NEW YORK STATE OFFICE OF GENERAL SERVICES NEW YORK STATE PROCUREMENT (NYSPro) REQUEST FOR INFORMATION This is not a solicitation. On behalf of the New York State (NYS) Office of General Services (“OGS”), New York State Procurement (NYSPro) and the Business Services Center (BSC) request input from suppliers that provide Online Marketplace Catalog Hosting Sites and Management Services for statewide contracts, Marketplace Catalog Spend Reporting Capabilities, and Electronic Invoice Management Services (eInvoicing) regarding their product offerings and business models. NYSPro is seeking information from suppliers that are capable of providing all services. Purpose and Objective The purpose of this Request for Information (RFI) is to acquire information regarding possible options and solutions available for Online Marketplace Catalog Hosting and Management Services for statewide contracts, Marketplace Catalog Spend Reporting Capabilities and Electronic Invoice Management Services (eInvoicing). New York State will use the information received from this RFI to review the available options and solutions in making a determination regarding future contracting strategies. Vendors interested in participating in any possible future opportunities are encouraged to respond to this RFI and sign up for the Online Vendor Registration for Bidder Notification Service ( on the NYS OGS website under classification codes 43, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, and 86. Vendors are also encouraged to sign up for the NYS Contract Reporter (, New York’s official publication of state procurement activity. It is the objective of this RFI to: Develop a general understanding of current vendor demographics and capabilities; Solicit vendor perspective on the future direction for implementing a Marketplace Catalog, capturing contract spend data, and eInvoicing integration with the State’s PeopleSoft ERP system; and Obtain vendor feedback on working with New York State and other public and private sector customers and possible operating models, leading practices, pricing structures and process improvements. Please reference the announcement “Transforming New York’s Information Technology Environment” found at for additional information regarding IT Procurements. Scope of Request I. Electronic Marketplace Catalog Hosting and Management Services New York State is transforming the manner in which State agencies buy goods and services to create a best-in-class procurement function that captures operational efficiencies and secures the highest quality goods and services for the best prices. To support this mission, the State would like to obtain information regarding electronic catalog hosting and management services. The State would like to implement a seamless online “Marketplace Shopping Site” for all State entities to utilize in order to view and purchase items on statewide contracts. New York State is currently operating on an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system that is Oracle’s PeopleSoft software which is referred to as the Statewide Financial System (SFS). SFS is currently on PeopleSoft Financials version 9.0 bundle 18 operating on PeopleTools version 8.49.33. The State is considering an upgrade to PeopleSoft Financials version 9.2 operating on PeopleTools 8.53 by 2015. SFS supports requisition-to-payment processing and financial management functions. The eProcurement application specifically supports the requisitioning process for State Agencies to procure goods and services. The application provides catalog integration capabilities, however, the State is currently not utilizing this functionality to support the requisition creation process. Page 1 of 14 NEW YORK STATE OFFICE OF GENERAL SERVICES NEW YORK STATE PROCUREMENT (NYSPro) REQUEST FOR INFORMATION This is not a solicitation. New York State currently operates numerous contract vehicles with multiple contractors through the Office of General Services (OGS) and other agencies. The New York State Procurement (NYSPro) organization manages 198 awards, consisting of 1298 statewide procurements, as of June 20, 2013. NYS has statewide contracts that have been awarded to multiple vendors. In addition, NYSPro supports contracting activities for State Agencies, as well as local government entities. The acquisition mechanism and buying function for State Agencies is decentralized with each agency responsible for individual interaction with contractors. However, all requests for goods and services are processed via the State’s PeopleSoft eProcurement application. State Agencies are currently not required to utilize the eProcurement requisition application to request goods or services unless the