BIOL 224 1001 - Great Basin College



Human Anatomy and Physiology II Syllabus, Great

Basin College

Fall 2015

Section number: 1001, 1002

Instructor: Nicholas Haertle

Office : LUND 128C

Phone : 753-2284

Email :

Office hours (Fall 2015) M 1:00-4:00; TH 9:00-10:00; F 10:00-12:00 and by appointment

Course catalog description : A continuation of Biology 223 with consideration of the circulatory, respiratory, digestive, excretory, endocrine, and reproductive systems; increased emphasis on body chemistry.

Prerequisites: BIOL 223.

Required text : Saladin, Anatomy and Physiology, unity of form and function, 6th Ed., 2012, McGraw

Hill, ISBN: 9780077905958; Anatomy and Physiology: The Unity of Form and Function Laboratory

Manual. 7 th ed. Wise, ISBN: 9780077676336

Schedule: Below are the chapters that will be discussed. You are responsible for reading all material before class: Orange will be mostly review.





The Brain and Cranial Nerves

The Autonomic Nervous System and Visceral Reflexes

Sense Organs

The Endocrine System




The Circulatory System: Blood

The Circulatory System: The Heart

The Circulatory System: Blood Vessels and Circulation








The Lymphatic and Immune Systems

The Respiratory System

The Urinary System

Water, Electrolyte, and Acid-Bas Balance

The Digestive System

Nutrition and Metabolism

The Male Reproductive System

The Female Reproductive System

Human Development and ageing



Lecture Exam Dates

Exam 1: September 23

Exam 2: October 21

Exam 3: November 14

Exam 4: December 16

Note: We will see were we at and if dates have to changed, it can be done. The main target we have to hit is the 16 th . I Hope to hit the other dates. But if I feel students are not ready, we will adjust.

Laboratory and Practical Exam Dates

Week Exercise

1 No Lab

2 #21, #24

3 #26, #27




Practical #1 Tuesday September 15

#28, #29

#30, #31








#32, #34 (models)

Practical #2 Tuesday October 27

#36 (models), #37

#38, #39

#40, #44, #45 (synthetic urine)

Practical #3 Tuesday November 24

#42, #43





16 Practical #4 December 8

Always read the lab exercise ahead of time. Knowing the procedure allows the exercise to go more smoothly and quickly. Any changes to scheduling will be announced in lecture and/or lab. Also, these exercises and pratical dates are not set in stone. I am currently trying out other experiments to do in lab. But I will let you know well in advance. Also, we will play it as it comes. This is a science course and I want it to be dynamic. If we have to move stuff around, that’s fine!

Learning outcomes and measurements:

Outcome Measurement of this outcome (assessment devices listed)

Exams, lab practicals Students will be able to describe and solve problems involving the structure and functions of the nervous system

Students will be able to describe and solve problems involving the structure and functions of the endocrine system

Students will be able to describe and solve problems involving the structure and functions of the cardiovascular system

Students will be able to describe and solve problems involving the structure and functions of the digestive system

Exams, lab practicals

Exams, lab practicals

Exams, lab practicals

Students will be able to describe and solve problems involving the structure and functions of the respiratory system

Students will be able to describe and solve problems involving the structure and functions of the urinary system

Students will be able to describe and solve problems involving metabolism and thermoregualtion

Students will be able to describe and solve problems involving nutrition and the roles of carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids

Students will be able to describe and solve problems involving the structure and functions of the urinary system

Students will be able to describe and solve problems involving the structure and functions of the male and female reproductive systems

Exams, lab practicals

Exams, lab practicals

Exams, lab practicals

Exams, lab practicals

Exams, lab practicals

Exams, lab practicals

Students will be able to describe and solve problems involving human development and ageing

Exams, lab practicals

Method of instruction : Live lecture, laboratory.

Use of computers in this course: This course will make use of WebCampus for distribution of powerpoints, showing your grade, communication, and quizzes.

Course requirements :

Exams (4x100 points each) 75% of your grade

Lab Practical (4x25 points each) 25% of your grade

Grading system:

In order to be fair, I will look at the grades and associated statistics for any adjustments that need to be made. Often, this is based on the highest grade in the class unless the numbers tell me otherwise.

If you earn

≥90% of the class high, your grade is A

80-89% of the class high is a B

70-79% of the class high is a C

60-69% of the class high is a D

Less than 60% of the class high is a F

Your “up to the minute” grade for the course will be posted on WebCampus in an anonymous spreadsheet. Log on to the WebCampus course and follow the instructions to view your grade.

Attendance policy :

Attendance is not required except for exams and lab practicals. I would highly recommend you attend lectures. Statistical results from all over the country, regardless of school, show a drop in each letter grade for every three classes missed.


By GBC policy, I can no longer issue a grade of “W” or withdrawal. Be advised that the last date for a student to withdraw from a course is 23 March (up to you to double check and keep up to date).

Again, all exams will be held on the dates listed in the syllabus. Any changes to that schedule will be announced in class well in advance. Missing an exam due to personal reasons or illness must be approved in advance if possible, or by contacting me within 24 hours of the exam in the case of

emergency. Make up exams will be allowed and scheduled at my discretion (see below).

Policy on missed exams and lab practicals

Lecture exam makeup policy: In order to be fair to students taking the exams on the assigned days I am extremely restrictive with makeups. You will only be allowed to take a makeup if you present a written approved excuse before the next time the class meets. You must take the makeup exam before the exam is passed back to the rest of the class, which is usually the next class meeting. There are also other ways of doing makeup exams that are sometimes allowed such as assigning more points to later exams or the final. These options are only available for approved written excuses at my discretion. If you have missed an exam or know that you are going to miss one see me ASAP.

Lab practical exam makeup policy: Since the lab practicals are very difficult to set up, makeups will only be given in exceptional circumstances with an approved written excuse.

Extra credit policy : There is no extra credit in this course. Maybe.

ADA statement: Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

Great Basin College is committed to providing equal educational opportunities to qualified students with disabilities in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations, including the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. A qualified student must furnish current verification of disability. The Students with Disabilities Office, located in Berg

Hall, will assist qualified students with disabilities in securing the appropriate and reasonable accommodations, auxiliary aids, and services. For more information or further assistance, please call


Student conduct:

GBC's student conduct policy will be enforced in this course. This includes, but is not limited to reporting all plagiarism, other forms of cheating, and any behavior that the instructor that the instructors deems disruptive.

This syllabus does not in any way represent a contract. It is a reflection of the intent of the instructor, but do recognize that it is an organic construct that may change as the semester progresses. Any changes will be announced in class.
