Nipam home page (about Nipam) Message from the Executive

Nipam home page (about Nipam)
Message from the Executive Director
History and background
Highlights and achievements to date
Mission, Vision and Values
Governing structure
Portfolio Minister
Composition of the Governing Council
Founding members of the Governing Council
Functions of the Governing Council
Powers of the Governing Council
Training and Development Board
Founding members of the Training & Development Board
Powers & Functions of the Training & Development Board
Executive Management
Roles and Responsibilities
Governance Framework of Nipam (incl. PDF of Nipam Act)
Our Core Business: Training
Key features of the Nipam training philosophy
Training programmes
(PDF of overall course brochure)
Foundation Programme (PDF of course outline)
Middle Management Development Programme
(PDF of course outline)
Middle Management Development Programme, Regional Local
Government (PDF of course outline)
Senior Management Development Programme
(PDF of course outline)
Short courses
Training calendar (PDF of course outline)
Learning Resource Centre
Open Shelf
Reference Collection
Namibiana Collection
General library rules
Library Membership information
Contact details
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The unprecedented growth that Namibia experienced since Independence has introduced new
challenges. These include bottlenecks to transform the country into a knowledge based economy as
highlighted by the National Development Plan III. In this regard, the biggest challenge involves the
country's skills base.
As a result, NIPAM was established by an Act of Parliament, NIPAM Act 2010 (Act 10 of 2010) and
was officially inaugurated on 25 February 2011 by H.E President Hifikepunye Pohamba. The purpose
of NIPAM is to transform the public service in Namibia through improving management, leadership
and professional competencies. It also aims to foster a climate of purpose, values and professional
traditions amongst public sector employees.
NIPAM’s mandate is to provide administration and management training, instilling a Namibian
Public Sector culture, co-ordinating, partnership building, operational research, capacity evaluation
and to serve as a think tank in the Public Sector [NIPAM Act 2010 (Act 10 of 2010, Section 5)].
Message from the Executive Director
The Nipam strategic plan 2012 -2017 defines the strategic intent and provides mechanisms for
decision making, resource allocation and communications within the given governing frameworks. It
provides broad parameters and pathways for transforming the public service from a “post colonial
and post apartheid public service” to a developmental and entrepreneurial public service”. Through
on interconnected set of business centres, Nipam will over the next five years strive to achieve
excellence in training, development and capacity development at a broad level. It will generate
methods and tools that will facilitate the creation of lifelong learning and a performance culture in
the Namibian Public Service. The strategic plan identifies three points of transformation of the
Namibian Public Service: mandatory training programmes, facilitation of organisational development
as well as being a “think-tank” to promote policy dialogue and research. The long term financial
sustainability of Nipam is assured through an evolving business model, which combines direct
support from Government, investments, sale of services and hiring of our state of the art training
Elsie Nghikembua
Acting Executive Director
Plus Photo
History and background
The Republic of Namibia’s Vision 2030 articulates the country’s development agenda for the next 20
years. The implementation of this vision is expected to reduce poverty, income inequalities and the
high unemployment rate, strengthen institutions of democracy and more importantly propel
Namibia to the status of an industrialised nation.
The reality for Namibia, however, is that the achievement of Vision 2030 will require the public
service to play a critical role in transforming the country. The shortage of skills has been identified as
one of the key factors impeding the implementation of the National Development Plans.
It is therefore imperative that the public sector staff members develop competencies necessary to
play a transformational role for the successful implementation of the National Development Plans,
the logical steps leading to the achievement of Vision 2030.
The Namibia Institute of Public Administration and Management (NIPAM) is a key initiative of
Government to fulfil this commitment. Hence, NIPAM will respond comprehensively in an integrated
and professional manner to the capacity building needs of Namibia’s unified public service. It will
further act as a catalyst in evolving a new public service culture and public servant’s training system
in Namibia.