agency is being supported by the Business Services Center (BSC), New York State’s shared services organization. However, agencies are required to generate purchase orders for goods and services procured on statewide contracts unless certain criteria exist (i.e., transactions fall under a certain dollar threshold), in which case goods and services may be purchased and settled directly via non-PO invoice or Procurement Card (P-Card). The State would like to obtain information on a Marketplace Catalog solution that would consist of the following: II. An online catalog hosting site of goods and services provided by State of New York suppliers awarded a statewide contract - Catalog enablement of all statewide contract supplier content via a seamless online “Marketplace Shopping Site” for all State entities - The technological capability to integrate the catalog hosting site functionality with the Statewide Financial System (SFS), PeopleSoft ERP (version 9.x) eProcurement and Contract Management software functionality - An internet based application/web page that will allow State entities that do not utilize the State’s PeopleSoft system (i.e. local governments) to see all the Statewide contract pricing in the marketplace, and be able to purchase items from and settle transactions via Procurement Card (P-Card) Helpdesk services and support for the online Marketplace Catalog environment Resources needed to maintain and promote the growth of electronic catalogs for the State of New York - Continually update the State’s catalog product, pricing, and content as contract products and pricing changes as a result of contracts being reduced, expanded, and/or assigned to a new contractor to perform - Staff required to recruit State suppliers to participate in the catalog hosting marketplace site - Staff required to support Marketplace Catalog usage by local governments and other authorized contract users Electronic Marketplace Catalog Spend Reporting Services Over the past several years, NYSPro has implemented best practices around its Strategic Sourcing activities to support the State’s mission to deliver and sustain savings to taxpayers. To support this initiative, it is critical that reporting metrics be captured to track spend against statewide contracts. The State is able to capture certain contract spend metrics against purchases made by State Agencies that are processed through the Statewide Financial System. The State is able to track spend by capturing the vendor contract number on purchase order and voucher transactions, however the vendor contract number cannot be captured on transactions settled via P-Card. In addition, local government entities do not utilize the Statewide Financial System and must purchase directly from statewide contract vendors, thus NYS is unable to track spend against such purchases and must rely on metrics provided Page 2 of 14 NEW YORK STATE OFFICE OF GENERAL SERVICES NEW YORK STATE PROCUREMENT (NYSPro) REQUEST FOR INFORMATION This is not a solicitation. from suppliers themselves. In order to procure goods and services at the best prices, as well as achieve savings goals, the State must be able to capture the most accurate contract spend reporting metrics possible. The State would like to obtain information on a Marketplace Catalog Reporting solution that would consist of the following: Reporting capabilities to capture spend generated from purchases made from the Marketplace Catalog site, to include but not limited to the following: - Spend by Category (UNSPSC) - Spend by Vendor - Spend by Customer - Spend by Contract - Spend by Item Ability to generate reports in Microsoft Excel format in real-time Ability to integrate reporting information to a statewide data warehouse - It is the State’s desire for the Statewide Financial System to be the “one source of truth” for all data reporting and it is not the intent for State users to access reports from the Marketplace Catalog and create shadow systems to capture and report on information separate from SFS. Thus, any data integrations should only be built to the SFS Enterprise Data Warehouse. III. eInvoicing Services The State is looking for solutions that can integrate with the Statewide Financial System’s (SFS) PeopleSoft Accounts Payable module for electronic capture of supplier invoices (e.g., self service entry, PO flip, pdf upload, etc.), as well as integrate with an Enterprise Workflow and Electronic Content Management (ECM) System. The State is in the early stages of evaluating ECM products to support the BSC. In the 2012-13 Executive Budget, Governor Cuomo called for the establishment of a Business Services Center (BSC) as a key part of his plan to re-imagine government with