Martinez Amaris Martinez Professor Dziadek ENGL 1301

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Amaris Martinez
Professor Dziadek
ENGL 1301-286
30 November 2015
Stand Your Ground
In our society the arguments on guns have taken over. There are different views on this
issue; one side views guns as to having personal freedom, while the other side insists they are
instruments for violence. America has been identified as a gun culture society; the United States
is not as safe as we expect it to be. This new gun law is now playing effect on campuses by
playing a crucial role in our society by affecting academic freedom, our first amendment right,
and campuses will now be a dangerous place for students and faculty. The gun control proposal
is being viewed as nothing less than the future of life, liberty and justice.
The questions are rising each day, the main question everybody is focused on is whether
guns should be permitted on college and university campuses in the United States. Gun laws
have been a topic of discussion on and off for the last two decades, it is for this reason that our
society questions why the changes are taking place now. In the twenties America was known as a
robust gun culture and an equally robust” (Birnbaum, Robert. “Ready, Fire, Aim: The College
Campus Gun Fight.”). “Gun-control is a term that is use in the United States that refers to any
action taken by the federal government or by state or local governments to regulate, through
legislation, the sale, purchase, safety, and the use of handguns and other types of firearms by
individual citizens”(Lee, M., and Alexander Stingl. “Gun Control”. Salem Press Encyclopedia).
We are now faced to view this proposal in two different perspectives political and social. The
debate is over the question of how much gun control is appropriate. “In 1999 Columbia High
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School massacre, the 2007 shootings at Virginia Tech, 2011 Tucson has pushed the gun control
debate further”( Lee, M., and Alexander Stingl. “Gun Control”. Salem Press Encyclopedia).
Discussion of gun law focuses on three major points, sociological, ethical, and legal dimension
(). The Social Science argues the efficacy of gun control laws as to reducing violent crime, as the
ethical views pits the right to bear arms against the protection of citizens and prevention of
crimes. The legal questions are how the Second Amendment is going to be interpreted and if
there should be more enforcement of legislation (). The movement to pass the law was founded
in 2008 during Supreme Court ruling in District of Columbia V. Heller, this addressed
individuals the rights to bear arms confirming the Second Amendment. They have been blaming
the second amendment stating that it has increased states to allow guns (Sinor, Jennifer. “Guns
On Campus Have Already Curtailed Free Speech” The Chronicle Of Higher Education.). This
decision being made by state legislators is affecting the lives of many individuals such as the
university officials, threating individual freedom, and decreasing education for students. In 2012
guns were now being allowed on 200 public campuses in six states. In today’s aspects gun
control has created a bill called “Stand Your Ground” this bill is known to protect the rights of
private citizens to defend themselves with a weapon (Lee, M., and Alexander Stingl. “Gun
Control”. Salem Press Encyclopedia). The bills are accepted in the southern states because of the
greater support of gun control. The bigger issue that United States is facing is how they are
going to address the different attitudes towards gun control in alternating states (Lee, M., and
Alexander Stingl. “Gun Control”. Salem Press Encyclopedia).
College and University campuses are now becoming a dangerous place in which neither
students nor faculties are safe. Faculty members are now censoring themselves in classrooms
because of the gun law; the maturity level is not there for students to carry a gun on campus.
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While there are others who are responsible trained owners who get a concealed permit (Hope,
Joan. “Prepare For The Implications On Campus Of Concealed Carry Law.” Campus Security
Report3). The age range has a big part, college students deal with alcohol and drugs on a daily
bases which can lead to major situations (Hope, Joan. “Prepare For The Implications On Campus
Of Concealed Carry Law.” Campus Security Report3). As of today an increase number of states
have passed the legislation that allows the presence of guns, in classrooms, residence halls, and
campuses events. The increase of violence on campus will increase due to the individuals being
armed. A citizen carrying concealed guns on campus has become a serious issue towards law
enforcement, college administrators and students. The increase level of risks has gone up, it will
not help prevent future attacks, and it will lead to confusion during an emergency situation.
Faculty members, administrators and public safety officials may say that they do not want guns
on their campus, but the decision is not up to them.
