Theme 7 The Age of Jackson The election of Andrew Jackson in 1828 came to symbolize the emergence of a new democratic spirit: an “age of the common man.” Although the Democrats favored limited national gov’t, Jackson forcefully responded to South Carolina’s defiance over the collection of tariffs. The exercise of assertive executive power is best illustrated by Jackson’s veto of rechartering of the national bank and his “war” against the “monopoly.” The removal of Indian tribes from the Southeast to lands west of the Mississippi was vigorously pursued. A new Whig Party emerged in opposition to “King Andrew I.” Essential Question: Champion of the “Common Man”? OR “King” Andrew? Voting Requirements in the Early 19c Voter Turnout: 1820 - 1860 Why Increased Democratization? 3 White male suffrage increased 3 Party nominating committees. 3 Voters chose their state’s slate of Presidential electors. 3 Spoils system. 3 Rise of Third Parties. 3 Popular campaigning (parades, rallies, floats, etc.) 3 Two-party system returned in the 1832 election: 3 Dem-Reps à Natl. Reps.(1828) à Whigs (1832) à Republicans (1854) 3 Democrats (1828) Jackson’s First Hermitage Residence First Known Painting of Jackson, 1815 General Jackson During the Seminole Wars The “Common Man’s” Presidential Candidate Jackson’s Opponents in 1824 Henry Clay [KY] John Quincy Adams [MA] William H. Crawford [GA] John C. Calhoun [SC] Results of the 1824 Election A “Corrupt Bargain?” The Election of 1824: The “Corrupt Bargain” Popular Vote Electoral Vote Andrew Jackson 43% 99 J.Q. Adams 31% 32 William Crawford 13% 41 Henry Clay 13% 37 Candidate Theme 40: Political Realignments Overview: The 1820s saw a widening of popular participation in politics and realignment of political parties The Federalist Party: Virtually ceased to exist after 1816 on the national level Suffrage (the vote): Was gradually being expanded among adult white males as the property requirement was abandoned • Voter reform came first in the Western states, last in the South, and only in Rhode Island was it accompanied by any violence (Dorr Rebellion, 1843) • The vote of the people replaced state legislatures in selecting presidential electors Election of 1824: The Republicans failed to agree on one nominee for president, and four factional candidates emerged. A Congressional caucus chose William Crawford (the last time this system was used); Henry Clay of Kentucky won support from Western state legislatures; Secretary of State John Quincy Adams was supported by New England; and Andrew Jackson of Tennessee enjoyed broad national support as a war hero. John C. Calhoun withdrew and became the Vice Presidential candidate. • Jackson received the most popular votes but no one received an electoral college majority • As provided by the 12th Amendment, the choice (from the top 3 candidates) went to the House of Representatives • With the support of Clay, Adams received a majority of state votes in the House. Jackson supporters denounced the supposed “corrupt bargain” as Clay was then named Secretary of State President John Quincy Adams: Lacking in tact and in willingness to compromise, he faced criticism from Jacksonians throughout his term (his foes controlled Congress after the 1826 elections) • A nationalist, Adams supported internal improvements (roads and canals) at federal expense • Adams expressed concern for the rights of Native Americans • Congress hampered the administration’s plan to attend a Pan-American Conference in Panama, and Adams failed to persuade Britain to reopen its West Indies possession to U.S. trade Rachel Jackson Final Divorce Decree Jackson in Mourning for His Wife 1828 Election Results The Center of Population in the Country Moves WEST The New “Jackson Coalition” 3 The Planter Elite in the South 3 People on the Frontier 3 State Politicians – spoils system 3 Immigrants in the cities. Jackson’s Faith in the “Common Man” 3 Intense distrust of Eastern “establishment,” monopolies, & special privilege. 3 His heart & soul was with the “plain folk.” 3 Belief that the common man was capable of uncommon achievements. The Reign of “King Mob” Andrew Jackson as President The “Peggy Eaton Affair” The Webster-Hayne Debate Sen. Daniel Webster [MA] Sen. Robert Hayne [SC] 1830 Webster: Liberty and Union, now and forever, one and inseparable. "made for the people, made by the people, and answerable to the people," Jackson: Our Federal Union—it must be preserved. Calhoun: The Union, next to our liberty, most dear. 1832 Tariff Conflict 3 1828 --> “Tariff of Abomination” 3 1832 --> new tariff 3 South Carolina’s reaction? 3 Jackson’s response? 