the intention to streamline transactional HR and finance services that are largely common across agencies, increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of our government’s operations. The BSC is intended to be New York’s central office for processing HR and finance transitions on behalf of all 64 State Agencies. The BSC currently provides transaction processing for 39 State Agencies with the remaining 25 agencies being on-boarded within the following timeframe: Date # of Agencies July 2013 11 September 2013 4 July 2014 4 September 2014 6 The BSC currently has 59 FTEs that manually process an average of 6,000 invoices per month; 1300 utilities, 3300 PO vouchers, and 1400 inter-agency invoices. The BSC estimates to have an average staff size of 450 FTEs processing anywhere from 200,000 to 700,000 invoices once all agencies have been on-boarded by the end of September 2014. NYS Prompt Payment guidelines require invoices to be paid within 30 days for electronic invoices and 45 days for paper invoices. Interest accrues at greater of 12% per year or corporate tax rate. The BSC estimates that approximately 15% to 20% of invoices processed are subject to late fees, which was affected largely by the impacts of Hurricane Sandy. The following provides a breakdown of the top vendors for which invoices are currently being processed (fiscal year 4/1/2012 – 3/31/2013): Count Vendor Name Page 3 of 14 NEW YORK STATE OFFICE OF GENERAL SERVICES NEW YORK STATE PROCUREMENT (NYSPro) REQUEST FOR INFORMATION This is not a solicitation. 168,997 163,198 116,182 74,115 51,563 28,932 26,854 25,215 19,287 19,106 18,301 18,276 15,713 15,409 15,066 14,648 13,635 13,389 12,775 12,159 10,922 NATIONAL GRID-UPSTATE UTILITY INDUSTRIAL MEDICINE ASSOCIATES PC NATIONAL FUEL GAS DISTRIBUTION CORP NYSEG ROCHESTER GAS & ELECTRC CORP CARDINAL HEALTH INC GRIFFIN CAPITAL LLC HEALTHPORT TECHNOLOGIES SOURCECORP BPS INC ORANGE AND ROCKLAND UTILITIES INC UNITED PARCEL SERVICE CENTRAL HUDSON GAS & ELECTRIC CORP WW GRAINGER SUPERIOR PLUS ENERGY SERVICES INC STAPLES CONTRACTS & COMMERCIAL INC MMS-A MEDICAL SUPPLY COMPANY VERIZON NEW YORK INC NEW YORK STATE IND FOR THE DISABLED VERIZON BUSINESS NETWORK SERVICES INC CITI - P CARD CITIBANK NA NATIONAL GRID-LONG ISLAND UTILITY OROGRAIN BAKERIES SALES INC BIMBO FOODS The State’s Accounts Payable business process consists of invoice receipt and scanning/imaging, routing to agencies for approval to pay/inquiries, data entry in SFS A/P module, 2-Way and 3-Way matching in SFS A/P (PO vouchers only), budget checking (automated in SFS), release for payment disbursement and posting accounting entries to the SFS General Ledger. The State would like to determine if implementing an eInvoicing solution could enable the following improvements to current invoice processing pain points: Reduce volume of paper based invoices which result in high manual touch points and paper hand-offs in the current process Reduce time to receive invoices and “first time right” quality of information thereof (SFS supplier ID, contract/PO#, receiving agency code, etc.) Improve first time match rate for invoices that are matched to a PO or receipt due to incorrect invoice entry Decrease need to research transactions based on incomplete information required to process invoices Enable electronic workflow to track invoices from receipt to resolution of supplier/agency queries and enable automated reminders and escalations for delayed actions Improve controls to eliminate processing of duplicate invoices Increase transaction processing efficiencies in order to eliminate late payments and identification/prioritization of invoices eligible for early payment discounts The State would like to obtain information on an eInvoicing solution that would consist of the following: Ability for vendors to submit standardized invoices (manually and/or electronically) which would require information to include but not be limited to the following: - Agency Business Unit - State Vendor ID - Invoice Number Page 4 of 14 NEW YORK STATE OFFICE OF GENERAL SERVICES NEW YORK STATE PROCUREMENT (NYSPro) REQUEST FOR INFORMATION This is not a solicitation. - Invoice Date - Invoice Amount - PO Number (if applicable) - Invoice Line Item Detail The technological capability to integrate invoices with the NYS Statewide Financial System (SFS), PeopleSoft (version 9.x) Accounts Payable module Ability for vendors to be able to track the status of their invoice from entry through payment Vendor eInvoicing onboarding services and on-going support - Resources needed to conduct and promote enrollment of vendors for the State of New York Electronic workflow capabilities Integrated OCR/ICR capabilities to convert invoices in