Therapeutic Recreation Accreditation Chapter 7: 7.0 Series Learning Outcomes 7.01 Students graduating from the program shall demonstrate the following entry-level knowledge: a) the nature and scope of the relevant park, recreation, tourism or related professions and their associated industries; b) techniques and processes used by professionals and workers in these industries; and c) the foundation of the profession in history, science and philosophy. Course COPART Evidence of Performance Measure Performance Assessment Evidence of Specific Learning Learning levels/metrics Results Programmatic Learning Outcome Opportunity Changes Outcome Demonstrate 7.01.01 Recr. 120 Activity Analysis Project – 70% of students will Due to the The rubric that was the ability to assessed by rubric. score “4” and above sudden used for this course perform an on the 10 assigned retirement of will be updated in activity content areas on the the faculty spring of 2012 and analysis. rubric. member who better reflect the taught this objectives of the course, data is project. Data will be unavailable. collected beginning the academic year of 2011/12. Identify the 7.01.01 Recr. 120 Client interviewing – 70% of students will Due to the The rubric that was knowledge and assessed by rubric. score above a “3” in sudden used for this course skills required the 5 assigned content retirement of will be updated in for effective areas on the rubric. the faculty spring of 2012 and interpersonal member who better reflect the helping such as: taught this objectives of the principles of course, data is project. Data will empathetic unavailable. be collected communication, beginning the boundaries of academic year of therapeutic 2011/12. relationships, attending and active listening skills. Understanding 7.01.01 Recr. 408 Assessment Tool 70% of students with 70% of students Faculty will add a of and ability to select, conduct, analyze, and interpret a variety of assessment techniques and procedures to determine client and program needs. Understanding of the purpose and content of and the ability to use documentation, as it relates to clients, staff, programs, management, and quality assurance and improvement in therapeutic recreation. 7.01.01 Recr. 408 Development - assessed by rubric. score “7” or above on the 5 content areas of the rubric. Treatment Plan – assessed by rubric. 70% of students will score at 80% or higher on the assignment. are scoring “7” or above in the 5 content areas of the rubric. Some students are struggling with writing of the “instruction” protocols for administering, scoring and interpreting of the assessment tool. 70% of students have scored at 80% or higher on the overall assignment. However, it was noticed that students are scoring lower in the area of “goal writing”. class lecture on writing protocols for assessment tools. Faculty is now including in class goal writing assignments in other courses (Recr. 301, 303) through the use of case studies and scenarios. 7.01.02 Identify the psychological, sociological, physiological, and historical significance of therapeutic recreation. Recr. 110 Comprehensive Final Some exam questions that reflect these concepts are: 3,4,5,6,7,11,12,13,14, 16,17,28,33,37,41,45,47, 51,56,58,60,61,63,65,75, 79,81,95,96,100 70% of students will score 70% or above on the selected questions. Identify the meaning of therapeutic recreation and the current practices and philosophies of the profession. Recr. 110 LUTube: Create a video using technology to share with the Longwood community about some aspect of TR. Assessed by use of rubric. 80% of the students will score a “9” or above on Rubric on the content area of Discussed concept of TR – What is TR – How to tell others “9” on the Rubric is “Question was answered with confidence so others understood without question about the concept of TR.” 7.01.02 For the past two years, all questions (30 total) 70% of students achieved 70% EXCEPT for questions 5,13,75,79,100. Also, after reviewing the “scantron” statisitics of the entire test, it was noticed that there are other questions 70% of students score below 70% Students have consistently scored at “7-8” on the Rubric “Question was somewhat answered so that others would understand what TR was.” Faculty will revisit questions to determine if the questions are reliable. Faculty will determine if the test items discriminate between those students who really knew the material from those that did not by using the Difficulty Index. Instructor added an “in class exercise” to address the students ability to understand and communicate the meaning of TR to others. In class exercise includes discussion questions in a small group format regarding “definitions and concepts of TR”. Some questions include: Identify health care and therapeutic recreation delivery models, theories, and concepts. 