Overview of Excel tables

Introduction to Microsoft Excel 2007
FIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF A WELL-DESIGNED SPREADSHEET .............................................................................................. 5
I. ACCURACY ............................................................................................................................................................................. 5
II. CLARITY................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
III. FLEXIBILITY ............................................................................................................................................................................. 5
IV. EFFICIENCY ............................................................................................................................................................................. 5
V. AUDITABILITY........................................................................................................................................................................... 5
FOUR AREAS FOR INFORMATION ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
Identification & Documentation Area ................................................................................................................................. 5
Input Areas .......................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Work Areas .......................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Output Areas ....................................................................................................................................................................... 6
TIPS FOR BETTER SPREADSHEETS ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
WHAT'S NEW IN MICROSOFT OFFICE EXCEL 2007? .............................................................................................................. 7
RESULTS-ORIENTED USER INTERFACE ................................................................................................................................................ 7
MORE ROWS AND COLUMNS, AND OTHER NEW LIMITS ......................................................................................................................... 7
OFFICE THEMES AND EXCEL STYLES................................................................................................................................................... 7
IMPROVED CONDITIONAL FORMATTING ............................................................................................................................................. 8
EASY FORMULA WRITING................................................................................................................................................................ 8
IMPROVED SORTING AND FILTERING ................................................................................................................................................. 8
EXCEL TABLE ENHANCEMENTS ......................................................................................................................................................... 8
NEW LOOK FOR CHARTS ................................................................................................................................................................. 9
SHARED CHARTING ....................................................................................................................................................................... 9
EASY-TO-USE PIVOTTABLES ............................................................................................................................................................ 9
NEW FILE FORMATS .................................................................................................................................................................... 10
BETTER PRINTING EXPERIENCE ....................................................................................................................................................... 10
QUICK ACCESS TO MORE TEMPLATES .............................................................................................................................................. 11
THE EXCEL 2007 INTERFACE ............................................................................................................................................... 12
SPREADSHEETS........................................................................................................................................................................... 12
THE OFFICE BUTTON ................................................................................................................................................................... 12
THE RIBBON .............................................................................................................................................................................. 13
TABS, CONTEXTUAL TABS, AND PROGRAM TABS ................................................................................................................................ 13
THE QUICK ACCESS TOOLBAR ....................................................................................................................................................... 14
The toolbar can be customized in several different ways: ................................................................................................ 15
Delete a button from the Quick Access Toolbar ................................................................................................................ 15
THE MINI TOOLBAR .................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Add formatting to your document by using the Mini toolbar ........................................................................................... 15
TO TURN OFF THE MINI TOOLBAR .................................................................................................................................................. 16
New keyboard shortcuts ................................................................................................................................................... 16
Old keyboard shortcuts ..................................................................................................................................................... 17
THE STATUS BAR......................................................................................................................................................................... 17
SPREADSHEET BASICS ........................................................................................................................................................ 18
SPREADSHEET TERMINOLOGY........................................................................................................................................................ 18
BASIC SPREADSHEET OPERATIONS ................................................................................................................................................. 19
To enter data into a cell: ................................................................................................................................................... 19
To select a range of cells: .................................................................................................................................................. 19
To insert a column: ............................................................................................................................................................ 19
To insert a row: ................................................................................................................................................................. 19
To increase the width of a column manually: ................................................................................................................... 19
To delete a row or column: ............................................................................................................................................... 19
To edit the contents of a cell: ............................................................................................................................................ 19
To insert a new worksheet: ............................................................................................................................................... 19
FORMATTING............................................................................................................................................................................. 20
To bold text within a range of cells: .................................................................................................................................. 20
To underline text within a range of cells: .......................................................................................................................... 20
To italicize text within a range of cells: ............................................................................................................................. 20
To format numbers in cells as currency:............................................................................................................................ 20
To format numbers in cells as percentages:...................................................................................................................... 20
To format cell values with commas in the thousandth place: ........................................................................................... 20
To display cell values with an additional decimal place: ................................................................................................... 20
To display cell values with one fewer decimal place: ........................................................................................................ 20
To change the font of characters within a cell: ................................................................................................................. 20
To fill a cell with color: ...................................................................................................................................................... 20
To change the color of characters within a cell:................................................................................................................ 21
To insert a picture into the worksheet: ............................................................................................................................. 21
To change the page orientation: ....................................................................................................................................... 21
To add headers or footers to a printed worksheet: ........................................................................................................... 21
FILL DATA IN WORKSHEET CELLS ..................................................................................................................................................... 21
Automatically repeat items already entered in the column .............................................................................................. 21
Use the fill handle to fill data ............................................................................................................................................ 22
Fill data into adjacent cells................................................................................................................................................ 22
Fill formulas into adjacent cells ......................................................................................................................................... 22
Fill in a series of numbers, dates, or other built-in series items ........................................................................................ 23
More examples of series that you can fill .......................................................................................................................... 23
Tips .................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Fill data by using a custom fill series ................................................................................................................................. 24
EXCEL 2007 TABLES ............................................................................................................................................................ 25
OVERVIEW OF EXCEL TABLES ......................................................................................................................................................... 25
The elements of an Excel table .......................................................................................................................................... 25
Managing data in an Excel table....................................................................................................................................... 26
Table features that you can use to manage table data .................................................................................................... 27
PLANNING A TABLE ..................................................................................................................................................................... 27
Guidelines to Create an Excel Table .................................................................................................................................. 27
CREATE OR DELETE AN EXCEL TABLE IN A WORKSHEET ........................................................................................................................ 28
Create a table .................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Create, edit, or remove a calculated column in an Excel table ......................................................................................... 29
Total the data in an Excel table ......................................................................................................................................... 31
Add or remove table rows and columns in an Excel table ................................................................................................. 31
Delete rows or columns in a table ..................................................................................................................................... 33
FORMAT AN EXCEL TABLE ............................................................................................................................................................. 34
NAVIGATE THE TABLE .................................................................................................................................................................. 36
Freezing columns and rows ............................................................................................................................................... 36
Change the Zoom Setting .................................................................................................................................................. 36
Use Find and Replace ........................................................................................................................................................ 36
SORTING DATA .......................................................................................................................................................................... 36
To Sort text ........................................................................................................................................................................ 36
How to sort by case-sensitivity .......................................................................................................................................... 37
Issue: Check that all data is stored as text ........................................................................................................................ 37
Issue: Remove any leading spaces .................................................................................................................................... 37
TO SORT NUMBERS ..................................................................................................................................................................... 37
Issue: Check that all numbers are stored as numbers ....................................................................................................... 37
To specify which Fields to sort by ...................................................................................................................................... 37
Sorting by cell content ....................................................................................................................................................... 37
Sort Order .......................................................................................................................................................................... 37
Sorting by Column ............................................................................................................................................................. 38
FILTERING EXCEL TABLES.............................................................................................................................................................. 38
Filter by date—month and year ............................................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
Custom AutoFilter ............................................................................................................................................................. 38
SUBTOTALS ............................................................................................................................................................................... 39
Insert Subtotals into a table .............................................................................................................................................. 39
DATA INPUT FORMS.................................................................................................................................................................... 39
What happened to the data form? ................................................................................................................................... 39
Add the Form button to the Quick Access Toolbar ............................................................................................................ 39
Adding a record using a Data Form .................................................................................................................................. 39
Use Criteria to find a record .............................................................................................................................................. 39
Pick from List ..................................................................................................................................................................... 39
Sort Out Blank Rows .......................................................................................................................................................... 39
PRINTING .................................................................................................................................................................................. 40
Page Layout View .............................................................................................................................................................. 40
To work in the Page Layout View ...................................................................................................................................... 40
To modify print options: .................................................................................................................................................... 40
FORMULAS AND FUNCTIONS ............................................................................................................................................. 41
CREATE OR DELETE A FORMULA ..................................................................................................................................................... 41
Create a simple formula by using constants and calculation operators ........................................................................... 41
Create a formula by using cell references and names....................................................................................................... 42
Create a formula by using a function ................................................................................................................................ 43
Create a formula by using nested functions ...................................................................................................................... 43
TIPS ABOUT CREATING FORMULAS.................................................................................................................................................. 44
AVOID COMMON ERRORS WHEN CREATING FORMULAS ...................................................................................................................... 45
IMPORTANT SYMBOLS USED IN SPREADSHEET FORMULAS: ................................................................................................................... 46
To copy a formula from one cell into a series of cells: ...................................................................................................... 46
To sum a series of cells: ..................................................................................................................................................... 46
To create an absolute cell reference: ................................................................................................................................ 47
THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN RELATIVE AND ABSOLUTE REFERENCES....................................................................................................... 47
Relative References ........................................................................................................................................................... 47
Absolute References .......................................................................................................................................................... 47
Switching Between Relative and Absolute References ...................................................................................................... 47
ORDER OF OPERATIONS ............................................................................................................................................................... 48
ABOUT NUMBER FORMATS ........................................................................................................................................................... 48
The General Number Format ............................................................................................................................................ 48
Built-In Number Formats ................................................................................................................................................... 48
Custom Number Formats .................................................................................................................................................. 48
EXCEL’S BUILT-IN FUNCTIONS ....................................................................................................................................................... 49
Basic Functions .................................................................................................................................................................. 49
THE FUNCTION WIZARD .............................................................................................................................................................. 49
TO INSERT A FUNCTION ............................................................................................................................................................... 50
WHAT DO THOSE FORMULA ERRORS MEAN? .................................................................................................................................. 50
Common Formula Errors You Might See in EXCEL ............................................................................................................. 50
SYNTAX HELP............................................................................................................................................................................. 51
LET EXCEL HELP WITH FORMULAS .................................................................................................................................................. 51
QUICK ACCESS TOOLBAR CUSTOMIZATIONS ...................................................................................................................... 52
Five Characteristics of a Well-Designed Spreadsheet
A spreadsheet application allows users to enter data, such as numbers, text, and formulas, into an electronic
worksheet and to use this data to perform multiple calculations automatically. The term spreadsheet refers to a
document created by this type of computer program.
By properly planning your spreadsheet you can save yourself time and effort later and make the sheet much
more readable and efficient to use.
Keep in mind the five characteristics of a properly designed spreadsheet:
I. Accuracy
If the numbers in your spreadsheet or the formulas you enter are wrong, then the results and your conclusions
will be wrong. This is the famous principle of Garbage in = Garbage Out.
II. Clarity
As mentioned above, if you need to present your spreadsheet to someone else, then they must be able to see
quickly what the numbers are and how the results have been achieved. Also if you need to edit your numbers
yourself, you need to be able to see quickly and easily what the numbers relate to and what you need to change.
III. Flexibility
Will you want to change the spreadsheet design at any time? Are you designing it to solve one problem or are
you developing it as you work at the problem? Are you creating the spreadsheet to solve a sequence of similar
problems? A spreadsheet that is flexible enough to adapt to many situations is an extremely valuable resource.