pdf/image formats to electronic invoices Supplier portal and existing supplier network capabilities Two-way integration of supplier and purchasing master data with PeopleSoft financials eInvoicing performance reporting and intelligence capabilities Additional options available, including but not limited to dynamic discounting capability, eInvoice document archiving capabilities, supplier network, etc. Content of Response Vendors are requested to respond to all questions included in this document. A response does not bind or obligate the responder or the New York State Office of General Services to any agreement of provision or procurement of products referenced. No contract can or will be awarded based on submissions. Since this RFI is designed as a tool to collect information and will not result in a procurement contract for Marketplace Catalog Hosting and Management Services for statewide contracts, Marketplace Catalog Spend Reporting Services or Electronic Invoice Management Services, it does not fall under the requirements of State Finance Law §§139-j and 139-k (the Procurement Lobbying Law) and there is no restricted period. However, questions and responses must be directed in writing to the email address listed below. No phone calls will be accepted. In order to facilitate the review of the responses, please provide the information in the exact order as listed below. Vendors must answer within this document directly below each question, maintaining the original formatting of this document. Please rename this document with the following naming convention: NYS Catalog and eInvoicing Services RFI_VENDOR NAME.doc (.docx format is also acceptable). If there is additional or supplemental documentation vendors can provide to augment their responses to the questions in this RFI, please reference such in the corresponding question(s) and attach separately. NYS requests that vendors avoid providing sales literature. If any of the information in the vendor response is considered confidential, proprietary or a trade secret, it must be clearly indicated on the appropriate page of the vendor response. Release of such materials is governed by the NYS Freedom of Information Law, which in pertinent part requires the requester to provide specific justification as to why disclosure of particular information in the response would cause substantial injury to the competitive position of the vendor. Please provide your response no later than 12PM EST on August 7, 2013 to the IT Services New York State Strategic Sourcing Team: (spaces in the email address represent an underscore “_”) Page 5 of 14 NEW YORK STATE OFFICE OF GENERAL SERVICES NEW YORK STATE PROCUREMENT (NYSPro) REQUEST FOR INFORMATION This is not a solicitation. Company Demographics Question Company Name Division/Location Headquarter Location Contact Name Title Email Address Phone Number How many years has your company been in operation? When does your company’s fiscal year start and end? What was your company’s total revenue last fiscal year? Are you a Small business enterprise? A “New York State Small Business” is defined as a company that is a resident to New York State, independently owned and operated, with 100 or fewer employees, and not dominant in its field. Company Response Are you a Minority-owned business enterprise? (Please respond Yes or No) Are you a Woman-owned business enterprise? Are you certified with Empire State Development Corporation (ESDC) as a Minority and/or Woman Owned Business (M/WBE)? In how many other states does your company provide Marketplace Catalog Hosting and Management Services, Catalog Spend Reporting and eInvoicing Services? How many customers do you provide Marketplace Catalog Hosting and Management Services, Catalog Spend Reporting and eInvoicing Services that integrate with Oracle PeopleSoft technology? Please provide a list of your top 10 customers. (Please respond Yes or No) (Please respond Yes or No) (Please respond Yes or No) Vendor Presentation The New York State Procurement (NYSPro) and Business Services Center (BSC) will host a vendor presentation the week of August 19th, 2013 in Albany, New York. The presentation provides an opportunity for vendors to showcase their services for a maximum time period of ninety (90) minutes with an additional thirty (30) minutes allotted for a question and answer period. Invitations are limited to those vendors that submit a completed RFI response. Specific time, location and agenda details will be provided after receipt of RFI response documents from each vendor. Page 6 of 14 NEW YORK STATE OFFICE OF GENERAL SERVICES NEW YORK STATE PROCUREMENT (NYSPro) REQUEST FOR INFORMATION This is not a solicitation. Question Does your