The NIPAM policy framework, approved by Cabinet, calls for capacity management and professional
competencies development and to inculcate among public servants a sense of purpose, values and
traditions of public service to effectively serve the people of Namibia.
Highlights and achievements of the past year
Since the official launch of NIPAM, the following was achieved:
The NIPAM Strategic plan was developed and approved by the NIPAM Governing Council
and the Right Honourable Prime Minister.
A three year implementation plan, to be reviewed annually, was compiled and
complemented by a working budget.
Performance agreements were entered into between the Governing Council and the Right
Honourable Prime Minister as well as between NIPAM executive and the Governing Council.
A Training and Development Board, which oversees and ensures quality control of all
capacity building interventions, as well as accreditation, has been constituted.
Various Memoranda of Understanding were entered into with highly reputable international
partners. On that basis capacity building programmes were custom-made, grounded in local
reality and based on best practise. NIPAM trainers are working hand-in hand with
international experts over a 3 year period fine tuning and presenting the courses, and will
take over the programmes after this initial capacity building period.
Capacity Building Programmes
The following courses are currently offered at NIPAM:
Senior Management Development Programme. An MoU was entered into with the
University of Stellenbosch-School of Public Leadership to offer this Programme to 130
students per year for a period of 3 years. At the same time NIPAM trainers will undergo
capacity building to be able to deliver the course in-house when the MoU comes to an end.
The aim of the Senior Development Programme is to provide high level cognitive, emotive,
attitudinal, and strategic impact on the personal and professional development of senior
managers in the public service.
Middle Management Development Programme for Regional and Local Government. An
MoU was signed between NIPAM and CIEDEL (a training Institute in France), as part of the
Namibia-French bilateral agreement. A training needs analysis was conducted among
regional and local government and a three year capacity building programme for trainers
has been developed. The programme commenced successfully.
Middle Management Development Programme: An MoU was signed between Southern
Business School and NIPAM to develop and deliver a programme aimed at capacity building
of middle managers within the public sector. This programme is grounded in local reality,
has been successfully developed and is presented to public servants at middle management
level. It focuses on building essential professional competencies of middle managers while
simultaneously transforming them into change agents for the public service. The Programme
instils in middle managers a sense of purpose, values and ethos that must be common to an
efficient, effective, accountable and entrepreneurial public service.
Executive Management Development Programme: NIPAM has also entered into a
memorandum of understanding with the Kennedy Harvard School of Business to enable
senior public servants to attend Executive Development Programmes offered by Harvard
Other significant programmes presented by NIPAM:
The Central Government Business Centre organised three distinctly different leadership
development short courses for permanent secretaries and senior managers within the public
service. The courses focused on Leadership, Innovation and Change Management as well as
Strategic Thinking.
The Centre for State-Owned Enterprise offered a series of tailor-made courses in
collaboration with PriceWaterhouseCoopers. Topics centred mainly on Fraud Prevention and
Ethics as well as on Corporate Governance
A strategy for the rolling out all NIPAM courses has been developed and training calendar
has been published.
While setting up the NIPAM overall operation, training commenced in line with the strategic
plan. The number of training weeks delivered is largely in line with the approved annual
In terms of utilisation of the NIPAM venue for capacity building activities, a total number of
12 NIPAM courses and workshops were presented, witnessing over 320 participants.
In terms of utilisation of the NIPAM facilities by ministries/offices and agencies as well as
other state owned enterprises, a total of 24 seminars workshops were presented to a total
of 844 participants.
The number of public servants to be trained by NIPAM is set to increase by 20% per annum.
To meet this goal, NIPAM is currently in the process of developing more courses.
To keep staff numbers and associated costs at a minimum yet ensure scholarly excellence,
the Academic Unit at NIPAM subcontracts pre-qualified and approved experts in various
fields, who present specific study units, forming part of the official NIPAM Resource Pool. A
system of ongoing quality control has been established.