3 Clay’s “Compromise” Tariff? Tariff of Abominations 1828 Tariff of 1828: In an attempt to embarrass President Adams, the Jacksonians introduced the Tariff of 1828. • Northern states, which were increasingly industrialized, voted for high rates • Southern members of Congress, reflecting their states’ growing reliance on cotton and purchase of manufactured goods, voted against the bill • The reversal of positions by Daniel Webster and John C Calhoun reflected economic changes in their sections of the nation • Congress passed the “Tariff of Abominations” and President Adams signed it Opposition: South Carolina led the sectional opposition to higher tariffs • Vice President John C Calhoun anonymously wrote “The South Carolina Exposition and Protest,” extolling the principle of state sovereignty. • The pamphlet branded the tariff unconstitutional and recommended nullification of the laws by states that opposed it • In his theory of the concurrent majority (a sectional veto power for the minority South), Calhoun sought to protect the interest of a minority South against majority tyranny • No other states joined South Carolina’s protest, and a nullification vote failed in the legislature Tariffs Webster-Hayne Debate Webster-Hayne debate 1830: Argument over public land policies developed into a classic debate between Massachusetts and South Carolina senators over the nature of the Union. • Robert Hayne (South Carolina) defended state sovereignty and the doctrine of nullification • Daniel Webster (Massachusetts) replied that he union was “one and inseparable” and that nullification was treasonable. Tariff of 1832 Tariff of 1832: Reduced rates by 10% but still protective • A special South Carolina convention declared the tariff null and void in that state and threatened secession (Ordinance of Nullification) • President Jackson responded with a ringing proclamation (“Disunion by armed force is treason”) and threatened to send a military force to enforce tariff collections • Calhoun resigned as vice president to become South Carolina’s spokesman in the Senate • Other Southern states refused to support nullification or secession • Congress passed a “force bill” approving presidential military action if necessary • Henry Clay’s Compromise on Tariff (for gradual rate reduction) was passed (1833) South Carolina rescinded its nullification ordinance, and the crisis subsided. Tariffs Federalism: The proper balance of national and state power and authority was the central issue of the tariff controversy. • Northern industrial development was aided by higher, protective tariffs • Northern economic and population growth appeared to threaten the South’s economic, political, and social systems • The doctrine of nullification restated states rights theory • Possible secession and disunion were averted by compromise Native American Lands 1500 Hunter gatherer Agriculture Fishing A Buffer Zone • Thomas Jefferson proposed the creation of a buffer zone between U.S. and European holdings, to be inhabited by eastern American Indians. The Cherokees • • • • • Historically, Cherokees occupied lands in several southeastern states. As European settlers arrived, Cherokees traded and intermarried with them. They began to adopt European customs and gradually turned to an agricultural economy, while being pressured to give up traditional homelands. Between 1721 and 1819, over 90 percent of their lands were ceded to others. By the 1820s, Sequoyah's syllabary brought literacy and a formal governing system with a written constitution. Why remove the Cherokee from their lands? • In 1830--the same year the Indian Removal Act was passed--gold was found on Cherokee lands. • Georgia held lotteries to give Cherokee land and gold rights to whites. • Cherokees were not allowed to conduct tribal business, contract, testify in courts against whites, or mine for gold. History of the Indian Removal • Once an ally of the Cherokees, President Andrew Jackson authorized the Indian Removal Act of 1830, following the recommendation of President James Monroe in his final address to Congress in 1825. • Jackson sanctioned an attitude that had persisted for many years among many white immigrants. • Even Thomas Jefferson, who often cited the Great Law of Peace of the Iroquois Confederacy as the model for the U.S. Constitution, supported Indian Removal as early as 1802. Jackson’s Plan • Between 1816 and 1840, tribes located between the original states and the Mississippi River, including Cherokees, Chickasaws, Choctaws, Creeks, and Seminoles, signed more than 40 treaties ceding their lands to the U.S. • In his 1829 inaugural address, President Andrew Jackson set a policy to relocate eastern Indians. • In 1830 it was endorsed, when Congress passed the Indian Removal Act to force those remaining to move west of the Mississippi. • President Andrew Jackson Challenging the Court’s Power 1830 à Indian Removal Act 3 The Cherokees successfully challenged Georgia in the U.S. Supreme Court. 