Exam Review III - Iowa State University

Biol 212 Worksheet:
Exam Review III
Supplemental Instruction
Iowa State University
Biology 212 (2)
1. Plasmids are naturally found in what type of organism?
a. Plants
b. Animals
c. Viruses
d. Bacteria
2. Which of the following does not make plasmids useful for gene cloning?
a. They are self-replicating.
b. They are essential for cell survival.
c. They can integrate into the bacterial genome.
d. They contain antibiotic resistance genes.
3. A bacteria cell was found that did not have any restriction enzymes. What is a likely
consequence of this absence?
a. The bacteria will be unable to replicate its DNA.
b. The bacteria will be unable to synthesize proteins.
c. The bacteria will be susceptible to viral infection.
d. The bacteria will undergo apoptosis.
4. Which of the following does not make restriction enzymes useful for gene cloning?
a. They are able to “cut” DNA at specific sequences.
b. They create sticky ends, which are useful for recombination.
c. After cutting DNA, they serve as a catalyst for replication.
d. All of the above make restriction enzymes useful.
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5. A group of scientists attempted to clone a gene using bacteria cells. However, the group
forgot to add DNA ligase. What is the most likely direct effect of this omission?
a. The bacteria will be unable to take up the recombinant vector.
b. The recombinant vector will not be able to fully form.
c. The transformants will not have antibiotic resistance.
d. The restriction enzymes will not be able to cut the DNA.
6. Overall, the main purpose of PCR is what?
a. DNA purification
b. DNA amplification
c. DNA identification
d. DNA modification
7. Which of the following is not a component of a typical PCR sequence?
a. 2 different primers
b. Taq DNA Polymerase
c. dNTPs
d. All of the following are components of a PCR sequence.
8. What is the correct order of a PCR sequence?
a. Denaturation, annealing, extension
b. Initiation, elongation, termination
c. Promotion, extension, termination
d. Initiation, denaturation, extension
9. Scientists running a PCR cycle accidentally set their thermocycler to only cool down to
75C for the second phase instead of the normal 45-70C. What is a possible consequence?
a. The DNA will not fully separate into two single strands.
b. The primers may not be able to fully anneal to the DNA.
c. The polymerase will be unable to add nucleotides.
d. The DNA will take on more secondary structures (ie. Hairpins and loops)
10. Which of the following is true regarding gel electrophoresis?
a. Smaller strands of DNA will migrate the farthest.
b. The strands of DNA run from the positive end to the negative end.
c. Electrophoresis separates molecules based entirely on their charge.
d. Electrophoresis can only be used to separate DNA.
11. One liver cell communicating with another liver cell is _______ communication, while a
liver cell communicating with a kidney cell is ________ communication.
a. Intracellular; intracellular
b. Intercellular; intercellular
c. Intracellular; intercellular
d. Intercellular; intracellular
12. What is one reason cell surface receptors are necessary?
a. Being received at the surface allows for much greater amplification of the signal.
b. Some signaling molecules are too small to enter cells.
c. Signaling molecules exist at such high concentrations that if all of them were
received inside the cell, the cells would lyse.
d. Some signaling molecules are hydrophilic and cannot enter cells.
13. Which of the following is not a type of cell surface receptor?
a. G-Protein coupled
b. ATP driven
c. Enzyme linked
d. Ligand gated
14. The picture above shows a protein kinase (phosphorylation) cascade. This is indicative
of which type of cell surface receptor?
a. G-Protein coupled
b. ATP driven
c. Enzyme linked
d. Ligand gated
15. cAMP activates other signal transduction components. cAMP is an example of what?
a. Second Messenger
b. Enzyme
c. G-Protein
d. Hormone
16. The picture above shows estrogen reception. Which of the following is false?
a. Estrogen binds to receptors inside the nucleus.
b. Estrogen is unable to cross the membrane on its own.
c. Estrogen binding activates target genes in the nucleus.
d. Estrogen receptors activate by forming a dimer.
17. What process is illustrated in the figure above?
a. Cell division
b. Execution
c. Apoptosis
d. Fragmentation
18. Referring to the same process as above, what would most likely happen if the death
receptor was able to bind any signaling molecule instead of just the target ligand to form
the death domain?
a. The cell would be unable to undergo the rest of the pathway.
b. The cell would proceed through the rest of the pathway.
c. The signaling molecule would not start the pathway, but it could dissociate, which
would allow the target ligand to later bind and start the pathway.
d. The cell would undergo uncontrollable growth (a tumor would form).
