LESSON PLAN TEMPLATE Teacher: M. Sirounis Topic/Unit: Varied Educational Games Adventure Style VEGAS Number of Students: Large group Date: November 2, 2010 Grade Level: 3-6th Special Needs: Objectives: By the end of the lesson, the student will be able to: Understand the importance of SAFETY rules and procedures in all physical activities. State/National Standard(s) Addressed NASPE: Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement Patterns to perform a variety of physical activities. Understand that technology can be utilized to assess performance. Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principals, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning. NGSSS: PE.C.1.2 Understands the importance of safety rules and Participate in moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) on a procedures in all physical activities. daily basis. PE.L.1.1 Participate in Moderate to vigorous physical activity on a daily basis. PE.R.1.4 Cooperate with all class members by sharing and taking turns. Choose to participate in group physical activities. Lesson: Time Lesson Outline (Include Activity Names & Descriptions) Pipeline Instant Activity Warm Up Human Carousel Boating- Project Adventure Style Titanic- large group game Medics on the Move- Pipeline Polar Assessment & Project Adventure Assessment Briefly indentify Lesson differentiation Objective strategies (adaptations Addressed by or modifications for Activity learners) 10-M Instant Activity/Warm-Up: Pipeline Instant Activity Movement Sequence Task Cards Equipment needs: 2 basketballs, 2 jump ropes, 2 individual mats, two tennis balls, 6 hula hoops, two soccer balls, 2 exercise balls, 2 sets of cup stacks. Laminated task cards. Dribble a ball in a zigzag pathway for 30 seconds. Skip around the activity area one time. Jump Rope 50 times Balance on one leg for 30 seconds. Do as many push ups as you can without stopping! Crabwalk around the circle two times! Do a midline ball bounce thirty times, alternating hands. Hula Hoop 30 times- can you use more than one hula hoop? Dribble a ball around the activity space with your feet. Pick one exercise on the ball and do it thirty times. Cup stack cycle 3-6-3, 6-6, 1-10-1 make sure you end in a 3-6-3 Provide alternative equipment for those that need it. Direction Handout for Human Carousel 10M Learning Experiences/Activity(ies): Human Carousel Equipment needs: Three cardboard round pizza sized disks, and laminated procedure cards. Everybody Works Together to Make the Wheel Go Round Content: Talk to the children about friends. Have the children give different examples of what it takes to be a friend. Demonstrate the friendship merry-go-round with the students. Learning Experience: Divide the class into three groups of eight students. Have four students sit on the mat facing each other with their legs out straight and their feet t barely touching in the middle. The other four standing grab the wristssailor grip- of those students sitting down. On the teacher's signal, the students begin to move in a clockwise direction (like a merry-go-round). All eight students must stay connected. The first team back to their original spot receives one point. After two turns, switch places. 10M *This is Project Adventure game. Captains Calling: Equipment needs: 24 flow markers, laminated signs for the following: attention, swab the deck, man overboard, Lifeboats out, starfish, walk the plank- diagram of a ship with Port and Starboard clearly visible. Framing: Say to the students, “There are many things that happen on a ship, from dancing to cleaning the deck! Teach the Sailor grip prior to activity for safety reasons. Special Needs: Provide peer buddies Wheelchair student may propel around the outside of the circle and back to his/her spot. (or pushed by a buddy) PE3C1.2 PE4C1.2 PE5C1.3 PE3.R.1.4 PE.4.R.1.3 PE.5.R.2.1 Titanic PE.3.L.1.1 PE.4.L.1.1 PE.5.L.1.1 Variation: Use a different locomotor skill (galloping, skipping, or jogging). Turn the children in a counter clockwise direction. Visual poster, Hearing-explain rules, movement- demonstrate before playing. *See attachment Teach your group the following motions, and encourage them to make up some of their Medic on the Move Visual posters- that can be made as the samples used during presentation. Special needs: ID, HI, VI, peer buddies to assist with job captain helper, life jacket distributor, plastic starfish, 3 feet 1 x 6 plank. PE.4.R.2.1 This game involves acting out different situations very quickly.” Teach your group the following motions, and encourage them to make up some of their own. These will serve as the commands of the ship. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. (1 person) “Attention”- Students stand at attention until the person who is designated, Captain , says, “At ease” (1 person) “Swab the Deck”- Making mopping motion (People as needed) “Overboard” – students go to the rescue of their peers by assisting them with a sailor grip back to the ship (3 people) “Lifeboats Out” Form a single-line, sit down and pretend to row a boat. (5 people) “Starfish” Five people form a circle and put their right hands in and begin to walk in a circle. (6 people) “Walk the Plank”- Teammates get into a single-file line of 6 and pretend to walk the plank Point out the boundaries of the ship to your students. Half of the basketball court works well. Determine where the bow (front), stern (back), port (left) and starboard (right), are in relation to the boundaries. These will become commands, too. Overboard is directly outside port and starboard. Explain to your class that when they hear one of the above commands, they are to follow the directions as quickly as possible. Anyone who is onto able to follow directions must “SWAB THE DECK”. (Odd one out) If the Captain calls “Attentions” and does not say, “At Ease”, students should not move. If they do, send’ em to “SWAB THE DECK”! If the Captain calls “Bow”, “Stern”, “Port” or “Starboard”, students still the game are to run to that side of the ship as quickly as possible. 