ESSENTIALS OF MODERN PHYSICS PHY 320 Fall 2007 INSTRUCTOR: Maria Cristina Babiuc-Hamilton OFFICE: Science 257/281/100 e-MAIL: URL: PHONE: 696-2754 OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday through Friday, 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. Other times by arrangement. PREREQUISITES: MTH 230 and (PHY 203 or PHY 213) CO-REQUISITE: PHY 421 TEXTBOOK: Modern Physics by Serway/Moses/Moyer DESCRIPTION: In this intensive course, we will cover some of the most amazing discoveries in physics. Although the material is fascinating, it is often non-intuitive, and hard to grasp. Therefore I will try to give you a deeper understanding of the fundamental concepts, as well as building your problem-solving skills. We will study how observations and experiments changed our ideas of space and time, of particles and waves, and of the structure of matter. Topics covered will be: special relativity, the quantum theory of light, the particle nature of matter and matter waves, quantum mechanics and tunneling phenomena, statistical physics, atomic, molecular and nuclear structure, the solid state, and elementary particles. GRADING: Homework 10% Class Participation 10% First Exam 25 % Second Exam 25% Final Exam 30% I will use a 10 points scale, with A>90%, 89%> B>80%, 79%>C>70%, 69%> D>60%, and F<60%. Within each letter’s range, the upper two percentage points will be a “plus” and the lower two will be a “minus”. HOMEWORK: Regular homework problem assignment will be made. The homework will be graded and collected on their due date. Late homework will not be accepted. For full credit, the homework problem solution should be written in pencil only, on standard notebook-size paper, one side only, with each problem started on a new page, clearly state the formula/physical principle being used, show substitution of numerical values, and have a clearly marked final answer with units when appropriate. ATTENDANCE: I strongly recommend that you attend class. There are 29 lectures, and 3 examinations. You should plan to attend at least 25 lectures for maximum grade. EXAMINATION: All exams will be COMPREHENSIVE and CLOSED BOOK. You will be allowed to bring a formula sheet on a notebook-size paper and nonprogrammable, non-graphing calculators. Each exam will consist of problems similar to those at the end of each chapter of the textbook and those assigned for homework. Final exam cannot be given early or late to accommodate individual schedules and will not be rescheduled. ADA STATEMENT: Students with disabilities who need special accommodations must contact me in the first two weeks of school and the DSS Office. It is the student responsibility to do this as soon as possible after the DSS has verified the need for accommodations to ensure that such accommodations are implemented as soon as possible. SUPPLEMENTARY READING: Modern Physics for Scientists and Engineers, by John R. Taylor and Chris D. Zafiratos Modern Physics by Kenneth Krane COURSE OUTLINE: Nr. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Week Aug. 20 – Aug. 24 Aug. 27 – Aug. 31 Sep. 03 – Sep. 07 Sep. 10 – Sep. 14 Sep. 17 – Sep. 21 Sep. 24 – Sep. 28 Oct. 01 – Oct. 05 Oct. 08 – Oct. 12 Oct. 15 – Oct. 19 Oct. 22 – Oct. 26 Oct. 29 – Nov. 02 Nov. 05 – Nov. 09 Nov. 12 – Nov. 16 Nov. 19 – Nov. 23 Nov. 26 – Nov. 30 Dec. 03 – Dec. 07 Dec. 10 – Dec 11 Tuesday Sec. 1.1 to Sec. 1.3 Sec. 2.1 to Sec. 2.3 Sec. 3.1 to Sec. 3.3 Sec. 4.1 to Sec. 4.3 Sec. 5.1 to Sec. 5.3 MIDTERM 1 Sep 25 Sec. 6.4 to Sec. 6.6 Sec. 7.1 to Sec. 7.2 Sec. 9.4 to Sec. 9.7 Sec. 11.1 to Sec. 11.3 Sec. 12.1 to Sec. 12.3 MIDTERM 2 Nov 6 Sec. 13.4 to Sec. 13.6 Sec. 14.4 to Sec. 14.7 Sec. 14.8 to Sec. 14.10 Sec. 15.4 to Sec. 15.7 FINAL Dec. 11 Thursday Sec. 1.4 to Sec. 1.3 Sec. 2.4 to Sec. 2.5 Sec. 3.4 to Sec. 3.7 Sec. 4.4 to Sec. 4.5 Sec. 5.4 to Sec. 5.7 Sec. 6.1 to Sec. 6.3 Sec. 6.7 to Sec. 6.8 Sec. 9.1 to Sec. 9.3 Sec. 10.1 to Sec. 10.5 Sec. 11.4 to Sec. 11.5 Sec. 12.4 to Sec. 12.7 Sec. 13.1 to Sec. 13.3 Sec. 14.1 to Sec. 14.3 Thanksgiving, no class Sec. 15.1 to Sec. 15.3 Sec. 15.8 – 15.12