CROATIAN COMMUNICATIONS and INFORMATION SOCIETY Nikola Rožić University of Split, FESB Split, Croatia Tel: +385 21 305808 E-mail: Seoul, GSSS’05 May 16 CROATIAN COMMUNICATIONS and INFORMATION SOCIETY Agenda CCIS at a glance Short report on SoftCOM 2005 Conference SoftCOM 2006 scenario Journal JCOMSS has been launched Contact Info Wuerzburg Oct. 13-14 CROATIAN COMMUNICATIONS and INFORMATION SOCIETY . . . has been founded by SoftCOM friends as a way to gather more professionals around the common needs and goals . . . Wuerzburg Oct. 13-14 CROATIAN COMMUNICATIONS and INFORMATION SOCIETY Co-organizing conferences, symposia, workshops, tutorials • Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM) Journal publication • Journal of Communication Software and Systems (JCOMSS) Research projects and standardization • EU COST projects, bilateral research, standardization committes Society relations • Sister society with IEEE ComSoc Wuerzburg Oct. 13-14 CROATIAN COMMUNICATIONS and INFORMATION SOCIETY Short report on the SoftCOM 2004 Conference Technically co-sponsored by IEEE ComSoc Organized by: • University of Split • CCIS Suporters & Patrons: • Ministry of Science, Education and Sport • Ministry of the Sea, Tourism, Transport and Development • County of Split and Dalmatia & Split town • HT, HEP, Ericsson NT, VIPnet, other smaller companies Wuerzburg Oct. 13-14 CROATIAN COMMUNICATIONS and INFORMATION SOCIETY SoftCOM 2006 Dubrovnik October 16, 2006 Ship “Marko Polo“ anchored in Dubrovnik harbour by night Wuerzburg Oct. 13-14 CROATIAN COMMUNICATIONS and INFORMATION SOCIETY SoftCOM 2006 Preliminary Program Symposia/Special Sessions • Future Wireless Systems • Mobile and Personal Communications Safety • Genomic Signal Processing General Conference • regular sessions, poster sessions Workshops • Digital Holography • Contemporary ICT Tutorials • 4 half-day tutorials Keynote talk • R. Saracco, Telecom Lab, Italy Wuerzburg Oct. 13-14 CROATIAN COMMUNICATIONS and INFORMATION SOCIETY SoftCOM 2006 Journey • aboarded the cruising ship ”Marko Polo” on the route Split-Dubrovnik (Oct. 16-17) Split Dubrovnik • about 250 participants • about 200 presentations • authors from over 40 countries Wuerzburg Oct. 13-14 CROATIAN COMMUNICATIONS and INFORMATION SOCIETY SoftCOM 2006 14th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks Split, Sept. 15-17, 2006 Symposia/Special Sessions Future Wireless Systems QoS in Wireless Networks Safety Aspects in Mobile and Wireless Communications Multimedia and Virtual Reality Special Session on Advances in LDPC Codes General Conference Regular papers Poster presentations Workshops Workshop on Applications of Multi-Agent systems Workshop on ICT Tutorials Business Forum Prototype presentations IMPORTANT DATES Complete manuscript due June 1, 2005 Notification of acceptance July 1, 2005 Camera-ready manuscript Aug.15, 2005 Wuerzburg Oct. 13-14 Journal of Scope and Aim Communication Software and Systems Volume 1 Number 1 July 2005 JCOMSS 1 (ISSN 0461-2322) Editorial Feature Topic on Networks Simulation …………………………........……A. Pakstas, D. Begusic, M. Kos 1 PAPERS Communication Software Specifying Action Priorities in a Sublanguage of E-LOTOS …………..…………… Monika Kapus-Kolar 3 Completeness of the Internet Core Topology Collected by a Fast Mapping Software……………………. …………………………………………………………………......…………Mickael Hoerdt, Damien Magoni 9 Using UML for the Design of Communication Protocols: The TCP case study………………………….. ……………………………………………………..… ...Kleanthis Thramboulidis, Alexandros Mikroyannidis 14 An Expandable Implementation Method for Robust Header Compression….…..………… Chang Yang 22 A Performance Comparison of Ethernet Backoff Algorithms………..……….Chunkai Yin, Damla Turgut 34 Quality of Services .. Quality of Service evaluation in Multimedia services………….....… Augustin Radu; Genevieve Baudoin An Intelligent Policy-based Framework for QoS Provisioning via COPS-PR....