IPAD ACTIVITY--Electron energy configurations

Go to http://imagine.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/science/know_l1/emspectrum.html
What do all types of electromagnetic radiation have in common?
What is different about the different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum?
Which type of radiation has the most energy? How or where is this radiation formed?
4) Raphael refers to a wave by noting its wavelength. Lucinda refers to a wave by noting its
frequency. Which student is correct and why?
Go to http://www.ntia.doc.gov/osmhome/allochrt.pdf
5) What frequency range does the United States use for FM broadcasting? For AM broadcasting?
6) What frequency does television channel 7 broadcast at?
7) How large a band of frequencies does each television broadcasting channel get?
Go to http://www.qrg.northwestern.edu/projects/vss/docs/thermal/3-what-makes-emradiation.html
8. How is electromagnetic radiation different from sound?
9. Describe what happens when neon signs are filled with electricity.
10. What color of light contains all other colors?
Go to http://www.qrg.northwestern.edu/projects/vss/docs/Communications/2-more-about-radiowaves.html
11. What is the speed of electromagnetic radiation?
12. What is the frequency range of radio waves?
13. Sound waves are able to be heard at what range of beats per second?
14. What are the 2 bands of radio waves called?
Go to www.colorado.edu/physics/2000/quantumzone/index.html
15. At the end of the 19th century, what did physicists know about electrons inside atoms?
16. Do all atoms create the same colors?
17. What 2 element vapors do common street lamps use?
18. What is spectroscopy?
Click “NEXT” at the bottom of the page.
19. What rule did Bohr come up with?
20. Define photons.
21. Define quanta.
Click “NEXT” at the bottom of the page.
22. What’s the rule for energy levels?
23. For an electron to get more energy, what must occur?
Go to http://www.learner.org/interactives/periodic/elementary2.html
24. What determines the chemical properties of an element?
25. What does the Aufbau principle say?
Click “Orbitals” at the bottom of the page.
26. What is an orbital?
27. Name or give the letters for the 4 orbitals.
28. What does Hund’s rule say?
Go to http://www.qacps.k12.md.us/qhs/teachers/WeedonD/Atoms%20page%202.htm
“Click Here” to begin. Click on “Electrons”.
29. List 3 facts about electrons.
“Click Here to Learn About Arrangement of Electrons”
30. What is an ion?
31. What creates a positive charge?
“Click Here to Learn More About Arrangement of Electrons”
32. Which electrons have the lowest energy?
33. Give the maximum number of electrons for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th energy levels in order.
Click Here to Learn More About Arrangement of Electrons”---click this twice!!
34. List the energy levels in order for an Electron Configuration Pattern.