
Who Pulled
The Rug Out?
Who Pulled the Rug Out?
Out community has responded well in the past –
• Columbine
• 9/11
The current crisis is more subtle – not a onetime “event”
Stealth Crisis
Job losses, Home foreclosures, bankruptcies
All these changes happening simultaneously can
create a “community post-traumatic stress
Who Pulled the Rug Out?
As leaders in the community we want to act proactively to help people process their feelings
and emotions…
...especially the more subtle emotions that might
stay below the surface with no easy outlet.
Stock market peaked in 2007 at 14,000 –
dropped to 6,600 (-52%) on March 6, 2009
Major companies – Bear Stearns, Lehman
Brothers, General Motors, Chrysler – bankrupt
Who Pulled the Rug Out?
Our sense of security has been shaken
401k accounts have been decimated – some
have to consider postponing retirement
Home prices have plunged causing many to
be “underwater”
Parents and students are more concerned than
ever about paying college tuition
We read the papers about people losing their
homes to foreclosure and bankruptcy
Who Pulled the Rug Out?
Unemployment has risen dramatically and is
expected to continue to rise
We read about states like California, on the
brink of bankruptcy, slashing public services
On the national level:
Social Security and Medicare expecting
large cuts
Record budget deficits, record national debt
U.S. leadership of world economy is
Who Pulled the Rug Out?
Seeing signs of community “stress fractures”
We do not have to walk through difficult
situations alone –
There is an incredibly diverse set of resources
available if we know where to look.
Some Examples of Needs
YMCA - Bob Lomauro – the Y has seen a 20%
increase in requests for financial assistance
Who Pulled the Rug Out?
Some Examples of Needs
Bernards HS - John Grund –programs and staff
will be cut at a time when more people need
Visiting Nurse Association - Claire O’Brien –
there has been a drop off in grant money;
nursing staff is noticing that there are more
people seeking senior care assistance because
the caregivers need to go back to work.
Who Pulled the Rug Out?
Some Examples of Needs
Local Clergy – report an increase in requests
for financial assistance
Board of Health - Laura Steele – noticing more
calls for assistance with health insurance.
William Anin Middle School - Barbara Bush staff cuts; staff dealing with more work, larger
classes, less resources to do the job. Programs
are also being cut – most after-school
programs in elementary & middle school…
Who Pulled the Rug Out?
Some Examples of Needs
William Anin Middle School - Barbara Bush –
…many clubs have been cut at Ridge HS
Summer staff reductions;
hearing about more families with homes in
high school students worried about paying for
college, more pressure for academic and
athletic scholarships.
Who Pulled the Rug Out?
William Anin Middle School - Barbara Bush –
Some school problems reflect student’s inability
to understand and cope with financial
problems at home.
Somerset County Family Services
Has noticed a big increase in the number of
children who are coming in for psychiatric
screening. In the past, in an average week
there were 20 -30 children screened; now they
are up to 70.