Emerging adulthood - Charles W. Davidson College of Engineering


Peer Review of

Emerging Adulthood Paper

Paper Due Monday, Oct 19 before 11:59 PM

Did you bring your outline and list of references today?






Brought both outline and list of references

Brought only outline

Brought only references

I forgot and didn’t bring either

I had no idea we were supposed to bring this to class

What is the minimum number of references required for this paper?






8 web sites

4 peer-reviewed articles

8 peer-reviewed articles

8 peer-reviewed articles + 4 web sites

8 books

APA Style for References

Journal article

Burgess, S. R., Stermer, S., & Burgess, M. R. (2012). Video game playing and academic performance in college students. College Student Journal, 46(2),


Conference Paper

Smith, M. E., Nguyen, D. T., Lai, C., Leshed, G., & Baumer, E. P. (2012,

February). Going to college and staying connected: Communication between college freshmen and their parents. In Proceedings of the ACM

2012 conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (pp. 789-798).



Arnett, J. J. (2004). Emerging adulthood: The winding road from the late teens

through the twenties. Oxford University Press.

References must be alphabetized

Conley, K. M., & Lehman, B. J. (2012). Test anxiety and cardiovascular responses to daily academic stressors. Stress And Health: Journal Of

The International Society For The Investigation Of Stress, 28(1), 41-50. doi:10.1002/smi.1399

Emerging adulthood and early adulthood. (2013, December 23).

In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved April 14, 2014, from http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=


Holman, A., & Sillars, A. (2012). Talk about 'hooking up': The influence of college student social networks on nonrelationship sex. Health

Communication, 27(2), 205-216. doi:10.1080/10410236.2011.575540

Jayson, S. (2012, July 30). Many 'emerging adults' 18-29 are not there yet. USA Today. Retrieved from http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/

Work with a partner – 10 minutes

Review your partner’s reference list









Is it in alphabetical order?

Is each entry complete? (mark it if you aren’t sure)

Is each entry in proper APA format? (mark it if you aren’t sure)

Are there a minimum of 8 peer-reviewed articles from journals or conferences?

The reference list SHOULD NOT be numbered

The reference list SHOULD NOT be divided into subcategories like “cognitive” “physical” etc.

Title SHOULD NOT be in all caps.

Report out – what did you find?






References were not alphabetized

There were fewer than 8 peer-reviewed references

Alphabetized but some were not formatted correctly

More than one of A, B, or C

All 8 references appeared to be peer-reviewed articles and were alphabetized & in correct APA order

The outline should include …

A phrase or sentence at the top of the outline that describes your overall theme of your paper

Introduction: the theme of your paper and some background information on emerging adulthood

4 sections in some order – cognitive, emotional, social, physical related to your theme with at least two references linked to each section

Conclusion: a comprehensive overview of the paper; summarizes key issues and important messages of the paper.

Original insights about the impact of the interrelations among the domains and the impact of that interrelation on current development as a college student and on transitions to later developmental periods.

Review outline - Introduction

Does it briefly:

Include relevant background information on the topic and emerging adulthood?

Topic and emerging adulthood relate?

Describe how the topic will be addressed in the paper?

Review outline – Body of Paper

For each developmental domain. Does it briefly:

Use the research (that fits the domain) and the developmental stage, correctly?

Describe the subjects of each study (two studies per domain)?

Describe the most important, relevant results of each study?

Are the findings effectively integrated from the references for each domain discussed?

Review outline - Conclusion

Does it briefly:

State key points and major messages?

Provide original insights with respect to a domain or among domains, as it relates to the topic?

Discuss how the domains may impact development as a student and transition to next stage?

Work with a partner – 20 minutes

Before you read each other’s outline, explain to each other the general theme of your paper. Ask each other questions if you don’t understand

Read the outline

In each of the 4 domains what do you think are the main points the person is trying to make?

Do the references make sense in the context of the theme your partner is trying to present?

Talk to each other about the strengths and weaknesses of the outline.

Report out – what did you find?






Topic or relevant background information missing

References do not fit or vaguely fit domain or development stage

Findings from research are not well-integrated

Key points or major messages missing

No mention of domains on impact to students’ development

Tips for a Good Score

Review the Guidelines and Rubric

Remember 600 – 1200 Words

 Format: Introduction, Body and Conclusion

 Body: Four Sections (one for each domain)

 Connect or bridge sections

 References Cited in Body and Listed on Last Page

(APA style)

 Not a Self-Reflection but a Research Report

 No Direct Quotes and if you

 Plagiarize: 0 pts and reported to Academic Affairs

Rubric for Grading Paper

Introduction clearly presents the topic as an argument or question (0/3/5)

Provides an overview of the paper (e.g., this paper will

Introduction examine …) (0/2)

Has credible background information related to the topic argument or question. (0/2)



0 pts

9 pts

Quality of Cognitive

Development Domain

Presents the COGNITIVE domain using at least two quality references (0/3/5)

EFFECTIVELY INTEGRATES the findings from the references into the domain and related to the topic. (0/3/6) the studies. One point for each. (0/1/2)

No Cognitive

Describes the most important or relevant results of Domain

0 pts

Describes subjects of the studies. One point for each reference.(0/1/2)

Uses APA format to correctly cite references. One point for each reference. (0/1/2)

17 pts

Quality of Social

Development Domain

Presents the SOCIAL domain using at least two quality references (0/3/5)

EFFECTIVELY INTEGRATES the findings from the references into the domain and related to the topic. (0/3/6)

Describes the most important or relevant results of the studies. One point for each. (0/1/2)

Describes subjects of the studies. One point for each reference.(0/1/2)

Uses APA format to correctly cite references. One point for each reference. (0/1/2)

No Social


0 pts

17 pts

Quality of Emotional

Development Domain

Presents the EMOTIONAL domain using at least two quality references (0/3/5)

EFFECTIVELY INTEGRATES the findings from the references into the domain and related to the topic. (0/3/6)

No Emotional

Describes the most important or relevant results of Domain

0 pts the studies. One point for each. (0/1/2)

Describes subjects of the studies. One point for each reference.(0/1/2)

Uses APA format to correctly cite references. One point for each reference. (0/1/2)

17 pts

Quality of


Development Domain

Presents the PHYSIOLOGICAL domain using at least two quality references (0/3/5)

EFFECTIVELY INTEGRATES the findings from the references into the domain and related to the topic. (0/3/6)

Describes the most important or relevant results of the studies. One point for each. (0/1/2)

Describes subjects of the studies. One point for each reference.(0/1/2)

Uses APA format to correctly cite references.

One point for each reference. (0/1/2)

No Physiological


0 pts

17 pts

Provides a comprehensive overview of the paper.

Presents and summarizes the key messages of the paper (0/3/5)

Conclusion offers valuable and original insights

Conclusion about the ways that student’s experience in college is impacted by a domains or the interaction between domains with respect to the particular topic chosen. (0/2/3)

Discussion of how the domains may impact on development as a college student AND transition to the next stage of development. (0/2/3)

Provides no conclusion or the conclusion is just personal opinion or it is not relevant to the paper topic.

0 pts

11 pts



Presents information that is very clearly organized (0/2/4)

Paper is well-written with few spelling errors and grammatical flaws. (0/2/4)

Reference list is complete and in APA format (0/2/4)

No organization and significant spelling and grammar errors

0 pts

12 pts

Unacceptable Reasons for Submitting a Late Paper

 My internet stopped working

 “I submitted it at 11:59pm”

 “I didn’t know how to submit the paper”