….D. Chen, J. Wu, Z. Luo A Novel Buffer Management Scheme for Supporting QoS in HAN….......Chi-Chun Lo, Y. Chen, P. Yeh QoS Support for SIP Based Applications in a Diffserv Networks…………………………………… LucaVeltri; Stefano Salsano, Donald Papalilo.....................................….............................................. 43 52 61 69 Future Wireless Systems Authentication Protocols in 3G Wireless Networks …………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………......Gennaro Boggia, Pietro Camarda, Nicola de Cesare 82 An architecture for seamless IP mobility……….....………….. Juan M. Oyoqui, Antonio Garcia-Macias 91 Seamless Handover for Real-Time and Multicast Mobility...….Thomas C. Schmidt, Matthias Wahlisch 101 Position-Aware Optimization of MAC Organization in Power-Efficient Ad-Hoc Networks…………… ………………………………………………………………….........…….Fabrizio Granelli, Deepak Agrawal 110 Delay Control in the OLSR protocol…………………….....………Amina Naimi Meraihi, Philippe Jacquet 119 Multimedia Systems and Services A Java Based Adaptable Multimedia Application (M2A) ……………………………………………… . …………………………………………………….....….Wing Shun Wong, Paul Pangalos, Hamid Aghvami 131 An Adaptive Video Coding System Over Wireless Channel………….. J. Wei, Z. G. Li, B. H. Soong 139 Providing Multiple Video Digest for On-Demand Video Delivery Systems……………………………. ………………………………………………......…...…..Chih-Chang Hsu, Terumasa Aoki, Hiroshi Yasuda 145 The Croatian Communication and Information Society (CCIS), the Sister Society of the IEEE ComSoc, in cooperation with University of Split launchs the Journal of Communication Software and Systems (JCOMSS). JCOMSS journal fosuses on high-quality, internationally reviewed papers, that advance the state-of-art and applications in communications software engineering and communications systems particularly including new techniques, reports on experiments with analysis of performances, and prototypes. The subjects covered by this journal include all aspects in communications software and systems in wired and wireless ommunications and multimedia technologies. Technical co-sponsorship by the IEEE ComSoc is expected Information for Authors………….....…………………………………………...................……………………. 153 JSCIS Copyright Form………… …………………......................…………………………………………… 155 Wuerzburg Oct. 13-14 Journal of Communication Software and Systems (JCOMSS) Editorial Board Editors-in-Chief Dinko Begusic, University of Split , Croatia Algirdas Pakstas, Metrop. University London, UK Mladen Kos, University of Zagreb , Croatia Advisors S.B. Weinstein, NEC USA C&C Research Laboratory Gottfried Luderer, Arizona State University, USA Branko Soucek, IRIS Bari, Italy Editors Marcelo S. de Alencar, Institute for Advanced Studies in Communications, Brazil Alen Bazant, University of Zagreb, Croatia Sergio Benedetto, Politecnico di Torino, Italy Khalid Al-Bagain, University of Glamorgan, UK Mario Baldi, Politecnico di Torino, Italy Mario de Blasi, University of Lecce, Italy Tony Bogovic, Telcordia Technologies, USA Juraj Buzolic, Advanced Projects, Split, Croatia Antun Caric, KATE KOM, Zagreb, Croatia Nim Cheung, Telcordia Technologies New York Franco Chiaraluce, University of Ancona Christos Christopoulos, George Green Institute for Electromagnetics Research, UK Celia Desmond, World Class–Telecomm., Canada Petre Dini, Cisco Systems, New York Hrvoje Dujmic, University of Split, Croatia Roberto Garello, Politecnico di Torino, Italy Alex Gelman, Panasonic Research, USA Gorazd Kandus, Institut J. Stefan, Slovenia Francesco Lattarulo, Politecnico di Bari, Italy Yevgeni Koucheryavy, Tampere University of Technology, Finland Andrej Ljolje, AT&T, USA Pascal Lorenz, University. of Haute Alsace, France Maja Matijasevic, University of Zagreb, Croatia Gabor Nemeth, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary Naohisa Ohta, Research Institute for Digital Media & Content, Japan Andres Peratta, Wessex