Gun Control in America

Gun Control in America
A study of the complexities of the gun control debate
Grade Level: 7-12
Overview: Students will learn about the fundamental issues surrounding the gun control
debate in the U.S. starting with the Second Amendment, public opinion and identifying
key organizations leading the gun control discussion. The gun control issue is multifaceted and has become more important as mass shootings have increased in recent
Analyze the content of the Second Amendment
Evaluate various viewpoints regarding gun control
Analyze statistical data regarding gun ownership
Draw conclusions and formulate opinions regarding gun control
1. Access to computers – subscription to Global Issues in Context
2. Handout for Podcast summary
Time frame: 2-3 class periods
Vocabulary: Students should be familiar with the following terms: advocate, regulate,
infringe, assault weapon, handgun, background check, semi-automatic, militia
Day 1
1. Build background knowledge of the topic by sharing the text of the Second
A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of
the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.
2. As a group use the following questions to engage in a discussion of the topic of
gun control:
a. Are laws that were drafted 200 years ago relevant today?
b. Are we more or less safe as gun ownership rises?
c. Should the federal government or state government dictate gun laws?
3. Using the Statistics section of the portal on Gun Control, share a variety of
graphs showing U.S. views on gun ownership, gun control and assault rifle
Global Issues in Context>Browse Issues and Topics>Gun Control>Statistics>View
4. Working in small groups, students will analyze the data of one of the graphs and
share their findings with the class.
5. Teacher will conduct a class poll on gun ownership and create a graph of the
class results. Compare class results with a graph from the portal.
Day 2
6. Teacher will ask class to share various reasons why people own guns. Display list
for class and identify class views on gun ownership.
7. Teacher will share that the gun control debate has many components for study.
A few examples are listed below;
a. Background checks
b. Legal loopholes
c. Guns and the mentally ill
d. Gun safety in the home
e. Assault weapons legislation
f. States’ rights
g. NRA and other interest groups
8. The teacher will direct students to the Podcasts area of the Gun Control portal.
Global Issues in Context>Browse Issues and Topics>Gun Control>Podcasts
Students should click on the “View All” link and browse the podcasts available on
the topic.
9. Students will select a podcast of interest and use the worksheet to summarize
the podcast, offer an opinion on the gun control issue discussed and defend their
10. Invite students to share what they have listened to as time allows.
Day 3 (if needed)
11. Students will create a final document in the form of a persuasive essay/op-ed
piece to be submitted to a school or local newspaper stating their opinion and
reasoning regarding gun control.
a. Alternative assignment – create a political cartoon on the topic
b. Alternative assignment – design a T-shirt with a slogan about gun control
c. Alternative assignment – write a letter to an elected official
Extension Activities:
Research the role of the NRA in the gun control debate in America.
Research legal loopholes that exist in the gun show community.
Research one of many mass shootings that have occurred in the last two years and look
for similarities in the cases.
Write a short play about real-life shooting event
Common Core State Standards:
Integrate and evaluate content presented in diverse media and formats, including
visually and quantitatively, as well as in words.1
Delineate and evaluate the argument and specific claims in a text, including the validity
of the reasoning as well as the relevance and sufficiency of the evidence
Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and
Integration of Knowledge and Ideas:
Integrate quantitative or technical analysis (e.g., charts, research data) with qualitative
analysis in print or digital text.
Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence.
Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and
information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content.
Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and
Partnership for 21st Century Skills
• Participating effectively in civic life through knowing how to stay informed and understanding
governmental processes
• Exercising the rights and obligations of citizenship at local, state, national and global levels
• Understanding the local and global implications of civic decisions
Reason Effectively
• Use various types of reasoning (inductive, deductive, etc.) as appropriate to the situation
Use Systems Thinking
• Analyze how parts of a whole interact with each other to produce overall outcomes in complex
Make Judgments and Decisions
• Effectively analyze and evaluate evidence, arguments, claims and beliefs
• Analyze and evaluate major alternative points of view
• Synthesize and make connections between information and arguments
• Interpret information and draw conclusions based on the best analysis
• Reflect critically on learning experiences and processes
Gun Control Podcast Review
1. List the name, date and source for the podcast you have chosen.
2. In a few sentences, summarize the gun control issue that was discussed in the
3. In your own words, what was the key issue in the podcast and was there a clear
cut opinion expressed? Yes or No?
4. Have your thoughts about gun control changed from listening to the podcast?
Yes or No and why?
5. If you had an opportunity to meet the President and share your thoughts about
gun control, what would you say?