The E-Governance & Learning Resource Business Centre was established to provide elearning opportunities and alternative modes of course delivery. It is envisaged that all
courses will be hosted on an e-learning platform to run as fully accredited courses, reaching
yet a wider potential group of learners.
A fully functional Learning Resource Centre was established and currently this state of the
art library hosts an assortment of over 5000 volumes, including various collections.
Staffing: In line with the strategic plan, during 2012, further staff members were recruited,
bringing the total staff complement of NIPAM to 29 (out of a total envisaged complement of
65). In line with its policy, recruitment is competitive and ongoing.
As a multifaceted organisation, NIPAM offers capacity building courses, research and
consultancy services as well as capacity evaluation aimed at performance improvement in
the public sector. Its goals are to deliver this service efficiently and effectively, making a
tangible impact on competency levels in Namibia. It is anticipated that the NIPAM Governing
Council, Training and Development Board and staff will implement the strategic plan and
associated action with vigour and drive to achieve their mission of facilitating the growth
and development of expertise with in the Namibian Public Sector.
Vision and Mission
Vision statement
A world class Management Development Institute that catalyzes the transformation of the Namibian
Public Sector into a developmental and entrepreneurial system.
Mission statement
To transform the Public Sector of Namibia into an efficient, effective and accountable system
through training, operational research, capacity evaluation, consultancy and strategic partnerships.
Core Values
 Responsiveness
 Integrity
 Equality
 Innovation
Governance & Management
Structure of NIPAM
The Nipam policy framework calls for capacity management and professional competency
development. It also aims to inculcate among public servants a sense of purpose, values and
traditions of public service to effectively serve the people of Namibia.
Prime Minister
Governing Council
NIPAM Training and
Development Board
NIPAM Management
The portfolio minister of Nipam is the Prime Minister of the Republic of Namibia, the Right
Honorable Nahas Angula
Members of the Governing Council [GC] are appointed by the Prime Minister as prescribed
by Section 7 of the NIPAM Act, 2010 (Act No. 10 of 2010) as follows:
(a) the Secretary to the Cabinet, as Chairperson;
(b) the Executive Director, ex officio;
(c) two persons selected by the Prime Minister by considering gender balance, academic
excellence and experience relevant to the objects of NIPAM;
(d) a person nominated by the Namibian Chamber of Commerce and Industry who
represents the interests of that sector;
(e) a person nominated by the Public Service Commission;
(f) a person nominated by the recognized trade union with an exclusive bargaining status
for public service employees;
(g) a person nominated by the Association of Regional Councils;
(h) a person nominated by the Association of Local Authorities in Namibia; and
(i) two persons nominated by NIPAM to represent the capacity building, research or
related interests of NIPAM keeping the gender balance into consideration.
Two persons as members co-opted by the Council on a rotation basis from countries or
international organizations offering assistance and support in public sector capacity building
to NIPAM or the Government, without a right to vote.
Insert photo of Council members (obtain from Mona Lisa)
Mr. Frans Kapofi: Secretary to Cabinet and Chairperson
Mrs. Marbela Cupido: Vice-Chairperson
Dr. Roland Msiska: ex officio (date)
Mr. Jabulani Ncube
Mr. Jeremia Muadinohamba
Mr. Basilius Haingura
Dr. Becky Ndjoze-Odjo
Hon. S. Nuuyom
Ms. B. van der Westhuizen
Ms. J. Kaupirura
Mrs. E. Nghikembua
Ms Fanny Gazange (date)
Similar to a Board of Directors, the Governing Council is vested with the governance, general
control and direction of NIPAM.
The GC is vested with the following statutory powers
to make rules and guidelines;
approve the Strategic Plan and Annual Plan of NIPAM;
to approve the annual budget of NIPAM;
to accept the management of any endowment trust, fund, subscription or donation
consistent with the objects of the institute;
to approve proposals for loans from financial institutions for funding of NIPAM
activities, in agreement with the Minister responsible for finance;
to create posts on the establishment of NIPAM, and determine conditions of service;
to consider and approve annual reports, including financial statements and accounts
to prepare and execute detailed plans and programmes for the furtherance of the
objects of NIPAM;
to approve the development and expansion plan of NIPAM; and
to appoint, suspend or discharge administrative staff, trainers, specialists or
consultants of NIPAM.