Institute of technology, UK Dragan Poljak, University of Split, Croatia Nikola Pavesic, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Vesna Roje, University of Split, Croatia Nikola Rozic, University of Split, Croatia Roberto Saracco, Telecom Italia, Italy Zoran Skocir, University of Zagreb, Croatia Darko Stipanicev, University of Split, Croatia Choy Yoong Tham, Tunku Abdul Rahman University, Malaysia Milan Vojnovic, Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK Dirk Westhoff, NEC Europe Ltd., Deutchland Seoul, GSSS’05 May 16 Journal of Communication Software and Systems (JCOMSS) List of topics Communications Software Architecture Software Quality Prediction & Reliability Software Measurement and Control Communication Protocols & Architectures Mobility Protocols Routing and Multicast protocols Telecommunications Services and QoS Network Operations and Management Internet and IP Based Environments Nomadic & Autonomic Networks Mobile and Wireless Communications Optical and Photonic Communications Satellite communications Multimedia and Virtual Reality Systems Information Infrastructure and Security Communication Theory Multiple Access Techniques Modulation & Signal Processing Access and Home Networks Next Generation Networks and Services Sensor Networks Electromagnetic Compatibility Computer Methods in Biomedicine Consumer Communications Technologies Human-Computer Interaction Resource Management and QoS Enterprise Networking Emerging Grid environment Programmable Network Services Channel Coding & Soft Computing Recognition methods Research/Education Methodology Data Compression & Source Coding Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Control Strategy Planning and Management in Telecommunications Seoul, GSSS’05 May 16 Journal of Communication Software and Systems (JCOMSS) Guidelines for Authors Authors wishing to submit papers should send an electronic version (postscript or PDF files ONLY) with a separate cover letter, which contains the paper title, authors with affiliations, and a 200-word abstract. Journal papers should be concisely written and be no longer than 20 double-spaced pages (12-point font, approximately 26 lines per page with 16.5 cm/6.5-inch line length) excluding figures. Papers must have no more than a total of ten figures and tables. It is essential that each manuscript be accompanied by a 75- to 200-word abstract clearly outline the scope and contributions of the paper and a list of up to five index terms. All papers must be written in English. Introductory discussion should be kept at a minimum, and material published elsewhere should be referenced rather than reproduced or paraphrased. Authors should strive for maximum clarity of expression, bearing in mind that the purpose of publication is the dissemination of technical knowledge and that an excessively complex or poorly written presentation can only obscure the significance of the work described. Care should be taken in the organization of the paper, such that a logical and consistent progression of thought is evident. It is strongly suggested that theorems, derivations, calculations, and other elements of a paper which are not essential to the continuity of the text be placed in Appendices. Authors with language difficulties should, whenever possible, obtain the assistance of a colleague fluent in English before submitting a manuscript for publication. Paper submission All paper submissions will be handled electronically. Please use the EDAS Journal Management System to manage paper submissions. Seoul, GSSS’05 May 16 CROATIAN COMMUNICATIONS and INFORMATION SOCIETY Contact Information CCIS R. Boskovica bb. 21000 Split, Croatia @ + 385 (0)21 305 808 + 385 (0)21 463 877 Seoul, GSSS’05 May 16 Thank you for your attention and support ! Wuerzburg Oct. 13-14 CROATIAN COMMUNICATIONS and INFORMATION SOCIETY Marina Frapa, Sept. 15-17, 2005 Wuerzburg Oct. 13-14