Thursday 10/23/14: **Class set: Please return this handout to the

Thursday 10/23/14:
**Class set: Please return this handout to the teacher at the end of class.**
These 3 things are the beginning steps to 3 different assignments in the Diet & Exercise unit. Please complete
them. Students that do not will be held after class on Tuesday to make up wasted time.
READ AND SUMMARIZE: pg. 175-176 "Is Junk Food a Problem?”, “Instead of this: Try this:” and “Choose the
Right Snacks”
DEFINE (in your own words): Nutrient Density, Junk Food, and “Empty Calories”
READ AND SUMMARIZE: pg. 186-187 “Healthy Meal or a Good Deal?”
DEFINE (in your own words): Portion Size, “Clean Plate” Syndrome
COMPLETE: Your Turn: Do questions 1-2
HOMEWORK: Add this to your planner or HW log for a stamp
Complete part 3 of “your turn”… complete this HW by Monday for
another stamp.
here’s an example advertisement that encourages people to over-eat 
“An even better way to wash down a burger is with another burger”
Calculate your BMR and multiply it by the activity factor to get the Calories burned per day. If you aren’t sure
about your weight/height, take your best guess. You can update the answer later if you get those
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR): Estimated Calories burned per day just living, doing absolutely nothing.
Women: BMR = 655 + ( 4.35 x weight in pounds ) + ( 4.7 x height in inches ) - ( 4.7 x age in years )
Men: BMR = 66 + ( 6.23 x weight in pounds ) + ( 12.7 x height in inches ) - ( 6.8 x age in year )
Activity factor: Estimated Calories burned per day based on activity.
Sedentary (little or no exercise) : BMR x 1.2
Lightly active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week) : BMR x 1.375
Moderately active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week) : BMR x 1.55
Very active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days a week) : BMR x 1.725