IV. Efficiency
Some spreadsheets can be laid out to minimize the time it takes to perform the calculations. If you have a very
large spreadsheet then this may be worth while looking at. However, it is probably more worthwhile to look at
how easy the spreadsheet is to use for yourself. Can you find the areas you want to work on easily? Is entering
the data a fairly simple process? Maximizing the efficiency of the spreadsheet operator is important!
V. Auditability
The results that the spreadsheet produces are only as good as the numbers and the formulas that produce
them. Is it easy to prove to someone else that you have entered correct formulas? If an error did occur would
you be able to locate it quickly? When you design your spreadsheet make sure that you can easily prove the
accuracy of the formulas.
Four Areas for Information
The idea of “INPUT  PROCESSING  OUTPUT”, which underlies the "Garbage In = Garbage Out" principle, is a
good basis for starting your design. You therefore need an area of your spreadsheet that deals with the input, an
area that deals with the calculations, and an area that deals with the resulting output. In addition you will want
an area to identify what the spreadsheet is and to document what the spreadsheet does.
Identification & Documentation Area
Every spreadsheet, no matter how simple, should have an Identification area. This identifies the title of the
spreadsheet, the person who created it, what the spreadsheet was created for, the date of creation and the
date the spreadsheet was last altered. Documentation should describe the spreadsheet in more detail,
including details of calculations if necessary. In a simple spreadsheet this area may not be big or even needed at
all, but in large or complex spreadsheets it is crucial if you need to be able to come back and efficiently use the
spreadsheet after a few months, or if someone else might need to use it. Documenting complicated calculations
by explaining the formulas makes auditing the spreadsheet a more efficient process. Simply show an example of
each formula, tell what it does, and give the locations where it is used. This is also the place to state any
assumptions and identify any constants used, along with their locations. If the workbook has any links to other
workbooks, be sure to document their names and file locations here too. Last, but not least, include directions
on how to USE the workbook.
Input Areas
This is where the Input data should be entered. Any constants or controlling parameters you wish to use should
also be displayed in this area. This will remind the user that they are in force.
Work Areas
These are the areas that contain the formulas. It may be desirable to annotate the formulas with comments
(Right click on the cell Insert Comment) to explain what they are doing. It is also a good idea to use data
validation to insure that the proper data type is entered. It is worth entering your formulas as a series of simple
calculations (if possible!) rather than trying to do everything in one huge formula - it makes them much easier to
create, read, error check, and audit. If someone else will be using the sheet, you should also consider protecting
all cells that do not require user input in order to avoid accidental change.
Output Areas
These areas display the results, and in simple sheets it is often the same area as the Work area. It is sometimes
convenient to place the input and the output areas next to each other so that you can see the effect on the
output of changing a parameter in the input. The ability to play “What if?” is one of the spreadsheet’s most
powerful features! It is also sometimes very handy to format the input and output cells differently in order to
make them easier to identify quickly.
Tips for Better Spreadsheets
Make your spreadsheet read from left to right and top to bottom
Show and describe your assumptions
Be concise with:
o sheets
o blocks
o cells
o formulas
o blank space
Delete blank sheets
Arrange cells so each numeric cell is close to its dependants
Align the main data type (ex. years) downwards (ex. one/row)
Align unrelated blocks vertically
Arrange cells so precedence arcs flow down and to the right
Format input data differently than formulas or output
Format numbers appropriately ($, %, etc.), and right-justify them
Label numeric cells well. Make text read from left to right
Label the units! (Millions, inches, centimeters, angstroms, etc.)
Justify column labels the same as the numbers
Use the spell checker!
Use only COMMON abbreviations
Use proper case
Format for description, not decoration
What's new in Microsoft Office Excel 2007?
Results-oriented user interface
The new results-oriented user interface makes it easy for you to work in Microsoft Office Excel. Commands and
features that were often buried in complex menus and toolbars are now easier to find on task-oriented tabs that
contain logical groups of commands and features. Many dialog boxes are replaced with drop-down galleries that
display the available options, and descriptive tooltips or sample previews are provided to help you choose the
right option.
No matter what activity you are performing in the new user interface—whether it's formatting or analyzing
data—Excel presents the tools that are most useful to successfully complete that task.
More rows and columns, and other new limits
To enable you to explore massive amounts of data in worksheets, Office Excel 2007 supports up to 1 million
rows and 16 thousand columns per worksheet. Specifically, the Office Excel 2007 grid is 1,048,576 rows by
16,384 columns, which provides you with 1,500% more rows and 6,300% more columns than you had available
in Microsoft Office Excel 2003. For those of you who are curious, columns now end at XFD instead of IV.
Instead of 4 thousand types of formatting, you can now use an unlimited number in the same workbook, and
the number of cell references per cell is increased from 8 thousand to limited by available memory.
To improve the performance of Excel, memory management has been increased from 1 GB of memory in
Microsoft Office Excel 2003 to 2 GB in Office Excel 2007.
You will also experience faster calculations in large, formula-intensive worksheets because Office Excel 2007
supports multiple processors and multithreaded chipsets.
Office Excel 2007 also supports up to 16 million colors.
Office themes and Excel styles
In Office Excel 2007, you can quickly format the data in your worksheet by applying a theme and by using a
specific style. Themes can be shared across other 2007 Office release programs, such as Microsoft Office Word
and Microsoft Office PowerPoint, while styles are designed to change the format of Excel-specific items, such as
Excel tables, charts, PivotTables, shapes, or diagrams.
Applying a theme A theme is a predefined set of colors, fonts, lines, and fill effects that can be applied
to your entire workbook or to specific items, such as charts or tables. They can help you create greatlooking documents. Your company may be providing a corporate theme that you can use, or you can
choose from the predefined themes that are available in Excel. It's also easy to create your own theme
for a uniform, professional look that can be applied to all of your Excel workbooks and other 2007 Office
release documents. When you create a theme, the color, font, and fill effects can be changed
individually so that you can make changes to any or all of these options.
Using styles A style is a predefined theme-based format that you can apply to change the look of Excel
tables, charts, PivotTables, shapes, or diagrams. If built-in predefined styles don't meet your needs, you
can customize a style. For charts, you can choose from many predefined styles, but you cannot create
your own chart styles.
As in Excel 2003, cell styles are used to format selected cells, but you can now quickly apply a predefined
cell style. Most cell styles are not based on the theme that is applied to your workbook, and you can
easily create your own.
Improved conditional formatting
In 2007 Office you can use conditional formatting to visually annotate your data for both analytical and
presentation purposes. To easily find exceptions and to spot important trends in your data, you can implement
and manage multiple conditional formatting rules that apply rich visual formatting in the form of gradient colors,
data bars, and icon sets to data that meets those rules. Conditional formats are also easy to apply—in just a few
clicks, you can see relationships in your data that you can use for your analysis purposes.
Easy formula writing
The following improvements make formula writing much easier in Office Excel 2007.
Resizable formula bar The formula bar automatically resizes to accommodate long, complex formulas,
which prevents the formulas from covering other data in your worksheet. You can also write longer
formulas with more levels of nesting than you could in earlier versions of Excel.
Function AutoComplete With Function AutoComplete, you can quickly write the proper formula
syntax. From easily detecting the functions that you want to use to getting help completing the formula
arguments, you will be able to get formulas right the first time and every time.
Structured references In addition to cell references, such as A1 and R1C1, Office Excel 2007 provides
structured references that reference named ranges and tables in a formula.
Easy access to named ranges By using the Office Excel 2007 name manager, you can organize, update,
and manage multiple named ranges in a central location, which helps anyone who needs to work on
your worksheet interpret its formulas and data.
Improved sorting and filtering
In Office Excel 2007, you can quickly arrange your worksheet data to find the answers that you need by using
enhanced filtering and sorting. For example, you can now sort data by color and by more than 3 (and up to 64)
levels. You can also filter data by color or by dates, display more than 1000 items in the AutoFilter drop-down
list, select multiple items to filter, and filter data in PivotTables.
Excel table enhancements
In Office Excel 2007, you can use the new user interface to quickly create, format, and expand an Excel table
(known as an Excel list in Excel 2003) to organize the data on your worksheet so that it's much easier to work
with. New or improved functionality for tables includes the following features.
Table header rows Table header rows can be turned on or off. When table headers are displayed, they
stay visible with the data in the table columns by replacing the worksheet headers when you move
around in a long table.
Calculated columns A calculated column uses a single formula that adjusts for each row. It
automatically expands to include additional rows so that the formula is immediately extended to those
rows. All that you have to do is enter a formula once—you don't need to use the Fill or Copy commands!
Automatic AutoFiltering AutoFilter is turned on by default in a table to enable powerful sorting and
filtering of table data.
Structured references This type of reference allows you to use table column header names in formulas
instead of cell references, such as A1 or R1C1.
Total rows In a total row, you can now use custom formulas and text entries.
Table styles You can apply a table style to quickly add designer-quality, professional formatting to
tables. If an alternate-row style is enabled on a table, Excel will maintain the alternating style rule
through actions that would have traditionally disrupted this layout, such as filtering, hiding rows, or
manual rearranging of rows and columns.
New look for charts
In Office Excel 2007, you can use new charting tools to easily create professional-looking charts that
communicate information effectively. Based on the theme that is applied to your workbook, the new, up-todate look for charts includes special effects, such as 3-D, transparency, and soft shadows.
The new user interface makes it easy to explore the available chart types so that you can create the right chart
for your data. Numerous predefined chart styles and layouts are provided so that you can quickly apply a goodlooking format and include the details that you want in your chart.
Other enhancements include:
Visual chart element pickers Besides the quick layouts and quick formats, you can now use the new
user interface to quickly change every element of the chart to best present your data. In a few clicks,
you can add or remove titles, legends, data labels, trendlines, and other chart elements.
A modern look with OfficeArt Because charts in Office Excel 2007 are drawn with OfficeArt, almost
anything you can do to an OfficeArt shape can also be done to a chart and its elements. For example,
you can add a soft shadow or bevel effect to make an element stand out or use transparency to make
elements visible that are partially obscured in a chart layout. You can also use realistic 3-D effects.
Clear lines and fonts Lines in charts appear less jagged, and ClearType fonts are used for text to
improve readability.
More colors than ever You can easily choose from the predefined theme colors and vary their color
intensity. For more control, you can also add your own colors by choosing from 16 million colors in the
Colors dialog.
Chart templates Saving your favorite charts as a chart template is much easier in the new user
Shared charting
Using Excel charts in other programs In 2007 Office release, charting is shared between Excel, Word, and
PowerPoint. Rather than using the charting features that are provided by Microsoft Graph, Word and
PowerPoint now incorporate the powerful charting features of Excel. Because an Excel worksheet is used as the
chart data sheet for Word and PowerPoint charts, shared charting provides the rich functionality of Excel,
including the use of formulas, filtering, sorting, and the ability to link a chart to external data sources, such as
Microsoft SQL Server and Analysis Services (OLAP), for up-to-date information in your chart. The Excel
worksheet that contains the data of your chart can be stored in your Word document or PowerPoint
presentation, or in a separate file to reduce the size of your documents.