Members of the Training and Development Board are appointed by the Governing Council
[GC] as prescribed by the NIPAM Act, 2010 (Act No. 10 of 2010) as follows:
Executive Director
Executive Director, who is the chairperson;
Deputy Executive Director, who is the vice-chairperson;
two members of the Council appointed in terms of section 7(2)(i);
a staff member designated by NIPAM from its senior management administrative
a training specialist designated by NIPAM from its training staff;
a staff member designated by the Office of the Prime Minister representing the
Human Resource Management and Development function;
a person designated by the Namibia Qualifications Authority established by section 2
of the Namibia Qualifications Authority Act, 1996 (Act 29 of 1996) having expertise in
accreditation of bodies and capacity building services; and
a person designated by the Namibia Training Authority established by section 4 of the
Vocational Education and Training Act, 2008 (Act 1 of 2008).
The Board may co-opt persons, as may be prescribed by the rules, as members and such
members may take part in deliberation of matters before the Board, but have no right to
Dr. Roland Msiska
Mrs. Elsie Nghikembua
Mr. J.M. Ncube
Dr. R. Ndjoze-Ojo
Dr. C. Keyter
Ms. M. Mbombo
Mrs. M. Nangolo-Rukoro
Mr. F. Gertze
Prof. Erwin Schwela
Chairperson (date)
Co-opted Member
The organization and superintendence of capacity building interventions, training
programmes, courses, training sessions, instructions, curricula, assessment, award of
qualifications, accreditation, research and consultancy activities are vested in the Training
and Development Board of NIPAM.
The powers and functions of the Board areto develop [a] strategic plan and annual business plan of NIPAM;
to coordinate with the Ministry of Education and National Planning Commission
with regard to national capacity building needs;
to develop the curricula, training design and implementation strategy of training
programmes, courses, workshops and capacity building interventions;
to determine the norms and standards for the award of qualifications and
accreditation for approval from Namibia Qualifications Authority or other
accreditation bodies;
to exercise quality control on the capacity building interventions to ensure value for
to make recommendations to the Council in connection with the annual budget of
NIPAM and on matters referred to it by the Council or which the Training &
Development Board considers necessary in the interest of NIPAM;
to submit to the Council such reports in connection with the functions of NIPAM or
Training and Development Board as the Council may require; and
to perform such other functions as may be required to develop NIPAM as a centre
of excellence in public service sector capacity building.
The Executive Director is the head of the administration, training and accounting officer of
NIPAM. He/she manages the affairs of NIPAM subject to the control and direction of the
Council and the Board. The Executive Director is assisted by the following Management
Executive Director
Deputy Executive Director
Chief Financial Officer
Director: Central Government Business Centre
Director: Regional and Local Government Business Centre
Director: Research and Consulting Business Centre
Director: e-Governance and Learning Resource Centre
Chief Strategic Communications and Corporate Affairs Officer
Legal Advisor
Due to the evolving nature of Nipam, not all positions are currently filled.
The Executive management is the body that executes the operations that ensure that the
Institutional Vision and Mission are attained.
Roles and responsibilities
Guided by the Strategic Plan, the members of the Executive Management collectively see to a proper
management of the institution’s assets – finances, human resources; the implementation and
monitoring of the institution’s policies, and general supervision of maintenance of the highest
standards in the realisation of the academic project.
The Executive Management is primarily accountable to the Council. Specifically, as members of
senate, members of the Executive Management are accountable to Council for all the teaching,
learning, research and academic functions of the institution.