20M Titanic- *Game Equipment needs: six scooters, six large cones that a tennis ball can be placed on top of, six stepping stones- we use project adventure grey stones, six green poly spots that are used as turtle backs, six pool noodles cut in half, six individual mats, 10-20 various balls depending on the size of the class. (Use safe balls from Sportime) Lesson Content: Review the cues for throwing a ball - T-Elbow-Step in opposition- throw to target Explain the goal of the game: The teams use their cannonballs (various size balls) to knock over the light beacons (3 cones with tennis balls on top- placed on the free throw line of the basketball court); students in the rowboats (scooters) may get and toss to teammates the balls that are in the ocean. The grey stepping stones and poly spots can be placed anywhere, except directly in front of the lights. Game continues until lights go out. After each round switch positions so that each student has a turn at each role. At no time is a team allowed to cross the center line of a basketball game. Captain - 1 Row boats- 3 Stepping stones (placed anywhere and used to stand on the ocean)-3 Poly spots- (pretend turtle backs that are used to stand on)-3 I often provide noodles to protect turtles from sharks and this component adds striking objects and the students use noodles to hit approaching balls. 2 deck hands if a class of 25- they would stay on the boat (mats in the back of playing area) to help get balls to their teammates. For divergent thinking ask the students other positions they can think of to add to the game. Always stress cooperation and the sharing of jobs makes a team more efficient. TEAM- together everyone achieves more! Medics on the Move- Pipeline Equipment needs: 8 hula hoops, 4 cones, laminated pictures of body parts, laminated body systems poster game board, poly spots or flow markers to divide area into lanes. If playing outside- you will need beanbags to hold cards in place. CONTENT DEVELOPMENT Introductory Task/Set Induction: "Today we will be playing a game that involves chasing & fleeing, quick changes of direction, changes of speed and awareness of other players around you. You will also be challenged to apply the information you have been studying in your health class about body systems. Directions for the GAME: 1. Create groups of four colors: Yellow, green, blue, and red. 2. Have medic teams gather at their hospital zones. 3. When the TEACHER reads a? Such as, "What organ filters out the impurities from the blood and produces urine"? MEDIC teams hold a 15 second consultation HEAD MEDIC (change each round) travels to hula hoops to find the correct answer. When he/she does they yell- IDENTIFICATION and the whole team travels to bring back the correct body part and place it on the laminated systems in the proper spot. How you award points is up to you and the TEAM! 4. To make the game more challenging ask the students what they think can be done? Show the class that they might have chasers that wear tags that say pot holes, detour, or traffic jam Have them utilize different motor patterns to travel. Pin the body parts onto beanbags and have them throw them to other medic team members to avoid having the main medic get caught with the body part. Change the movement pattern and location of the hospital zones for a further challenge. Comments: Questions: Medics on the Move REFLECTION: Were explanations clear to students so that the game could be played without stopping to repeat directions? Did the students correctly identify the body parts? Did you and the students enjoy the activity? Do you need to make any changes? Questions: 1. What organ filters out impurities from the blood? Kidney- renal system 2. What bone protects the organ that is composed of gray matter? Skull- skeletal 3. What muscle is made up of chambers? Heart- circulatory 4. What organ controls sight, breathing, and emotions? Brain- Nervous 5. What organ has air sacs? Lungs- Respiratory 6. What muscle is made up of two main parts and is in your upper arm? Bicep-muscular 7. What organ aids in digestion and breaks up the food you eat? Stomach- Digestive 8. What carries impulses from cells to the tissues of your body? Nerves- Nervous 9. What bone has a hinge joint like a door? Jaw- skeletal 10. What organ is a reservoir or a "holding tank" for urine? Bladder- Renal/Excretory 11. What protects your spinal cord? Spinal column- skeletal 12. What muscles bend and extend your leg at the knee joint? Quadriceps- muscular 13. What organ is also called your WINDPIPE? Trachea- Respiratory 14. What organ contains undigested, unabsorbed food? Large Intestine- Digestive