7.01.02 Recr. 110 Exam 3 – questions 1-5, 8,10-12, 18-22, 25-27 70% of students will score 70% or above on the selected questions. Only 25% of students scored above 70%. Is there a difference between therapeutic recreation and recreation therapy? If so, what? What is the difference between recreation and therapeutic recreation? What makes therapeutic recreation unique? Instructor developed an in-class exercise to discuss each model in small groups and then to share with rest of the class. Some discussion points include: 1. Find the common elements and explain; Continuum and growth; Belief in strengths and abilities; Increasing freedom and selfdetermination; Decreasing therapist control; Increasing involvement and participation in community. 2. Does this model represent your personal philosophy about TR, clients, health, and environment? Why? 7.01.02 Describe the conceptual foundations of play, recreation, and leisure for all populations and settings. Recr. 111 Philosophical Paper – assessed by Rubric. 80% of students will achieve a “3” (acceptable) or better on the philosophy paper. 98% of students achieved a “3” or better. 7.01.02 Recr. 111 Quiz Results/Score 80% of students will achieve a passing score (60% and above) on the quiz. 81% of students achieved a passing score. Demonstrate knowledge of the history and development of the leisure services profession. There seems to be a consistent area of weakness in criteria 2, 4, and 7 (see rubric). The instructor will plan to emphasize these areas in class and in course syllabus in subsequent semesters. However, in criteria 5 (content), students have a strong understanding of leisure philosophy and terminology. The purpose for the history quiz is that there is so much material to cover in this content area. It is difficult to include a full assessment of their history knowledge when mixed in with 7.01.02 Describe the psychological, sociological, and physiological significance of play, recreation, and leisure from a historical and cultural perspective of all populations, settings and services. 7.01.02 Describe the psychological, sociological, and physiological significance of play, recreation, and leisure Recr. 111 Midterm Exam 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 32, 33, 37, 38, 41 70% of students will receive 70% or higher on the selected questions. All questions (41 total) 70% of students achieved 70% EXCEPT for questions 1, 3, 13, 14, 15, 20, 25, 26. Recr. 111 Final Comprehensive Exam Questions 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 20, 22 70% of students will receive 70% or higher on selected questions. 70% of students in question 3, 9, 11, 22 received 70% or higher. terminology and philosophy. In the future, less emphasis on dates and more emphasis on eras of time will be used in quiz questions. Instructor will revisit the questions where students did not receive 70% and above on them. The instructor will provide an in-class opportunity for students to collaborate with others on a series of questions related to foundational concepts. Question 4, 10, and 20 will need to be revisited and changed (rewritten) to enhance better understanding. Instructor will provide more emphasis in class to cover these areas. from a historical and cultural perspective of all populations, settings and services. Demonstrate 7.01.03 the understanding of the importance of maintaining professional competence and the available resources for professional development. Recr. 461 Professionalism Paper Assignment 80% of students will achieve 80% and above on their ability to effectively address and articulate the understanding of a profession, code of ethics, and professional behavior in the TR field. Demonstrate an understanding of the current issues and trends in the profession. Recr. 461 NCTRC Mock Exam: students apply knowledge in all questions in the exam as they make relevant decisions to professional practice. 70% of students will score 80% and higher on the NCTRC Mock Exam. 7.01.03 2009: 92% of students achieved 80% and above on the professionalism paper assignment. 2010: 86% of students achieved 80% and above on the professionalism paper. 2009: 91% of students scored 80% and higher on the exam. 2010: 62% of students scored 80% and higher on the exam. Although students scored 80% and above, there is a weakness in students’ clarity and understanding of what is a profession and what constitutes professional behavior. The instructor will provide more resources and discussion on this topic. The instructor will incorporate a review on concepts that directly relates to professional practice. Additional discussion on issues and trends will be added. 7.01.01 Students graduating from the program shall demonstrate entry-level knowledge of the scope of the profession that is the focus of the program, along with professional practices of that profession. 7.01.02 Students graduating from the program shall demonstrate entry-level knowledge of the historical, scientific, and philosophical foundations for the profession(s) for which the program prepares students. 7.01.03 Students graduating from the program shall demonstrate the ability to apply knowledge of professional practice and the historical, scientific, and philosophical foundations of the relevant profession in decision making. 