company wish to participate in the vendor presentation? What kinds of information do you expect to present? Are you going to demonstrate your company’s Marketplace Catalog and eInvoicing solutions at the presentation? If yes, what technical support do you require? Company Response (Please respond Yes or No) Questions I. General Information 1. Identify and describe your primary concerns in responding to a procurement for the Marketplace Catalog, Catalog Reporting, and eInvoicing solutions. RESPONSE: 2. From your work on similar size projects and based on the description provided in the “Scope of Request” section of this RFI, identify and describe New York State’s greatest challenge and risk points in a procurement of a Marketplace Catalog, Catalog Reporting and eInvoicing solution based on NYS data? RESPONSE: 3. Identify and describe provisions that New York State could include in an RFP that would encourage greater participation and competition amongst vendors. RESPONSE: 4. How long should the term of a resulting contract be to make it economically viable for your company to participate? RESPONSE: II. Marketplace Catalog and Spend Reporting Solution A. Operating Model 1. New York State Procurement will use an online Marketplace catalog as a mechanism for directing spend towards State contracts and capturing spend data against those contracts from State Agencies using PeopleSoft eProcurement, as well as capturing spend data from local government entities that utilize the State’s contracts but do not have access to the State’s PeopleSoft system. Describe how your offerings can assist with this initiative. RESPONSE: 2. Please use examples to describe your experience with states or other government entities who successfully implemented the solution your company is recommending and why the attributes of the entity are similar to the complexities in New York State. Please limit response to 1 page. RESPONSE: Page 7 of 14 NEW YORK STATE OFFICE OF GENERAL SERVICES NEW YORK STATE PROCUREMENT (NYSPro) REQUEST FOR INFORMATION This is not a solicitation. 3. Driving spend towards, and capturing spend data against statewide contracts are crucial drivers of the electronic catalog initiative. Please describe any roadblocks or obstacles you foresee in being able to successfully implement this solution as well as offer any examples of how other organizations have overcome these road obstacles. RESPONSE: 4. Please provide a narrative as to the process for managing updates to the Marketplace Catalog (i.e. price adjustments, item changes, adding/removing vendors, etc.). RESPONSE: 5. Please provide a narrative as to the catalog spend reporting capabilities, frequency to which reporting information is made available, and the various formats to which reports may be provided. RESPONSE: 6. Please provide a narrative as to the possible capabilities around securing access to reporting information. RESPONSE: 7. What additional functionality should the State consider including in a Request for Proposal (RFP)? RESPONSE: 8. Please describe your implementation services, including program management, configuration, deployment options, and test/go live process (attach if necessary). site RESPONSE: B. Technology 9. Please identify any technological requirements that vendors must meet in order to participate in the online marketplace catalog. RESPONSE: 10. Please identify options for vendors to participate in the online marketplace catalog that are unable to meet the technological requirements. RESPONSE: 11. Based on your experience, how long a time frame should be allowed for the implementation? Identify and describe minimum periods needed for major activities such as planning, analysis, system design, development, system and user acceptance testing, and deployment activities (i.e., training). RESPONSE: Page 8 of 14 NEW YORK STATE OFFICE OF GENERAL SERVICES NEW YORK STATE PROCUREMENT (NYSPro) REQUEST FOR INFORMATION This is not a solicitation. 12. Describe any issues which might be encountered in aligning or integrating the PeopleSoft eProcurement module with an online Marketplace Catalog solution. RESPONSE: C. Resources 13. Based on your experience, provide a narrative on the expectation of involvement from State personnel during implementation, both functional and technical. RESPONSE: 14. Provide a narrative on the expectation of involvement from State personnel after the implementation (i.e., post go-live). RESPONSE: 15. Provide a narrative on the expectation of involvement from vendor personnel during the implementation. RESPONSE: D. Change Management 16. The implementation of major initiatives such as the Marketplace Catalog requires business process change from both program and