Copying charts to other programs Charts can be easily copied and pasted between documents or from one
program to another. When you copy a chart from Excel to Word or PowerPoint, it automatically changes to
match the Word document or PowerPoint presentation, but you can also retain the Excel chart format. The
Excel worksheet data can be embedded in the Word document or PowerPoint presentation, but you can also
leave it in the Excel source file.
Animating charts in PowerPoint In PowerPoint, you can more easily use animation to emphasize data in an
Excel-based chart. You can animate the entire chart or the legend entry and axis labels. In a column chart, you
can even animate individual columns to better illustrate a specific point. Animation features are easier to find
and you have more control. For example, you can make changes to individual animation steps, and use more
animation effects.
Easy-to-use PivotTables
In Office Excel 2007, PivotTables are much easier to use than in earlier versions of Excel. By using the new
PivotTable user interface, the information that you want to view about your data is just a few clicks away—you
no longer have to drag data to drop zones that aren't always an easy target. Instead, you can simply select the
fields that you want to see in a new PivotTable field list.
And after you create a PivotTable, you can take advantage of many other new or improved features to
summarize, analyze, and format your PivotTable data:
Using Undo in PivotTables You can now undo most actions that you take to create or rearrange a
Plus and minus drill-down indicators These indicators are used to indicate whether you can expand or
collapse parts of the PivotTable to see more or less information.
Sorting and filtering Sorting is now as simple as selecting an item in the column that you want to sort
and using sort buttons. You can filter data by using PivotTable filters, such as date filters, label filters,
value filters, or manual filters.
Conditional formatting You can apply conditional formatting to an Office Excel 2007 Pivot Table by cell
or by intersection of cells.
PivotTable style and layout Just like you can for Excel tables and charts, you can quickly apply a
predefined or custom style to a PivotTable -- and changing the layout of a PivotTable is also much easier
to do in the new user interface.
PivotCharts Like PivotTables, PivotCharts are much easier to create in the new user interface. All of the
filtering improvements are also available for PivotCharts. When you create a PivotChart, specific
PivotChart tools and context menus are available so that you can analyze the data in the chart. You can
also change the layout, style, and format of the chart or its elements the same way that you can for a
regular chart. In Office Excel 2007, the chart formatting that you apply is preserved when you make
changes to the PivotChart, which is a big improvement over the way it worked in earlier versions of
New file formats
XML-based file format In 2007 Microsoft Office system, Microsoft is introducing new file formats for Word,
Excel, and PowerPoint, known as the Office Open XML formats. These new file formats facilitate integration with
external data sources, and also offer reduced file sizes and improved data recovery. In Office Excel 2007, the
default format for an Excel workbook is the Office Excel 2007 XML-based file format (.xlsx). Other available XMLbased formats are the Office Excel 2007 XML-based and macro-enabled file format (.xlsm), the Office Excel 2007
file format for an Excel template (.xltx), and the Office Excel 2007 macro-enabled file format for an Excel
template (.xltm).
Compatibility with earlier versions of Excel You can check an Office Excel 2007 workbook to see if it contains
features or formatting that are not compatible with an earlier version of Excel so that you can make the
necessary changes for better backward compatibility. In earlier versions of Excel, you can install updates and
converters that help you open an Office Excel 2007 workbook so that you can edit it, save it, and open it again in
Office Excel 2007 without losing any Office Excel 2007-specific functionality or features.
Better printing experience
Page Layout View In addition to the Normal view and Page Break Preview view, Office Excel 2007 provides a
Page Layout View. You can use this view to create a worksheet while keeping an eye on how it will look in
printed format. In this view, you can work with page headers, footers, and margin settings right in the
worksheet, and place objects, such as charts or shapes, exactly where you want them. You also have easy access
to all page setup options on the Page Layout tab in the new user interface so that you can quickly specify
options, such as page orientation. It's easy to see what will be printed on every page, which will help you avoid
multiple printing attempts and truncated data in printouts.
Saving to PDF and XPS format You can save as a PDF or XPS file from a 2007 Microsoft Office system program
only after you install an add-in. For more information, see http://office.microsoft.com/enus/help/HA101675271033.aspx .
Quick access to more templates
In Office Excel 2007, you can base a new workbook on a variety of templates that are installed with Excel, or you
can quickly access and download templates from the Microsoft Office Online Web site.
The Excel 2007 Interface
There are three features that you should remember as you work within Excel 2007: the Microsoft Office Button,
the Ribbon, and the Quick Access Toolbar. The function of these features is explored below.
A spreadsheet is an electronic document that stores various types of data. There are vertical columns and
horizontal rows. A cell is where the column and row intersect. A cell can contain data and can be used in
calculations of data within the spreadsheet. An Excel workbook is a holder for related worksheets.
The Office Button
Clicking the Office button
in the upper left hand corner displays the Office menu, which has functionality
similar to the old “File” command menu. It offers basics such as New, Open, Save, and Print commands, along
with some newcomers, like Prepare and Publish. It also has a “Excel Options” button which more than replaces
the Options choice on the old “Tools” menu.
The Ribbon
The command menus and toolbars of older versions have been replaced by the Ribbon — a collection of
commands organized into a set of tabs. The tabs on the Ribbon display the commands that are most relevant for
each of the task areas in the applications. Office Excel 2007 has a set of tabs that make sense for spreadsheet
work including tabs for formatting, layout, working with formulas, managing data, and reviewing.
Below is the Ribbon that appears when you are in an Excel 2007 document.
Hide the Ribbon
If you find the Ribbon distracting or too space-consuming, hide it by using one of these methods:
Press CTRL-F1 once, and the Ribbon disappears, Repeat CTRL-F1 to bring it back.
Double-click on any of the tab labels
Right-click on the row of tab labels or any item within a tab and choose Minimize the Ribbon from the
shortcut menu
Click on the drop-down arrow at the end of the Quick Access toolbar and choose Minimize the Ribbon
Tabs, contextual tabs, and program tabs
Each of the Ribboned application initially displays a standard set of tabs, which vary depending on the
application. For instance, Excel’s standard set of tabs (which you can see below) includes Formulas and Data,
among others.
In addition to the standard tabs, you’ll see specialized contextual tabs that appear depending on what you’re
working on. For example, if you insert a chart in Excel, the Chart Tools tab will appear, with Design, Layout, and
Format sub tabs, as shown below.
You may sometimes see more than one contextual tab. Tabs come with their own terminology, too: Each tab is
divided into groups. The Word Home tab below has groups called Clipboard, Font, Paragraph, Styles, and
Editing. And certain groups (all but the Editing group in the Ribbon shown here) have dialog box launchers,
those tiny icons in the bottom-right corner of the group. Click that icon and you get a traditional dialog box or
task pane associated with the group.
One more distinction to make regarding tabs: The Ribbon also sometimes displays program tabs. These are
tabs that appear for certain views or authoring modes, such as Print Preview.
The Quick Access Toolbar
The Quick Access Toolbar can serve as a customizable toolbar that’s similar to those seen in earlier versions. It
can be set to display above or below the Ribbon only — no undocking or minimizing is allowed!
The Quick Access Toolbar comes with a set frequently needed buttons to get you started. At the right end, you’ll
find the Customize Quick Access Toolbar drop-down arrow, which gives you a list of other frequently needed
buttons, such as Undo, Print Preview, and Spelling & Grammar. Just select what you want from the list and
they’ll appear on the Toolbar. The better news is that you can also choose the More Commands option from the
list to access all commands, including those not found anywhere on the Ribbon, as well as any macros you might
want to have handy.
The toolbar can be customized in several different ways:
You can add buttons to the toolbar by right-clicking any button you want and then clicking “Add to Quick
Access Toolbar”.
You can click the command Customize Quick Access Toolbar, which appears when you right-click any
button. In the dialog box that opens, choose from the commands available.
To move the toolbar to its own row just below the Ribbon, click the arrow on the end of the toolbar, and
then click “Show Below the Ribbon”. To move the toolbar above the Ribbon, follow the same steps but
click “Show Above the Ribbon”.
Delete a button from the Quick Access Toolbar
1. Right-click a button on the toolbar.
2. Click Remove from Quick Access Toolbar.
The Mini Toolbar
Add formatting to your document by using the Mini toolbar
The Mini Toolbar is a ghost toolbar that appears when you select text. It hovers there in the ether unless you
move the mouse pointer over it, when it materializes with several buttons for common text formatting tasks.
Move off it or click somewhere else, and it disappears.
The following shows how the semitransparent toolbar looks when you select text in Word 2007.
The following shows the Mini toolbar when you rest your pointer on it. To use the toolbar, click any of the
available commands.
Note: You cannot customize the Mini toolbar.
To Turn off the Mini toolbar
1. Click the Microsoft Office Button
, and then click Excel Options.
2. Click Popular, and then under Top options for working with Excel, clear the Show Mini Toolbar on selection
check box.
New keyboard shortcuts
The new keyboard shortcuts have a new name: Key Tips. Tap the ALT key to make the Key Tip badges appear.
You'll see Key Tips for all Ribbon tabs, the Quick Access Toolbar, and the Microsoft Office Button.
Press the key for the tab you want to display. This makes all the Key Tip badges for that tab's buttons appear.
Then, press the key for the button you want.
Keyboard shortcuts of old that begin with CTRL are still intact. For example, CTRL+C still copies to the clipboard,
and CTRL+V still pastes from the clipboard.
Old keyboard shortcuts
Most of the old ALT+ menu shortcuts still work. However, you will need to know the full shortcut from
memory — there are no screen reminders of what letters to press.
Think back to a previous version of Office, when you pressed ALT+E to open the Edit menu and then you pressed
the underlined letter in one of the commands on the menu. You can still press ALT, and then press one of the
old menu keys E (Edit), V (View), I (Insert), and so on. But a menu won't open. Instead, a box will pop up saying
you're using an Office 2007 access key. If you know the entire key sequence, just carry on and initiate the
command. If you don't know the sequence, press ESC and use the Key Tip badges instead.
The status bar
By default, the Office 2007 status bar offers options such as a Zoom slider for magnification and view options
(Draft, Print Layout, etc.). The options vary by application.
But here’s the best part: You can customize what appears on each application’s status bar. Just right-click on it
and you’ll see the Customize Status Bar menu, like the one shown below. It lists everything you can place on
the status bar, along with its current state.
Spreadsheet Basics
A spreadsheet application allows users to enter data, such as numbers, text, and formulas, into an electronic
worksheet and to use this data to perform multiple calculations automatically. The term spreadsheet refers to a
document created by this type of computer program. Below is a screenshot of an Excel 2007 spreadsheet.
Spreadsheet Terminology
Absolute cell reference: a cell reference that does not change when a formula is copied or moved; contains a $
symbol before the column letter and row number ($A$1)
Active cell: the cell currently selected in a spreadsheet, identified by its black border
Cell: a rectangle in a spreadsheet, formed by the intersection of a row and a column, which can contain text,
numbers or a formula
Cell reference: the coordinates of the column and row position of a cell, also known as a cell address. A1 is the
cell address of the top leftmost cell of a spreadsheet.