7.02 Students graduating from the program shall demonstrate the ability to design, implement, and evaluate services that facilitate targeted human experiences and that embrace personal and cultural dimensions of diversity. Course Specific COAPRT Evidence of Performance Performance Assessment Results Evidence of Learning Learning Learning Measure levels/metrics Programmatic Outcome Outcome Opportunity Changes Understanding 7.02.01 Recr. 250 Leisure 70% of students will 70% of students are Faculty will add and ability to Education score at “3” (adequate) or scoring at “3” or higher additional criteria to apply leisure After school higher on the following on the sections identified. the rubric which education program – sections: Uses includes content and assessed by a appropriate closure “outcomes/goals” and techniques with Rubric. activity, objectives are “evaluation process”. individuals, developmentally and families, and individually appropriate caregivers. and reflect a range of individual needs of diverse learners, instructional activities/strategies take into account the needs of diverse learners, engages students in meaningful activities. Ability to implement the following principles and procedures related to program/event planning for individual, group, and community quality of life. (assessment needs, outcome oriented goals and objectives, selection and coordination of programs, marketing or programs, operation and maintenance of venues, implementing and evaluating the programs). 7.02.01 Ability to plan, 7.02.02 facilitate and evaluate individual, group and community programs and events. Recr. 371 Program Plan Project – assessed by rubric. 70% of students will achieve 70% or greater on the rubric. Due to the sudden retirement of the faculty member who taught this course, data is unavailable. Create a rubric that specifically assesses particular principles listed in the learning outcome. Once the data is assessed from the rubric, appropriate changes in their performance will be identified for possible changes. Recr. 205 Organized Agency Activity Projects (total of 12) – assessed by rubric. After 2 scheduled activity leadings, 70% of students will score an average of “6” on points in the “Preparation” content area. 70% of students are not scoring at a “6” after 2 scheduled leadings. It is taking students 5 activity leads to score at this level. Students will lead their classmates in activities during class prior to the organized agency activity projects to improve on the “preparation” phase of leading activities. Ability to use various leadership techniques to enhance individual, group, and community experiences. 7.02.02 Recr. 205 Organized Agency Activity Projects – Design and implement intervention strategies for groups and individual sessions based on disability. 7.02.02 Recr. 320 Intervention session – assessed by rubric. 70% of students will score a “5” or above in all of the content areas except “debriefing/processing” content area. Identify ways of "reflection" for self and clients served. 7.02.02 Recr. 320 Intervention session – assessed by rubric. 70% of students will score a “5” or above in the “debriefing/processing” content area of the rubric. Ability to implement the following principles and procedures related to program/event planning for individual, group, and 7.02.03 Recr. 371 Program Plan Project 70% of students will achieve 70% or greater on the rubric. (total of 12) assessed by rubric. After 3 scheduled activity leadings, 70% of students will score an average of “6” on points in the “Implementation” content area. 70% of students are not scoring at a “6” after 3 scheduled leadings. It is taking students 6 leadings to score at this level. Students will lead their classmates in activities during class prior to the organized agency activity projects to improve on the “implementation” phase of leading activities. 70% of students are Faculty have scoring at “5” or above identified that on all content areas students are needing except “transitioning and more speaking eye contact”. opportunities in the curriculum and have decided to add oral presentations in freshman level courses. 70% of students are not Faculty will add more scoring at “5” or above in lecture time to this the topic and investigate “debriefing/processing” implementing a separate project on content area of the debriefing techniques. rubric. Due to the sudden retirement of the faculty member who taught this course, data is unavailable. Create a rubric that specifically assesses particular principles listed in the learning outcome. Once the data is assessed from the rubric, appropriate changes in their performance will be indentified for community quality of life. (Evaluation or programs and events) 7.02.03 Demonstrate comprehension of the purpose, basic procedures, interpretation and application of research and evaluation methodology related to leisure services. 