3 Cherokee Nation v. GA (1831) “domestic dependent nation” 3 President Jackson, when hearing of the Court's decision, reportedly said, "[Chief Justice] John Marshall has made his decision; let him enforce it now if he can. Opposition to Removal • The displacement of native people was not wanting for eloquent opposition. • Senators Daniel Webster and Henry Clay spoke out against removal. • Reverend Samuel Worcester, missionary to the Cherokees, challenged Georgia's attempt to extinguish Indian title to land in the state, winning the case before the Supreme Court. • Worcester v. GA (1832) The Supreme Court renders its decisions • Worcester vs. Georgia, 1832, and Cherokee Nation vs. Georgia, 1831, are considered the two most influential decisions in Indian law. • In effect, the opinions challenged the constitutionality of the Removal Act and the US. Government precedent for unapplied Indian-federal law was established by Jackson's defiant enforcement of the removal. Between 1830 and 1850, about 100,000 American Indians living between Michigan, Louisiana, and Florida moved west after the U.S. government coerced treaties or used the U.S. Army against those resisting. Many were treated brutally. An estimated 3,500 Creeks died in Alabama and on their westward journey. Some were transported in chains. Native American lands in Southeastern US • The U.S. Government used the Treaty of New Echota in 1835 to justify the removal. • The treaty, signed by about 100 Cherokees and known as the Treaty Party, relinquished all lands east of the Mississippi River in exchange for land in Indian Territory and the promise of money, livestock, and various provisions and tools. Effects on the Cherokee Nation • When the pro-removal Cherokee leaders signed that treaty, they also signed their own death warrants. • The Cherokee National Council earlier had passed a law that called for the death penalty for anyone who agreed to give up tribal land. • The signing and the removal led to bitter factionalism and the deaths of most of the Treaty Party leaders in Indian Territory "I would sooner be honestly damned than hypocritically immortalized" Davy Crockett His political career destroyed because he supported the Cherokee, he left Washington, D.C. and headed west to Texas. Native Opposition • Opposition to the removal was led by Chief John Ross, a mixed-blood of Scottish and one-eighth Cherokee descent. • The Ross party and most Cherokees opposed the New Echota Treaty, but Georgia and the U.S. Government prevailed and used it as justification to force almost all of the 17,000 Cherokees from the southeastern homelands. The Forceful Removal • Under orders from President Jackson, the U.S. Army began enforcement of the Removal Act. • The work was subcontracted to other providers. Food disappeared. Corruption abounded. • Around 3,000 Cherokees were rounded up in the summer of 1838 and loaded onto boats that traveled the Tennessee, Ohio, Mississippi, and Arkansas Rivers into Indian Territory. • Many were held in prison camps awaiting their fate. • In the winter of 1838-39, 14,000 were marched 1,200 miles through Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouri, and Arkansas into rugged Indian Territory. Indian Removal • An estimated 4,000 died from hunger, exposure and disease. The journey became an eternal memory as the "trail where they cried" for the Cherokees and other removed tribes. Today it is remembered as the Trail of Tears Those who remained . . . • Those who were able to hide in the mountains of North Carolina or who had agreed to exchange Cherokee citizenship for U.S. citizenship later emerged as the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians of Cherokee, N.C. • The descendants of the survivors of the Trail of Tears comprise today's Cherokee Nation with membership of more than 165,000 "The Trail of Tears" Painting by Robert Lindneux in the Woolaroc Museum, Bartlesville, Oklahoma Used with permission. Jackson’s Professed “Love” for Native Americans Jackson’s Use of Federal Power VETO 1830 à Maysville Road project in KY [state of his political rival, Henry Clay] The National Bank Debate Nicholas Biddle President Jackson Biddle’s Bank: largely owned by foreign “Lords, Dukes,and Ladies,” An ugly emblem of corruption he’d been elected to stop. He was disgusted with Congressmen and Senators who shamelessly took cash from corporations and people like Biddle: “I weep for the liberty of my country.” Presidential Courage by Michael Beschloss Opposition to the 2nd B.U.S. “Soft” (paper) $ 3 3 state bankers felt it restrained their banks from issuing bank notes freely. supported rapid economic growth & speculation. “Hard” (specie) $ 3 3 3 felt that coin was the only safe currency. didn’t like any bank that issued bank notes. suspicious of expansion & speculation. Biddle, providing lavish loans to Congress, felt confident the country could not survive without his bank. He offered to see the debt paid off but lurking within this deal was that Jackson would have to endorse a new charter for the Bank. Without that commitment the country, Biddle warned, would be consumed by, “confusion, anxiety, and speculation.” Jackson was no gullible backswoodsman. He called Biddle to the White House…. Jackson was sensitive to those who thought him too rough-hewn The “Monster” Is Destroyed! 