Column: a vertical line of cells in a spreadsheet, identified by a letter
Column heading: a letter at the top of a column that can be clicked to select the entire column
Column label: text at the top of a column that indicates the type of information in that column
Formula: a mathematical equation that performs a calculation in a cell; formulas follow a specific structure
beginning with an equal sign (=) followed by the elements to be calculated (the operands) and the calculation
Formula bar: the bar at the top of a spreadsheet that displays the information contained or being entered in a
Function: a built-in formula that performs common calculations, such as averages and sums
Name box: the box in a spreadsheet that lists the column letter and row number of a selected cell or a range of
selected cells
Range: a single cell or a rectangular group of adjacent cells within a spreadsheet
Row: a horizontal line of cells in a spreadsheet, identified by a number
Row heading: a number at the far-left side of a row that can be clicked to select the entire
row of cells
Row label: text in the left-most cell of a row that indicates the type of information in that row
Worksheet: a spreadsheet containing cells in columns and rows
Basic Spreadsheet Operations
To enter data into a cell:
1. Click the desired cell to select it.
2. Use the keyboard to enter numbers or text; the entry will also appear in the Formula bar.
3. Press the ENTER key to accept the entered information and to advance to the cell below.
To select a range of cells:
1. Click the first cell in the range and hold down the left mouse button.
2. Drag to highlight the desired cells in the range, and then release the mouse button.
To insert a column:
1. Click a cell in the column to the right of where the new column will be inserted.
2. On the HOME tab choose INSERT → SHEET COLUMNS.
To insert a row:
1. Click a cell in the row below where the new row will be inserted.
2. On the HOME tab choose INSERT → SHEET ROWS.
To increase the width of a column manually:
1. Place the pointer on the right border of the column to be increased.
2. When the pointer takes the shape of a double arrow, hold down the left mouse button and drag to the right
to widen the column.
Tip: To make a series of columns the same width, select the appropriate columns, right click on one of them,
choose COLUMN → WIDTH, and enter a value in the Column Width box and click OK.
To delete a row or column:
1. Right click the appropriate row or column heading to select the entire row or column.
2. Choose DELETE
Tip: To delete a row or column’s contents without actually removing the cells from the spreadsheet, press
the DELETE key on the keyboard instead.
To edit the contents of a cell:
1. Double-click the cell.
2. Make the desired changes.
3. Press the ENTER key.
Tip: To replace the entire contents of a cell, single-click the cell and enter the new data.
To insert a new worksheet:
1. On the HOME tab choose INSERT → INSERT SHEET.
Tip: To name the new worksheet, double-click the appropriate tab in the bottom-left corner of the screen
and enter a new name.
To bold text within a range of cells:
1. Select the cells.
2. Click the BOLD button
on the Mini toolbar.
To underline text within a range of cells:
1. Select the cells.
2. Choose the UNDERLINE button
in the Font group on the HOME tab.
To italicize text within a range of cells:
1. Select the cells.
2. Click the ITALIC button
on the Mini toolbar.
To format numbers in cells as currency:
1. Select the cells to be formatted.
2. Choose the CURRENCY STYLE button
in the Number group on the HOME tab.
To format numbers in cells as percentages:
1. Select the cells to be formatted.
2. Click the PERCENT STYLE button
in the Number group on the HOME tab.
To format cell values with commas in the thousandth place:
1. Select the cells to be formatted.
2. Choose the COMMA STYLE button
in the Number group on the HOME tab.
To display cell values with an additional decimal place:
1. Select the cells to be formatted.
2. Choose the INCREASE DECIMAL button
in the Number group on the HOME tab.
To display cell values with one fewer decimal place:
1. Select the cells to be formatted.
2. Click the DECREASE DECIMAL button
in the Number group on the HOME tab.
To change the font of characters within a cell:
1. Select the cell(s) to be formatted.
2. Choose the desired font from the Font group on the HOME tab, or from the Mini-toolbar.
To fill a cell with color:
1. Select the cell(s) to be formatted.
2. Click the FILL COLOR drop-down arrow
pop-up menu.
in the Font group or Mini toolbar and choose a color from the
To change the color of characters within a cell:
1. Select the cell(s) to be formatted.
2. Click the FONT COLOR drop-down arrow
pop-up menu.
in the Font group or Mini toolbar and choose a color from the
To insert a picture into the worksheet:
1. Choose the INSERT TAB → PICTURE
2. Locate and select the desired graphics file and select INSERT.
2. Enter a keyword or keywords in the "Search For" Clips box, then press the ENTER key.
3. Click on the desired clipart image
4. Close the Insert ClipArt window.
To change the page orientation:
1. Click on ORIENTATION in the PAGE LAYOUT tab and choose Portrait or Landscape.
To add headers or footers to a printed worksheet:
1. Choose PAGE LAYOUT view from the VIEW toolbar
2. Click in the header or footer area and type in the desired header or footer.
Fill data in worksheet cells
Automatically repeat items already entered in the column
If the first few characters that you type in a cell match an existing entry in that column, Microsoft Excel
automatically enters the remaining characters for you. Excel automatically completes only those entries that
contain text or a combination of text and numbers. Entries that contain only numbers, dates, or times are not
Do one of the following:
To accept the proposed entry, press ENTER.
The completed entry exactly matches the pattern of uppercase and lowercase letters of the existing
To replace the automatically entered characters, continue typing.
To delete the automatically entered characters, press BACKSPACE.
If you don't want entries that you type to be completed automatically, you can turn this option off. On
the Tools menu, click Options. On the Edit tab, clear the Enable AutoComplete for cell values check
Instead of typing, you can choose from a list of entries already used in the column. Right-click the cell,
and then click Pick From Drop-down List.
Excel completes an entry only when the insertion point is at the end of the current cell contents.
Excel bases the list of potential AutoComplete entries on the column that contains the active
cell. Entries that are repeated within a row are not automatically completed.
Use the fill handle to fill data
You can use the Series command (point to Fill on the Edit menu, and then click Series) to fill data into worksheet
cells. You can also have Excel automatically continue a series of numbers, number and text combinations, dates,
or time periods, based on a pattern that you establish. However, to quickly fill in several types of data series, you
can select cells and drag the fill handle: The small black square in the lower-right corner of the selection. When
you point to the fill handle, the pointer changes to a black cross.)
The fill handle is displayed by default, but you can hide it.
1. On the Tools menu, click Options.
2. On the Edit tab, do one of the following:
a. To hide the fill handle, clear the “Allow cell drag and drop” check box.
b. To display the fill handle, select the Allow cell drag and drop check box.
To avoid replacing existing data when you drag the fill handle, make sure that the Alert before overwriting cells check
box is selected. If you don't want to get a message about overwriting nonblank cells, you can clear this check
Note: After you drag the fill handle, the Auto Fill Options button
appears so that you can choose how the
selection is filled. For example, you can choose to fill just cell formats by clicking Fill Formatting Only, or you can
choose to fill just the contents of a cell by clicking Fill Without Formatting. If you don't want to display the Auto
Fill Options button every time you drag the fill handle, you can turn it off. On the Tools menu, click Options,
click the Edit tab, and then clear the Show Paste Options buttons check box.
Fill data into adjacent cells
1. Select the cells that contain the data that you want to fill into adjacent cells.
2. Drag the fill handle across the cells that you want to fill.
3. You can use the Auto Fill Options button
, which appears after you drag the fill handle, to choose
how to fill the selection. For example, you can choose Fill Formatting Only or Fill Without Formatting.
You can also fill the active cell with the contents of the cell above it. Point to Fill on the Edit menu and
then click down (or press CTRL+D). To fill the active cell with contents of the cell to the left, point to Fill
on the Edit menu, and then click Right (or press CTRL+R).
If you drag the fill handle up or to the left of a selection and stop in the selected cells without going past
the first column or the top row in the selection, Excel deletes the data within the selection. You must
drag the fill handle out of the selected area before releasing the mouse button.
Fill formulas into adjacent cells
1. Select the cell that contains the formula that you want to fill into adjacent cells.
2. Drag the fill handle across the cells that you want to fill.
3. You can use the Auto Fill Options button
, which appears after you drag the fill handle, to choose
how to fill the selection. For example, you can choose Fill Formatting Only or Fill Without Formatting.
You can automatically fill a formula downward, for all adjacent cells that it applies to, by double-clicking the
fill handle of the first cell that contains the formula. For example, you have numbers in cells A1:A15 and B1:B15,
and you type the formula =A1+B1 into cell C1. To copy that formula into cells C2:C15, select cell C1 and doubleclick the fill handle.
Fill in a series of numbers, dates, or other built-in series items
Using the fill handle , you can quickly fill cells in a range with a series of numbers or dates or with a built-in series
for days, weekdays, months, or years.
1. Select the first cell in the range that you want to fill.
2. Type the starting value for the series.
3. Type a value in the next cell to establish a pattern.
For example, if you want the series 1, 2, 3, 4, 5..., type 1 and 2 in the first two cells. If you want the series
2, 4, 6, 8..., type 2 and 4. If you want the series 2, 2, 2, 2..., you can leave the second cell blank.
More examples of series that you can fill
When you fill a series, the selections are extended as shown in the following table. Items separated by commas
are in placed in individual adjacent cells.
Initial selection
Extended series
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6,...
10:00, 11:00, 12:00,...
Tue, Wed, Thu,...
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,...
Feb, Mar, Apr,...
Jan, Apr
Jul, Oct, Jan,...
Jan-99, Apr-99
Jul-99, Oct-99, Jan-00,...
15-Jan, 15-Apr
15-Jul, 15-Oct,...
1999, 2000
2001, 2002, 2003,...
1-Jan, 1-Mar
1-May, 1-Jul, 1-Sep,...
Qtr3 (or Q3 or Quarter3)
Qtr4, Qtr1, Qtr2,...
text1, textA
text2, textA, text3, textA,...
1st Period
2nd Period, 3rd Period,...
Product 1
Product 2, Product 3,...
1. Select the cell or cells that contain the starting values.
2. Drag the fill handle
across the range that you want to fill.
3. To fill in increasing order, drag down or to the right. To fill in decreasing order, drag up or to the left.
You can also specify the type of series by using the right mouse button to drag the fill handle over the range and
then clicking the appropriate command on the shortcut menu . For example, if the starting value is the date
JAN-2002, click Fill Months for the series FEB-2002, MAR-2002, and so on; or click Fill Years for the series JAN2003, JAN-2004, and so on.
If the selection contains numbers, you can control the type of series that you want to create. On the Edit menu,
point to Fill, and then click Series. Under Type, specify the options that you want to use. A Linear series is
calculated by adding the value in the Step Value box to each cell value in turn. A Growth series is calculated by
multiplying the value in the Step Value box by each cell value in turn. A Date series fills date values
incrementally by the value in the Step value box and dependent on the unit specified under Date unit. An Auto
Fill series produces the same results as dragging the fill handle.
You can suppress Auto Fill by holding down CTRL while you drag the fill handle. The selected values are then
copied to the adjacent cells, and Excel does not extend a series.
Fill data by using a custom fill series
To make entering a particular sequence of data (such as a list of names or sales regions) easier, you can create a
custom fill series. A custom fill series can be based on a list of existing items on a worksheet, or you can type the
list from scratch.