technical perspectives. Identify and describe, how your company would manage the introduction of changes associated with the implementation of a Marketplace Catalog. Please provide examples from other State implementations, if applicable. RESPONSE: 17. Identify and describe what change management processes and approaches should be considered by New York State in implementing a Marketplace Catalog. RESPONSE: 18. Identify and describe where these change management processes and approaches have been employed to support the successful implementation and ongoing operation of a Marketplace Catalog. Please provide examples from other State implementations, if applicable. RESPONSE: 19. Based on your experience, identify and describe what training facilities/services would be available to the user community to ensure a successful implementation and user adoptability (i.e., State Agency user, local government users, etc.) RESPONSE: 20. Based on your experience, identify and describe what types/levels of documentation should be made available to the user community to ensure a successful implementation. RESPONSE: Page 9 of 14 NEW YORK STATE OFFICE OF GENERAL SERVICES NEW YORK STATE PROCUREMENT (NYSPro) REQUEST FOR INFORMATION This is not a solicitation. 21. Based on your experience, how long does your company foresee it taking to get staff ready to actually implement a takeover of operations? RESPONSE: 22. Based on your experience, what encourages vendor adoptability to participate in the Marketplace Catalog? Please identify benefits as well as drawbacks. RESPONSE: E. Pricing Model 23. New York State is evaluating various mechanisms and models for pricing of managed online catalog hosting and management services and catalog spend reporting services. Please identify what costs exist to acquire the software/application, implementation, and operation support. Include transaction costs, membership network costs, fixed or volume costs, who pays the cost (supplier, buyer, or both), etc. RESPONSE: 24. Please provide any information your company believes is important for New York State to include in the pricing model for online catalog hosting and management services and catalog spend reporting services. RESPONSE: 25. What information would you like to see in a potential Request for Proposal (RFP) that would help you effectively price your managed catalog and spend reporting services? RESPONSE: 26. What are cost-effective best practices that your company has used or seen used in government public sector solutions to deliver catalog management services and providing spend data? RESPONSE: III. eInvoicing Solution A. Operating Model 1. Please provide a narrative as to the end-to-end business process for your recommended eInvoicing solution, identifying how the process integrates with the State’s PeopleSoft Accounts Payable and Purchasing (if applicable) modules. RESPONSE: 2. Please use examples to describe your experience with states or other government entities who successfully implemented the solution your company is recommending and why the attributes of the entity are similar to the complexities in New York State. Please limit response to 1 page. RESPONSE: 3. Please provide a narrative as to the eInvoicing reporting capabilities, frequency to which reporting information is made available, and the various formats to which reports may be provided. Page 10 of 14 NEW YORK STATE OFFICE OF GENERAL SERVICES NEW YORK STATE PROCUREMENT (NYSPro) REQUEST FOR INFORMATION This is not a solicitation. RESPONSE: 4. Based on your experience, what mechanism should be used to determine the appropriate suppliers to initially enroll in eInvoicing (i.e., vendors with the highest transaction count, vendors with the highest total invoice amount, etc.)? RESPONSE: 5. Please describe any roadblocks or obstacles you foresee in being able to successfully implement this solution as well as offer any examples of how other organizations have overcome these road obstacles. RESPONSE: 6. Please describe your implementation services, including program management, configuration, deployment options, and test/go live process (attach if necessary). site RESPONSE: 7. Please describe your support offerings for both buyers and suppliers using your solutions (eInvoicing, workflow, supplier portal, etc.). RESPONSE: 8. What additional functionality should the State consider including in a Request for Proposal (RFP) specifically related to eInvoicing? RESPONSE: B. Technology 9. Please identify any technological requirements that vendors must meet in order to interact with an eInvoicing solution. RESPONSE: 10. Please identify options for vendors unable to meet the technological requirements to participate in the eInvoicing solution? RESPONSE: 11. Please identify the methods or techniques available for large and small suppliers to interact with the eInvoicing solution (i.e., electronic file vs. direct entry capabilities)? Please include any software requirements. RESPONSE: 12. Please quantify how many vendors are currently connected to your network to submit invoices via your eInvoicing solution. Please provide a list of these vendors if possible. RESPONSE: Page 11 of 14 NEW YORK STATE OFFICE OF GENERAL SERVICES NEW YORK STATE PROCUREMENT (NYSPro) REQUEST FOR INFORMATION This is not a solicitation. 