NIPAM is managed subject to the following laws:
Namibia Institute of Public Administration and Management Act, 2010 (Act No. 10 of
State-Owned Enterprises Governance Act, 2006 (Act No. 2 of 2006)
State-Owned Enterprises Governance Amendment Act, 2008 (Act No.5 of 2008)
Companies Act, 2004 (Act No. 28 of 2004)
Governing Council Charter
Training and Development Board Charter
Remuneration Committee Charter;
Governance and Remuneration Committee Charter
Audit and Risk Management Committee Charter
King III Code
Nipam Training
The framework for capacity building provides for continuous learning and development from the
point of entry into the public service. The emphasis of NIPAM training will be on continuous learning
and re-training leading to lifelong learning.
New entrants into the public service will be oriented at institutional level, followed by a Foundation
Programme to build basic competencies. This will be followed by professional development
programmes for Middle and Senior Managers.
Key features of Nipam’s training programmes:
Practical orientation programmes that are academically sound with emphasis on building
and enhancing job competencies (knowledge, skills and attitude)
Andragogical learner centred approaches and methodologies
Programme contents supported by research, case studies and best practises
Assessment and feedback
Training to demonstrate value for money and return on investment
A credit system leading to certification at partner institutions
Nipam aims towards obtaining NQA accredited curriculum and programmes.
Add the 2012 NIPAM prospectus in PDF format here
Training Programmes
Foundation Programme (FP)
Middle Management Development Programme (MMDP)
Middle Management Development Programme, for Regional Local Government (MMDPRLG)
Senior Management Development Programme (SMDP)
Foundation Programme (FP)
Target Group
To cater for the growing requests for a more comprehensive programme for staff members on the
supervisory and operational level, NIPAM will accept all nominations from participants on
operational level to attend the Foundation programme. This course is also relevant for staff
members who have completed their organisational induction to serve as a basis for further
The Foundation Programme is intended to broaden participant's horizons beyond their immediate
working environment in order to nurture a public service that is a learning system, foster high
standards of performance, function holistically and focus on the realisation of the Vision 2030 goals.
The aim of the programme is to build critical mass of public servants who will share common ethos,
values and perspectives unique to the public service in Namibia, who will show a common service
leadership culture and networking in the government in order to support the achievement of vision
2030. The Foundation Programme is a complete learning resource providing basic foundation,
affective and cognitive skills of how to work effectively in the public sector.
Programme Objectives
After completing the Foundation Program the participants should be able to:
 Demonstrate commitment to continuous action learning and action research.
 Develop a culture that fosters high standard of performance, ethics, norms of behavior and
personal conduct expected from a public servant;
 Improve organizational performance through effective alignment of common organizational
culture, financial, material and information resources;
 Inspire others to positive action through a clear vision, team spirit, trust and commitment;
 Facilitate a shift to systems thinking in day to day practice;
 Initiate and support change within their organizations by implementing strategies to help
others adapt to changes in the work environment, including personal reactions to change,
emphasizing and fostering creativity and innovation, being proactive;
 Achieve understanding about the rights, obligations and responsibilities that comes with
being a public servant in the public service of Namibia;
 Gain knowledge of ethical and unethical practices, conduct and behavior is in the public
service, consequences of corruption and existing mechanisms to deal with corrupt practices
in the public service;
 Become inspired and excited about working in the public service of Namibia; and
 Understand the present and future challenges facing Namibia as whole and how different
roles players including government at different levels are responding to such challenges
PDF of full foundation programme description to download
Application form for Foundation programme to download
Middle Management Development programme (MMDP)
Target Group
All Central Government staff members at Middle Management level
To equip Middle Managers with transformational management competencies and essential
knowledge of Public Administration and Management in Namibia
Module 1: Creating a SMART Government
Learning Objectives
 Understand the evolution of the Namibian State to an entrepreneurial and developmental
State including the Constitution, main Acts, policies and regulations.
 Understand the challenges and impact of the socio-political economy at a global, regional &
national levels (Globalism – Vision 2030)
Understand and apply the principles of Good Governance in the Public Service
(accountability, neutrality)
Understand the main components of SMART Government as indicated in the Smart Business
Model (financial discipline, performance, integrity, sustainable development, e‐governance)
Define the concept of value proposition in Government.