Use a custom fill series based on an existing list of items
1. On the worksheet, select the list of items that you want to use in the fill series.
2. On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Custom Lists tab.
3. Verify that the list of items that you selected is displayed in the Import list from cells box, and then click
4. The items in the list that you selected are added to the Custom lists box.
5. On the worksheet, click a cell, and then type the item in the custom fill series that you want to use to
start the list.
6. Drag the fill handle
across the cells that you want to fill.
Use a custom fill series based on a new list of items
1. On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Custom Lists tab.
2. In the Custom lists box, click New list, and then type the entries in the List entries box, beginning with
the first entry.
3. Press ENTER after each entry.
4. When the list is complete, click Add.
5. On the worksheet, click a cell, and then type the item in the custom fill series that you want to use to
start the list.
6. Drag the fill handle
across the cells that you want to fill.
A custom list can contain text or text mixed with numbers. To create a custom list that contains only numbers,
such as 0 through 100, first select enough empty cells to contain the list. On the Format menu, click Cells, and
then click the Number tab. Apply the Text format to empty cells, and then type the list of numbers in the
formatted cells. Select the list and then import the list.
You cannot edit or delete a built-in fill series (such as a fill series for months and days), but you can edit or delete
a custom fill series. On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Custom Lists tab. In the Custom lists
box, select the list that you want to edit or delete. To edit the fill series, make the changes that you want in the
List entries box, and then click Add. To delete the fill series, click Delete.
Excel 2007 Tables
Overview of Excel tables
To make managing and analyzing a group of related data easier, you can turn a range of cells into a Microsoft
Office Excel table (previously known as an Excel list). A table typically contains related data in a series of
worksheet rows and columns that have been formatted as a table. By using the table features, you can then
manage the data in the table rows and columns independently from the data in other rows and columns on the
Note Excel tables should not be confused with the data tables that are part of a suite of what-if analysis
commands. For more information about data tables, see Calculate multiple results with a data table.
The elements of an Excel table
A table can include the following elements:
Header row By default, a table has a header row. Every table column has filtering enabled in the header
row so that you can filter or sort your table data quickly.
Banded rows By default, alternate shading or banding has been applied to the rows in a table to better
distinguish the data.
Calculated columns By entering a formula in one cell in a table column, you can create a calculated
column in which that formula is instantly applied to all other cells in that table column.
Total row You can add a total row to your table that provides access to summary functions (such as the
AVERAGE, COUNT, or SUM function). A drop-down list appears in each total row cell so that you can
quickly calculate the totals that you want.
Sizing handle A sizing handle in the lower-right corner of the table allows you to drag the table to the
size that you want.
Managing data in an Excel table
You can use one table to manage your data, but if you want to manage several groups of data, you can insert
more than one table in the same worksheet.
Note Because table functionality is not supported in shared workbooks, you cannot create a table in a shared
Table features that you can use to manage table data
Sorting and filtering Filter drop-down lists are automatically added in the header row of a table. You
can sort tables in ascending or descending order or by color, or you can create a custom sort order. You
can filter tables to show only the data that meets the criteria that you specify, or you can filter by color...
Formatting table data You can quickly format table data by applying a predefined or custom table style.
You can also choose Table Styles options to display a table with or without a header or a totals row, to
apply row or column banding to make a table easier to read, or to distinguish between the first or last
columns and other columns in the table.
Inserting and deleting table rows and columns You can use one of several ways to add rows and
columns to a table. You can quickly add a blank row at the end of the table, include adjacent worksheet
rows or worksheet columns in the table, or insert table rows and table columns anywhere that you
want. You can delete rows and columns as needed. You can also quickly remove rows that contain
duplicate data from a table.
Using a calculated column To use a single formula that adjusts for each row in a table, you can create a
calculated column. A calculated column automatically expands to include additional rows so that the
formula is immediately extended to those rows. For more information on how to create a calculated
column, see Create, edit, or remove a calculated column in an Excel table.
Displaying and calculating table data totals You can quickly total the data in a table by displaying a
totals row at the end of the table and then using the functions that are provided in drop-down lists for
each totals row cell. For more information on how to display and calculate table data totals, see Total
the data in an Excel table.
Using structured references Instead of using cell references, such as A1 and R1C1, you can use
structured references that reference table names in a formula.
Ensuring data integrity For tables that are not linked to SharePoint lists, you can use the built-in data
validation features in Excel. For example, you may choose to allow only numbers or dates in a column of
a table. For more information on how to ensure data integrity, see Prevent invalid data entry on a
Planning a table
Consider how you will use the table and the types of reports and searches you may need. This type of
information will help you determine the kind of information to include in each record and the contents of
each field.
Guidelines to Create an Excel Table
The top row should contain a Field Name, a unique label describing the contents of the data in the rows
below it
Field Names can contain up to 255 characters—use short names when possible
Boldface the Field Names to set them apart
Each column should contain the same kind of information for each row in the table
The list should be separated from any other information in the same worksheet by at least one blank
row and one blank column
NO blank rows in the table!
Avoid placing critical data to the left or right of the list; the data might be hidden when you filter the list.
Create or delete an Excel table in a worksheet
When you create a table (previously known as list) in a Microsoft Office Excel worksheet, you can manage and
analyze the data in that table independently of data outside the table. For example, you can filter table
columns, add a row for totals, apply table formatting, and publish a table to a server that is running Microsoft
Windows SharePoint Services 3.0.
If you do not want to work with your data in a table, you can convert the table to a regular range while keeping
any table style formatting that you applied. When you no longer need a table, you can delete it.
Create a table
You can use one of two ways to create a table. You can either insert a table in the default table style or you can
format your data as a table in a style that you choose.
Insert a table
1. On a worksheet, select the range of cells that you want to include in the table. The cells can be empty or
can contain data.
2. On the Insert tab, in the Tables group, click Table.
Keyboard shortcut You can also press CTRL+L or CTRL+T.
3. If the selected range contains data that you want to display as table headers, select the My table has
headers check box.
Table headers display default names if you do not select the My table has headers check box. You can change
the default names by typing the text that you want.
Note If you do not want to display table headers, you can turn them off later.
After you create a table, the Table Tools become available, and a Design tab is displayed. You can use
the tools on the Design tab to customize or edit the table.
Unlike lists in Office Excel 2003, a table does not have a special row (marked with *) for quickly adding
new rows.
Format data as a table
1. On the worksheet, select a range of empty cells or cells that contain the data that you want to quickly
format as a table.
2. On the Home tab, in the Styles group, click Format as Table.
Note When you use Format as Table, Office Excel automatically inserts a table.
3. Under Light, Medium, or Dark, click the table style that you want to use.
Note Custom table styles are available under Custom after you create one or more of them.
After you create a table, the Table Tools become available, and a Design tab is displayed. You can use
the tools on the Design tab to customize or edit the table.
Convert a table to a range of data
1. Click anywhere in the table.
Tip This displays the Table Tools, adding the Design tab.
2. On the Design tab, in the Tools group, click Convert to Range.
Note Table features are no longer available after you convert the table back to a range. For example, the row
headers no longer include the sort and filter arrows, and structured references (references that use table
names) that were used in formulas turn into regular cell references.
You can also right-click the table, point to Table, and then click Convert to Range.
Immediately after you create a table, you can also click Undo
on the Quick Access Toolbar to convert
that table back to a range.
Delete a table
1. On a worksheet, select a table.
2. Press DELETE.
Tip You can also click Undo
on the Quick Access Toolbar to delete a table that you just created.
Name a table
Much as it does when you create a new worksheet, Office Excel 2007 gives your tables generic names such as
Table1 and Table2. You can change a table name to something easier to recognize by clicking any cell in the
table, clicking the Design contextual tab, and then, in the Properties group, editing the value in the Table Name
field. Changing a table name might not seem important, but it helps make formulas that summarize table data
much easier to understand. You should make a habit of renaming your tables so you can recognize the data
they contain.
If for any reason you want to convert your table back to a normal range of cells, click any cell in the table and
then, on the Table Tools contextual tab, in the Tools group, click Convert to Range. When Office Excel 2007
displays a message box asking if you’re sure you want to convert the table to a range, click OK.
Create, edit, or remove a calculated column in an Excel table
In a Microsoft Office Excel table, you can quickly create a calculated column. A calculated column uses a single
formula that adjusts for each row. It automatically expands to include additional rows so that the formula is
immediately extended to those rows. You need to enter a formula only once. You don't need to use the Fill or
Copy command.
You can enter additional formulas in a calculated column as exceptions, but Excel notifies you of any
inconsistencies so that you can resolve them, if needed. You can also update the formula in a calculated column
by editing the calculated column.
Create a calculated column
1. Click a cell in a blank table column that you want to turn into a calculated column.
Tip If needed, insert a new column in the table. Select a table column to the left of which you want to insert a
blank table column. On the Home tab, in the Cells group, click the arrow next to Insert, and then click Insert
Table Columns to the Left. You can also right-click a cell in the table column, click Insert, and then click Table
Columns to the Left.
2. Type the formula that you want to use.
The formula that you typed is automatically filled into all cells of the column — above as well as below the active
Copying or filling a formula into all cells of a blank table column also creates a calculated column.
If you enter a formula in a column below the table, a calculated column is created, but the rows outside
of the table cannot be used in a table reference.
If you type or move a formula in a table column that already contains data, a calculated column is not
automatically created. However, the AutoCorrect Options button is displayed to provide you with the
option to overwrite the data so that a calculated column can be created. You do not have this option if
you copy a formula into a table column that already contains data.
You can quickly undo a calculated column. If you used the Fill command or CTRL+ENTER to fill an entire
column with the same formula, click Undo
on the Quick Access Toolbar. If you typed or copied a
formula into a cell of a blank column, click Undo
Include calculated column exceptions
A calculated column can include formulas that are different from the column formula, which creates an
exception that will be clearly marked in the table. This way, inadvertent inconsistencies can easily be detected
and resolved.
Calculated column exceptions are created when you do any of the following:
 Type data other than a formula in a calculated column cell.
 Type a formula in a calculated column cell, and then click Undo
on the Quick Access Toolbar.
 Type a new formula in a calculated column that already contains one or more exceptions.
 Copy data into the calculated column that does not match the calculated column formula.
Note If the copied data contains a formula, this formula will overwrite the data in the calculated column.
 Delete a formula from one or more cells in the calculated column.
Note This exception is not marked.
 Move or delete a cell on another worksheet area that is referenced by one of the rows in a
calculated column.
Edit a calculated column
In a calculated column that does not contain exceptions, do one of the following:
Click any cell, and then edit the formula in that cell.
Copy another formula into any cell of the calculated column.
If you edit or copy more than one formula, the column will not be updated, but Excel notifies you of any
inconsistencies so that you can resolve them.
If you change a formula in a calculated column that contains exceptions, Excel cannot automatically
update the calculated column. However, the AutoCorrect Options button is displayed to provide you
with the option to overwrite all formulas in that column with the modified formula so that a calculated
column can be created.
Delete a calculated column
1. To delete a calculated column, select the calculated column.
2. On the Home tab, in the Cells group, click Delete.
Tip You can also press DELETE.