19. Regarding plant cell signaling, which of the following statements is false?
a. Plants undergo two types of signal transduction pathways: phosphorylation
cascades and second messengers.
b. Plants possess both receptor cells and responder cells.
c. Because plant cells cannot change locations, they often have large responses to
environmental stimuli.
d. The only external stimulus plants can respond to is light.
20. Which of the following is true regarding hormones?
a. Hormones are present in both plants and animals.
b. Hormones are present in high concentrations.
c. Hormones are “cell-independent” – that is, they do not require a cell have any
specific receptor.
d. Each type of species typically will only have one or two different hormones.
21. Phototropism is best defined as what?
a. The amount of light a plant is able to absorb.
b. The intensity of light received from the sun based on location on the Earth.
c. A response by plants to limit the amount of light they receive.
d. A directed response by plants towards light.
22. Experiments from Charles and Francis Darwin showed plants respond only when what
wavelength (color) of light is present?
a. Blue
b. Green
c. Yellow
d. Red
The following questions refer to the experiment shown below.
23. Which of the following is a possible hypothesis that is being tested in this experiment?
a. Blue light causes plants to bend.
b. Phototropism is triggered by phosphorylation of the PHOT1 protein.
c. Plants require the PHOT1 protein for photosynthesis.
d. All three hypotheses could be tested with this experimental setup.
24. What is the purpose of the control in this experiment?
a. A control allows the scientist to minimize the effects of other variables.
b. The control increases reliability because it can be compared to the other trials.
c. The control give assurance that the treatment is what is causing the response.
d. All of the above are accurate regarding the control experiment.
25. Which of the followings is not correct regarding organization in organisms?
a. Tissues are a group of cells.
b. Organs are a group of tissues.
c. (Organ) systems are a group of organs.
d. All of the above are correct.
26. Which of the following tissue types is mismatched to its function / description?
a. Epithelial – Tissue such as bone that provides support to the body
b. Connective – Tissue such as cartilage that connects tissues together
c. Nervous – Receives, generates, and conducts electrical signals
d. Muscles – Generate force to create movement
27. A certain stem cell is only able to form different types of blood cells. What type of stem
cell is this?
a. Totipotent
b. Pluripotent
c. Multipotent
d. Unipotent
28. What causes cells to be different from each other?
a. Each cell possesses a unique copy of DNA.
b. Although each cell starts with the same copy of DNA, the cell discards the
portions it does not use.
c. Each cell contains the whole genome, but only expresses certain genes.
d. It is currently unknown how cells differentiate.
29. Which of the following is not a good model organism?
a. C. elegans (worm)
b. Drosophilia (fruit fly)
c. Humans
d. Arabidopsis (thale cress plant)
30. Regarding the bicoid protein, which of the following is correct?
a. An oocyte with a high concentration at both ends will fail to develop a head.
b. An oocyte with a low concentration at both ends will develop two heads.
c. Typically, an oocyte has a concentration that is even throughout.
d. Typically, one side (the head region) will have a high concentration, while the
other side (posterior region) will have a low concentration.
31. A Drosophilia with an antenna growing out of its abdomen segments most likely has a
mutation in its ________ genes.
a. Pair-rule
b. Segment-identity
c. Gap
d. Morphogen
32. Based on the figure above, which precursor cell(s) has/have to have a functional copy of
the SEV gene to allow pre-R7 to differentiate into an R7 photoreceptor cell?
a. 1&6
b. 8
c. 2&5
d. 7
33. Which of the following is a main difference between sporophytes and gametophytes?
a. Sporophytes are diploid, while gametophytes are haploid.
b. Sporophytes are haploid, while gametophytes are diploid.
c. Sporophytes are found only in the winter, while gametophytes are found in the
d. Both a & c are correct.
34. What is the name for plant “stem” cells?
a. Carpel cells
b. Peristem cells
c. Meristem cells
d. Growth cells
35. Where is meristem located in plants?
a. Tips of the shoots only
b. Tips of the roots only
c. Tips of the roots and the shoots
d. Throughout the whole plant
36. Base on the figure to the right, what would be
the expected result if a mutant had B expressed
in all 4 whorls (instead of just 2 and 3)?
a. Sepal, Petal, Petal, Sepal
b. Petal, Petal, Stamen, Stamen
c. Stamen, Petal, Sepal, Carpel
d. Carpel, Stamen, Petal, Petal
37. Which of the following is not a part of a seed?
a. Seed coat
b. Dormant meristem
c. Embryo
d. All of the following are components of seeds.