Second Grade News Miss Holt April 7-11 Northwood Elementary Mrs. Kearley Northwood Elementary (850) 689-7252 (850) 689-7252 DONATIONS NEEDED!! Tissues & Lysol Wipes Reading Story: Helen Keller Target Skill: Author’s Purpose/Biography Target Strategy: Summarize Writing: Opinion Writing- Persuasive Essay Grammar: Using Proper Nouns Remember to Study your Spelling Pattern Science: Magnets Students will demonstrate that magnets can make some things move without touching them. Math: Shapes Students will identify and describe 2D and 3D shapes. We will also discuss equal parts and halves, thirds, and fourths. Social Studies: Culture Students will work in class on their choice of a project. Option #1- Culture Poster Option #2- Personal Timeline Mark Your Calendar April 11- Honors Program @ 10:15am Spring Carnival 5-7pm April 24- Poem in my Pocket Day (keep a poem in your pocket to share with a friend. Visit the website for poem ideas. May 1- Early Release @ 12:20 May 28- Field Day 8:50-11:20 am Take the Climate Survey test-news/take-school-climatesurvey 2nd grade is in a competition with the other grade-levels for the MOST surveys! Help us out! Email Mrs. Holt if you need your student’s id number There is only 18 questions! Spring Carnival The Spring Carnival is rescheduled for Friday, April 11th 5-7pm. “It’s not about what I do, it’s about what WE do!” Lesson 14 Vocabulary Behavior- the way someone or something acts, what they do Curious- wanting to know something Imitated- copied or did the same thing as someone else Motion- moving around Illness- being sick or not feeling well Silence- totally quiet, no noise Darkness- no light Knowledge- information or facts Know how to identify your words and what they mean. Your test will be 4/10/14. Fractions This week student’s will be introduced to fractions. Stress these concepts at home… Fractions can only be made when the shape is divided EQUALLY (each part is the same size) Review these words o Half (two parts) o Thirds (three parts) o Fourths (four parts) We want our students to use precise language so help them make these connections with real-world experiences….