13. Provide a narrative as to technology requirements that the State must meet to integrate the eInvoicing solution with PeopleSoft technology. RESPONSE: 14. Please confirm if you provide networking solution capabilities versus solely providing an electronic file for vendors to transmit invoices. RESPONSE: 15. Please identify the types of file formats that you support for electronically transmitting invoices? Please include the number of formats you have on the system and whether you provide a mapping engine. RESPONSE: 16. Please identify the technology requirements that vendors must meet to be able to transmit eInvoicing files. RESPONSE: 17. From your work on similar size projects and based on the description provided in the “Scope of Request” section of this RFI, how long a timeframe should be allowed for the implementation? Identify and describe minimum periods needed for major activities such as planning, analysis, system design, development, system and user acceptance testing and deployment activities? RESPONSE: 18. Based on your experience, please identify key technology challenges to implementing an eInvoicing solution. RESPONSE: 19. Please describe your application support approach (e.g., break-fix, enhancements, coverage, account management, etc.). RESPONSE: 20. Please identify any technological dependencies that the state IT organization must consider in order to integrate to the eInvoicing and/or other proposed solutions. RESPONSE: C. Resources 21. Based on your experience, provide a narrative on the expectation of involvement from State personnel during implementation, both functional and technical. RESPONSE: 22. Provide a narrative on the expectation of involvement from State personnel after the implementation (i.e., post go-live). RESPONSE: Page 12 of 14 NEW YORK STATE OFFICE OF GENERAL SERVICES NEW YORK STATE PROCUREMENT (NYSPro) REQUEST FOR INFORMATION This is not a solicitation. 23. Provide a narrative on the expectation of involvement from vendor personnel during the implementation. RESPONSE: D. Change Management 24. Provide a narrative as to how suppliers are enrolled and on-boarded to participate in eInvoicing? Please include all services that you provide to onboard vendors (i.e., database cleaning, letter writing, response follow-up, signing up vendors, technical set up, work with Procurement to deal with the non-compliant vendors, etc.). RESPONSE: 25. Based on your experience, please identify the number of State FTEs who should be involved in supplier on-boarding. RESPONSE: 26. Based on your experience, identify and describe what training facilities/services would be available to the user community to ensure a successful implementation and user adoptability (i.e., State Agency user, local government users, etc.). RESPONSE: 27. Based on your experience, identify and describe what types/levels of documentation should be made available to the user community to ensure a successful implementation. RESPONSE: 28. Based on your experience, what encourages vendor adoptability to participate in eInvoicing? Please provide examples from other state implementations, if applicable. RESPONSE: E. Pricing Model 29. New York State is evaluating various mechanisms and models for pricing of eInvoicing services. Please identify what costs exist to acquire the software/application, implementation, and operation support. Include transaction costs, membership network costs, fixed or volume costs, who pays the cost (supplier, buyer, or both), etc. RESPONSE: 30. Please provide any information your company believes is important for New York State to include in the pricing model for eInvoicing services. RESPONSE: 31. What information would you like to see in a potential Request for Proposal (RFP) that would help you effectively price eInvoicing services? RESPONSE: Page 13 of 14 NEW YORK STATE OFFICE OF GENERAL SERVICES NEW YORK STATE PROCUREMENT (NYSPro) REQUEST FOR INFORMATION This is not a solicitation. 32. What are cost-effective best practices that your company has used or seen used in government public sector solutions to deliver eInvoicing services? RESPONSE: Page 14 of 14