3 Henry Clay introduces rechartering the BUS earlier than necessary; political issue 3 1832 à Jackson vetoed the extension of the 2nd National Bank of the United States. 3 Jackson’s veto of the Bank recharter is one one the most important vetoes in American history. 3 Significance: Estb. vast new authority for himself and future Presidents. Since G. Washington vetoes were used as sanctions against bills deemed unconstitutional. Jackson’s action empowered Presidents to stop measures they simply didn’t like. The “Monster” Is Destroyed! 3 Jackson’s veto: This came close to declaring class war and gave no hint of economic dangers approaching if there wasn’t some type of substitute financial institution 3 Jackson had wisely addressed the American soul. 3 The Pittsburg Manufacturer said, “With one voice, with one arm, mighty and just as that which placed the Hero of New Orleans in the Presidential Chair, let us rise in our might and sustain his veto on this vampire of our country’s prosperity” (Beschloss, Presidential Courage) On the Senate floor, Daniel Webster of Massachusetts rose to defy Jackson’s veto “I warn that the “despotic” President is launching “experiments” that will compel a “complete change in our gov’t” with the President seizing he “power of the originating laws.” If that happens, the Constitution will not survive to “its fiftieth year!” Good thing Americans didn’t know that Webster had just asked Biddle for a $12,000 loan. Beschloss, Presidential Courage The Downfall of “Mother Bank” Neither the House nor the Senate could muster the 2/3rd required votes to override the President’s veto. The Bank was dead and an election loomed. The “Monster” Is Destroyed! 3 Jackson vs. Henry Clay for Election of 1832 3 Biddle spent $2.3 million in the press to topple the President 3 Pro-Clay newspapers declare; “The Constitution is gone! It is a dead letter, and the will of a DICTATOR is the Supreme Law!” 3 Jackson and his running mate Martin Van Buren saw “Hickory Clubs” organized across the nation with claims to “Stand by Our Hero” to defeat “Emperor Nicholas” 3 1832 Jackson wins re-elections 1832 Election Results The “Monster” Is Destroyed! 3 Biddle isn’t giving up yet. 3 “pet banks” - Jackson decides to cripple Biddle’s Bank by removing huge federal deposits held there. He places them in favored state banks 3 His Sec. of Treasury Wm Duane refused - Jackson fired him! Senate approved hiring of cabinet positions but obviously they didn’t have to approve dismissals! King Jackson enhances power of presidency 3 Biddle calls in loans - financial chaos. 3 People complain to Jackson. He sends them to Biddle 3 1834 HENRY CLAY organizes Senators against “King Andrew the First”. This new party is called the Whigs = cover for bald Federalism An 1832 Cartoon: “King Andrew”? The “Monster” Is Destroyed! 3 1836 à the charter expired. 3 1841 à the bank went bankrupt! The Specie Circular (1836) 3 “wildcat banks.” 3 buy future federal land only with gold or silver. 3 Jackson’s goal? Results of the Specie Circular $ Banknotes loose their value. $ Land sales plummeted. $ Credit not available. $ Businesses began to fail. $ Unemployment rose. The Panic of 1837! The 1836 Election Results Martin Van Buren “Old Kinderhook” [O. K.] The Panic of 1837 Spreads Quickly! Andrew Jackson in Retirement Jackson • Watching Van Buren being sworn in as president, Jackson told a reporter, that his finest act as President had been to vanquish Biddle’s Bank. With humor, he added a wish that he had also shot Henry Clay Beschloss, Presidential Courage Photo of Andrew Jackson in 1844 (one year before his death) Jackson took on the presidency largely ignorant of economics and took little time to learn. Too often he was ruled not by reason but by vindictiveness and fight. By destroying Biddle’s Bank without some accountable replacement, he fostered the American idea that the country did not need a central bank to ensure sound currency. 1767 - 1845 Through 80 years of boom and bust, until Congress estb. the Federal Reserve in 1913, millions of Americans suffered. The Founders worried about demagoguery, but Jackson did not hesitate, distorting complex banking issues into a stark public choice between rich and poor. But his audacity gave later Presidents more power. If he had not broadened the expectations of what the President owed the people and if he had not expanded the power of the veto, the American future would have been very different Beschloss, Presidential Courage