypothesis Testing
Based on design properties
and statistical results
Data collation and
statistical analysis
“Comparable” studies -- replication
• The more similar the studies the more direct the test
of replication and the more meaningful will be a
“failure to replicate”
• The more differences between the studies the more
“reasons” the results might not agree, and so, the
less meaningful will be a “failure to replicate”
• Ground rules…
• Same or similar IV (qual vs. quant not important)
• Same or similar DV (qual vs. quant not important)
• Similar population, setting & task/stimulus
• Note if similar design (e.g., experiment or nonexperiment)
“Comparing” studies -- replication
If the studies are comparable, then the comparison is
based on…
Effect size (r) and direction/pattern
• Direction/pattern
• Be sure to take DV “direction” into account (e.g.,
measuring % correct vs. % error or “depression” vs.
• Effect size
• Don’t get too fussy about effect size comparability …
• Remember .1 = small .3 = medium .5 = large
• Smaller but in the same direction is still pretty similar
What about differences in “significance”??? If the effect
sizes are similar, these are usually just “power” or “sample size”
differences – far less important than effect size/direction !
Replication – some classic “conundrums” #1
Imagine there are four previous studies, all procedurally similar, all
looking at the relationship between social skills and helping
behavior. Here are the results…
r(36) = .28, p>.05
r(65) = .27, p<.05
r(72) = .27, p<.05
r(31) = .28, p>.05
Do these studies replicate one another?
Yes !!!
• the studies all found similar effects (size & direction)
• the differences in significance are due to power & sample size
Replication – some classic “conundrums” #2
Imagine there are four previous studies, all procedurally similar, all
looking at the relationship between amount of therapy and
decrease in depressive symptoms. Here are the results…
r(36) = .25, p>.05
r(42) = .27, p>.05
r(51) = .27, p>.05
r(31) = .25, p>.05
Given these results, what is your “best guess” of the population
correlation between social skills and helping behavior?
r = .00, since none of the results were significant?
r ≈ .25 - .27, since this is the consistent answer?
I’d go with the .25-.27, but encourage someone to do an a priori
power analysis before the next study!!!
Remember this one …
Researcher #1 Acquired 20 computers
of each type, had researcher assistants
(working in shifts & following a
prescribed protocol) keep each machine
working continually for 24 hours &
count the number of times each machine
failed and was re-booted.
Mean failures PC = 5.7, std = 2.1
Researcher #2 Acquired 20 computers
of each type, had researcher assistants
(working in shifts & following a
prescribed protocol) keep each machine
working continually for 24 hours or until
it failed.
Mean failures Mac = 3.6, std = 2.1
F(1,38) = 10.26, p = .003
X2(1) = 8.12, p <.003
 F / (F + df) =  10.26 / (10.26+38)
r = .46
 ² / N
= 8.12 / 40
r = .45
So, by computing effect sizes and effect direction/pattern, we can
compare these similar studies (same IV – conceptually similar DV)
and see that the results replicate!
Try this one …
Researcher #1 Asked each of 60
students whether or not they had
completed the 20-problem on-line exam
preparation and noted their scores on the
exam (%). She used BG ANOVA to
compare the mean % of the two groups.
Researcher #2 Asked each of 304
students how many of the on-line exam
questions they had completed and noted
their scores on the exam (%). She used
correlation to test for a relationship
between these two quantitative
Completed Exam Prep = 83%
No Exam Prep
= 76%
F(1,58) = 8.32, p = .003
 F / (F + df) =  8.32 / (8.32+58)
r = .35
r (301) = .12, p = .042
Comparing the two studies we see that while the effects are in the
same direction (better performance is associated with “more” online exam practice), the size of the effects in the two studies is
very different. Also, the significance of the second effect is due to
the huge sample size!
And this one …
Researcher #1 Interviewed 85 patients
from a local clinic and recorded the
number of weeks of therapy they had
attended and the change in their
wellness scores. She used correlation to
examine the relationship between these
two variables.
Researcher #2 Assigned each of 120
patients to receive group or not and
noted whether or not they had improved
after 24 weeks. She used X2 to examine
the relationship between these variables.
X2(1) = 13.71, p <.001
r (83) = .30, p = .002
 ² / N
= 13.71 / 1120
r = .34
So, by computing effect sizes and effect direction/pattern, we can
compare these similar studies (conceptually similar IV & DV) and
see that the results show a strong replication!
Replication & Generalization in k-group Designs -- ANOVA
• Most k-group designs are an “expansion” or an extension of an
earlier, simpler design
• When comparing with a 2-group design, be sure to use the
correct conditions
Study #1
Study #2
Mean failures PC = 5.7, std = 2.1
Mean failures IBM = 5.9, std = 2.1
Mean failures Mac = 3.6, std = 2.1
Mean failures Dell = 3.8, std = 2.1
F(1,38) = 10.26, p = .003
r =  F / (F + df) = .46
Mean failures Mac = 3.6, std = 2.1
F(2,57) = 10.26, p = .003, MSe =
We need to know what “PC” means in the first study!
What is “PCs” were IBM?
What if PC were Dell?
What if PC were something else?
Replication & Generalization in k-group Designs -- X2
• Most k-group designs are an “expansion” or an extension of an
earlier, simpler design
Study #1
Study #2
X2(1) = 8.12, p <.003
r =  ² / N = .45
X2(1) = 13.79, p <.004
We need to know what “PC” means in the first study!
What if “PCs” were IBM?
What if PC were Dell?
What if PC were something else?