6 th Grade Unit 8 Assessments - Public Schools of Robeson County

Public Schools of Robeson County
6th Grade
6th Grade Unit 8 Assessments
Middle Ages
H.2.1 - Barbarian invasions led to the collapse of the Roman Empire and the development of feudalism.
Feudalism: Cause and Effect Chart - Students will use Discovery Education Social Studies Tech Book (17.
1) Medieval Society and Politics (Lesson 1 and 2) to answer the guiding question "How did the fall of Rome
impact Europe?" Assessment: Students will complete a cause and effect graphic organizer.
G.1.2 - The Black Death began in Asia and spread through Europe with devastating consequences for
the populations, economies, and lives of those affected.
Black Death Raft - Students will research the Black Death and complete a RAFT writing assignment that
demonstrates their understanding of this historical event. Edmodo will serve as the "spring board" for
collaborating with classmates (teachers may wish to redesign this aspect). Students can use the attached
links to research an answer to..."How did the Black Death impact Europe"? They will post their answers on
Edmodo. Following the research, students will choose (differentiated) roles with various audiences and
formats. Student writing should illustrate an understanding and synthesis of the Black Death.
Eye Witness to History Primary Source - The Black Death
The Black Death Path - Students complete a map outlining the path of the Black Death and complete
inferential questions. The "Assessment" tab on this resource offers multiple ways to assess student
learning regarding the black death.
C&G.1.4 - The Magna Carta was a revolutionary document which limited the power of the English King
and it is the foundation for many of the democratic principles found in Western democracies today,
including the Constitution of the United States of America.
Magna Carta Constructed Response: Students will respond to the following prompt after evaluating the
document Magna Carta. "Why is the Magna Carta referred to today as the cornerstone of constitutional
Public Schools of Robeson County
6th Grade
E.1.2 - Feudal society was characterized by a pyramid social hierarchy and was based on the exchange
of goods and services produced by the poor (serfs) for protection (knights, Vassals, Lords) all under
the control of the King.
Digital Feudal Poster or Brochure: Students will analyze the development and need of feudalism and
appraise the parts of the structure as it relates to the exchange of goods and services for military
protection. A poster or brochure (challenge) using MS Publisher will be created according to an outlined
C.1.2 - Daily life for almost everyone living within feudal society was dominated by the power of the
Catholic Church.
Acrostic Poem - Roman Catholic Church: Students will complete an acrostic poem that demonstrates their
understanding of the role of "the Church" in Medieval life. Teachers may wish to develop a rubric or
expectation outline guide students.
Constructed Response - The Power of the Church: Students will respond to the prompt "What role did the
Roman Catholic Church play in everyday medieval European life?
Eye Witness to History Primary Source - The Crusaders Capture Jerusalem
Eye Witness to History Primary Source - Richard the Lionheart Massacres the Saracens
6 H.2.2 - The Renaissance was a reawakening of interest in art, literature, and science, as well as in the
classical civilizations of Greece and Rome.
A Reawakening - Discovery Board: Students will create a discovery board that defines the Renaissance,
examines and highlights the art, literature and science of the era. Students should compare the
Renaissance to the classic works of Greece and Rome. Discovery Board Builder Rubric.
Eye Witness to History Primary Source - Michelangelo Paints the Sistine Chapel
6 G.1.1 - The geography of Northern Italy and its location connecting Asia and the Mediterranean world
to central and western Europe lead to the birth of the Renaissance and the expansion of Renaissance
Italian City-States Map Analysis: Students analyze a map of Europe and complete questions that assess
their understanding Italy's prime geographic location as it relates to the Renaissance. This assessment
works well as a "Ticket Out" or "Ticket In" task.
6.E.1.2 - Banking, the growth of trade networks from Venice to China, and the influence of wealthy
benefactors led to the Renaissance of art, philosophy, and science and the rise of a middle class.
A Patrons Role: Students will describe the role of patrons in Renaissance art and literature. They will
use Edu-Creations as a format for showcasing their learning. Students will assume the role of a wealthy
benefactor and explain why he/she has financed an artist. A rubric for the assessment is provided.
Teachers may choose to have students complete the task using a power point or writing an essay.
6.H.2.3 - The invention of the printing press helped spread Protestant ideas more easily, quickening the
new religion's spread across the continent.
Public Schools of Robeson County
6th Grade
Impact of the Printing Press Paper Slide Show: Students will create a paper slide show with the following
slide topics (1) Printing Press Facts (2) Printing press role in spreading Protestant ideas (3) Comparison of
the Printing Press to the Internet. A rubric is provided for the assessment; however teachers may wish to
create their own.
6.H.2.4 - The Reformation was led by Martin Luther and other members of the Roman Catholic Church
and resulted in the creation of the Protestant faith, which aimed to make Christianity more accessible
to the individual follower.
Goals of the Reformation: Students will create a Glogster presentation outlining the goals of Martin Luther.
Students should include Martin Luther's motivation, his actions and the outcome of his protests. Arubric to
assess the Glogster presentation is provided.