Total the data in an Excel table
You can quickly total the data in a Microsoft Office Excel table by displaying a totals row at the end of the table
and then by using the functions that are provided in drop-down lists for each totals row cell.
1. Click anywhere in the table.
Tip This displays the Table Tools, adding the Design tab.
2. On the Design tab, in the Table Style Options group, select the Total Row check box.
Note The total row appears as the last row in the table and displays the word Total in the leftmost cell.
3. In the total row, click the cell in the column for which you want to calculate a total, and then click the
drop-down list arrow that appears.
4. In the drop-down list, select the function that you want to use to calculate the total.
Tip Formulas that you can use in the total row are not limited to the functions in the list. You can enter any
formula that you want in any total row cell.
When you enter a formula in the row directly below a table without a total row, the total row is
displayed with the formula and without the word Total.
You can also type text entries in the total row.
Add or remove table rows and columns in an Excel table
After you create a Microsoft Office Excel table in your worksheet, you can easily add table rows and columns.
You can quickly add a blank row at the end of the table, include adjacent worksheet rows or worksheet columns
in the table, or insert table rows and table columns anywhere you want.
You can delete rows and columns as needed. You can also quickly remove rows that contain duplicate data from
a table.
Note Adding and removing table rows and columns is different from adding and removing worksheet rows and
Add a blank row at the end of the table
Press TAB in the last cell of the last row to add a blank row at the end of the table.
Note If a totals row is displayed in the table, pressing TAB in the last cell of the totals row does not add a new
Include a worksheet row or worksheet column in a table
Do one of the following:
 To include a worksheet row in the table, type a value or text in a cell that is directly below the
 To include a worksheet column in the table, type a value or text in a cell that is directly adjacent
to the right of the table.
 To include worksheet rows or worksheet columns by using the mouse, drag the resize handle at
the lower-right corner of the table down to select rows and to the right to select columns.
Resize a table
1. Click anywhere in the table.
Tip This displays the Table Tools, adding the Design tab.
2. On the Design tab, in the Properties group, click Resize Table.
3. In the Select the new data range for your table box, type the range that you want to use for the table.
Tip You can also click the Collapse Dialog button at the right end of the Select the new data range for your
table box and then select the range that you want to use for the table on the worksheet. When you finish, click
the Collapse Dialog button again to display the entire dialog box.
Tip To resize a table by using the mouse, drag the triangular resize handle at the lower-right corner of the table
up, down, to the left, or to the right to select the range that you want to use for the table.
Insert a table row or column
1. Do one of the following:
 To insert one or more table rows, select one or more table rows above which you want to insert
one or more blank table rows.
Tip If you select a cell or range in the last row, you can also insert a row above or below that row.
 To insert one or more table columns, select one or more table columns to the left of which you
want to insert one or more blank table columns.
Tip If you select a cell or range in the last column, you can also insert a column to the left or to the right of that
2. On the Home tab, in the Cells group, click the arrow next to Insert.
3. Do one of the following:
 To insert table rows, click Insert Table Rows Above.
 To insert a table row below the last row, click Insert Table Row Below.
 To insert table columns, click Insert Table Columns to the Left.
 To insert a table column to the right of the last column, click Insert Table Column to the Right.
Tip You can also right-click one or more table rows or table columns, point to Insert on the shortcut menu, and
then select what you want to do from the list of options. Or you can right-click one or more cells in a table row
or table column, point to Insert, and then click Table Rows Above or Table Columns to the Left.
Delete rows or columns in a table
1. Select one or more table rows or table columns that you want to delete.
Tip You can also just select one or more cells in the table rows or table columns that you want to delete.
2. On the Home tab, in the Cells group, click the arrow next to Delete, and then click Delete Table Rows or
Delete Table Columns.
Tip You can also right-click one or more rows or columns, point to Delete on the shortcut menu, and then click
Table Columns or Table Rows. Or you can right-click one or more cells in a table row or table column, point to
Delete, and then click Table Rows or Table Columns.
Remove duplicate rows from a table
Just as you can remove duplicates from any selected data in Excel, you can easily remove duplicates from a
1. Click anywhere in the table.
Tip This displays the Table Tools, adding the Design tab.
2. On the Design tab, in the Tools group, click Remove Duplicates.
3. In the Remove Duplicates dialog box, under Columns, select the columns that contain duplicates that
you want to remove.
Tip You can also click Unselect All and then select the columns that you want or click Select All to select all of
the columns.
Note Duplicates that you remove are deleted from the worksheet. If you inadvertently delete data that you
meant to keep, you can click Undo
on the Quick Access Toolbar to restore the deleted data. You may also
want to use conditional formats to highlight duplicate values before you remove them.
Remove blank rows from a table
1. Make sure that the active cell is in a table column.
2. Click the arrow in the column header.
3. To filter for blanks, in the AutoFilter menu at the top of the list of values, clear (Select All), and then at
the bottom of the list of values, select (Blanks).
Note The (Blanks) check box is available only if the range of cells or table column contains at least one blank
4. Select the blank rows in the table, and then press CTRL+- (hyphen).
Tip You can use a similar procedure for filtering and removing blank worksheet rows.
Format an Excel table
Microsoft Office Excel provides numerous predefined table styles (or quick styles) that you can use to quickly
format a table. If the predefined table styles don't meet your needs, you can create and apply a custom table
style. Although you can delete only a custom table style, you can remove any table style so that it is no longer
applied to the data.
You can further adjust the table formatting by choosing Quick Styles options for table elements, such as header
and total rows, first and last columns, and banded rows and columns.
Choose a table style when you create a table
1. On the worksheet, select a range of cells that you want to quickly format as a table.
2. On the Home tab, in the Styles group, click Format as Table.
3. Under Light, Medium, or Dark, click the table style that you want to use.
Tip Custom table styles are available under Custom after you create one or more of them.
Note When you use Format as Table, Office Excel automatically inserts a table. If you don't want to work with
your data in a table, you can convert the table to a regular range while keeping the table style formatting that
you applied.
Apply a table style to an existing table
1. On the worksheet, select the table to which you want to apply a table style.
Tip This displays the Table Tools, adding a Design tab.
2. On the Design tab, in the Table Styles group, do one of the following:
 Click the table style that you want to use.
Tip Use the arrow buttons to scroll through the available table styles.
 Click the More button , and then under Light, Medium, or Dark, click the table style that you
want to use.
Note When the Excel window is reduced in size, table styles will be available in the Table Quick Styles gallery
in the Table Styles group.
Tip Custom table styles are available under Custom after you create one or more of them.
Create or delete a custom table style
Important Custom table styles that you create are stored only in the current workbook and therefore are not
available in other workbooks.
Create a custom table style
1. To create a custom table style, do one of the following:
 On the Home tab, in the Styles group, click Format as Table.
Select an existing table to display the Table Tools, and then on the Design tab, in the Table
Styles group, click the More button .
2. Click New Table Style.
3. In the Name box, type a name for the new table style.
4. In the Table Element box, do one of the following:
 To format an element, click the element, and then click Format.
 To remove existing formatting from an element, click the element, and then click Clear.
5. On the Font, Border, and Fill tabs, select the formatting options that you want, and then click OK.
Tip Under Preview, you can see how the formatting changes that you made affect the table.
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for all table elements that you want to customize.
7. To use the new table style as the default table style in the current workbook, select the Set as default
table quick style for this document check box.
Delete a custom table style
1. On the Home tab, in the Styles group, click Format as Table.
2. Under Custom, right-click the table style that you want to delete, and then click Delete on the shortcut
Note All tables in the current workbook that are using that table style will be displayed in the default table
Remove a table style
1. On the worksheet, select the table from which you want to remove the current table style.
Tip This displays the Table Tools, adding a Design tab.
2. On the Design tab, in the Table Styles group, click the More button .
3. Click Clear.
Tip The table will be displayed in the default table format.
Note Removing a table style does not remove the table.
Choose table style options to format the table elements
1. On the worksheet, select the table to which you want to apply table style options.
Tip This displays the Table Tools, adding a Design tab.
2. On the Design tab, in the Table Style Options group, do one of the following:
 To turn the header row on or off, select or clear the Header Row check box.
 To turn the totals row on or off, select or clear the Totals Row check box.
 To display special formatting for the first column of the table, select the First Column check box.
 To display special formatting for the last column of the table, select the Last Column check box.
 To display odd and even rows differently for ease of reading, select the Banded Rows check box.
 To display odd and even columns differently for ease of reading, select the Banded Columns
check box.
Navigate the Table
Freezing columns and rows
Select the cell below and to the right of the rows and columns you want to freeze
Open the View tab
Click the Freeze Panes button
Select the desired option from the Screen Tip that displays.
Change the Zoom Setting
Reduce the Zoom percentage in the Zoom Slider on the status bar to see more of the list on your monitor, or
double-click on the Zoom percentage there to open up the Zoom dialog box for finer control of the Zoom
Use Find and Replace
1. Select the Home tab, and choose the Find and Select button to open a list of Excel object types to
search for
2. Select the desired option
Sorting Data
When you sort a list, Microsoft Excel rearranges rows according to the contents of a column you choose — the
Sort By column (or Field).
To Sort text
1. Select a column of alphanumeric data in a range of cells, or make sure that the active cell is in a table
column containing alphanumeric data.
2. On the Data tab, in the Sort & Filter group, do one of the following:
To sort in ascending alphanumeric order, click
 To sort in descending alphanumeric order, click
3. Optionally, you can do a case-sensitive sort.
Sort A to Z.
Sort Z to A.
How to sort by case-sensitivity
1. On the Data tab, in the Sort & Filter group, click Sort.
2. In the Sort dialog box, click Options.
3. In the Sort Options dialog box, select Case sensitive.
4. Click OK twice.
To reapply a sort after you change the data, click a cell in the range or table, and then on the Data tab, in the
Sort & Filter group, click Reapply.
Issue: Check that all data is stored as text
If the column that you want to sort contains numbers stored as numbers and numbers stored as text, then you
need to format them all as text. If you do not, the numbers stored as numbers are sorted before the numbers
stored as text. To format all of the selected data as text, on the Home tab, in the Font group, click the Font
Dialog Box launcher button, click the Number tab, and then under Category, click Text.
Issue: Remove any leading spaces
In some cases, data imported from another application might have leading spaces inserted before data. Remove
the leading spaces before sorting the data.
To Sort numbers
1. Select a column of numeric data in a range of cells, or make sure that the active cell is in a table column
containing numeric data.
2. On the Data tab, in the Sort & Filter group, do one of the following:
To sort from low numbers to high numbers, click
Sort Smallest to Largest.
To sort from high numbers to low numbers, click
Sort Largest to Smallest.
Issue: Check that all numbers are stored as numbers
If the results are not what you expected, the column might contain numbers stored as text and not as numbers.
For example, negative numbers imported from some accounting systems or a number entered with a leading '
(apostrophe) are stored as text.