The other problem is whether and where citizens are allowed to carry a concealed
weapon. State law inforce that carrying a concealed weapon requires a permit but it is now very
easy to get this in many states. Restrictions are taking a big effect, they appear as background
checks, waiting periods for those who want to purchase, safety child locks, concealment laws,
and secondary market sales (Lee, M., and Alexander Stingl. “Gun Control”. Salem Press
Encyclopedia). Gun Laws may ban the possession of firearms by minor’s felons, mentally ill,
and people convicted of domestic violence and limit the number of weapons that can be
purchased (“Gun Control” Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia). This society has many
different views towards the gun right law. A poll on voting data based on public opinion states
that democrats support gun control legislation while Republicans are more divided between gun
control and gun rights advocates (). In the United States there has been an estimate of roughly
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30,000 people who were killed each year by guns, whether it be an accident, suicide or homicide
stated the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (“Gun Control” Funk & Wagnalls New
World Encyclopedia). In 2004 a survey took place by Harvard School of Public Health stating
that 38% of the United States households and 26% of individuals owned at least one handgun
with about half having four or more (“Gun Control” Funk & Wagnalls New World
Encyclopedia). Half of the society say that gun-free zones does not work they are saying no
guns allowed will just tell criminals and psychopaths that its absence of defensive weapons. As
to the other half of the society argues that easing gun restrictions could increase both individual
and security on campus and can prevent violence. The gun rights law has made society known as
“Packing Heat” because of many different attitudes towards concealed weapons on college
campuses. A study shows that college students and faculty members have based their own
opinions and attitude towards citizens carrying a concealed weapon. The results show that 70%
have oppose to carrying a gun on campus, this makes the students and faculty members feel in
danger and not feeling safe on campus. The study is still ongoing due to more arguments arising
(Patten, Ryan, Matthew O. Thomas, and James C. Wada. “Packing Heat: Attitudes Regarding
Concealed Weapons On College Campuses.”). “In April, students at Texas A&M UniversityCorpus Christi and other colleges wore empty holsters to protest the campuses’ status as gun-free
zones”( "College Security Tighter, but Is It Enough?"
“On June 13, 2015, Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed in to law Senate Bill 11, the
campus concealed carry bill”( "College Security Tighter, but Is It Enough?" This
takes into effect on August 1, 2016, allowing handgun license holder to carry a gun on campus.
The University of Texas A&M Corpus Christi has rules being addressed towards campus carry.
“Carrying of concealed handguns by license holders on campus premises, areas where handguns
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are prohibited ("College Security Tighter, but Is It Enough?" The gun law does not
allow open carry on campus, must have license to carry, must be 21 years old, must complete
training and pass a written exam and pass a shooting demonstration. Handguns are not to be out
in the open, each restricted area must be identified. If holders are carrying a handgun in plain
view they are subject to criminal charges ("College Security Tighter, but Is It
Guns don’t kill people, people kill people just for texting during a movie, walking home
from the store, or playing loud music. This is what you call life and death stuff, there is only one
chance, one bullet in the gun this is life and we only have one. In America we do not actually
know what’s more deadly now and days, a gun or a thought has everybody questioning. Guns
will give the opportunity but it is the thought that will pull the trigger. The gun law is here to
stay across the world, including in the United States. America has many different views and
attitudes towards their freedom; gun control is not about guns it is how the society is going to
control the situation. Education is the most powerful weapon any one can have and with
education it will help change the world. What society allows is what will continue, laws are
inforce to follow by producers and hope for a good result. The only way that will help solve this
issue is speaking up for what you believe in, and finding people who will stand by your decision.
This world is not going to stop; everyone has their rights to freedom that was granted to us by
our amendments. It is now up to each individual on how we are going to protect our rights and
how we are going to stay safe in this world. It is not about more gun control because people
who grew up in south with guns and had them everywhere and not shooting anyone are the
people who value life. The other people who are not taught the value of life are the ones who will
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be shooting. The only thing that can be done at this point is staying true to your rights of
freedom and stand your ground at all times.
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Work Cited
Birnbaum, Robert. “Ready, Fire, Aim: The College Campus Gun Fight.” Change 45.5 (2013):614. Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection.Web.28 Oct.2015
"College Security Tighter, but Is It Enough?" N.p., 17 Nov. 2008. Web. 28
Nov. 2015.
"Guns On Campus Overview." NCSL. Web. 28 Oct. 2015.
“Gun Control.” Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia (2015): 1p. 1. Funk & Wagnalls
New World Encyclopedia Web. 28 Nov. 2015.
Hope, Joan. “Prepare For The Implications On Campus Of Concealed Carry Law.” Campus
Security Report3 (2015): Academic OneFile. Web. 28 Oct. 2015
Lee, M., and Alexander Stingl. “Gun Control.” Salem Press Encyclopedia (2015): Research
Starters. Web. 28 Nov. 2015.
Patten, Ryan, Matthew O. Thomas, and James C. Wada. “Packing Heat: Attitudes Regarding
Concealed Weapons On College Campuses.” American Journal Of Criminal Justice 38.4
(2013): 551. Publisher Provided Full Text Searching File. Web. 28 Oct. 2015
Sinor, Jennifer. “Guns On Campus Have Already Curtailed Free Speech.” The Chronicle
Of Higher Education 10 (2014): Academic OneFile. Web.28 Oct. 2015
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