7.02.03 Demonstrate comprehension of the issues in therapeutic recreation research. possible changes. Recr. 470 Final Research Proposal 70% of students will achieve 70% or greater on the rubric. Due to the sudden retirement of the faculty member who taught this course, data is unavailable. Create a rubric that specifically assesses particular principles listed in the learning outcome. Once the data is assessed from the rubric, appropriate changes in their performance will be indentified for possible changes. Recr. 470 Critique of Professional Research 70% of students will achieve 70% or greater on the rubric. Due to the sudden retirement of the faculty member who taught this course, data is unavailable. Create a rubric that specifically assesses particular principles listed in the learning outcome. Once the data is assessed from the rubric, appropriate changes in their performance will be indentified for possible changes. 7.02.01 Students graduating from the program shall demonstrate the ability to design recreation and related experiences clearly reflecting application of knowledge from relevant facets of contemporary professional practice, science and philosophy. 7.02.02 Students graduating from the program shall demonstrate the ability to facilitate recreation and related professional experiences for diverse clientele, settings, cultures, and contexts. 7.02.03 Students graduating from the program shall demonstrate the ability to evaluate recreation and related professional service offerings and to use evaluation data to improve the quality of offerings. 7.03 Students graduating from the program shall be able to demonstrate entry-level knowledge about management/administration in parks, recreation, tourism and/or related professions. Course COAPRT Evidence of Performance Performance Assessment Evidence of Programmatic Specific Learning Learning Measure levels/metrics Results Changes Learning Outcome Opportunity Outcome Demonstrate 7.03.01 Recr. 237 Midterm Exam: 70% or students 2012: 70% of Areas of weakness are on knowledge in specific will achieve the students terminology, specifically the questions related 70% or higher achieved 70% policies, inherent risks, and understanding to risk on the questions. and better on negligence. Instructor will of risk management questions 5, 6, enhance the discussions related assessment, and in T/F and to negligence and types of risks. liability and terminology. questions 1, 3, 4, negligence. Questions 5, 6, 7 5, 8 on fill in the in T/F, questions blank. 1-9 in Fill in the Blank. 7.03.02 Recr. 410 Budget Plan 70% of students Due to the Create a rubric that specifically Understand will achieve sudden assesses particular principles and apply the Marketing Plan 70% or greater retirement of the listed in the learning outcome. fundamental on the rubric. faculty member Once the data is assessed from principles and who taught this the rubric, appropriate changes procedures of course, data is in their performance will be management, unavailable. indentified for possible changes. within the practice areas of the recreation practitioner and TR specialist. NCTRC Prometric data in organization of TR/recreation therapy service. 60% of students will perform at or above the minimum acceptable competency 2009-2011: 56.7 % of students performed at or above the minimum Faculty will redesign the course and meet directly with the faculty member teaching the course to discuss the areas of weakness and to enhance the course content. level in the organization of TR content area. acceptable competency level. 7.03.01 Students graduating from the program shall be able to recognize basic facts, concepts, principles, and procedures of management/administration in parks, recreation, tourism and/or related professions. 7.03.02 Students graduating from the program shall be able to apply entry-level concepts, principles, and procedures of management/administration in parks, recreation, tourism, and/or related professions. 7.04 Students graduating from the program shall demonstrate, through a comprehensive internship of not less than 400 clock hours, the ability to use diverse, structured ways of thinking to solve problems related to different facets of professional practice, engage in advocacy, and stimulate innovation. Course Specific Specific Evidence of Performance Performance Assessment Evidence of Programmatic Learning Learning Learning Measure levels/metrics Results Changes Outcome Outcome Opportunity 7.04 Recr. 492 Senior 80% of students Students have Due to the consistency of the Demonstrate Internship will achieve a consistently scoring from midterm and final skills in the BAITTR – minimum of a scored “3” and BAITTR, faculty were practical particular skills. “3” on the above on the concerned that agency intern application of Questions 1, 3, midterm BAITTR from supervisors were knowledge and 10, 13, 22, 25, BAITTR in the midterm to final. misinterpreting the numbers in theory related to 32, 34, 43, 44. skills identified. the likert scale. Therefore, the delivery of 80% of students faculty re-designed the scale therapeutic will improve on and added percentages with recreation the midterm description criteria to better services. score. reflect the distinctions between the numbers. In addition, in 2010, a letter is sent to agency supervisors to inform them of the purpose of the BAITTR tool in order to guide them in more accurately evaluating the intern. Phone contact is made during the first week of the internship to emphasize the importance of the BAITTR evaluation.