To specify which Fields to sort by
Click a cell within the list
From the Data tab, in the Sort & Filter group select Sort…
Select the desired sort fields from the Sort by drop down lists
Click OK
Sorting by cell content
1. Select a single cell
2. Click the Sort Ascending or Descending icon to automatically sort the entire list
3. The data will be sorted according to the field (column) of the cell selected
Sort Order
Numerical values, including date and time, are sorted from the lowest (negative) to the highest
Excel does not consider the format of the cell, only its contents
Date and time receive numeric values when data is sorted
Text is sorted first by symbols such as *, (,), $; then by ASCII characters; and finally, by letters of the
 From the Data tab, select Sort, Options, and select the Case Sensitive box. Text with upper-case letters is
sorted before text with lower-case letters.
Logical values
 False is sorted before True.
Errors in cells that were created during calculation of formulas do not undergo internal sorting. They will
appear next to last.
Empty cells
Empty cells are always sorted last.
Sort Descending changes the sort order from the last to the first, except for empty cells, which are
always last.
Sorting by Column
The default setting for sorting in ascending or descending order is by rows (this changes the order of the rows
based upon the contents of a column). Occasionally you will want to sort by columns so that the order of the
columns is changed (based upon the row number) instead of the order of the rows.
1. From the Data menu, select Sort, Options.
2. Select the Sort left to right option.
3. Click OK.
In the Sort by option of the Sort dialog box, select the number of the row by which the columns will be sorted.
Filtering Excel Tables
Filtering hides data you do not wish to see. It is a handy method of displaying only and all data in a list that
meets certain criteria. Used with Excel’s Sorting capabilities it is a powerful tool which can be used for creating
precise reports from tables containing more data than is needed.
In the sheet, select the item in the field according to which data will be filtered, and click the Filter
button on the Data tab.
To undo the automatic filter and display the hidden rows, click the Clear button.
Custom AutoFilter
Use the Autofilter icon to display the AutoFilter list arrows
Click on the arrow to display the drop down list
Select Custom
Type in the filtering criteria
Click OK
Insert Subtotals into a table
1. Sort the table by the columns for which you want a subtotal so records with the same value in a
specified field are grouped together
2. Click a cell in the list
3. Open the Data tab
4. Click on Subtotals
5. In the At Change in list box, select the column containing the group you want to subtotal
6. In the Use function list box, select the function you want to summarize the data
7. In the Add subtotal list box, select the column containing the values you want to summarize
8. Click the OK button
9. Use the Subtotals Outline View to further refine the display of data
Data Input Forms
What happened to the data form?
The Form button has not been included on the Office Fluent user interface Ribbon, but you can still use it in
Office Excel 2007 by adding the Form button to the Quick Access Toolbar.
Add the Form button to the Quick Access Toolbar
Click the arrow next to the Quick Access Toolbar, and then click More Commands.
In the Choose commands from box, click All Commands.
Select Form.
Click on the Add button
Adding a record using a Data Form
Click any cell in the list
Click on the Forms button located on the Quick Access Toolbar
Click the New button to display a blank form
Type in the values for the new record
Press the Enter key to add the record
When finished, click the Close button
Use Criteria to find a record
Click any cell in the list
Click the Form button on the Quick Access toolbar
Click the Criteria button
Click in the Field you wish to search
Type in the Field value to search for
Select Find Prev or Find Next
Pick from List
If you have a long list of Text with no blank cells between and you want to see a preview of what is in your list.
Click in any cell within your list then right click and select "Pick from list", If you select one of the entries, Excel
will insert it in the cell for you.
Sort Out Blank Rows
The quickest way to remove all blank rows is to select your range and then go to Data>Sort.
Page Layout View
In addition to the Normal view and Page Break Preview view, Office Excel 2007 provides a Page Layout View. You
can use this view to create a worksheet while keeping an eye on how it will look in printed format. In this view,
you can work with page headers, footers, and margin settings right in the worksheet, and place objects, such as
charts or shapes, exactly where you want them. You also have easy access to all page setup options on the Page
Layout tab in the new user interface so that you can quickly specify options, such as page orientation. It's easy to
see what will be printed on every page, which will help you avoid multiple printing attempts and truncated data
in printouts.
To work in the Page Layout View
1. Click on the VIEW tab.
2. Select PAGE LAYOUT from the WORKBOOK VIEWS group.
To modify print options:
2. Choose the desired print options.
3. Click OK to return to the spreadsheet or select PRINT.
Formulas and Functions
A formula is an equation that performs operations on worksheet data.
Formulas can
Perform mathematical operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
Compare worksheet values
Join text
Refer to other cells on the same worksheet, cells on other sheets in the same workbook, or cells on
sheets in other workbooks
Create or delete a formula
You can create a simple formula by using constants and calculation operators. For example, the formula
=5+2*3, multiplies two numbers and then adds a number to the result. Microsoft Office Excel follows the
standard order of mathematical operations. In the preceding example, the multiplication operation (2*3) is
performed first, and then 5 is added to its result.
You can also create a formula by using a function. For example, the formulas =SUM(A1:A2) and SUM(A1,A2)
both use the SUM function to add the values in cells A1 and A2.
Depending on the type of formula that you create, a formula can contain any or all of the following parts.
Functions A function, such as PI(), starts with an equal sign (=), and you can enter arguments for the function
within its parentheses. Each function has a specific argument syntax.
Cell references You can refer to data in worksheet cells by including cell references in the formula. For
example, the cell reference A2 returns the value of that cell or uses that value in the calculation.
Constants You can also enter constants, such as numbers (such as 2) or text values, directly into a formula.
Operators Operators are the symbols that are used to specify the type of calculation that you want the
formula to perform. For example, the ^ (caret) operator raises a number to a power, and the * (asterisk)
operator multiplies numbers.
To achieve the calculation result that you want, you can use a single function, nested functions, or arrays that
calculate single or multiple results. You can delete any formula when it's no longer needed.
Create a simple formula by using constants and calculation operators
1. Click the cell in which you want to enter the formula.
2. Type = (equal sign).
3. To enter the formula, do one of the following:
Type the constants and operators that you want to use in the calculation.
Example formula
What it does
Adds 5 and 2
Subtracts 2 from 5
Divides 5 by 2
Multiplies 5 times 2
Raises 5 to the 2nd power
Click the cell that contains the value that you want to use in the formula, type the operator that
you want to use, and then click another cell that contains a value.
Example formula
What it does
Adds the values in cells A1 and A2
Subtracts the value in cell A2 from the value in A1
Divides the value in cell A1 by the value in A2
Multiplies the value in cell A1 times the value in A2
Raises the value in cell A1 to the exponential value specified in A2
Tip You can enter as many constants and operators as you need to achieve the calculation result that
you want.
5. Press ENTER.
Create a formula by using cell references and names
The example formulas at the end of this section contain relative references to and names of other cells. The cell
that contains the formula is known as a dependent cell when its value depends on the values in other cells. For
example, cell B2 is a dependent cell if it contains the formula =C2.
1. Click the cell in which you want to enter the formula.
2. In the formula bar
, type = (equal sign).
3. Do one of the following:
To create a reference, select a cell, a range of cells, a location in another worksheet, or a
location in another workbook. This behavior is called semi-selection. You can drag the border of
the cell selection to move the selection, or drag the corner of the border to expand the
The first cell reference is B3, the color is blue, and the cell range has a blue border with square corners.
The second cell reference is C3, the color is green, and the cell range has a green border with square corners.
Note If there is no square corner on a color-coded border, the reference is to a named range.
Create a formula by using a function
1. Click the cell in which you want to enter the formula.
2. To start the formula with the function, click Insert Function
on the formula bar
3. Select the function that you want to use.
You can enter a question that describes what you want to do in the Search for a function box (for example, "add
numbers" returns the SUM function), or browse from the categories in the Or Select a category box.
4. Enter the arguments.
Tip To enter cell references as an argument, click Collapse Dialog
select the cells on the worksheet, and then press Expand Dialog
(which temporarily hides the dialog box),
Example formula
What it does
Adds all numbers in column A
Averages all numbers in the range
5. After you complete the formula, press ENTER.
Tip To summarize values quickly, you can also use AutoSum. On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click
AutoSum, and then click the function that you want.
Create a formula by using nested functions
Nested functions use a function as one of the arguments of another function. You can nest up to 64 levels of
functions. The following formula sums a set of numbers (G2:G5) only if the average of another set of numbers
(F2:F5) is greater than 50. Otherwise, it returns 0.
The AVERAGE and SUM functions are nested within the IF function.
1. Click the cell in which you want to enter the formula.
2. To start the formula with the function, click Function Wizard
3. Select the function that you want to use.
on the formula bar
You can enter a question that describes what you want to do in the Search for a function box (for example, "add
numbers" returns the SUM function), or browse from the categories in the Or Select a category box.
4. To enter the arguments, do one or more of the following:
To enter cell references as an argument, click Collapse Dialog
next to the argument you
want (which temporarily hides the dialog box), select the cells on the worksheet, and then press
Expand Dialog
To enter another function as an argument, enter the function in the argument box that you
want. For example, you can add SUM(G2:G5) in the Value_if_true edit box of the IF function.
The parts of the formula displayed in the Function Arguments dialog box reflect the function
that you selected in the previous step. For example, if you clicked IF, the Function arguments
dialog box displays the arguments for the IF function.
Delete a formula
When you delete a formula, the resulting values of the formula is also deleted. However, you can instead
remove the formula only and leave the resulting value of the formula displayed in the cell.
To delete formulas along with their resulting values, do the following:
1. Select the cell or range of cells that contains the formula.
2. Press DELETE.
To delete formulas without removing their resulting values, do the following:
1. Select the cell or range of cells that contains the formula.
2. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click Copy
Keyboard shortcut You can also press CTRL+C.
3. On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group, click the arrow below Paste
, and then click Paste
Tips about creating formulas
Easily change the type of reference To switch between relative, absolute, and mixed references:
1. Select the cell that contains the formula.
2. In the formula bar
, select the reference that you want to change.
3. Press F4 to switch between the reference types.
Quickly copy formulas You can quickly enter the same formula into a range of cells. Select the range that you
want to calculate, type the formula, and then press CTRL+ENTER. For example, if you type =SUM(A1:B1) in range
C1:C5, and then press CTRL+ENTER, Excel enters the formula in each cell of the range, using A1 as a relative
Use Formula Autocomplete To make it easier to create and edit formulas and minimize typing and syntax
errors, use Formula Autocomplete. After you type an = (equal sign) and beginning letters (the beginning letters
act as a display trigger), Excel displays a dynamic list of valid functions and names below the cell. After you insert
the function or name into the formula by using an insert trigger (pressing TAB or double-clicking the item in the
list), Excel displays any appropriate arguments. As you fill out the formula, typing a comma can also act as a
display trigger — Excel may display additional arguments. You can insert additional functions or names into your
formula and, as you type their beginning letters, Excel again displays a dynamic list from which you can choose.
Use Function ScreenTips If you are familiar with the arguments of a function, you can use the function
ScreenTip that appears after you type the function name and an opening parenthesis. Click the function name to
view the Help topic on the function, or click an argument name to select the corresponding argument in your
Avoid common errors when creating formulas
The following list summarizes some of the most common errors that you can make when entering a formula and
how to correct those errors:
More information
Make sure that all parentheses are part of a matching pair. When you create a formula, Excel displays
parentheses in color as they are entered.