Module 2: Transformation and Self leadership
Learning Objectives
 Understand various types of Leadership.
 Create a leadership environment supportive of lifelong learning, ethical culture,
performance culture.
 Understand, develop and implement strategies and goals to enhance the value proposition
of government.
 Understand and apply self leadership and personal development.
 Understand the importance of self leadership in organization transformation.
 Demonstrate the ability to manage time effectively and efficiently.
 Understand the importance of self ‐ wellness.
 Understand and apply the concept of change management.
Module 3: Continuous Service Improvement
Learning Objectives
 Understand service delivery in the context of public service reform initiatives in Namibia.
 Participate effectively in the organizing & management of business processes ‐ service
delivery, coverage analysis, process map & reengineering.
 Understand and apply various quality management models for improvement of customer
 Effectively and efficiently coordinate & manage all partners and stakeholders within
government context.
 Understand and apply Performance Management Systems with a focus to improve
 Take part effectively in the public policy development cycle.
 Manage effectively the project management cycle.
Module 4: Communicating Government Business
Learning Objectives
 Uphold the image of government through effective communication and the application of
agreed protocol.
 Define the concept of CGB.
 Listen actively for meaning in the message
 Understanding the different types on communication ‐ non‐verbal, oral & written
 Apply various communication models applicable to different audiences.
 Conduct meetings, oversee proper minute taking and procedures.
 Demonstrate an understanding of the types & formats of a report.
 Compile a report for a specific audience.
 Apply different reference techniques.
 Present a report to a specific audience.
Module 5: Managing People
Learning Objectives
 Apply mentoring and coaching skills to a selected audience.
 Lead a diverse team in terms of equity, gender, multi-culturalism, HIV & Aids and other
 Manage staff careers through appropriate training and development initiatives.
 Enhance sound labor relations through application of relevant legislation, policies and
negotiation techniques.
 Apply best practices in compiling a job description, conducting recruitment and selection of
new staff.
 Manage, assess and reward individual performance.
 Understand and apply Occupational Health and Safety procedures, rules and regulation.
Module 6: Finance and Asset Management
Learning Objectives
 Understand and apply the legislative framework of public finance.
 Understand & apply the concept of REAL.
 Understand and application of the requirements of the MTEF.
 Demonstrate understanding and application of budgeting processes and cycle (MTEF) and
budgetary control (PEMP).
 Demonstrate understanding and application of asset and inventory management.
 Understanding of role‐players involved in financial and asset management.
 Understand and apply the process of supply chain management
 Understand the role of the Tender Board.
 Understand the requirements from the Office of the Auditor‐General.
Six (6) Weeks
NIPAM flat rate is 6,500.00 NAD per week including course fee, training material and lunch =
39,000.00 NAD for the entire programme.
Academic Assistant
Mrs. Emely Leonard
061 296 4790
Programme Coordinator
Mrs. Elsie Nghikembua
061 296 4704
PDF of full programme description of MMDP to download
Application form for MMDP to download
Middle Management Development Programme for Regional and Local Governments (MMDP-RLG)
Target Group
All regional and Local Government staff members on Middle Management level
The MMDP - RLG is a high profile NIPAM initiative that will support middle level managers in regional
and local authorities as they face up to challenges of providing services to their citizens. The
programme aims at supporting innovation and a search for alternative ways of improving service
delivery among middle managers by providing them with technical and transformational
competencies required for a 21st century entrepreneurial and developmental State.
The broad programme objectives of the MMDP are:
 To contribute to the implementation of decentralization and Vision 2030;
 To increase horizontal and vertical government-wide relations and cooperation in service
 To develop human and financial capacities of middle managers in regional and local
authorities; and
 To stimulate interest and positive action in regional and local economies.