When you refer to a range of cells, use a colon (:) to separate the reference to the first cell in the range
and the reference to the last cell in the range. For example, A1:A5.
Some functions have required arguments. Also, make sure that you have not entered too many
You can enter, or nest, no more than 64 levels of functions within a function.
If the formula refers to values or cells on other worksheets or workbooks, and the name of the other
workbook or worksheet contains a nonalphabetical character, you must enclose its name within single
quotation marks ( ' ) if you decide to type the formula in rather than use the ”Paste Link” feature.
Make sure that each external reference contains a workbook name and the path to the workbook.
Do not format numbers as you enter them in formulas. For example, even if the value that you want to
enter is $1,000, enter 1000 in the formula.
Use cell references whenever possible. Entering cell references into formulas allows users to take
advantage of a spreadsheet’s flexibility when it is updated.
When using a constant in a formula (such as a tax rate), use an absolute cell reference instead of
entering the value within a formula. Absolute cell references contain a dollar sign ($) before the column
letter and row number (such as $B$12 to always refer to cell B12).
To increase the number of functions available, click on "Tools/Add Ins." and activate "Analysis Toolpack”
Always type functions in lower case letters, Excel will change the case if the spelling is right. If the case
does not change, you will know that the spelling is wrong. Formulas are not case sensitive. For example,
the formula =sum(b2:b6) is treated the same as =SUM(B2:B6).
To make formulas easy to read, use many parentheses. =A1+(B3*5) is easier to read than =A1+B3*5.
If you have trouble remembering the order in which the operations are completed, use parenthesis to
avoid the problem of misconceived formulas.
If a cell from another workbook is referred to in a formula, make sure that the spreadsheet with the
formula is opened when you change the location of the referred cell (adding or deleting rows or
columns) so that the change if reflected in the formula.
To copy a formula in a large number of contiguous cells, you will use the Autofill handle located in the
right lower corner of the selected cell. Hence, if you have numbers in cells A1 to A1000 and other
numbers in cells B1 to B1000, write a formula in C1 (ex. =A1+B1), press Return, re-select cell C1 and
double click on the Autofill handle. Automatically, the formula will be pasted in cells C2 to C1000.
Quickly see all Formulas on your Spreadsheet --Touch CTRL/~ (tilde ~ character – upper left of
keyboard). This is an ON/OFF toggle – touch CTRL/~ again and it brings the results back and hides the
Important symbols used in spreadsheet formulas:
Equal sign: used at the beginning of each formula entered (e.g., =A2+B2-C2)
Addition sign: adds values (e.g., =A1+A2)
Subtraction sign: subtracts values (e.g., =B3-B4)
Asterisk: multiplies values (e.g., =C2*C6)
Slash: divides values (e.g., =D1/D3)
Colon: used to indicate a consecutive range of cells in a row or column (e.g., =SUM(A2:A10), indicating the
sum of the values in cells A2 through A10)
Comma: used to indicate a series of non-consecutive cells in a formula, (e.g., =SUM(B6,C12,D15), indicating
the sum of the values in cells B6, C12 and D15)
parentheses: used in functions to indicate a range of values or cell references to be calculated (e.g.,
=AVERAGE(F1:F6), indicating the average of the values in cells F1 through F6)
To copy a formula from one cell into a series of cells:
1. Starting with the cell that already contains the formula, select the entire series of cells into which the
formula will be placed.
2. Choose EDIT → FILL → DOWN or EDIT → FILL → RIGHT.
3. Click one of the highlighted cells to confirm that the cell references in the formula were updated properly.
Or, use the auto-fill handle
To sum a series of cells:
1. Click the appropriate cell.
2. Enter the sum formula into that cell.
A simple-SUM formula: =SUM(E4:E8). The contents of cells E4 through E8 will be added, and the sum
will be displayed in the cell that was initially selected.
1. Highlight the cells to be added.
2. Choose the AUTOSUM button
on the Standard toolbar, and the calculated total will be placed in the cell
immediately below or to the right of the selected range.
1. Click the cell in which the calculated sum should be displayed and choose the AUTOSUM button
Standard toolbar.
2. Accept the default cell range, or enter the corrected cell range in the formula bar.
3. Press the ENTER key to accept the formula.
on the
To create an absolute cell reference:
1. When entering a formula, place a dollar sign ($) before both the column letter and the row number of the
cell or cells to be designated as absolute references. A sample formula would be =SUM($A$5:B6).
Tip: In the above example, if the FILL or the COPY and PASTE commands are used to place the formula into
additional cells, cell A5 will be referenced regardless of the new formula’s column and row position.
However, because the second cell in the formula is designated as a relative cell reference, it will change
according to the location of the cell in which the formula is placed.
The Difference between Relative and Absolute References
Relative References
When you create a formula, references to cells or ranges are usually based on their position relative to the cell
that contains the formula.
When you copy a formula that uses relative references, Excel automatically adjusts the references in the
pasted formula to refer to different cells relative to the position of the formula.
Absolute References
If you do not want Excel to adjust references when you copy a formula to a different cell, use an absolute
If your formula multiplies cell A5 with cell C1 (=A5*C1) and you copy the formula to another cell, Excel
will adjust both references. You can create an absolute reference to cell C1 by placing a dollar sign ($)
before the parts of the reference that do not change.
To create an absolute reference to cell C1, add dollar signs to the formula as follows:
Switching Between Relative and Absolute References
If you created a formula and want to change relative references to absolute (and vice versa)
1. Select the cell that contains the formula.
2. In the formula bar, select the reference you want to change and then press the F4 function key on the
3. Each time you press F4, Excel toggles through the combinations:
Absolute column and absolute row (for example, $C$1)
Relative column and absolute row (C$1)
Absolute column and relative row ($C1)
Relative column and relative row (C1)
“Mixed” References
If you select the address $A$1 in a formula and press F4, the reference becomes A$1. Press F4 again and
the reference becomes $A1, and so on.
When you move a formula, the cell references within the formulas do not change. When you copy a formula,
absolute cell references do not change; relative cell references will change.
1. Select the cell that contains the formula you want to move or copy.
2. Point to the border of the selection.
3. To move the cell, drag the selection to the upper-left cell of the paste area. Microsoft Excel replaces any
existing data in the paste area.
4. To copy the cell, hold down CTRL as you drag.
Order of Operations
Concatenation (putting 2 strings together, like Jenn & ifer)
Equal To
Greater Than
Less Than
About number formats
In Microsoft Excel, you can use number formats to change the appearance of numbers, including dates and
times, without changing the number behind the appearance. The number format you apply does not affect the
actual cell value — displayed in the formula bar — which Excel uses to perform calculations.
The General Number Format
The General format is the default number format. For the most part, what you enter in a cell that is formatted
with the General format is what is displayed. However, if the cell is not wide enough to show the entire number,
the General format rounds numbers with decimals and uses scientific notation for large numbers. You can reset
a number format to the General format.
Built-In Number Formats
Excel contains many built-in number formats you can choose
from. To see a complete list of these formats, click the Number
Dialog Box launcher on the Home tab, and then choose the
Number tab in the dialog box. The formats appear in
categories on the left, including accounting, date, time,
fraction, scientific, and text. The Special category includes
formats for postal codes and phone numbers. Options for each
category appear to the right of the Category list.
Custom Number Formats
If a built-in number format doesn't display data the way you
want, you can use the Custom category on the Number tab
(Format menu, Cells command) to create a custom number
format. Custom number formats use format codes that
describe how you want to display a number, date, time, or
Excel’s Built-in Functions
Basic Functions
Microsoft Excel contains many predefined formulas that are known as functions. Functions can be used to
perform simple or complex calculations. The most frequently used function is the SUM function, which is used to
add the numbers in a range of cells.
Functions can be a more efficient way of performing mathematical operations than formulas. For example, if
you wanted to add the values of cells D1 through D10, you could type the formula
"=D1+D2+D3+D4+D5+D6+D7+D8+D9+D10". A shorter way would be to use the SUM function and simply type
The SUM worksheet function adds the values in the range D5:F5.
Several other functions and examples are given in the table below:
Finds the sum of cells A1 through A100
Finds the average of cells B1 through B10
=MAX (C1:C100)
Returns the highest number from cells C1 through C100
Returns the lowest number from cells D1 through D100
Finds the square root of the value in cell D10
Returns the current date (leave the parentheses empty)
The Function Wizard
View all functions available in Excel by using the Function Wizard.
To Insert A Function
1. Click the appropriate cell where the answer should appear.
2. Choose FUNCTION from the FORMULAS TAB
3. Select the appropriate option from the Function Category list, then choose the desired option from the
Function Name list and click OK.
4. Verify that the correct cell range is shown in the Number box and make any necessary changes.
5. Click OK.
What Do Those Formula Errors Mean?
When you type a formula in EXCEL, you will be able to tell that you have an error when, rather than seeing your
calculated value, you get a strange entry in all uppercase letters beginning with the number sign (#) and ending
with an exclamation point (!) or, in one case, a question mark (?) – this entry is known as an ‘error value.’
The error value lets you know that some part of your formula, either in the formula or the cell(s) referenced – is
not correct and that Excel can’t perform the calculation. Error values can contaminate other formulas in the
worksheet. If a formula returns an error value to a cell and a second formula in another cell refers to the value
calculated by the first formula, the second formula returns the same error value and so on down the line.
When you get an error in your formula cell, you’ll need to determine what caused the error and fix it.
Common Formula Errors You Might See in EXCEL
Appears when the formula calls for division by a cell that either contains the value 0 or, as is more often the
case, is empty. Division by zero is a no-no.
Appears when the formula refers to a range name that doesn't exist in the worksheet. This error value appears
when you type the wrong range name or fail to enclose in quotation marks some text used in the formula,
causing Excel to think that the text refers to a range name.
Appears most often when you insert a space (where you should have used a comma) to separate cell references
used as arguments for functions.
Appears when Excel encounters a problem with a number in the formula, such as the wrong type of argument
in an Excel function or a calculation that produces a number too large or too small to be represented in the
Appears when Excel encounters an invalid cell reference, such as when you delete a cell referred to in a formula
or paste cells over the cells referred to in a formula.
Appears when you use the wrong type of argument or operator in a function, or when you call for a
mathematical operation that refers to cells that contain text entries.
Syntax Help
If you are not sure of the syntax of the formula, type = and the name of the function, and then press
Ctrl+Shift+A. You will now see the syntax of the function
Let Excel Help with Formulas
Even experts need a hint now again, especially when trying to decipher a complex formula with several sets of
nested expressions--each one requiring a complete set of parentheses.
Excel can guide you through the formula.
Simply select the cell that contains the formula you're reviewing and click inside the Formula bar.
Then, use the arrow keys to move through the formula.
When the insertion point moves over a parenthesis, Excel will highlight its mate.
In addition, when you edit the formula, Excel displays each matched set in a different color, so you can
easily distinguish between the sets.
Quick Access Toolbar Customizations
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