(This programme content will be updated shortly, and therefore has been kept short.)
Two (2) weeks per module, twelve (12) weeks for the entire programme.
NIPAM flat rate is 6,500.00 NAD per week including course fee, training material and lunch.
NIPAM might apply balancing out of fees for disadvantaged local and regional governments (special
rates ).
Academic Assistant
Mrs. Emely Leonard
061 296 4790
Programme Coordinator
Mr. Lister Chaka
061 296 4766
Senior Management Development Programme (SMDP)
Target Group
All staff members on Senior Management level
To equip and enhance the leadership and management competencies at a strategic level.
Programme Contents
Module 1: Governance in Namibia- Context and Strategic Challenges
The Namibian state: development and current reality
Namibia: the constitutional and institutional landscape
Namibia: vision, strategic goals, macro policy and planning perspectives
Namibia: strategic issues and challenges
Namibia: strategic planning processes and implementation
STEEP analysis
Scenario analysis
Module 2: Understanding Good Governance: The Evolution and Impact of Concepts, Ideas,
Philosophies and Theories
 Theories of the state and the role of the state in constitutional democracies, mixed
economies and a human rights context
 Constitutional democracy, separation of powers and democratic control and accountability
 Morality, integrity and ethics in governance
 Calling government to account: The role of the media, legislatures, oversight bodies, courts
and civil society organisations including citizen activism
 Good governance: theory and practice
 Public macro organisation including decentralisation and devolution and transfer of
government functions to other spheres and organs of government
 Governance theories including bureaucratic theories, new public management and network
governance theories related to public value creation
 Theories, concepts and applications related to the developmental state
Module 3: Public Finance for Good Governance
 Financial literacy for public managers
 Financial management competencies and skills for non-financial managers
 Macro-economics and public finance
 The legislative and institutional architecture of public finances
 The public financial cycle including planning, budgeting and process elements
 Numeracy competencies for public finances
 Public finance techniques and applications
 Control and accountability in respect of public finances
Module 4: Professional Competencies for Good Governance: Leadership and Organisation
 Leadership, innovation and change management
 Strategic thinking
 Organisation development
 Leading and managing learning organizations
 Knowledge management
 Leading and managing people including mentoring and coaching
 Performance management
 Persuasive communication
 Thinking and analytical competencies and skills
Module 5: Management Applications for Good Governance
 The rule of law, justice legality, legitimacy and human and citizen rights
 Administrative justice and citizen protection related to state and government power
 Policy analysis
 Strategic planning
 Project management
 Public participation
 E- Governance and ICT
 Monitoring end evaluation
Five (5) Weeks
NIPAM flat rate is 6,500.00 NAD per week including course fee, training material and lunch =
32,500.00 NAD for the entire programme.
NIPAM might apply balancing out of fees for disadvantaged local and regional governments (special
rates ).
Academic Assistant
Mrs. Mona Lisa Tjiho
061 296 4702
Add the PDF document of the SMDP to down here
Add the application form here
Short courses
We offer the following short courses.
(obtain list from Elise)
Please contact our academic officers to enquire about details, time and costs or to arrange a special
course for your institution or department.
From stress management to protocol or minute writing and conflict management, we offer a wide
variety of one, two or three day courses, custom-made to suit your business priorities on request.
You may wish to combine special skills development with an in-house mentorship programme, a
longer-term in-house leadership development programme for supervisory and middle management
level, external business coaching for senior management, and other interventions to improve
employee morale and performance – in turn making a tangible impact on performance! We offer to
tailor-make these according to your specification on request.
Please contact us if you have any special requests or training requirements.
Mrs Emilia Leonard
Tel 061 296 4790
Fax 061 296 4831
Ms Mona Lisa Tjiho
Tel 061 296 4702
Fax 061 296 4830
Training Calendar
Paste training calendar here application procedure:
Enrolment / Admissions
To apply for any of the courses, please download the relevant application form, or contact
our relevant academic officer. (insert application form to download here)
To apply for admission to the following courses: Foundation Course, MMDP and
MMDP-RLG, please contact
Mrs Emilia Leonard
Tel 061 296 4790
Fax 061 296 4831
To apply for admission to the following courses: SMDP please contact
Ms Mona Lisa Tjiho
Tel 061 296 4702
Fax 061 296 4830
Learning Resource Centre
The NIPAM LRC strives for excellence and embrace opportunities in provision of information
services. It is aimed to be an innovative partner in the pursuit of excellence and leader in providing
dynamic information services that support lifelong learning and NIPAM activities.
The NIPAM LRC is a new information services, which is still in the developing process. The collections
are aimed at supporting the activities and function of NIPAM and it mainly focus on the following
subjects’: management and leadership, accounting and finance, public management and
decentralization, economics, communication and information technology, law and development.
The collections are organized according the Dewey Decimal Classification System (DDC). The LRC is
using the Libwin, as a Library Management System and it is accessible in the Library
Open Shelf
The open collection is the main collection of books. Items may be borrowed out to the members.
Reference Collection
This collection includes encyclopaedias, dictionaries, atlases, directories, maps to be used for
references purposes in the LRC only. This collection is not for circulation purpose.
Namibiana Collection
This collection is about publications on Namibia, or written by Namibians. It can only be used in the
E –Learning
The LRC provides computer and Internet facilities to user. There are two computer labs with seating
capacity of 40. Other online services that the library anticipates to provide are electronic resource
information (where the user will be able to access various databases) and OPAC.
General rules
 All LRC members must present their membership card when borrowing LRC materials.
 All borrowers are responsible for the items issued out on their names.
 For any lost or damages item, the replacement value will be determined by the Chief
 Unauthorised removal of LRC items is prohibited and action will be taken against those who
are trespassing.
 The LRC is a noise free zone; no cellular phones must be used in the LRC.
 No smoking, eating, drinking is permitted in the LRC.
Academic Staff
Administrative Staff
Programme Participants
NIPAM staff card
NIPAM staff card
Proof of registration
Borrowing Privilege
NIPAM 5 items for 30 days
10 items for 30 days
Determined by the duration of
the programme
Private Individuals including
Government staff
Staff from SOE’s
relevant employer.
Positive identification.
Two passport photos.
Institutional membership
Letter of application by relevant 5 items for two weeks
Undertaking responsibility for
loss or damage item.
3 items for two weeks
Library contact details and opening hours
Contact Details
Physical Address
Tel +264 61 296 4792/3
Paul Nash Street
Private Bag 13218
Windhoek, Namibia
LRC Hours
Monday – Friday
Public Holiday
Sylvia Katjepunda
Chief Librarian
264 61 296 4793
264 812571332
264 296 4838
Imelda Mbangu
264 61 296 4792
264 296 4838
Magdalena Antonius
Assistant Library Officer
264 61 296 4792
264 61 296 4838
NIPAM Partners (still to be completed)
Contact us
Namibia Institute of Public Administration and Management
Paul Nash Street,
Private Bag 13218
+264 61 296 4700
+264 61 296 4830
Contact us
Private Bag 13218, Windhoek, Namibia
Telephone: (061) 296 7000
Corner Hamutenya Wanehepo & Paul Nash Street, Olympia
Please insert an email response form, so people can get in touch with us
from the website. Please use a new email address (e.g.
and direct all mails to my PC.
use existing map (direction on how to get here)
Staff Search
Please insert list of names and office contact details provided
Site Map
Bernadus to compile, based on actual programming of website
Bernadus, we need to liaise closely on the following item when you start programming:
Sorry, currently there are no vacancies.
Use existing disclaimer
Theo to provide approved tender once we are in programming stage to ensure only
relevant tenders to be used. I will liaise with him accordingly.
Photos will be provided (e.g. launch event, inauguration of council members etc)
(keywords) – Bernadus, I believe you have a programme that will do the web